Jehovah's Witnesses and evangelizing (going door to door) a mandate for J.W.s...?

I always invited them in to hear their story, doesn't mean I agree with them, but I do enjoy the exchange of ideas and philosophies...One can't determine an accurate idea without all possibilities being investigated...

The first thing I tell them is, "I'm Not Superstitious"
Then if they attempt to continue with their spiel I tell them they're wasting their time.
Then if they're persistent I tell them Adios and not to forget to shake my dust off their feet as they leave my driveway:

Matthew 10:
14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet"

Just because I don't believe that ancient horse shit doesn't mean I haven't read it.....multiple times.
Why JW's are confused:
The Biblical Moshiach is Michael, so since Rome plagiarized the roles and titles of Michael and fallaciously used biblical placement the JW's assumed Jesus the impersonation was Michael. Of course they forget the imposter comes first impersonating Michael and will be removed by Michael who is called Shiloh (i.e. one who's right it is). Jesus can't remove the second messiah who can never be first since Jesus came as the first and fallen one. In every CAT, SAT, and IQ test they have "sequences" questions, so if you think Jesus who came first is messiah and not lucifer then you must have flunked the portion of those tests testing your "what comes before what skills" thus flunking recognition of sequences.
JW's are willing to recognize the evil and manipulation and lies of the RCC yet they accepted that very same false prophet they xlaim Rome will sell the world in our day, only because they can't recognize these things already occured as they said in their day. Once again issues reading sequences. If John of Patmos says anti anointed is in his day and the events are in his day then saying it's the future to come is proof you fail sequences lowering your IQ and ability to score better in SAT tests as well.

Its you who are confused sir--- The JW,s teach truth.
I always invited them in to hear their story, doesn't mean I agree with them, but I do enjoy the exchange of ideas and philosophies...One can't determine an accurate idea without all possibilities being investigated...

The first thing I tell them is, "I'm Not Superstitious"
Then if they attempt to continue with their spiel I tell them they're wasting their time.
Then if they're persistent I tell them Adios and not to forget to shake my dust off their feet as they leave my driveway:

Matthew 10:
14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet"

Just because I don't believe that ancient horse shit doesn't mean I haven't read it.....multiple times.

Then how come you have 0 understanding of it?
I always invited them in to hear their story, doesn't mean I agree with them, but I do enjoy the exchange of ideas and philosophies...One can't determine an accurate idea without all possibilities being investigated...

The first thing I tell them is, "I'm Not Superstitious"
Then if they attempt to continue with their spiel I tell them they're wasting their time.
Then if they're persistent I tell them Adios and not to forget to shake my dust off their feet as they leave my driveway:

Matthew 10:
14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet"

Just because I don't believe that ancient horse shit doesn't mean I haven't read it.....multiple times.

Then how come you have 0 understanding of it?

How come you believe a 2000 year old crock of shit written by camel herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands? I don't think your criterion is set very high.
I always invited them in to hear their story, doesn't mean I agree with them, but I do enjoy the exchange of ideas and philosophies...One can't determine an accurate idea without all possibilities being investigated...

The first thing I tell them is, "I'm Not Superstitious"
Then if they attempt to continue with their spiel I tell them they're wasting their time.
Then if they're persistent I tell them Adios and not to forget to shake my dust off their feet as they leave my driveway:

Matthew 10:
14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet"

Just because I don't believe that ancient horse shit doesn't mean I haven't read it.....multiple times.

Then how come you have 0 understanding of it?

How come you believe a 2000 year old crock of shit written by camel herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands? I don't think your criterion is set very high.

That is strange, did you witness all of that? As well how come the whole world has been watching Revelation 13 pass right before their eyes for years now? Written over 1900 years ago. But its as Jesus said it would be--As in the days of Noah( 99% mislead) the world took no note.
I always invited them in to hear their story, doesn't mean I agree with them, but I do enjoy the exchange of ideas and philosophies...One can't determine an accurate idea without all possibilities being investigated...

The first thing I tell them is, "I'm Not Superstitious"
Then if they attempt to continue with their spiel I tell them they're wasting their time.
Then if they're persistent I tell them Adios and not to forget to shake my dust off their feet as they leave my driveway:

Matthew 10:
14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet"

Just because I don't believe that ancient horse shit doesn't mean I haven't read it.....multiple times.

Then how come you have 0 understanding of it?

How come you believe a 2000 year old crock of shit written by camel herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands? I don't think your criterion is set very high.

That is strange, did you witness all of that? As well how come the whole world has been watching Revelation 13 pass right before their eyes for years now? Written over 1900 years ago. But its as Jesus said it would be--As in the days of Noah( 99% mislead) the world took no note.

If generation after generation is totally and thoroughly brain washed as children....any kind of ludicrous bullshit is possible. C'mon Now!!!!!

A ghost floating on a cloud meeting his audience to escort them through pearly gates to an exclusive community to live a life a life of bliss

The 2/3 who are sinners burning eternally in a lake of fire and brimstone.

A flood covers the earth to a depth of five miles and evaporates within a year.

Big fish puking up live men.

Seas separating for the good guys and drowning the bad guys chasing them.

Compound walls falling at the sound of a trumpet.

A human being turned into a pillar of salt in her tracks.

Men living through a 1200 degree furnace.

The earth standing still.

Ten commandments presented to one man by god in the form of a burning bush.

A man walking on water.

A man/god on earth feeding five thousand plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers.

Water turned into fine wine.

Lepers healed by touching them.

Selectively raising dead men.

Virgin birth.


You talk about a massive load of unadulterated horse shit......that takes the cake(no pun intended)
I always invited them in to hear their story, doesn't mean I agree with them, but I do enjoy the exchange of ideas and philosophies...One can't determine an accurate idea without all possibilities being investigated...

The first thing I tell them is, "I'm Not Superstitious"
Then if they attempt to continue with their spiel I tell them they're wasting their time.
Then if they're persistent I tell them Adios and not to forget to shake my dust off their feet as they leave my driveway:

Matthew 10:
14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet"

Just because I don't believe that ancient horse shit doesn't mean I haven't read it.....multiple times.
i like to converse with people from all walks of life.....I am a natural sociologist...
I always invited them in to hear their story, doesn't mean I agree with them, but I do enjoy the exchange of ideas and philosophies...One can't determine an accurate idea without all possibilities being investigated...

The first thing I tell them is, "I'm Not Superstitious"
Then if they attempt to continue with their spiel I tell them they're wasting their time.
Then if they're persistent I tell them Adios and not to forget to shake my dust off their feet as they leave my driveway:

Matthew 10:
14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet"

Just because I don't believe that ancient horse shit doesn't mean I haven't read it.....multiple times.
i like to converse with people from all walks of life.....I am a natural sociologist...

Who Is That Masked Man?

Nat Dump.jpg
I always invited them in to hear their story, doesn't mean I agree with them, but I do enjoy the exchange of ideas and philosophies...One can't determine an accurate idea without all possibilities being investigated...

The first thing I tell them is, "I'm Not Superstitious"
Then if they attempt to continue with their spiel I tell them they're wasting their time.
Then if they're persistent I tell them Adios and not to forget to shake my dust off their feet as they leave my driveway:

Matthew 10:
14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet"

Just because I don't believe that ancient horse shit doesn't mean I haven't read it.....multiple times.
i like to converse with people from all walks of life.....I am a natural sociologist...

View attachment 56025
Too much sand in yer diet...
I always invited them in to hear their story, doesn't mean I agree with them, but I do enjoy the exchange of ideas and philosophies...One can't determine an accurate idea without all possibilities being investigated...

The first thing I tell them is, "I'm Not Superstitious"
Then if they attempt to continue with their spiel I tell them they're wasting their time.
Then if they're persistent I tell them Adios and not to forget to shake my dust off their feet as they leave my driveway:

Matthew 10:
14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet"

Just because I don't believe that ancient horse shit doesn't mean I haven't read it.....multiple times.
i like to converse with people from all walks of life.....I am a natural sociologist...

View attachment 56025
Too much sand in yer diet...

You should be around when I have to go on an airliner :)
I always invited them in to hear their story, doesn't mean I agree with them, but I do enjoy the exchange of ideas and philosophies...One can't determine an accurate idea without all possibilities being investigated...

The first thing I tell them is, "I'm Not Superstitious"
Then if they attempt to continue with their spiel I tell them they're wasting their time.
Then if they're persistent I tell them Adios and not to forget to shake my dust off their feet as they leave my driveway:

Matthew 10:
14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet"

Just because I don't believe that ancient horse shit doesn't mean I haven't read it.....multiple times.

Then how come you have 0 understanding of it?

How come you believe a 2000 year old crock of shit written by camel herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands? I don't think your criterion is set very high.

That is strange, did you witness all of that? As well how come the whole world has been watching Revelation 13 pass right before their eyes for years now? Written over 1900 years ago. But its as Jesus said it would be--As in the days of Noah( 99% mislead) the world took no note.

If generation after generation is totally and thoroughly brain washed as children....any kind of ludicrous bullshit is possible. C'mon Now!!!!!

A ghost floating on a cloud meeting his audience to escort them through pearly gates to an exclusive community to live a life a life of bliss

The 2/3 who are sinners burning eternally in a lake of fire and brimstone.

A flood covers the earth to a depth of five miles and evaporates within a year.

Big fish puking up live men.

Seas separating for the good guys and drowning the bad guys chasing them.

Compound walls falling at the sound of a trumpet.

A human being turned into a pillar of salt in her tracks.

Men living through a 1200 degree furnace.

The earth standing still.

Ten commandments presented to one man by god in the form of a burning bush.

A man walking on water.

A man/god on earth feeding five thousand plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers.

Water turned into fine wine.

Lepers healed by touching them.

Selectively raising dead men.

Virgin birth.


You talk about a massive load of unadulterated horse shit......that takes the cake(no pun intended)

actually not believing it will take your cake.
A God who can make mortal living beings out of--ashe, dust, water--the breath of life can do anything.
...I hope they don't do it because they're lonely LOL.



In a sense its a mandate. Jesus began this work in his day when he sent his followers out by 2--house to house, city to city, with the good news of Gods kingdom--The bible teaches--This good news of Gods kingdom will be preached as a witness to all nations, then the end will come--so the work does not stop until the end.
A real JW does it out of their heart.

no, they do it because they have to.

How’s Your Time?
Jehovah’s Witnesses are always counting the hours they spend preaching to others. It doesn’t matter if they’re knocking on doors in field service (that’s what they call the door to door preaching work) or informal witnessing to their colleagues and neighbors. They’re still counting the time and writing it down on a slip of paper like a kid selling candy to raise money for his school baseball team. Witnesses also write down the number of magazines they place with potential converts and the number of Bible studies they’ve conducted with worldly people (worldly people are just awful non-Witnesses like you and me). That paper gets handed in to the preacher’s Book Study Conductor at the end of every month to be counted.

Officially, this is done so the Watchtower Society can tabulate the total number of hours spent preaching at the end of each year. Less officially, it’s used as a measuring stick to rate just how spiritual each Witness truly is. More time spent preaching means you love Jesus. Less time means that you make Jesus cry. You can’t see Jesus crying, so your curmudgeonly Book Study Conductor will do if for him when you hand in your time card. Make sure you remember to hand it in. If you don’t, he’ll call you, and then you’ll have to tell him the numbers out loud. This can get awkward if your time spent amounts to just one, or none, hours.

To avoid making Jesus sad, most Witnesses have monthly goals they’d like to reach. A common goal is to spend ten hours a month preaching to others. This is harder than it sounds when you have a full-time job, a family to feed, a powerful need to sleep, and five weekly meetings to attend. Not to mention the time you’re supposed to spend studying for each of those meetings in advance. If you don’t have your magazine underlined and scribbled in before the meeting starts, a kindly elder will yell at you for not taking your spiritual food seriously. And no, you can’t ask him why he was looking over your shoulder instead of paying attention to the meeting. That’s disrespectful, and will get you yelled at some more.

If a Witness isn’t able to spend a respectable amount of time knocking on doors for the month, he has one more chance to make Jesus clap hands with pride: he can try informal witnessing to make up for the shortfall. Informal witnessing differs from field service because it doesn’t involve dressing up or joining a car group of other Witnesses. It still counts as time on the clock, however, and involves preaching the hell out of any person naïve enough to wander across your path when your time card isn’t looking so good. Preaching to another Witness doesn’t count, by the way. Darn it all.

Fun Facts about the Preaching Work of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Ironically the group famous for wanting you to graciously take their book is not so gracious about receiving them.

Do a social experiment for fun and maybe for online (youtube viral video).
Go to your local Kingdom Hall and hand them a book, whether mine or some other religious based text and watch the fun. My visit was hostile, but I got the funniest expression from my quick reply regarding the irony to his refusal to accept the soft cover book I handed him.
The SDA church further away I visited afterwards & did the same thing with was very friendly and they accepted the Book as if they were expecting it.
...I hope they don't do it because they're lonely LOL.



In a sense its a mandate. Jesus began this work in his day when he sent his followers out by 2--house to house, city to city, with the good news of Gods kingdom--The bible teaches--This good news of Gods kingdom will be preached as a witness to all nations, then the end will come--so the work does not stop until the end.
A real JW does it out of their heart.

no, they do it because they have to.

How’s Your Time?
Jehovah’s Witnesses are always counting the hours they spend preaching to others. It doesn’t matter if they’re knocking on doors in field service (that’s what they call the door to door preaching work) or informal witnessing to their colleagues and neighbors. They’re still counting the time and writing it down on a slip of paper like a kid selling candy to raise money for his school baseball team. Witnesses also write down the number of magazines they place with potential converts and the number of Bible studies they’ve conducted with worldly people (worldly people are just awful non-Witnesses like you and me). That paper gets handed in to the preacher’s Book Study Conductor at the end of every month to be counted.

Officially, this is done so the Watchtower Society can tabulate the total number of hours spent preaching at the end of each year. Less officially, it’s used as a measuring stick to rate just how spiritual each Witness truly is. More time spent preaching means you love Jesus. Less time means that you make Jesus cry. You can’t see Jesus crying, so your curmudgeonly Book Study Conductor will do if for him when you hand in your time card. Make sure you remember to hand it in. If you don’t, he’ll call you, and then you’ll have to tell him the numbers out loud. This can get awkward if your time spent amounts to just one, or none, hours.

To avoid making Jesus sad, most Witnesses have monthly goals they’d like to reach. A common goal is to spend ten hours a month preaching to others. This is harder than it sounds when you have a full-time job, a family to feed, a powerful need to sleep, and five weekly meetings to attend. Not to mention the time you’re supposed to spend studying for each of those meetings in advance. If you don’t have your magazine underlined and scribbled in before the meeting starts, a kindly elder will yell at you for not taking your spiritual food seriously. And no, you can’t ask him why he was looking over your shoulder instead of paying attention to the meeting. That’s disrespectful, and will get you yelled at some more.

If a Witness isn’t able to spend a respectable amount of time knocking on doors for the month, he has one more chance to make Jesus clap hands with pride: he can try informal witnessing to make up for the shortfall. Informal witnessing differs from field service because it doesn’t involve dressing up or joining a car group of other Witnesses. It still counts as time on the clock, however, and involves preaching the hell out of any person naïve enough to wander across your path when your time card isn’t looking so good. Preaching to another Witness doesn’t count, by the way. Darn it all.

Fun Facts about the Preaching Work of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Reality--Jesus started the work of sending his followers out by 2--house to house, city to city, with the good news of Gods kingdom, and Gods word teaches--this good news of Gods kingdom will be preached worldwide as a witness to all nations, then the end will come. So the work, does not stop until the end.
The keeping track of hours is for hearts to feel good about what is being accomplished worldwide by the whole brotherhood. And showing all the real meaning of putting Gods kingdom first as Jesus said one-MUST- do Matt 6:33
Jesus taught us to be no part of this world, so then why would a true follower accept a book of this world that they already know contradicts--truth?
Jesus taught us to be no part of this world, so then why would a true follower accept a book of this world that they already know contradicts--truth?

1) proves he hated the creators creation and wanted you to have no part of it.
2) you now admit why would a Jew accept a Roman concocted rehash Baal and Mithra story book of the dead that contradicts truth and life?
...I hope they don't do it because they're lonely LOL.



In a sense its a mandate. Jesus began this work in his day when he sent his followers out by 2--house to house, city to city, with the good news of Gods kingdom--The bible teaches--This good news of Gods kingdom will be preached as a witness to all nations, then the end will come--so the work does not stop until the end.
A real JW does it out of their heart.

no, they do it because they have to.

How’s Your Time?
Jehovah’s Witnesses are always counting the hours they spend preaching to others. It doesn’t matter if they’re knocking on doors in field service (that’s what they call the door to door preaching work) or informal witnessing to their colleagues and neighbors. They’re still counting the time and writing it down on a slip of paper like a kid selling candy to raise money for his school baseball team. Witnesses also write down the number of magazines they place with potential converts and the number of Bible studies they’ve conducted with worldly people (worldly people are just awful non-Witnesses like you and me). That paper gets handed in to the preacher’s Book Study Conductor at the end of every month to be counted.

Officially, this is done so the Watchtower Society can tabulate the total number of hours spent preaching at the end of each year. Less officially, it’s used as a measuring stick to rate just how spiritual each Witness truly is. More time spent preaching means you love Jesus. Less time means that you make Jesus cry. You can’t see Jesus crying, so your curmudgeonly Book Study Conductor will do if for him when you hand in your time card. Make sure you remember to hand it in. If you don’t, he’ll call you, and then you’ll have to tell him the numbers out loud. This can get awkward if your time spent amounts to just one, or none, hours.

To avoid making Jesus sad, most Witnesses have monthly goals they’d like to reach. A common goal is to spend ten hours a month preaching to others. This is harder than it sounds when you have a full-time job, a family to feed, a powerful need to sleep, and five weekly meetings to attend. Not to mention the time you’re supposed to spend studying for each of those meetings in advance. If you don’t have your magazine underlined and scribbled in before the meeting starts, a kindly elder will yell at you for not taking your spiritual food seriously. And no, you can’t ask him why he was looking over your shoulder instead of paying attention to the meeting. That’s disrespectful, and will get you yelled at some more.

If a Witness isn’t able to spend a respectable amount of time knocking on doors for the month, he has one more chance to make Jesus clap hands with pride: he can try informal witnessing to make up for the shortfall. Informal witnessing differs from field service because it doesn’t involve dressing up or joining a car group of other Witnesses. It still counts as time on the clock, however, and involves preaching the hell out of any person naïve enough to wander across your path when your time card isn’t looking so good. Preaching to another Witness doesn’t count, by the way. Darn it all.

Fun Facts about the Preaching Work of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Reality--Jesus started the work of sending his followers out by 2--house to house, city to city, with the good news of Gods kingdom, and Gods word teaches--this good news of Gods kingdom will be preached worldwide as a witness to all nations, then the end will come. So the work, does not stop until the end.
The keeping track of hours is for hearts to feel good about what is being accomplished worldwide by the whole brotherhood. And showing all the real meaning of putting Gods kingdom first as Jesus said one-MUST- do Matt 6:33
Jesus taught us to be no part of this world, so then why would a true follower accept a book of this world that they already know contradicts--truth?



In a sense its a mandate. Jesus began this work in his day when he sent his followers out by 2--house to house, city to city, with the good news of Gods kingdom--The bible teaches--This good news of Gods kingdom will be preached as a witness to all nations, then the end will come--so the work does not stop until the end.
A real JW does it out of their heart.[/QUOTE]

no, they do it because they have to.

How’s Your Time?
Jehovah’s Witnesses are always counting the hours they spend preaching to others. It doesn’t matter if they’re knocking on doors in field service (that’s what they call the door to door preaching work) or informal witnessing to their colleagues and neighbors. They’re still counting the time and writing it down on a slip of paper like a kid selling candy to raise money for his school baseball team. Witnesses also write down the number of magazines they place with potential converts and the number of Bible studies they’ve conducted with worldly people (worldly people are just awful non-Witnesses like you and me). That paper gets handed in to the preacher’s Book Study Conductor at the end of every month to be counted.

Officially, this is done so the Watchtower Society can tabulate the total number of hours spent preaching at the end of each year. Less officially, it’s used as a measuring stick to rate just how spiritual each Witness truly is. More time spent preaching means you love Jesus. Less time means that you make Jesus cry. You can’t see Jesus crying, so your curmudgeonly Book Study Conductor will do if for him when you hand in your time card. Make sure you remember to hand it in. If you don’t, he’ll call you, and then you’ll have to tell him the numbers out loud. This can get awkward if your time spent amounts to just one, or none, hours.

To avoid making Jesus sad, most Witnesses have monthly goals they’d like to reach. A common goal is to spend ten hours a month preaching to others. This is harder than it sounds when you have a full-time job, a family to feed, a powerful need to sleep, and five weekly meetings to attend. Not to mention the time you’re supposed to spend studying for each of those meetings in advance. If you don’t have your magazine underlined and scribbled in before the meeting starts, a kindly elder will yell at you for not taking your spiritual food seriously. And no, you can’t ask him why he was looking over your shoulder instead of paying attention to the meeting. That’s disrespectful, and will get you yelled at some more.

If a Witness isn’t able to spend a respectable amount of time knocking on doors for the month, he has one more chance to make Jesus clap hands with pride: he can try informal witnessing to make up for the shortfall. Informal witnessing differs from field service because it doesn’t involve dressing up or joining a car group of other Witnesses. It still counts as time on the clock, however, and involves preaching the hell out of any person naïve enough to wander across your path when your time card isn’t looking so good. Preaching to another Witness doesn’t count, by the way. Darn it all.

Fun Facts about the Preaching Work of Jehovah’s Witnesses[/QUOTE]

Reality--Jesus started the work of sending his followers out by 2--house to house, city to city, with the good news of Gods kingdom, and Gods word teaches--this good news of Gods kingdom will be preached worldwide as a witness to all nations, then the end will come. So the work, does not stop until the end.
The keeping track of hours is for hearts to feel good about what is being accomplished worldwide by the whole brotherhood. And showing all the real meaning of putting Gods kingdom first as Jesus said one-MUST- do Matt 6:33
Jesus taught us to be no part of this world, so then why would a true follower accept a book of this world that they already know contradicts--truth?[/QUOTE]

reality the jw's are a CULT.
The first thing I tell them is, "I'm Not Superstitious"
Then if they attempt to continue with their spiel I tell them they're wasting their time.
Then if they're persistent I tell them Adios and not to forget to shake my dust off their feet as they leave my driveway:

Matthew 10:
14 "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet"

Just because I don't believe that ancient horse shit doesn't mean I haven't read it.....multiple times.

Then how come you have 0 understanding of it?

How come you believe a 2000 year old crock of shit written by camel herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands? I don't think your criterion is set very high.

That is strange, did you witness all of that? As well how come the whole world has been watching Revelation 13 pass right before their eyes for years now? Written over 1900 years ago. But its as Jesus said it would be--As in the days of Noah( 99% mislead) the world took no note.

If generation after generation is totally and thoroughly brain washed as children....any kind of ludicrous bullshit is possible. C'mon Now!!!!!

A ghost floating on a cloud meeting his audience to escort them through pearly gates to an exclusive community to live a life a life of bliss

The 2/3 who are sinners burning eternally in a lake of fire and brimstone.

A flood covers the earth to a depth of five miles and evaporates within a year.

Big fish puking up live men.

Seas separating for the good guys and drowning the bad guys chasing them.

Compound walls falling at the sound of a trumpet.

A human being turned into a pillar of salt in her tracks.

Men living through a 1200 degree furnace.

The earth standing still.

Ten commandments presented to one man by god in the form of a burning bush.

A man walking on water.

A man/god on earth feeding five thousand plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers.

Water turned into fine wine.

Lepers healed by touching them.

Selectively raising dead men.

Virgin birth.


You talk about a massive load of unadulterated horse shit......that takes the cake(no pun intended)

actually not believing it will take your cake.
A God who can make mortal living beings out of--ashe, dust, water--the breath of life can do anything.
Too bad your god is made up and comes from a book of fiction.
Jesus taught us to be no part of this world, so then why would a true follower accept a book of this world that they already know contradicts--truth?

1) proves he hated the creators creation and wanted you to have no part of it.
2) you now admit why would a Jew accept a Roman concocted rehash Baal and Mithra story book of the dead that contradicts truth and life?

He wanted us to have no part of the satan ruled things. He taught, satan is the ruler of this world.
What are you talking about a baal book?
...I hope they don't do it because they're lonely LOL.



In a sense its a mandate. Jesus began this work in his day when he sent his followers out by 2--house to house, city to city, with the good news of Gods kingdom--The bible teaches--This good news of Gods kingdom will be preached as a witness to all nations, then the end will come--so the work does not stop until the end.
A real JW does it out of their heart.

no, they do it because they have to.

How’s Your Time?
Jehovah’s Witnesses are always counting the hours they spend preaching to others. It doesn’t matter if they’re knocking on doors in field service (that’s what they call the door to door preaching work) or informal witnessing to their colleagues and neighbors. They’re still counting the time and writing it down on a slip of paper like a kid selling candy to raise money for his school baseball team. Witnesses also write down the number of magazines they place with potential converts and the number of Bible studies they’ve conducted with worldly people (worldly people are just awful non-Witnesses like you and me). That paper gets handed in to the preacher’s Book Study Conductor at the end of every month to be counted.

Officially, this is done so the Watchtower Society can tabulate the total number of hours spent preaching at the end of each year. Less officially, it’s used as a measuring stick to rate just how spiritual each Witness truly is. More time spent preaching means you love Jesus. Less time means that you make Jesus cry. You can’t see Jesus crying, so your curmudgeonly Book Study Conductor will do if for him when you hand in your time card. Make sure you remember to hand it in. If you don’t, he’ll call you, and then you’ll have to tell him the numbers out loud. This can get awkward if your time spent amounts to just one, or none, hours.

To avoid making Jesus sad, most Witnesses have monthly goals they’d like to reach. A common goal is to spend ten hours a month preaching to others. This is harder than it sounds when you have a full-time job, a family to feed, a powerful need to sleep, and five weekly meetings to attend. Not to mention the time you’re supposed to spend studying for each of those meetings in advance. If you don’t have your magazine underlined and scribbled in before the meeting starts, a kindly elder will yell at you for not taking your spiritual food seriously. And no, you can’t ask him why he was looking over your shoulder instead of paying attention to the meeting. That’s disrespectful, and will get you yelled at some more.

If a Witness isn’t able to spend a respectable amount of time knocking on doors for the month, he has one more chance to make Jesus clap hands with pride: he can try informal witnessing to make up for the shortfall. Informal witnessing differs from field service because it doesn’t involve dressing up or joining a car group of other Witnesses. It still counts as time on the clock, however, and involves preaching the hell out of any person naïve enough to wander across your path when your time card isn’t looking so good. Preaching to another Witness doesn’t count, by the way. Darn it all.

Fun Facts about the Preaching Work of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Reality--Jesus started the work of sending his followers out by 2--house to house, city to city, with the good news of Gods kingdom, and Gods word teaches--this good news of Gods kingdom will be preached worldwide as a witness to all nations, then the end will come. So the work, does not stop until the end.
The keeping track of hours is for hearts to feel good about what is being accomplished worldwide by the whole brotherhood. And showing all the real meaning of putting Gods kingdom first as Jesus said one-MUST- do Matt 6:33
Jesus taught us to be no part of this world, so then why would a true follower accept a book of this world that they already know contradicts--truth?



In a sense its a mandate. Jesus began this work in his day when he sent his followers out by 2--house to house, city to city, with the good news of Gods kingdom--The bible teaches--This good news of Gods kingdom will be preached as a witness to all nations, then the end will come--so the work does not stop until the end.
A real JW does it out of their heart.[/QUOTE]

no, they do it because they have to.

How’s Your Time?
Jehovah’s Witnesses are always counting the hours they spend preaching to others. It doesn’t matter if they’re knocking on doors in field service (that’s what they call the door to door preaching work) or informal witnessing to their colleagues and neighbors. They’re still counting the time and writing it down on a slip of paper like a kid selling candy to raise money for his school baseball team. Witnesses also write down the number of magazines they place with potential converts and the number of Bible studies they’ve conducted with worldly people (worldly people are just awful non-Witnesses like you and me). That paper gets handed in to the preacher’s Book Study Conductor at the end of every month to be counted.

Officially, this is done so the Watchtower Society can tabulate the total number of hours spent preaching at the end of each year. Less officially, it’s used as a measuring stick to rate just how spiritual each Witness truly is. More time spent preaching means you love Jesus. Less time means that you make Jesus cry. You can’t see Jesus crying, so your curmudgeonly Book Study Conductor will do if for him when you hand in your time card. Make sure you remember to hand it in. If you don’t, he’ll call you, and then you’ll have to tell him the numbers out loud. This can get awkward if your time spent amounts to just one, or none, hours.

To avoid making Jesus sad, most Witnesses have monthly goals they’d like to reach. A common goal is to spend ten hours a month preaching to others. This is harder than it sounds when you have a full-time job, a family to feed, a powerful need to sleep, and five weekly meetings to attend. Not to mention the time you’re supposed to spend studying for each of those meetings in advance. If you don’t have your magazine underlined and scribbled in before the meeting starts, a kindly elder will yell at you for not taking your spiritual food seriously. And no, you can’t ask him why he was looking over your shoulder instead of paying attention to the meeting. That’s disrespectful, and will get you yelled at some more.

If a Witness isn’t able to spend a respectable amount of time knocking on doors for the month, he has one more chance to make Jesus clap hands with pride: he can try informal witnessing to make up for the shortfall. Informal witnessing differs from field service because it doesn’t involve dressing up or joining a car group of other Witnesses. It still counts as time on the clock, however, and involves preaching the hell out of any person naïve enough to wander across your path when your time card isn’t looking so good. Preaching to another Witness doesn’t count, by the way. Darn it all.

Fun Facts about the Preaching Work of Jehovah’s Witnesses[/QUOTE]

Reality--Jesus started the work of sending his followers out by 2--house to house, city to city, with the good news of Gods kingdom, and Gods word teaches--this good news of Gods kingdom will be preached worldwide as a witness to all nations, then the end will come. So the work, does not stop until the end.
The keeping track of hours is for hearts to feel good about what is being accomplished worldwide by the whole brotherhood. And showing all the real meaning of putting Gods kingdom first as Jesus said one-MUST- do Matt 6:33
Jesus taught us to be no part of this world, so then why would a true follower accept a book of this world that they already know contradicts--truth?[/QUOTE]

reality the jw's are a CULT.[/QUOTE]

Which is a cult to Jesus?
Mark 3:24-26-- a house divided will not stand( 33,000 trinity based religions)

The JW,s-- a worldwide brotherhood, unified in love and peace and thought-no division-1Cor 1:10

any blindman can see it.
You should read the bible and what it really teaches. I know for sure--the teachings of Jesus are not taught in trinity religions--just in a roundabout way to disguise what he really taught. His teachings do not fit trinity dogma so they must disguise his real truth.
Then how come you have 0 understanding of it?

How come you believe a 2000 year old crock of shit written by camel herders who believed in witches, thought the earth was flat, shit on the ground and wiped on their hands? I don't think your criterion is set very high.

That is strange, did you witness all of that? As well how come the whole world has been watching Revelation 13 pass right before their eyes for years now? Written over 1900 years ago. But its as Jesus said it would be--As in the days of Noah( 99% mislead) the world took no note.

If generation after generation is totally and thoroughly brain washed as children....any kind of ludicrous bullshit is possible. C'mon Now!!!!!

A ghost floating on a cloud meeting his audience to escort them through pearly gates to an exclusive community to live a life a life of bliss

The 2/3 who are sinners burning eternally in a lake of fire and brimstone.

A flood covers the earth to a depth of five miles and evaporates within a year.

Big fish puking up live men.

Seas separating for the good guys and drowning the bad guys chasing them.

Compound walls falling at the sound of a trumpet.

A human being turned into a pillar of salt in her tracks.

Men living through a 1200 degree furnace.

The earth standing still.

Ten commandments presented to one man by god in the form of a burning bush.

A man walking on water.

A man/god on earth feeding five thousand plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers.

Water turned into fine wine.

Lepers healed by touching them.

Selectively raising dead men.

Virgin birth.


You talk about a massive load of unadulterated horse shit......that takes the cake(no pun intended)

actually not believing it will take your cake.
A God who can make mortal living beings out of--ashe, dust, water--the breath of life can do anything.
Too bad your god is made up and comes from a book of fiction.

It teaches in Ezekial about 30 times---They will have to know, I am Jehovah--- and all will soon.

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