Jeff Sessions says he will not resign

Sessions should stay ... if he leaves it would break up Mutt n' Jeff



He made it clear that he didn't really want Sessions there anymore, but he never asked him to resign.

Well let's be clear, this witch hunt investigation would never be going on if a democrat were in office. They are picking Trump's life apart and now going after his kids, all on specious grounds at best and still without any solid grounds. After what Loretta Lynch pulled, it was just another weak-kneed genuflect to the liberals that Sessions couldn't bow out fast enough, to leave Trump twisting in the wind. I don't blame Trump for feeling back-stabbed. Sessions will be replaced eventually.
Wow. Stunning revelation. Sessions doesn't give trump a resignation he never asked for. What will happen next? The sun will set?

If Trump wanted Sessions out, he would just fire him. Trump doesn't want Sessions out right now. I don't want Sessions out yet. Trump is just saying what he has said all along, that he didn't think Sessions needed to recuse nor SHOULD have recused, and I agree. Did Loretta recuse herself on the Clinton investigation after the tarmac meeting with Big Willy? Trump lives by the code of business. Democrats have each other's backs. Republicans do not. Sessions was just thinking of himself and his future as a Senator. Don't worry, come 2nd term, Trump will pick someone else as AG.

In an ideal world, that acting AG would have picked a dyed in the wool GOP investigator who was at least impartial. So far, Mueller has shown he is all one side, democrats. I'm surprised he hasn't hired Comey as one of the lawyers to investigate Trump with! No wonder the DNC endorsed him!

why would appointing a rightqingnut hack be the "ideal world"?

oh right... trump loons.. :cuckoo:
Wow. Stunning revelation. Sessions doesn't give trump a resignation he never asked for. What will happen next? The sun will set?

If Trump wanted Sessions out, he would just fire him. Trump doesn't want Sessions out right now. I don't want Sessions out yet. Trump is just saying what he has said all along, that he didn't think Sessions needed to recuse nor SHOULD have recused, and I agree. Did Loretta recuse herself on the Clinton investigation after the tarmac meeting with Big Willy? Trump lives by the code of business. Democrats have each other's backs. Republicans do not. Sessions was just thinking of himself and his future as a Senator. Don't worry, come 2nd term, Trump will pick someone else as AG.

In an ideal world, that acting AG would have picked a dyed in the wool GOP investigator who was at least impartial. So far, Mueller has shown he is all one side, democrats. I'm surprised he hasn't hired Comey as one of the lawyers to investigate Trump with! No wonder the DNC endorsed him!
how has Mueller acted that way? He's been mum on the investigation, he hasn't leaked a word, he hasn't grand standed in any way like Comey sort of did....

He's been an honest ace....why disparage him?

Yes, he's hired the best of the best out there to bring in on this case, AS HE SHOULD DO....has paid no mind to their political parties and has BOTH registered Republicans and registered Democrats on his team....

AND it matters naught what party prosecutors or investigators are registered under, we just want the best of the best, R or D, doing their jobs.

It is shameful that you all are trying to demean a man, who has given his entire life to this nation...all because of a cult master, telling you so.
Trump's over Sessions. His recent NY Times interview says it all. Sessions will be fired. It's only a matter of time.
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Trump should fire Sessions and start fresh. He didn't realize Sessions came with so much baggage. It was a Rookie Politician mistake. But Trump can correct the mistake.
Do you remember when Trump asked for his resignation? Yeah, me neither.

It's not a matter of asking for it. In normal circumstances, that kind of declaration of "no confidence" from the president would have prompted it. But we know there's nothing normal about Trump.

Trump has complete confidence in Sessions. And the AG knows that Trump is and always be pissed off that he recused himself from the investigation. And it's a legit complaint by the President.

But he still has confidence in him.
Trump has confidence in Sessions, White House says
By Niall Stanage - 07/20/17 03:02 PM EDT

"Clearly he has confidence in him or he would not be the attorney general," spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters at an off-camera briefing.Asked why Trump has confidence in Sessions, given the criticisms he voiced in a wide-ranging New York Times interview on Wednesday, Sanders said the president believes the Department of Justice has made progress on immigration and against gangs such as MS-13

Trump has confidence in Sessions, White House says
Wow. Stunning revelation. Sessions doesn't give trump a resignation he never asked for. What will happen next? The sun will set?

If Trump wanted Sessions out, he would just fire him. Trump doesn't want Sessions out right now. I don't want Sessions out yet. Trump is just saying what he has said all along, that he didn't think Sessions needed to recuse nor SHOULD have recused, and I agree. Did Loretta recuse herself on the Clinton investigation after the tarmac meeting with Big Willy? Trump lives by the code of business. Democrats have each other's backs. Republicans do not. Sessions was just thinking of himself and his future as a Senator. Don't worry, come 2nd term, Trump will pick someone else as AG.

In an ideal world, that acting AG would have picked a dyed in the wool GOP investigator who was at least impartial. So far, Mueller has shown he is all one side, democrats. I'm surprised he hasn't hired Comey as one of the lawyers to investigate Trump with! No wonder the DNC endorsed him!
how has Mueller acted that way? He's been mum on the investigation, he hasn't leaked a word, he hasn't grand standed in any way like Comey sort of did....

He's been an honest ace....why disparage him?

Yes, he's hired the best of the best out there to bring in on this case, AS HE SHOULD DO....has paid no mind to their political parties and has BOTH registered Republicans and registered Democrats on his team....

AND it matters naught what party prosecutors or investigators are registered under, we just want the best of the best, R or D, doing their jobs.

It is shameful that you all are trying to demean a man, who has given his entire life to this nation...all because of a cult master, telling you so.

Two mega leaks in June via the Washington Post. Hiring the best of the best? First off Mueller hired three law partners from his firm. And here's a biggie. All of them are law partners with that bitch Jamie Gorelick.

I hope that name rings a bell. So right from the get go the bias is built in when he's hiring Clinton supporters.

The bias is there. In plain sight. Let alone he's Comey's mentor.
how has Mueller acted that way? He's been mum on the investigation, he hasn't leaked a word, he hasn't grand standed in any way like Comey sort of did....

He's been an honest ace....why disparage him?

Yes, he's hired the best of the best out there to bring in on this case, AS HE SHOULD DO....has paid no mind to their political parties and has BOTH registered Republicans and registered Democrats on his team....

AND it matters naught what party prosecutors or investigators are registered under, we just want the best of the best, R or D, doing their jobs.

It is shameful that you all are trying to demean a man, who has given his entire life to this nation...all because of a cult master, telling you so.

I disagree.

A). His relationship with Comey, he should have recused himself on optics alone. Sessions recused himself for much less.

B). Apparently all of the Best of the Best are all tied to the Democratic Party.

Other than that I can't complain because you are right, he hasn't said a thing.
Do you remember when Trump asked for his resignation? Yeah, me neither.

It's not a matter of asking for it. In normal circumstances, that kind of declaration of "no confidence" from the president would have prompted it. But we know there's nothing normal about Trump.

Trump has complete confidence in Sessions. And the AG knows that Trump is and always be pissed off that he recused himself from the investigation. And it's a legit complaint by the President.

But he still has confidence in him.


in case you and the orange sociopath don't know it, the justice department and FBI do not work for him...

the loser is clueless as to how our government works and clearly doesn't understand his own role or anyone else's.

as for confidence, his little whining speech about how sessions shouldn't have recused doesn't sound very confident. :cuckoo:
Do you remember when Trump asked for his resignation? Yeah, me neither.

It's not a matter of asking for it. In normal circumstances, that kind of declaration of "no confidence" from the president would have prompted it. But we know there's nothing normal about Trump.

Trump has complete confidence in Sessions. And the AG knows that Trump is and always be pissed off that he recused himself from the investigation. And it's a legit complaint by the President.

But he still has confidence in him.


in case you and the orange sociopath don't know it, the justice department and FBI do not work for him...

the loser is clueless as to how our government works and clearly doesn't understand his own role or anyone else's.

as for confidence, his little whining speech about how sessions shouldn't have recused doesn't sound very confident. :cuckoo:

The Attorney General is appointed by the President of the United States and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. He or she is subject to summary dismissal by the President and impeachment by Congress.

Here endeth the lesson. The Attorney General and the head of the FBI serve at the pleasure of the President.

United States Attorney General - Wikipedia

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - Wikipedia
how has Mueller acted that way? He's been mum on the investigation, he hasn't leaked a word, he hasn't grand standed in any way like Comey sort of did....

He's been an honest ace....why disparage him?

Yes, he's hired the best of the best out there to bring in on this case, AS HE SHOULD DO....has paid no mind to their political parties and has BOTH registered Republicans and registered Democrats on his team....

AND it matters naught what party prosecutors or investigators are registered under, we just want the best of the best, R or D, doing their jobs.

It is shameful that you all are trying to demean a man, who has given his entire life to this nation...all because of a cult master, telling you so.

I disagree.

A). His relationship with Comey, he should have recused himself on optics alone. Sessions recused himself for much less.

B). Apparently all of the Best of the Best are all tied to the Democratic Party.

Other than that I can't complain because you are right, he hasn't said a thing.

Mueller hasn't said anything but the leaks are happening.
I guess I missed the link where the President said he would ask the A.G. to resign. Can you refresh my memory?
Trump did not ask him to resign, what he said was....that he would not have hired him at all if he knew Sessions was going to recuse himself on Russia or the campaign. And it was unfair of Sessions to do that to him....

take it as you wish....

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