Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

so you think the US is like a Messiah or a savior of sort eh...are you drunk or something ?
Neither. Like it or not -- a policeman.

Anarchy is not as people falsely perceived to be nothing but destruction and chaos. Anarchy really mean no hierarchy and best or worst of all, no leadership of any kind. If people in this state of relationship want to live in peace, that peace completely depends on the cooperation of all parties involved. We know that is not possible. Never have been. Not even in small scale. In any community of any size in any continent in any era, there have always been an authority figure, at least a nominally moral one, then a cadre of enforcers of whatever this moral authority declared to be beneficial for this community. The larger the community, the more complex the authority structure becomes.

Naive people want international affairs to be anarchic in relationship, meaning not even an organization like the UN should exist. The first world war proved that such a state of international affairs is not possible. The League of Nations failed to gel and came the second world war. The UN failed like the League of Nations and the world continues to see an average of 40 conflicts, ranging from 'armed conflicts' to full scale 'wars', every year since the end of WW II.

Like it or not, someone had to take up the truncheon and start beating heads.

Throughout history, navies have always been the instruments, not of choice, but of necessities for national defense, power projection from one's border, protection of overseas national interests, and of waging wars. Even with the advent of air power, the navy continues to be that most prominent of a nation's military power.

World War II devastated the historical powerful navies such as that of Great Britain and the Europeans. In Asia, the Imperial Japanese Navy was the only significant naval power that rose and fell. All other navies in Asia never got beyond coastal patrol stage. At the end of WW II, the US Navy fielded slightly over 6,000 ships composed of every class and types above and below surface. Never in naval history have a navy been so overwhelmingly powerful. Then came US air power and never in history have any military been so seemingly omnipotent.

The US kept the global peace. No matter how uneasy it was from the Cold War to today, it was a peace. Lee Kwan Yew of Singapore, in his memoir 'From Third World to First', revealed that it was the Vietnam War that enabled the rest of the weaker Asian countries to basically 'got their shit' together to show the Soviet Union and China that Asia would not fall under their controls so without a fight. China even went so far as to engage in racism in trying to put as much of Asia under communism. Lee Kwan Yew confronted Deng Xiaoping and told Deng that China must stop radio broadcasts to overseas Chinese urging them to remember their blood ties to China and to rebel against the host countries. Lee and the leaders of the other Asian countries wondered where was the UN in this ?

What we called 'World War II' is actually 'World War I' for Asia. China, from that 'century of humiliation' of the Europeans then of the loss of Manchuria to Imperial Japan, is determined to be the hegemony of Asia and she will do it not by economic but of military might. It is happening as we debate in this little corner of the Internet.

Peaceful anarchy is possible only if people lives far away from each other and do not rely on each other for survival and prosperity. But that is not the world we live in. The greater the economic interdependence of peoples and their respective countries, the greater the odds of armed conflicts to occur and the greater the odds of those small wars to escalate into larger ones.
Any nation that doesn't maintain its infrastructure or science programs at home is bound to fail. Having the most powerful military and history and becoming a massive empire without maintaining the home front is a grave historical mistake.
You said this earlier.
This $600B/yr pales in comparison to what we spend on entitlements -- money spent by mandate, without regard to available revenue.
Any nation that doesn't maintain its infrastructure or science programs at home is bound to fail. Having the most powerful military and history and becoming a massive empire without maintaining the home front is a grave historical mistake.
Then talk to the Soviets/Russians, not US. We are doing just fine.
If the entire U.S. budget was spent on military strength, America still wouldn't be safe from terrorists - domestic or foreign.
It's not about how much you spend,'s about becoming overwhelmingly powerful...and then having the balls to demonstrate a willingness to use that power...with no ROE. Trump is on the right track here.
This $600B/yr pales in comparison to what we spend on entitlements -- money spent by mandate, without regard to available revenue.

we invaded Iraq on contrived made up reasons "without regard to available revenue" in fact numb nuts 43 gave an unprecedented war time tax cut for millionaires and billionaires...the invasion and the occupation and the medical and other cost related are over 2 trillion ...and mindless numb nuts like you want more war...screw Jeb !
I would not mind a truncheon across your head...might knock some sense into you...I think someone needs to take a truncheon to anyone who thinks that they have some sort of duty some sort of noble right to kill millions of people . The US foreign policy has killed millions...has attacked diverse countries from Vietnam to the island of Grenada in the Caribbean to Afghanistan and Iraq ...all for noble reasons according to you...what a steaming pile of shit dude
Your twisted words, not mine.
what kind of naive uninformed person believes we kill millions for noble reasons...? who believes that insanity
This $600B/yr pales in comparison to what we spend on entitlements -- money spent by mandate, without regard to available revenue.
We invaded Iraq on contrived made up reasons "without regard to available revenue"....
It is no surprise that the mindless partisan bigot does not understand the point - and the particulars thereof - and therefore must address it with a red herring.
"The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism demonstrating absolute contempt for the concept of international law," he said.

"The invasion was an arbitrary military action inspired by a series of lies upon lies and gross manipulation of the media and therefore of the public ... a formidable assertion of military force responsible for the death and mutilation of thousands and thousands of innocent people.

"We have brought torture, cluster bombs, depleted uranium, innumerable acts of random murder, misery, degradation and death to the Iraqi people, and call it 'bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East'."
Harold Pinter Nobel Prize winner,2763,1661531,00.html

"The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them," Mr. Pinter said. "You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It's a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis."

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