Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

"Bush and business: Fast success, brushes with mystery"

By Andres Viglucci And Alfonso Chardy, Miami Herald, Sat, Oct. 05, 2002

This is an amazing tale of bribery and corruption which starts in Nigeria, with a multi-million dollar deal underwritten by the US government. Jeb Bush deserves to be called the Teflon Kid #2:

"The only documented allegations come down to the fact that he [Jeb Bush] did business with people that turned out later to be deadbeats and crooks."

Tom Feeney, Bush's running mate in the 1994 governor's race


One notices a particular obsession with Jeb Bush. One wonders why.
It's Dems engaging in the politics of personal destruction. When people talked about Jindal every other thread was about terrible Jindal was. Now with Bush looking pretty good they want to slam him.
It beats talking about your own field of candidates, which would be tough for Democrats at this point. What do you say about a lying bribe-taking old white woman who has failed at every job and a bunch of clowns who represesnt the JV team of the Democratic Party?
This is true. The playbook has been the same for quite a while. Basically, it's goes apes**t over every Republican candidate as he or she surges in the polls. It's kind of funny to watch, and you don't even have to read polls to know who's ahead this week. Just watch which one gets accused of wearing white after Labor Day, and stuff.
It must have really chapped your drawers when he won twice.

You think "chapping my drawers" was bad ...the Mo Fo crashed the economy started two wars finished none...his last God damn budget had a 1.4 trillion deficit...turned the economy into a stinking pile of steaming must have loved it huh ? moron
It must have really chapped your drawers when he won twice.
You think "chapping my drawers" was bad ...the Mo Fo crashed the economy started two wars finished none...his last God damn budget had a 1.4 trillion deficit...turned the economy into a stinking pile of steaming must have loved it huh ? moron
Oh look... more mindless partisan bigotry.
We spend more and more on the military and yet over the years we've been in more wars than almost any other developed country.

When exactly does this 'encourage peace' thing kick in?

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