Jeff Sessions is a racist!!

these sessions protesters are paid by soros. have fun in jail


Nah, he's not. Just thought i'd get this post out of the way before all the Trump-Hater nutters start flooding the forum with it. You know the numerous repetitive 'Sessions is a Racist!' posts are coming. Thought i'd provide a merge-point. Ok, let the loony Race-Baiting begin!...
He is a racist AND a rapist. There was a little boy that he raped in Alabama back in 1983. Sessions is just another disgusting conservative
There's no link. It's just generally accepted knowledge. In other words, everyone knows it's true and Sessions has all but admitted to it. He is so disgusting
Link to when he said it or you are lying.
Not necessarily true because even if I don't provide a link, there is still a chance, no matter how small, that he raped a young boy. And that's enough for people to cast doubt upon him and refuse his appointment

Come on, that's just sick. You need some help. And he is gonna be our next Attorney General. It's done. Y'all lost again.
When Jeff Sessions was Alabama’s attorney general, he supported the death sentence for a Ku Klux Klan member convicted of lynching a black teenager.
"Sessions secured the execution of Varnall Weeks, who believed he was God and would “reign in heaven as a tortoise” after his death. After the Supreme Court banned executions of insane people, Mr. Sessions persuaded a federal court to defer to an Alabama court’s findings that Mr. Weeks was competent enough to be killed even though he met “the dictionary generic definition of insanity.”

Mr. Sessions also pushed for the death penalty for Samuel Ivery, a black man convicted of decapitating a black woman. At his trial, Mr. Ivery claimed insanity and presented evidence that he was a paranoid schizophrenic and believed himself a “ninja of God.” The prosecutor countered during closing arguments that “this is not another case of niggeritous,” that is, racism. Mr. Ivery later argued that the slur tainted his conviction with racial bias, but the appellate court sided with Mr. Sessions in upholding his death sentence."
Lay off the Fake News kid.
Prove it is fake...

You're regurgitating it. Enough proof.
Moon is a straight shooter (I shudder to think what he'll make of that); Sessions said it. It isn't going to strengthen your argument to start that nonsense.

Again, lay off the Fake News. Sessions isn't a racist and he will be confirmed as our next Attorney General. You heard it from me here at USMB. I gave you just the facts. But hey, you wanna buy into Fake News propaganda, go for it i guess. Enjoy.
When Sessions was nominated for a district court position, one of the past comments of his that was raised was in regards to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). J. Gerald Hebert, a lawyer, testified that Sessions was extremely critical of these groups.

Herbert said that during a private conservation, Sessions had labeled the NAACP and ACLU “un-American” and “Communist-inspired,” according to CNN. Sessions also allegedly said that the groups “forced civil rights down the throats of people.”

Sessions himself seemed to confirm Herbert’s statements when he said during the Senate hearings that the ACLU and the NAACP could be construed as un-American. He did not deny that he had made the other comments, but he dismissed them as being jokes.

Jeff Sessions Racism Accusations: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I thought for a day or two that you were actually going to be a sensible conservative. Don't let me down now.
None of those comments make him a racist.
"Mr. Sessions’ support for the death penalty, even in troubling circumstances, remains unwavering. Last August, he praised Mr. Trump’s 1989 newspaper ads calling for the reinstatement of the death penalty in New York, which appeared shortly after five black and Latino teenagers were charged with raping a white jogger. The men, known as the Central Park Five, were exonerated in 2002 and awarded a $41 million settlement, but for Mr. Sessions, the ads proved that Mr. Trump “believes in law and order.”"
Nah, he's not. Just thought i'd get this post out of the way before all the Trump-Hater nutters start flooding the forum with it. You know the numerous repetitive 'Sessions is a Racist!' posts are coming. Thought i'd provide a merge-point. Ok, let the loony Race-Baiting begin!...
Of course he is. But dammit he's OUR racist. We got rid of Obama and that Holder guy. Now the shoes on our foot again, and we got some kicking to do. No more judicial reform. They belong in jail.

Ava DuVernay’s Netflix film ’13th’ reveals how mass incarceration is an extension of slavery

Go Jefferson Beauregard "Jeff" Sessions III
I read an article in the paper this morning with concerns he is also not a friend to women. HOWEVER, I question how one can say that when he has had twenty plus years of service since with no issues regarding race. Handsome is as handsome does. We were all young once and made mistakes.

I live in Alabama and am pretty familiar with Sessions.

He is highly respected here, and it is almost universal. The folks that are calling him a racist are, once again, doing the left a great disservice.

His support from strong leaders in the black community is well known and well deserved.

The problem here is that when an honorable man like Sessions is maligned, the impact of the accusations fades and it diminishes the effect when someone who is truly worthy of scorn comes under attack.
The Party of Socialist Democrats (DNC) has become the home of Effeminate Men, and Manly Women.
Code Pink, looks like Code Stink, and is nothing but Code for Code Red, as in Flaming Commie Red.
These people hate America, and Love Globalism and Multiculturalism.
They invite wolves in among the sheep for slaughter because they think The Wolves will help them cull the herd, and in doing so, they think they can impose their dark grey socialist agendas upon us all.

But the mistake they make is that the Wolf is a Wolf, and they have made a deal with The Devil, and in the end, The Wolf will take their life, and The Devil their souls.

And when The DemCommie Scum cry for help in the hour of their death, their cries for help will fall on deaf ears as Crying Wolf often does. And there will be no one who cares to come to their rescue.
The ONLY African American Chief of Staff in the ENTIRE United States Senate, works for a REPUBLICAN. Jennifer DeCasper.

liberals are all talk, conservatives are all action
Nah, he's not. Just thought i'd get this post out of the way before all the Trump-Hater nutters start flooding the forum with it. You know the numerous repetitive 'Sessions is a Racist!' posts are coming. Thought i'd provide a merge-point. Ok, let the loony Race-Baiting begin!...
Of course he is. But dammit he's OUR racist. We got rid of Obama and that Holder guy. Now the shoes on our foot again, and we got some kicking to do. No more judicial reform. They belong in jail.

Ava DuVernay’s Netflix film ’13th’ reveals how mass incarceration is an extension of slavery

Go Jefferson Beauregard "Jeff" Sessions III

That doesn't prove Sessions is a racist. However, that was a fascinating documentary. We do have way too many Citizens locked away in cages. We are by far #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. And i agree, racism does play a part in that. It's a serious problem.

I think decriminalizing most drugs, would lead to locking up less Citizens. Our prisons are stuffed with non-violent drug offenders. We should consider releasing them. I know most of my Republican friends disagree with me on that, but i don't consider myself a Republican. I did support Donald Trump, but i don't necessarily support the Republican Party.
Nah, he's not. Just thought i'd get this post out of the way before all the Trump-Hater nutters start flooding the forum with it. You know the numerous repetitive 'Sessions is a Racist!' posts are coming. Thought i'd provide a merge-point. Ok, let the loony Race-Baiting begin!...

crawl back under you're rock lizard
I think this is very icky because Jeff Sessions is the Senator of Alabama. The question is how do you turn from a state Senator to a new U.S. Attorney General?

That's easy, you spend a year and a half sucking up to the guy that eventually becomes President Elect. :D
Nah, he's not. Just thought i'd get this post out of the way before all the Trump-Hater nutters start flooding the forum with it. You know the numerous repetitive 'Sessions is a Racist!' posts are coming. Thought i'd provide a merge-point. Ok, let the loony Race-Baiting begin!...
Of course he is. But dammit he's OUR racist. We got rid of Obama and that Holder guy. Now the shoes on our foot again, and we got some kicking to do. No more judicial reform. They belong in jail.

Ava DuVernay’s Netflix film ’13th’ reveals how mass incarceration is an extension of slavery

Go Jefferson Beauregard "Jeff" Sessions III

That doesn't prove Sessions is a racist. However, that was a fascinating documentary. We do have way too many Citizens locked away in cages. We are by far #1 in the world for imprisoning Citizens. And i agree, racism does play a part in that. It's a serious problem.

I think decriminalizing most drugs, would lead to locking up less Citizens. Our prisons are stuffed with non-violent drug offenders. We should consider releasing them. I know most of my Republican friends disagree with me on that, but i don't consider myself a Republican. I did support Donald Trump, but i don't necessarily support the Republican Party.
Lock em up. Throw away the key. And if by some chance they get out before they die, never let em vote again. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

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