Jehovah's Witnesses and evangelizing (going door to door) a mandate for J.W.s...?

Kj you just admited how easilly fooled you are by the very same group you teach as the beast.
Fact; Rome did this very same thing to many cultures.
In humiliating slaughter they turned around claiming
their gods or godess did not love or favor them anymore and that Rome was now the new authority, thus erecting their temples in Rome to those gods and godesses.
To have people pay their tithes to Rome and obey Rome they had to cut off the hosts and demonize them as bad rabbis and no longer the Temple of Yhwh.
This is why the figure they used was called
"the swine" (IeSous) and was plagiarizing Romes actual devotion of Baal. It's why at the end of the Roman joke they names him Baal's son the Morning Star (fallen arc of venus=symbol of Lucifers fall) as opposition to Michael the rising arch (Dan 12:1-4)symboled as the Evening Star venus arc risIng in the NIGHT.
You mentioned Theslonians, that's somewhat
plagiarized on Dan's vision of the NIGHT.
the clouds in both Dan and theslonians means temple hosts gathering called 'clouds' in that era.
Theslonians like Dan is saying with the call of Michael to the temple (MIKdash) in his name we will gather to
Mt. Zion as he comes out of or with clouds (gathering of the Kohanim) as Moshiach has to come out of the Aaronic lineage thus out of the Kohanim)
Rev 6 does not tie Michael with Jesus which is why you left no dots to connect, absolutely no backing to your comment not even the scripture words. If you really are gonna believe something so silly as Morning star heing the Evening Star the least you can do is try and have some confused backing so we can sort out your confusion for you.
Dan 10:21
I find it interesting how kj and the followers of Christianity claim all and any title for their idol Jesus....It was very telling in the prince of Egypt where the new pharoah claimed no knowledge of the gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob yet claimed both the morning and evening star for himself showing that this was a common theme of claiming and boasting everything for oneself or religion...Rome followed in a well worn path and it is telling even today as Italians love their spaghetti which very few would know was borrowed from The far east...It was always the roman way to borrow, take or steal other peoples ideas and gods and take them for their own and swallow them up ask the greeks who had the romans take their gods and make them roman...Interesting to say the least and as th original JC (Julius Ceasar)said eh tu Brute.....
Kj you just admited how easilly fooled you are by the very same group you teach as the beast.
Fact; Rome did this very same thing to many cultures.
In humiliating slaughter they turned around claiming
their gods or godess did not love or favor them anymore and that Rome was now the new authority, thus erecting their temples in Rome to those gods and godesses.
To have people pay their tithes to Rome and obey Rome they had to cut off the hosts and demonize them as bad rabbis and no longer the Temple of Yhwh.
This is why the figure they used was called
"the swine" (IeSous) and was plagiarizing Romes actual devotion of Baal. It's why at the end of the Roman joke they names him Baal's son the Morning Star (fallen arc of venus=symbol of Lucifers fall) as opposition to Michael the rising arch (Dan 12:1-4)symboled as the Evening Star venus arc risIng in the NIGHT.
You mentioned Theslonians, that's somewhat
plagiarized on Dan's vision of the NIGHT.
the clouds in both Dan and theslonians means temple hosts gathering called 'clouds' in that era.
Theslonians like Dan is saying with the call of Michael to the temple (MIKdash) in his name we will gather to
Mt. Zion as he comes out of or with clouds (gathering of the Kohanim) as Moshiach has to come out of the Aaronic lineage thus out of the Kohanim)
Rev 6 does not tie Michael with Jesus which is why you left no dots to connect, absolutely no backing to your comment not even the scripture words. If you really are gonna believe something so silly as Morning star heing the Evening Star the least you can do is try and have some confused backing so we can sort out your confusion for you.
Dan 10:21

There are 2 rides of the white horse( righteous war) in revelation. the war in heaven and Har-mageddon.--Michael leads Gods armies vs satan and his angels in the war in heaven, Jesus leads Gods armies at Har-mageddon. --Rev 6 = the war in heaven--the first ride of the white horse--but notice--he receives his crown--only Jesus gets the crown--proving Michael is Jesus. At the 2nd ride Jesus is already wearing the crown--proving Rev 6 is the war in heaven.

Satan and his angels were cast to the vicinity of the earth, he came as a devouring lion, angry, knowing his time is short--never allowed back into heaven, Gods kingdom rule took full control of heaven. This occurred in 1914--- satan came and filled mortal hearts with hatred all over the earth= ww1--millions upon millions slaughtered, but the real reason he did that was because--the JW,s began the worldwide preaching of the good news of Gods kingdom, it stopped for a little while and in 1919 it came back full force.
After ww1-the other 3 riders rode--millions upon millions all over the earth died from starvation, pestilence, diseases caused by the filth of slaughtering one another.
1Thess 4:16-- upon Jesus return, he comes with the voice of the archangel)---- its his voice

The war in heaven was the bruising in the head of satan by Jesus. But all know--Michael took the first ride. Michael is Jesus----Daniel 12:1
Nope not even close, all you did was put Jesus where it says Michael, just as I described your other delusional twists. Once again, you can't answer to why you choose the Morning Star (the first fallen IMPOSTER MESSIAH) AND WHY YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH SEQUENCES..
fact: Lucifer comes first that being your Jesus.
Fact: Lucifer is the deceiver-deception aka imposter adversary. Even your sect teaches heaven is future kingdom on earth so, Michael removes the first fallen messiah in this time to come for Michael is the Shiloh (i.e. one who's right it is). If Jesus was Michael then there would be no word used like Shiloh, no adversary, no Evening Star removing the Morning Star, no 2 guardians on the ark of the covenant, no 2 messiah's ben Joesph and ben David, no 2 sticks into one, no Ezekiel 28,
no new religion cause you'd have to be Jewish for Jesus to be Moshiach. Your sect is close except for the whole Lucifer thief bit you haven't taken into acct because of your egos.
Lastly you are to affraid to build the Temple to find out just how wrong you are. Your sect couldn't even keep that house you set aside for the HaShev of Michael.
Nope not even close, all you did was put Jesus where it says Michael, just as I described your other delusional twists. Once again, you can't answer to why you choose the Morning Star (the first fallen IMPOSTER MESSIAH) AND WHY YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH SEQUENCES..
fact: Lucifer comes first that being your Jesus.
Fact: Lucifer is the deceiver-deception aka imposter adversary. Even your sect teaches heaven is future kingdom on earth so, Michael removes the first fallen messiah in this time to come for Michael is the Shiloh (i.e. one who's right it is). If Jesus was Michael then there would be no word used like Shiloh, no adversary, no Evening Star removing the Morning Star, no 2 guardians on the ark of the covenant, no 2 messiah's ben Joesph and ben David, no 2 sticks into one, no Ezekiel 28,
no new religion cause you'd have to be Jewish for Jesus to be Moshiach. Your sect is close except for the whole Lucifer thief bit you haven't taken into acct because of your egos.
Lastly you are to affraid to build the Temple to find out just how wrong you are. Your sect couldn't even keep that house you set aside for the HaShev of Michael.

You will find post 83 is 100% fact.
And Rev 22:16 Jesus admiting he's Lucifer is 100% fact otherwise you have to forfeit the NT & Jesus=
making him the false prophet either way, that is called checkmate either move you lost your king.

Sequences lesson one:
Lucifer comes first=Jesus came first
Michael comes to remove Lucifer the first fallen messiah=Michael removes Jesus and sets up the HaShev of the Mikdash inhis name in the city in his name. Neither which is called "the swine"= IeSous
And Rev 22:16 Jesus admiting he's Lucifer is 100% fact otherwise you have to forfeit the NT & Jesus=
making him the false prophet either way, that is called checkmate either move you lost your king.

Sequences lesson one:
Lucifer comes first=Jesus came first
Michael comes to remove Lucifer the first fallen messiah=Michael removes Jesus and sets up the HaShev of the Mikdash inhis name in the city in his name. Neither which is called "the swine"= IeSous

No Jesus did not say he was satan--you are twisting words.
Someone hacked my OP. It shouldn't have the extra blank spaces that it has, which are in my posts for signature size purposes.

But, unfortunately about me, I use to believe in a cult that made propagating/evangelizing/proselytizing VERY important.

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY am I that I now no longer believe in that cult, which I wont name because I don't want to stir up any fighting/bad sentiments.

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Someone hacked my OP. It shouldn't have the extra blank spaces that it has, which are in my posts for signature size purposes.

But, unfortunately about me, I use to believe in a cult that made propagating/evangelizing/proselytizing VERY important.

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY am I that I now no longer believe in that cult, which I wont name because I don't want to stir up any fighting/bad sentiments.


Which is the cult to Jesus?

Mark 3:24-26--33,000 trinity based religions) a house divided will not stand.

1Cor 1:10--JW,s) a worldwide brotherhood, unified in love, peace, thought, no division.

think about it.
Someone hacked my OP. It shouldn't have the extra blank spaces that it has, which are in my posts for signature size purposes.

But, unfortunately about me, I use to believe in a cult that made propagating/evangelizing/proselytizing VERY important.

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY am I that I now no longer believe in that cult, which I wont name because I don't want to stir up any fighting/bad sentiments.

Which is the cult to Jesus?

Mark 3:24-26--33,000 trinity based religions) a house divided will not stand.

1Cor 1:10--JW,s) a worldwide brotherhood, unified in love, peace, thought, no division.

think about it.

I really don't want to name the cult...wouldn't be expecting a JW to try to find out which cult after I have stated that I don't want to say. :) That looks bad for the JWs.

quote: "no division".
Then you contradict Lucifer Jesus and the Satanic text.

Matthew 10: 34-40.
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace but a sword [an Aramaic idiom meaning division].
For I have come to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take up his cross and follow me [worship death as he did] is not worthy of me. He who is concerned about his life shall lose it; and he who loses his life for my sake shall find it. Whoever receives you, receives me; and whoever receives me receives him who sent me."

Thomas Verse 16 "Perhaps people think that I have come to bring peace to theworld. They do not know that I have come to bring conflict to the earth: fire, sword, war. For five people will be in a house: It will be three against two, and two against three, father against son, and son against father.....
"Division" is exactly what the new testament story and the word or logos of Jesus brought and it was His daVISION that did it and none other and look at the terrible cost the people of the world have bourne for this da "VISION"...Makes one wonder how so many can miss this obvious and simple fact....

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