Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

President George W. Bush proved that no amount of military spending can overcome having an idiot in the White House: 1) he ignored pre-9/11 warnings and 2) terrorists used our own planes against us to carry out the greatest terrorist attack ever on the American homeland. From the terrorists standpoint, it was cheap and highly effective. Intelligence at all levels of government is the key to overcoming and preventing terrorism - not more military might.
You'r right. Bush had a winning strateg y againt terrorism and then the current idiot in chief blew it.
Winning strategy? Ignore warnings until 9/11 happens. Go after the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan but let them escape in Tora Bora? Start a war against Iraq who had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks? Ignore Osama Bin Laden for the rest of his term in office? Yeah, Shrub had a real winning strategy there...
Every single statement of yours has been refuted and debunked a dozen times over on this site. ANd yet you repeat it because you're stupid.
MORE military spending will not defeat terrorism - it must be SMART military spending. President Obama is using our military forces and budget much smarter than Bush did.
Thats why he's asking for more authority with ISIS? Becaue his previous strategy worked so well?
MORE military spending will not defeat terrorism - it must be SMART military spending. President Obama is using our military forces and budget much smarter than Bush did.
Thats why he's asking for more authority with ISIS? Becaue his previous strategy worked so well?

ISIS is an evolving problem that requires an evolving strategy. How did Bush fight terrorism? Obama is playing chess, Bush played checkers...poorly.
MORE military spending will not defeat terrorism - it must be SMART military spending. President Obama is using our military forces and budget much smarter than Bush did.
Thats why he's asking for more authority with ISIS? Becaue his previous strategy worked so well?

ISIS is an evolving problem that requires an evolving strategy. How did Bush fight terrorism? Obama is playing chess, Bush played checkers...poorly.
Obama is playing with himself. Or maybe someone else's cock. Remind me what changed that our strategy needed to change. Oh yeah, we're fucking up big time.
MORE military spending will not defeat terrorism - it must be SMART military spending. President Obama is using our military forces and budget much smarter than Bush did.
Thats why he's asking for more authority with ISIS? Becaue his previous strategy worked so well?

ISIS is an evolving problem that requires an evolving strategy. How did Bush fight terrorism? Obama is playing chess, Bush played checkers...poorly.
Obama is playing with himself. Or maybe someone else's cock. Remind me what changed that our strategy needed to change. Oh yeah, we're fucking up big time.

Really? Do you have access to the same daily intelligence reports that President Obama does?
Warmongering NaziCons just want to launch another major ground war in the Middle East. The Bush clowns have spilled enough American blood and treasure. Let the Arabs fight their own wars.
MORE military spending will not defeat terrorism - it must be SMART military spending. President Obama is using our military forces and budget much smarter than Bush did.
Thats why he's asking for more authority with ISIS? Becaue his previous strategy worked so well?

ISIS is an evolving problem that requires an evolving strategy. How did Bush fight terrorism? Obama is playing chess, Bush played checkers...poorly.
Obama is playing with himself. Or maybe someone else's cock. Remind me what changed that our strategy needed to change. Oh yeah, we're fucking up big time.

Really? Do you have access to the same daily intelligence reports that President Obama does?
Since Obama regularly skips his daily briefing, and claims he gets news the same way I do, I'd say the answer is Yes.
Warmongering NaziCons just want to launch another major ground war in the Middle East. The Bush clowns have spilled enough American blood and treasure. Let the Arabs fight their own wars.
Is this why Obama keeps ordering more and more advisors to Iraq?
Warmongering NaziCons just want to launch another major ground war in the Middle East. The Bush clowns have spilled enough American blood and treasure. Let the Arabs fight their own wars.
Is this why Obama keeps ordering more and more advisors to Iraq?

Yep! He's trying to help Arabs fight their own wars without launching another major U.S. ground war - which thanks to the dumbfuckery of the Bushes may come to that.
Warmongering NaziCons just want to launch another major ground war in the Middle East. The Bush clowns have spilled enough American blood and treasure. Let the Arabs fight their own wars.
Is this why Obama keeps ordering more and more advisors to Iraq?

Yep! He's trying to help Arabs fight their own wars without launching another major U.S. ground war - which thanks to the dumbfuckery of the Bushes may come to that.
You mean he's sending troops while claiming he isnt sending troops and asking for more while claiming his present strategy is working. And you fall for it.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.
Not mongering fear OR war.
Just common sense.
Just like the bar/restaurant where all the employees carry guns and there's no fear of getting robbed.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.
Not mongering fear OR war.
Just common sense.
Just like the bar/restaurant where all the employees carry guns and there's no fear of getting robbed.

Yeah, that really scares ISIS.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.
Not mongering fear OR war.
Just common sense.
Just like the bar/restaurant where all the employees carry guns and there's no fear of getting robbed.

Yeah, that really scares ISIS.
Not the bar, dembulb.
If we were to show the world that we're armed and not afraid to use it, a lot of our troublemakers would sit down and shut up.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.
Not mongering fear OR war.
Just common sense.
Just like the bar/restaurant where all the employees carry guns and there's no fear of getting robbed.

Yeah, that really scares ISIS.
Not the bar, dembulb.
If we were to show the world that we're armed and not afraid to use it, a lot of our troublemakers would sit down and shut up.

Really? Like Bush showed them? ISIS isn't even afraid of our nukes. They aren't afraid of death.
Gosh, it is scary that you view Bush's comments as questionable or odd. The Romans understood the simple fact of human reality that "if you want peace, be prepared for war." Nobody wants to mess with a country that has the ability to wipe them out.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.
Not mongering fear OR war.
Just common sense.
Just like the bar/restaurant where all the employees carry guns and there's no fear of getting robbed.

Yeah, that really scares ISIS.
Not the bar, dembulb.
If we were to show the world that we're armed and not afraid to use it, a lot of our troublemakers would sit down and shut up.

Really? Like Bush showed them? ISIS isn't even afraid of our nukes. They aren't afraid of death.
I recall Ghaddafi saw what Bush was doing in Iraq and voluntarily gave up his nuke program.
And I had no idea Bush was dealing with ISIS. You make up something new every day.
WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will lay out a vision of American foreign policy on Wednesday aimed at pushing his nascent 2016 presidential campaign out of the shadow of his father and brother, two former presidents who waged overseas wars.

"I love my father and my brother … But I am my own man –- and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences," Bush will say in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, according to excerpts provided to reporters late Tuesday night.

In his first major foreign policy address, the likely 2016 Republican front-runner will make the case for increased military spending so America can "project power and enforce peaceful stability in far-off areas of the globe." He will also criticize President Barack Obama's foreign policy, calling it "inconsistent and indecisive."

"Having a military that is equal to any threat ... makes it less likely that we will need to put our men and women in uniform in harm’s way," Bush plans to tell attendees, adding that he believes "fundamentally, that weakness invites war… and strength encourages peace."

The idea that a bigger U.S. military would act as a bigger deterrent to potential foes is one that reached its apex during the Cold War, but has been repeatedly challenged in the 21st century by the rise of global terrorism and sectarian conflicts.

More: Jeb Bush's Foreign Policy Plan: More Military Spending Will 'Encourage Peace'

So, Jeb plans to ride the boogeyman to the White House. More Bush fearmongering and warmongering.
Don't forget the GOP and Israel want to suck Iran into the war.
If the entire U.S. budget was spent on military strength, America still wouldn't be safe from terrorists - domestic or foreign.

Terrorism replaced the Cold War as the primary justification for intervening in vital global regions to protect and safeguard key markets, oil being the most vital.

The biggest threat to the American way of life is stability in the Middle East.
Let Arab countries carry the load - with a little help from the U.S.

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