Jefferson – the 51st US State?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The move to break away from the Republik of Kaleefornya continues. 21 of the state's northernmost counties took the petitions to the Secretary of State Dec 6. Here's what the leaders of Jefferson State want:

To elect its own 2 U.S. Senators and Congressional representatives;

To elect its own Governor, State Senate and Assembly, based on Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution;

Make Jefferson a business friendly state with common sense tax laws and no state corporate income taxes;

Property Taxes to stay in State of Jefferson and more specifically its counties;

Laws to hold elected representatives accountable to its people;

Reduce the 570 state agencies and bureaucracies currently in California;

Constitutionally based laws;

Utilization of its natural resources - timber, water, farming, mining, hunting and fishing; and

A revamping of Social Services.

I cannot remember when there hasn't been this argument about breaking California up – one part in the north and the other the south. Historically, this goes back to the early 1800s when new Mexican citizens argued over whether the state capitol should be in Monte Rey or Los Angeles. They even went so far as to try to make it two separate Mexican provinces.

No difference a century and a half later.

Full story @ State of Jefferson Amasses 21 Total Counties
The move to break away from the Republik of Kaleefornya continues. 21 of the state's northernmost counties took the petitions to the Secretary of State Dec 6. Here's what the leaders of Jefferson State want:

To elect its own 2 U.S. Senators and Congressional representatives;

To elect its own Governor, State Senate and Assembly, based on Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution;

Make Jefferson a business friendly state with common sense tax laws and no state corporate income taxes;

Property Taxes to stay in State of Jefferson and more specifically its counties;

Laws to hold elected representatives accountable to its people;

Reduce the 570 state agencies and bureaucracies currently in California;

Constitutionally based laws;

Utilization of its natural resources - timber, water, farming, mining, hunting and fishing; and

A revamping of Social Services.

I cannot remember when there hasn't been this argument about breaking California up – one part in the north and the other the south. Historically, this goes back to the early 1800s when new Mexican citizens argued over whether the state capitol should be in Monte Rey or Los Angeles. They even went so far as to try to make it two separate Mexican provinces.

No difference a century and a half later.

Full story @ State of Jefferson Amasses 21 Total Counties

Wow, if CA pulls this off before the districts in Houston overthrown corrupt City Govt,
I will be amazed. I was expecting this to blow up in Houston first. Maybe we should
have a race to see who will establish Constitutional Govt first, in CA or TX. Cool!
Why can't every state do this and double their number of US Senators?

1.7 million people?

Hardly worthy of a state
Why can't every state do this and double their number of US Senators?

1.7 million people?

Hardly worthy of a state

it would put them 39th on the list, behind West Virginia and ahead of Idaho.

My county has 700,000 people

Why can't we become a state?

Does your county have issues with not getting along with the politics of your State currently? Is your county as big as these 21 counties?
Interesting but a pipe dream nevertheless.
Why can't every state do this and double their number of US Senators?

1.7 million people?

Hardly worthy of a state

it would put them 39th on the list, behind West Virginia and ahead of Idaho.

My county has 700,000 people

Why can't we become a state?

Does your county have issues with not getting along with the politics of your State currently? Is your county as big as these 21 counties?

We can make up some issues if we can get a state out of it

What difference does size matter. People vote, not land
We have more people in my county than Alaska
Why can't every state do this and double their number of US Senators?

1.7 million people?

Hardly worthy of a state

Why not set up separate cities or counties under Constitutional principles.
Why does everything have to be under the feds to invoke Constitutional authority?
Why not bring the Constitution to the local levels of govt by teaching it, practicing it, enforcing it.

Does Christianity have to be mandated by federal levels for people to run their own
communities and programs by Christian principles? No. So why not with Constitutional standards and ethics:
Long have some Western Pennsylvanians dreamt of breaking free of the dominance of Philadelphia and Harrisburg.
And that shows the duplicity lefties will go through to get more power.

Thanks for illustrating that.

They complaint is the large population centers in CA eliminate their voice in State government.
Long have some Western Pennsylvanians dreamt of breaking free of the dominance of Philadelphia and Harrisburg.

And the joke is that if NY, LI and Westchester wanted to leave NY for their own State, the Upstate-ers would throw a party while the Tappan Zee Bridge was demolished.
Is this a great country or what? What are those trumpeteers talking about when they whine about making America "great again"? Get your asses off the couch and go create your own state.
My town and the two adjacent towns are larger in size than Liechtenstein. I think we should become a separate nation and focus on developing a strong military. Once our navy is strong, I would advocate invading one of the islands 2 miles off our coastline.

What does this have to do with the OP, you may ask?

And that shows the duplicity lefties will go through to get more power.

Thanks for illustrating that.

They complaint is the large population centers in CA eliminate their voice in State government.

They have 1.7 million out of 39 million people in the state.

Of course they don't get more of a say, why should they?
Long have some Western Pennsylvanians dreamt of breaking free of the dominance of Philadelphia and Harrisburg.

And the joke is that if NY, LI and Westchester wanted to leave NY for their own State, the Upstate-ers would throw a party while the Tappan Zee Bridge was demolished.

It will never happen here of course b/c we are still proud to be from The Commonwealth but our political clout has waned over the last 60 years. Western PA shares far more in common with the Mid-West and Upland South than we do with Eastern Seaboard.
Long have some Western Pennsylvanians dreamt of breaking free of the dominance of Philadelphia and Harrisburg.

And the joke is that if NY, LI and Westchester wanted to leave NY for their own State, the Upstate-ers would throw a party while the Tappan Zee Bridge was demolished.

They just started rebuilding it

Problem is that to create a new state out of California, by splitting it. The process requires the approval of the State legislature and the Congress.

Good Luck.


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