Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

So you are saying he can be paid to ignore someone molesting kids? Is that the kind of guy you want as President? We already know he can be paid off by the Saudi government to not do anything about them killing an American resident.
What country did this so-called American resident get killed in?
Should he declare war on Saudi Arabia because some terrorist sympathizer posing as a Washington Compost reporter gets secretly whacked in some foreign country?
Are you really this fucking stupid?????

Yes indeed he is just that stupid. If he's a Democrat it's a given that he's that stupid.

I'm stupid for being outraged that Trump doesn't care that an American resident and employee was tortured and murdered? That when asked what he was going to do about it... He said they told him they didn't do it and he believes them despite the DoJ telling him they had seen the video and listened to the recording of it happening and they KNEW they did it? And then Trump saying he was going to let it go because, "they are spending a lot of money buying weapons and military equipment from us."

Post PROOF this journalist was a terrorist. Feel free... go ahead. You think a journalist, working in Washington D.C. was a known terrorist and could fly in and out of the country no problem? If so you are the dumbest fucking person on the planet. I've known people that got stopped from getting on a plane because of nothing but their name! They had to get a different flight because they had to wait and prove they weren't the person with the name on the list.

Well moron, since this idiot wrote a bunch of stuff slamming the Saudi Royal family and the rest of the Saudi government, then walked into THEIR embassy alone and unarmed, what did he think could happen? He got himself killed because he was stupid. He was no great loss anyway. Yet you "peace loving" Dems wanted to start a war over this idiot.

Yes, he most definitely should have been expected to get tortured and murdered by the government in an embassy in Turkey. So the line now for you is that murdering a journalist is ok? Are you a God loving Conservative?

Again, HE knew he had insulted the Saudi Royal family. HE made that choice. So he should have been prepared for the consequences of that action. Yes I am a God loving Christian and a Conservative. But somebody else's stupid decision isn't my problem. By the way, he was no journalist.
What country did this so-called American resident get killed in?
Should he declare war on Saudi Arabia because some terrorist sympathizer posing as a Washington Compost reporter gets secretly whacked in some foreign country?
Are you really this fucking stupid?????

Yes indeed he is just that stupid. If he's a Democrat it's a given that he's that stupid.

I'm stupid for being outraged that Trump doesn't care that an American resident and employee was tortured and murdered? That when asked what he was going to do about it... He said they told him they didn't do it and he believes them despite the DoJ telling him they had seen the video and listened to the recording of it happening and they KNEW they did it? And then Trump saying he was going to let it go because, "they are spending a lot of money buying weapons and military equipment from us."

Post PROOF this journalist was a terrorist. Feel free... go ahead. You think a journalist, working in Washington D.C. was a known terrorist and could fly in and out of the country no problem? If so you are the dumbest fucking person on the planet. I've known people that got stopped from getting on a plane because of nothing but their name! They had to get a different flight because they had to wait and prove they weren't the person with the name on the list.

Well moron, since this idiot wrote a bunch of stuff slamming the Saudi Royal family and the rest of the Saudi government, then walked into THEIR embassy alone and unarmed, what did he think could happen? He got himself killed because he was stupid. He was no great loss anyway. Yet you "peace loving" Dems wanted to start a war over this idiot.

Yes, he most definitely should have been expected to get tortured and murdered by the government in an embassy in Turkey. So the line now for you is that murdering a journalist is ok? Are you a God loving Conservative?

Again, HE knew he had insulted the Saudi Royal family. HE made that choice. So he should have been prepared for the consequences of that action. Yes I am a God loving Christian and a Conservative. But somebody else's stupid decision isn't my problem. By the way, he was no journalist.

Again, HE WAS A JOURNALIST. He was not CHOSING to be murdered. You are either lying about being a God loving Conservative, or going to hell. I don't need to know more than that, because I could careless.

He was an American resident, and Trump admitted publicly it is ok to murder people from the U.S. as long as the people who do it is in a position to make him look good or he makes money from it. He proved that with Otto Warmbier AND Khashoggi.
So you are saying he can be paid to ignore someone molesting kids? Is that the kind of guy you want as President? We already know he can be paid off by the Saudi government to not do anything about them killing an American resident.
What country did this so-called American resident get killed in?
Should he declare war on Saudi Arabia because some terrorist sympathizer posing as a Washington Compost reporter gets secretly whacked in some foreign country?
Are you really this fucking stupid?????

Yes indeed he is just that stupid. If he's a Democrat it's a given that he's that stupid.

I'm stupid for being outraged that Trump doesn't care that an American resident and employee was tortured and murdered? That when asked what he was going to do about it... He said they told him they didn't do it and he believes them despite the DoJ telling him they had seen the video and listened to the recording of it happening and they KNEW they did it? And then Trump saying he was going to let it go because, "they are spending a lot of money buying weapons and military equipment from us."

Post PROOF this journalist was a terrorist. Feel free... go ahead. You think a journalist, working in Washington D.C. was a known terrorist and could fly in and out of the country no problem? If so you are the dumbest fucking person on the planet. I've known people that got stopped from getting on a plane because of nothing but their name! They had to get a different flight because they had to wait and prove they weren't the person with the name on the list.

Well moron, since this idiot wrote a bunch of stuff slamming the Saudi Royal family and the rest of the Saudi government, then walked into THEIR embassy alone and unarmed, what did he think could happen? He got himself killed because he was stupid. He was no great loss anyway. Yet you "peace loving" Dems wanted to start a war over this idiot.

Yes, he most definitely should have been expecting to get tortured and murdered by the government in an embassy in Turkey. So the line now for you is that murdering a journalist is ok? Are you a God loving Conservative?
He was a murderer himself. He worked with terrorists.
Personally, the only reason you know about it is because he was undercover in the Washington Post....and the cocksucker that owns the WaPo is a Trump hater and was hoping to make some fake news he could use against the President.
I really don't give a God Damn about the fucker.
What country did this so-called American resident get killed in?
Should he declare war on Saudi Arabia because some terrorist sympathizer posing as a Washington Compost reporter gets secretly whacked in some foreign country?
Are you really this fucking stupid?????

Yes indeed he is just that stupid. If he's a Democrat it's a given that he's that stupid.

I'm stupid for being outraged that Trump doesn't care that an American resident and employee was tortured and murdered? That when asked what he was going to do about it... He said they told him they didn't do it and he believes them despite the DoJ telling him they had seen the video and listened to the recording of it happening and they KNEW they did it? And then Trump saying he was going to let it go because, "they are spending a lot of money buying weapons and military equipment from us."

Post PROOF this journalist was a terrorist. Feel free... go ahead. You think a journalist, working in Washington D.C. was a known terrorist and could fly in and out of the country no problem? If so you are the dumbest fucking person on the planet. I've known people that got stopped from getting on a plane because of nothing but their name! They had to get a different flight because they had to wait and prove they weren't the person with the name on the list.

Well moron, since this idiot wrote a bunch of stuff slamming the Saudi Royal family and the rest of the Saudi government, then walked into THEIR embassy alone and unarmed, what did he think could happen? He got himself killed because he was stupid. He was no great loss anyway. Yet you "peace loving" Dems wanted to start a war over this idiot.

Yes, he most definitely should have been expecting to get tortured and murdered by the government in an embassy in Turkey. So the line now for you is that murdering a journalist is ok? Are you a God loving Conservative?
He was a murderer himself. He worked with terrorists.
Personally, the only reason you know about it is because he was undercover in the Washington Post....and the cocksucker that owns the WaPo is a Trump hater and was hoping to make some fake news he could use against the President.
I really don't give a God Damn about the fucker.

PROVE IT. I already rebutted this ridiculous remark. If he was a proven terrorist or even close to a known terrorist supporter, the DoJ would have had him on a no-fly list and he would not have been able to fly in and out of the United States freely.
As a businessman, Trump liked everyone. That's what business is.

So you are saying he can be paid to ignore someone molesting kids? Is that the kind of guy you want as President? We already know he can be paid off by the Saudi government to not do anything about them killing an American resident.
What country did this so-called American resident get killed in?
Should he declare war on Saudi Arabia because some terrorist sympathizer posing as a Washington Compost reporter gets secretly whacked in some foreign country?
Are you really this fucking stupid?????

Yes indeed he is just that stupid. If he's a Democrat it's a given that he's that stupid.

I'm stupid for being outraged that Trump doesn't care that an American resident and employee was tortured and murdered? That when asked what he was going to do about it... He said they told him they didn't do it and he believes them despite the DoJ telling him they had seen the video and listened to the recording of it happening and they KNEW they did it? And then Trump saying he was going to let it go because, "they are spending a lot of money buying weapons and military equipment from us."

Post PROOF this journalist was a terrorist. Feel free... go ahead. You think a journalist, working in Washington D.C. was a known terrorist and could fly in and out of the country no problem? If so you are the dumbest fucking person on the planet. I've known people that got stopped from getting on a plane because of nothing but their name! They had to get a different flight because they had to wait and prove they weren't the person with the name on the list.
You would have us go to war against every evil on this planet. If we did that the Good folks would become extinct.
Which President and Friend of Epstein would you rather be:


A) Posed for a photo op, banned Epstein from Mar A Lago


B) Took at least 25 recorded flights to Lolita Island, many without the Secret Service
As a businessman, Trump liked everyone. That's what business is.

So you are saying he can be paid to ignore someone molesting kids? Is that the kind of guy you want as President? We already know he can be paid off by the Saudi government to not do anything about them killing an American resident.
What country did this so-called American resident get killed in?
Should he declare war on Saudi Arabia because some terrorist sympathizer posing as a Washington Compost reporter gets secretly whacked in some foreign country?
Are you really this fucking stupid?????

Yes indeed he is just that stupid. If he's a Democrat it's a given that he's that stupid.

I'm stupid for being outraged that Trump doesn't care that an American resident and employee was tortured and murdered? That when asked what he was going to do about it... He said they told him they didn't do it and he believes them despite the DoJ telling him they had seen the video and listened to the recording of it happening and they KNEW they did it? And then Trump saying he was going to let it go because, "they are spending a lot of money buying weapons and military equipment from us."

Post PROOF this journalist was a terrorist. Feel free... go ahead. You think a journalist, working in Washington D.C. was a known terrorist and could fly in and out of the country no problem? If so you are the dumbest fucking person on the planet. I've known people that got stopped from getting on a plane because of nothing but their name! They had to get a different flight because they had to wait and prove they weren't the person with the name on the list.

Well moron, since this idiot wrote a bunch of stuff slamming the Saudi Royal family and the rest of the Saudi government, then walked into THEIR embassy alone and unarmed, what did he think could happen? He got himself killed because he was stupid. He was no great loss anyway. Yet you "peace loving" Dems wanted to start a war over this idiot.
Such lovely excuse making.
Which President and Friend of Epstein would you rather be:


A) Posed for a photo op, banned Epstein from Mar A Lago


B) Took at least 25 recorded flights to Lolita Island, many without the Secret Service
I see a paper with a blow up of Clinton's name....where is the destination indicated? Interesting how your blow up of Clinton's name COVERS UP the destination three-letter code.
I don't know if Trump did anything illicit with Jeffrey Epstein but, if he did, he should be prosecuted. As for Bill Clinton, he'll have the FBI protecting him if necessary.
Does Jeffrey Epstein have rights to the title 'First Pimp'?

Donald Trump is right up to his neck in the Jeffrey Epstein underage sex case and Trump has been accused by one of the victims.

The GOP establishment appears to have a lot of (fore) skin in this game.

Trump evidently knew Epstein was sex-trafficking underage girls and remarked that Jeffrey Epstein likes them on the young side.


Jeffrey Epstein: Trump once praised billionaire charged with sex trafficking minors for liking women 'on the younger side'

In light of Jeffrey Epstein's reported Saturday night arrest on charges of sex trafficking minors, a quote from Donald Trump praising the billionaire's fondness for young women has re-surfaced.

Trump biographer Tim O'Brien tweeted the quote from a 2002 profile of Epstein in New York Magazine, in which Trump says "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."

Trump's association with Epstein extends into allegations that women were lured directly into sex trafficking from Mar-A-Lago, with one woman claiming Epstein's then-girlfriend recruited her for prostitution as a 15-year-old when she worked as a locker room attendant at Trump's resort that Epstein frequented. ...
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Oh and Obama was never with him either lmfao htey still can't prove those kids are even Obamas since the fag's wife is a fkn man too.

Oh look he stands with a RAPIST and the trash taking this nation down.

The ppl he encounter wtf do you expect him to do when your ELITES DEMOTWATS ELECTED keep turning into rapist and child molesters you cant help what you don't know at the time you take a picture with them.

THe idiots trying to tie trump to a photos is like jo blow tying you all to pictures and then saying you support some rapist that just happened to be in the picture with you.

DEMOCRATS are mental retards on steroids your all twisted in the head LOL.

rapist will hang with rapist I guess

Now, why would you leave this out?
Then why are you posting on a board frequented by rw’s
Am I not allowed to, now?
With you accusing others of guilt by association, you're being a hypocrite by association.
The O'Reilly Factor, 8/15/06: "Police believe Epstein brought girls as young as 14 to his mansion for sex ...They found hidden cameras, pictures of underage girls & a girl's high school transcript. But state attorney Barry Krischer rejected chief Reiter's suggestion"

The O'Reilly Factor, August 15, 2006 : "Tonight ... the Florida prosecutor who aggressively went after Rush Limbaugh may be soft on an accused sexual predator. We'll have a report." Meanwhile, the Epstein case was not MENTIONED on MSNBC 1/1/2006 to 1/1/2008.

WHERE WAS THE REST OF THE MEDIA? O'Reilly Factor, 8/15/06: "Chief Reiter believes that Krischer is in the tank for Epstein, a very wealthy businessman who has donated more than $100,000 to Democrat candidates including Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer."

"...papers filed in a 2006 lawsuit alleged that Epstein installed concealed cameras in numerous places on his property to record sexual activity with underage girls by prominent people for criminal purposes, such as blackmail."

Are things about to get lit?
There's even more. Alex Acosta is now assisting sex traffickers to evade prosecution by obstructing visas to victims outside the USA.

The O'Reilly Factor, 8/15/06: "Police believe Epstein brought girls as young as 14 to his mansion for sex ...They found hidden cameras, pictures of underage girls & a girl's high school transcript. But state attorney Barry Krischer rejected chief Reiter's suggestion"

The O'Reilly Factor, August 15, 2006 : "Tonight ... the Florida prosecutor who aggressively went after Rush Limbaugh may be soft on an accused sexual predator. We'll have a report." Meanwhile, the Epstein case was not MENTIONED on MSNBC 1/1/2006 to 1/1/2008.

WHERE WAS THE REST OF THE MEDIA? O'Reilly Factor, 8/15/06: "Chief Reiter believes that Krischer is in the tank for Epstein, a very wealthy businessman who has donated more than $100,000 to Democrat candidates including Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer."


Its credible to believe that Epstein was acting for Mossad in getting dirt on famous and influential people to swing them behind Israel.

Donald Trump' own conduct with Israel suggests this may be a credible scenario.
The O'Reilly Factor, 8/15/06: "Police believe Epstein brought girls as young as 14 to his mansion for sex ...They found hidden cameras, pictures of underage girls & a girl's high school transcript. But state attorney Barry Krischer rejected chief Reiter's suggestion"

The O'Reilly Factor, August 15, 2006 : "Tonight ... the Florida prosecutor who aggressively went after Rush Limbaugh may be soft on an accused sexual predator. We'll have a report." Meanwhile, the Epstein case was not MENTIONED on MSNBC 1/1/2006 to 1/1/2008.

WHERE WAS THE REST OF THE MEDIA? O'Reilly Factor, 8/15/06: "Chief Reiter believes that Krischer is in the tank for Epstein, a very wealthy businessman who has donated more than $100,000 to Democrat candidates including Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer."


Its credible to believe that Epstein was acting for Mossad in getting dirt on famous and influential people to swing them behind Israel.

Donald Trump' own conduct with Israel suggests this may be a credible scenario.
Where the fuck did you get he was working for the Mossad? quit cluttering up facts with your fanciful story telling. He's a perv with a lot of money satisfying his own lust and making himself feel normal by bringing in other pervs to the action.
He tells his own lies, no one needs to add to them.

Really? Is that the best you've got.

That's a compliment coming from a Trump Humper, you guys are a joke. When he said he could go out on 5th Ave and shoot someone and fools like you would still vote for him, he new exactly what he was talking about.

Is that the best YOU'VE got? If it is then you are just a stupid robot.

That's funny a Trump Humper calling someone a stupid robot.

Yeah, A THINKING trump humper. Leaves you out.

If you were actually thinking, you wouldn't be a Trump Humper. Duh.

That's where you're wrong. I can show you over and over and over again where things that were claimed about trump have been PROVEN false. And those claims all come from swine, like you.

No you Trump Humpers just come with excuses over and over again. It's funny how the guy will make a statement and then Trump Humpers come back and call themselves giving us the interpretation of what he really meant.

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