Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

Jeb Bush's Damning Secret History

If Bush runs, extremism and corruption in the Sunshine State during his tenure will provide ample fodder for investigative reporters and primary opponents, as will many episodes in his long business career.

Five months after he left the governor's mansion in 2007, he joined Lehman Brothers as a "consultant." No doubt he was well-compensated, as reporters may learn if and when he releases his tax returns someday. The following year, Lehman infamously went bust
Jeb Bush's Damning Secret History

If Bush runs, extremism and corruption in the Sunshine State during his tenure will provide ample fodder for investigative reporters and primary opponents, as will many episodes in his long business career.

Five months after he left the governor's mansion in 2007, he joined Lehman Brothers as a "consultant." No doubt he was well-compensated, as reporters may learn if and when he releases his tax returns someday. The following year, Lehman infamously went bust
Oh look... more mindless partisan bigotry.from the village useful idiot.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.

I am not a Jeb fan, but that policy worked pretty well for FDR, Truman, Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan, and Washington. Soooooooooooooooooo
It must have really chapped your drawers when he won twice.

You think "chapping my drawers" was bad ...the Mo Fo crashed the economy started two wars finished none...his last God damn budget had a 1.4 trillion deficit...turned the economy into a stinking pile of steaming must have loved it huh ? moron
And you're still mad about it. Can't be healthy for you. It would be interesting to see a Jeb presidency, just to watch the hysterics.
We spend more and more on the military and yet over the years we've been in more wars than almost any other developed country.

When exactly does this 'encourage peace' thing kick in?
Small wars. Without US, these developed countries, meaning the ones in Europe, would be at each other's throats again.

Fine. Their blood is their business. Our blood isn't some tap that the rest of the world can turn on at will when they don't have the brains or will to solve their own problems.

Or at least our blood shouldn't be.
We spend more and more on the military and yet over the years we've been in more wars than almost any other developed country.

When exactly does this 'encourage peace' thing kick in?
Small wars. Without US, these developed countries, meaning the ones in Europe, would be at each other's throats again.

Fine. Their blood is their business. Our blood isn't some tap that the rest of the world can turn on at will when they don't have the brains or will to solve their own problems.

Or at least our blood shouldn't be.

You are barely two years old, how can you have so much hate? oh wait you are a far left drone, that is why..

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