Jeffery Epstein reportedly arrested for sex trafic

Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.
Show us the evidence that he went to Epstein's island. %1$s&ampshare=
He flew on Epstein's where?
To Epstein's fantasy island.....where little kiddies are all over the place ready to be fucked.
Both Bill Clinton & Trump are probably nervous about this.

Don't forget that woman who claimed Trump raped here when she was 13. It happened at a Epstein party.

"woman using the name Katie Johnson had named Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, accusing them of having solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at the Manhattan homes of Epstein and Trump back in 1994 (when Johnson was just 13 years old):"

If that comes out, will you Trumpettes still vote for Trump? I'm thinking yes.
stop being a self-serving asswhipe for just a little while. has ANYONE yet said that if trump is found guilty he shouldn't go down also? NO ONE HAS.

you make up these "trumpettes" so you can foster your bullshit stereotypes and attack those as if someone really exists that fit your hate.

fucking loser.

The accusation was made during the campaign, you didn't care

20 women accused Trump of sexual misconduct, you didn't care.

You would run in circles screaming "Fake News Fake News.

You know it.
No. I don't care when it all stops at" accusations". But admit it, one is enough for you.
I'd like to see ALL pedos go to prison but your title is a complete propaganda LIE. The very first line in the article you posted says so,

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein."

Thanks again for displaying how much a lying piece of crap you are. :thup:
How the fuck does that psychopaths daughter KNOW who is on Epsteins list?
I'm well aware of Trump's past, and no matter what letter he has after his name, he's a crooked moral lacking scum bag. I've lived through the age of Trump. I may not be in my 60's but I'm also not your average middle-aged individual that doesn't read news, watch documentaries, read books, yes books, and several other things.
Trump didn't become a homophobic racist till he announced he was running for president as a Republican. From all of the years I've known about him, over 30 years, I never got the indication he was anti-gay....a racists....or anything other a bit of a playboy.

Most of the shit that has come out is pure media fabrication.

And any other Republican knows that they'll be given the same treatment from here on in.
Joe Biden even caught some of it....because he's not enough of a commie bastard for the left.

That's because like most Trump Humpers you weren't paying attention.

No, it is morons, like you, who have perpetrated the big lie about trump.

He tells his own lies, no one needs to add to them.

If it weren't for trump there would be no blacks allowed on golf courses in his neck of the woods to this day. he was the first one to not only allow them to join his golf club, but he mandated it as part of his purchase of Mar-A-Lago.

Really? Is that the best you've got.

It's a shame you are merely a parrot. If you could actually think for yourself you might be a decent human being.

That's a compliment coming from a Trump Humper, you guys are a joke. When he said he could go out on 5th Ave and shoot someone and fools like you would still vote for him, he new exactly what he was talking about.

Is that the best YOU'VE got? If it is then you are just a stupid robot.

That's funny a Trump Humper calling someone a stupid robot.
Trump didn't become a homophobic racist till he announced he was running for president as a Republican. From all of the years I've known about him, over 30 years, I never got the indication he was anti-gay....a racists....or anything other a bit of a playboy.

Most of the shit that has come out is pure media fabrication.

And any other Republican knows that they'll be given the same treatment from here on in.
Joe Biden even caught some of it....because he's not enough of a commie bastard for the left.

That's because like most Trump Humpers you weren't paying attention.

No, it is morons, like you, who have perpetrated the big lie about trump.

He tells his own lies, no one needs to add to them.

If it weren't for trump there would be no blacks allowed on golf courses in his neck of the woods to this day. he was the first one to not only allow them to join his golf club, but he mandated it as part of his purchase of Mar-A-Lago.

Really? Is that the best you've got.

It's a shame you are merely a parrot. If you could actually think for yourself you might be a decent human being.

That's a compliment coming from a Trump Humper, you guys are a joke. When he said he could go out on 5th Ave and shoot someone and fools like you would still vote for him, he new exactly what he was talking about.

Is that the best YOU'VE got? If it is then you are just a stupid robot.

That's funny a Trump Humper calling someone a stupid robot.

Yeah, A THINKING trump humper. Leaves you out.
That's because like most Trump Humpers you weren't paying attention.

No, it is morons, like you, who have perpetrated the big lie about trump.

He tells his own lies, no one needs to add to them.

If it weren't for trump there would be no blacks allowed on golf courses in his neck of the woods to this day. he was the first one to not only allow them to join his golf club, but he mandated it as part of his purchase of Mar-A-Lago.

Really? Is that the best you've got.

It's a shame you are merely a parrot. If you could actually think for yourself you might be a decent human being.

That's a compliment coming from a Trump Humper, you guys are a joke. When he said he could go out on 5th Ave and shoot someone and fools like you would still vote for him, he new exactly what he was talking about.

Is that the best YOU'VE got? If it is then you are just a stupid robot.

That's funny a Trump Humper calling someone a stupid robot.

Yeah, A THINKING trump humper. Leaves you out.

If you were actually thinking, you wouldn't be a Trump Humper. Duh.
I love how when Trump does something they like he is a proud American Republican. When people point out the shitty, immoral, unethical things he does or has done, it is because he used to be a Democrat.

You just can't make this shit up...

Oh and the easy deal Epstein got? Yeah that was by a federal prosecutor in Florida who Trump nominated to become the Secretary of Labor. Acosta is a life-time Republican. So are we really going to play this game that political parties matter when it comes to child molesters?
Which one? The one that got Epstein kicked out of Mar-a-lago? You know that if he knew he was screwing underage girls and didn't say anything until AFTER he got arrested that's not exactly Saintly.
And you can prove this?
From what I understand Trump knew the guy was a weirdo...but he didn't have proof that the guy was doing anything wrong. He had just heard rumors like everyone else.

As a businessman, Trump liked everyone. That's what business is.

So you are saying he can be paid to ignore someone molesting kids? Is that the kind of guy you want as President? We already know he can be paid off by the Saudi government to not do anything about them killing an American resident.
What country did this so-called American resident get killed in?
Should he declare war on Saudi Arabia because some terrorist sympathizer posing as a Washington Compost reporter gets secretly whacked in some foreign country?
Are you really this fucking stupid?????

Yes indeed he is just that stupid. If he's a Democrat it's a given that he's that stupid.
Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Funny that the party that made Dennis Hastert the Speaker of the House thinks that it's just gonna be Democrats.

That's odd. Denny Hastert was not convicted of any sex crimes. He was convicted of violating banking laws.
Well then....time for the CRCs to rehabilitate pedo Hastert.
Epstein has lots of money to spread around. Very rich people generally get away with just about anything.
Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Bubba (Bill Clinton) went to Epstein's sin island on numerous occasions.....but because Trump rode on an aircraft once with this pervert....the media will make it look like Trump is his best buddy.
Show us the evidence that he went to Epstein's island. %1$s&ampshare=
He flew on Epstein's where?
To Epstein's fantasy island.....where little kiddies are all over the place ready to be fucked.
You can prove that?
And you can prove this?
From what I understand Trump knew the guy was a weirdo...but he didn't have proof that the guy was doing anything wrong. He had just heard rumors like everyone else.

As a businessman, Trump liked everyone. That's what business is.

So you are saying he can be paid to ignore someone molesting kids? Is that the kind of guy you want as President? We already know he can be paid off by the Saudi government to not do anything about them killing an American resident.
What country did this so-called American resident get killed in?
Should he declare war on Saudi Arabia because some terrorist sympathizer posing as a Washington Compost reporter gets secretly whacked in some foreign country?
Are you really this fucking stupid?????

Yes indeed he is just that stupid. If he's a Democrat it's a given that he's that stupid.

I'm stupid for being outraged that Trump doesn't care that an American resident and employee was tortured and murdered? That when asked what he was going to do about it... He said they told him they didn't do it and he believes them despite the DoJ telling him they had seen the video and listened to the recording of it happening and they KNEW they did it? And then Trump saying he was going to let it go because, "they are spending a lot of money buying weapons and military equipment from us."

Post PROOF this journalist was a terrorist. Feel free... go ahead. You think a journalist, working in Washington D.C. was a known terrorist and could fly in and out of the country no problem? If so you are the dumbest fucking person on the planet. I've known people that got stopped from getting on a plane because of nothing but their name! They had to get a different flight because they had to wait and prove they weren't the person with the name on the list.
Trump didn't become a homophobic racist till he announced he was running for president as a Republican. From all of the years I've known about him, over 30 years, I never got the indication he was anti-gay....a racists....or anything other a bit of a playboy.

Most of the shit that has come out is pure media fabrication.

And any other Republican knows that they'll be given the same treatment from here on in.
Joe Biden even caught some of it....because he's not enough of a commie bastard for the left.

That's because like most Trump Humpers you weren't paying attention.


No, it is morons, like you, who have perpetrated the big lie about trump.

He tells his own lies, no one needs to add to them.

If it weren't for trump there would be no blacks allowed on golf courses in his neck of the woods to this day. he was the first one to not only allow them to join his golf club, but he mandated it as part of his purchase of Mar-A-Lago.

Really? Is that the best you've got.

It's a shame you are merely a parrot. If you could actually think for yourself you might be a decent human being.

That's a compliment coming from a Trump Humper, you guys are a joke. When he said he could go out on 5th Ave and shoot someone and fools like you would still vote for him, he new exactly what he was talking about.

Is that the best YOU'VE got? If it is then you are just a stupid robot.

That's funny a Trump Humper calling someone a stupid robot.
Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Funny that the party that made Dennis Hastert the Speaker of the House thinks that it's just gonna be Democrats.

That's odd. Denny Hastert was not convicted of any sex crimes. He was convicted of violating banking laws.
But you do know that Hastert admitted in court to sexually abusing the boys he coached.

Your point is? The facts are facts. You can't change them to suit your liberal agenda.
I stated a fact.

You stated a fact that was completely irrelevant to the conversation. Congratulations troll!
Sex monster jeffrey epstein was just arrested.....and now the democrats are afraid of their "faves" being implicated in the crimes.....

Here's the Washington Examiner report:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter said that some favorite figures of both the Right and Left may be implicated in the sex trafficking case alleged against billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

"This Epstein case is horrific and the young women deserve justice. It is quite likely that some of our faves are implicated but we must follow the facts and let the chips fall where they may — whether on Republicans or Democrats," Christine Pelosi tweeted Saturday after news of Epstein's arrest broke.
And that's got to be a house-on-fire crisis for Democrats, too. It sounds like all kinds of Democrats are going to be found in Epstein's little black book of clients, not just Bill Clinton.

President Trump, by contrast, banned the pervert from his Mar-a-Lago club years ago. So much for pinning the scandal on Trump as Democrats had hoped.

Why would Christine, who's probably tweeting as a proxy to her mother the way daughter Alexandra also seems to do, say something like that? Up until now, most of us thought it was just Bill and Jeff, a disgusting partnership based on trips to the Dominican Republic.

Christine reveals that Democratic "faves" are involved, and not only were they involved, Pelosi & Co. knew about it ... and did nothing. That may not be what Christine meant to reveal. But it sure looks like that's what's coming down the pike.
Funny that the party that made Dennis Hastert the Speaker of the House thinks that it's just gonna be Democrats.

That's odd. Denny Hastert was not convicted of any sex crimes. He was convicted of violating banking laws.
Well then....time for the CRCs to rehabilitate pedo Hastert.

Once again, he was never convicted. That is irrelevant to the discussion. I know that doesn't matter to you, being the pervert you are.
No, it is morons, like you, who have perpetrated the big lie about trump.

He tells his own lies, no one needs to add to them.

If it weren't for trump there would be no blacks allowed on golf courses in his neck of the woods to this day. he was the first one to not only allow them to join his golf club, but he mandated it as part of his purchase of Mar-A-Lago.

Really? Is that the best you've got.

It's a shame you are merely a parrot. If you could actually think for yourself you might be a decent human being.

That's a compliment coming from a Trump Humper, you guys are a joke. When he said he could go out on 5th Ave and shoot someone and fools like you would still vote for him, he new exactly what he was talking about.

Is that the best YOU'VE got? If it is then you are just a stupid robot.

That's funny a Trump Humper calling someone a stupid robot.

Yeah, A THINKING trump humper. Leaves you out.

If you were actually thinking, you wouldn't be a Trump Humper. Duh.

That's where you're wrong. I can show you over and over and over again where things that were claimed about trump have been PROVEN false. And those claims all come from swine, like you.
As a businessman, Trump liked everyone. That's what business is.

So you are saying he can be paid to ignore someone molesting kids? Is that the kind of guy you want as President? We already know he can be paid off by the Saudi government to not do anything about them killing an American resident.
What country did this so-called American resident get killed in?
Should he declare war on Saudi Arabia because some terrorist sympathizer posing as a Washington Compost reporter gets secretly whacked in some foreign country?
Are you really this fucking stupid?????

Yes indeed he is just that stupid. If he's a Democrat it's a given that he's that stupid.

I'm stupid for being outraged that Trump doesn't care that an American resident and employee was tortured and murdered? That when asked what he was going to do about it... He said they told him they didn't do it and he believes them despite the DoJ telling him they had seen the video and listened to the recording of it happening and they KNEW they did it? And then Trump saying he was going to let it go because, "they are spending a lot of money buying weapons and military equipment from us."

Post PROOF this journalist was a terrorist. Feel free... go ahead. You think a journalist, working in Washington D.C. was a known terrorist and could fly in and out of the country no problem? If so you are the dumbest fucking person on the planet. I've known people that got stopped from getting on a plane because of nothing but their name! They had to get a different flight because they had to wait and prove they weren't the person with the name on the list.

Well moron, since this idiot wrote a bunch of stuff slamming the Saudi Royal family and the rest of the Saudi government, then walked into THEIR embassy alone and unarmed, what did he think could happen? He got himself killed because he was stupid. He was no great loss anyway. Yet you "peace loving" Dems wanted to start a war over this idiot.
As a businessman, Trump liked everyone. That's what business is.

So you are saying he can be paid to ignore someone molesting kids? Is that the kind of guy you want as President? We already know he can be paid off by the Saudi government to not do anything about them killing an American resident.
What country did this so-called American resident get killed in?
Should he declare war on Saudi Arabia because some terrorist sympathizer posing as a Washington Compost reporter gets secretly whacked in some foreign country?
Are you really this fucking stupid?????

Yes indeed he is just that stupid. If he's a Democrat it's a given that he's that stupid.

I'm stupid for being outraged that Trump doesn't care that an American resident and employee was tortured and murdered? That when asked what he was going to do about it... He said they told him they didn't do it and he believes them despite the DoJ telling him they had seen the video and listened to the recording of it happening and they KNEW they did it? And then Trump saying he was going to let it go because, "they are spending a lot of money buying weapons and military equipment from us."

Post PROOF this journalist was a terrorist. Feel free... go ahead. You think a journalist, working in Washington D.C. was a known terrorist and could fly in and out of the country no problem? If so you are the dumbest fucking person on the planet. I've known people that got stopped from getting on a plane because of nothing but their name! They had to get a different flight because they had to wait and prove they weren't the person with the name on the list.

Well moron, since this idiot wrote a bunch of stuff slamming the Saudi Royal family and the rest of the Saudi government, then walked into THEIR embassy alone and unarmed, what did he think could happen? He got himself killed because he was stupid. He was no great loss anyway. Yet you "peace loving" Dems wanted to start a war over this idiot.

Yes, he most definitely should have been expecting to get tortured and murdered by the government in an embassy in Turkey. So the line now for you is that murdering a journalist is ok? Are you a God loving Conservative?

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