Jennifer Rubin of the WP, reports on ditching the Donald.

Be that is it may, it would seem too that at least one paleoconservative, Pat Buchanan, isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency either. What might one loosely infer from that? Well, that intellectual neocons, intellectual paleocons, intellectual libertarians, and many Democrats of widely varying mental acuity all oppose Trump. Whom then does that leave in support of Trump? Idiots and grossly misguided non-idiots.

You didn't read the article. I did because I've heard Pat on Trump before and he backs Trump. Here you go sparky! From your very own link.

"These three stances that Trump hits on to Buchanan’s contentment are border security, economic nationalism, and being “skeptical of these endless wars and interventions.”

“I think many folks who agree with me have welcomed Trump into the race,” Buchanan said. He added while laughing, “the very fact that the neocons seem so disconsolate is the icing on the cake.”

Buchanan is not only opposed to immigration and trade, he is also a staunch social conservative. Trump has had two divorces and has previously held pro-choice views, making it tough for some to support him. Buchanan though said, “I think Trump respects the position of the social conservatives.”

“I do think he would appoint the type of justices that would unite the Republican Party,” he said. The conservative commentator continued on to say, “I think the great emperor Constantine converted to Christianity but he may have killed one of his sons as well.”

Buchanan told TheDC, “we don’t have any perfect candidates,” but the other options besides Trump are more frightening"

Read more: Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed

And all of that to which you refer refutes my assertion that Mr. Buchanan isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency how, Sparky?

Buchanan backs Trump. He's just pessimistic about western civilization in general. He feels like many do that the liberals have brought us to the brink of societies that are going to crash and burn. For crying out loud read the article.

“The West is disintegrating. Its faith is dead. When the cult dies, the culture dies and when the culture dies the civilization dies, and when the civilization dies the people die, and that’s what’s happening to western civilization.”

The conservative commentator was especially grim about Europe, Buchanan said, “It’s hard for me to see how the Europeans survive whether they have the will just given the trend-lines in terms of population and in terms of immigrants pouring in.”

He told TheDC, “I’m not a great optimist about the western civilization.”

Read more: Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed
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The NaziCons in Congress have blocked almost everything Obama and Democrats tried to accomplish.
The first 2 years of the Obama administration.

The Democrats had total control of the Congress......both the Senate and the House of Representatives.......and could have passed any bill or done anything they wanted.

But all they did was blame Bush for 2 years. While setting on their hands. Too afraid to act or make a move. ........ :cool:
The loserterian movement is swirling down the crapper with Trump. Maybe we'll have enough democrats elected to repair our highways, fund science enough to get to mars and to fund our schools right!
You dimacraps have had 7.5 years to do everything you've listed and failed to address any of them.

So what makes you think another 4 or possibly 8 years will be any different? ....... :dunno:
First he had deal with the Illustrious Mr. Bushs' screw-ups...the predecessor always leaves something behind.
The only person who can dump Trump from the ticket is Trump himself.

But he won't quit. He's probably fishing around for a Mexican Muslim to be his VP right now.

"I had to wait until that crazy Ramadan thing was over before I could ask him."

Be that is it may, it would seem too that at least one paleoconservative, Pat Buchanan, isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency either. What might one loosely infer from that? Well, that intellectual neocons, intellectual paleocons, intellectual libertarians, and many Democrats of widely varying mental acuity all oppose Trump. Whom then does that leave in support of Trump? Idiots and grossly misguided non-idiots.

You didn't read the article. I did because I've heard Pat on Trump before and he backs Trump. Here you go sparky! From your very own link.

"These three stances that Trump hits on to Buchanan’s contentment are border security, economic nationalism, and being “skeptical of these endless wars and interventions.”

“I think many folks who agree with me have welcomed Trump into the race,” Buchanan said. He added while laughing, “the very fact that the neocons seem so disconsolate is the icing on the cake.”

Buchanan is not only opposed to immigration and trade, he is also a staunch social conservative. Trump has had two divorces and has previously held pro-choice views, making it tough for some to support him. Buchanan though said, “I think Trump respects the position of the social conservatives.”

“I do think he would appoint the type of justices that would unite the Republican Party,” he said. The conservative commentator continued on to say, “I think the great emperor Constantine converted to Christianity but he may have killed one of his sons as well.”

Buchanan told TheDC, “we don’t have any perfect candidates,” but the other options besides Trump are more frightening"

Read more: Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed

And all of that to which you refer refutes my assertion that Mr. Buchanan isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency how, Sparky?

Buchanan backs Trump. He's just pessimistic about western civilization in general. He feels like many do that the liberals have brought us to the brink of societies that are going to crash and burn. For crying out loud read the article.

“The West is disintegrating. Its faith is dead. When the cult dies, the culture dies and when the culture dies the civilization dies, and when the civilization dies the people die, and that’s what’s happening to western civilization.”

The conservative commentator was especially grim about Europe, Buchanan said, “It’s hard for me to see how the Europeans survive whether they have the will just given the trend-lines in terms of population and in terms of immigrants pouring in.”

He told TheDC, “I’m not a great optimist about the western civilization.”

Read more: Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed

Say what you will, and sure, Buchanan is not optimistic about Western Civilization in general, but at best, Pat is only less pessimistic about a Trump Presidency than he is about a Clinton one. I'd hardly call that optimistic about Trump. My read of the article and listen to the video is that Buchanan was taken aback that he and Trump share three key points of view, but that Trump is still not going to be a good President.

On the matter of whether Buchanan will vote for Trump if he's in fact nominated this coming July, yes, Buchanan will. So will plenty of other Republicans who aren't keen on Trump or optimistic about what his Presidency would entail. So, in that regard, sure, Buchanan supports Trump.
Not gonna happen unless they change the rules! Delegates always obey the rules! But it ain't gonna happen.
I have no idea, but it's astounding to me that with about 4 weeks till the convention, there may be 200 or more delgates willing to change the rules. I think what that means is the GOP is having some serious thoughts that Trump simply can't beat Hillary, so doing nothing is not an option, because if they dump him there's no downside if they lose.

Be that is it may, it would seem too that at least one paleoconservative, Pat Buchanan, isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency either. What might one loosely infer from that? Well, that intellectual neocons, intellectual paleocons, intellectual libertarians, and many Democrats of widely varying mental acuity all oppose Trump. Whom then does that leave in support of Trump? Idiots and grossly misguided non-idiots.

You didn't read the article. I did because I've heard Pat on Trump before and he backs Trump. Here you go sparky! From your very own link.

"These three stances that Trump hits on to Buchanan’s contentment are border security, economic nationalism, and being “skeptical of these endless wars and interventions.”

“I think many folks who agree with me have welcomed Trump into the race,” Buchanan said. He added while laughing, “the very fact that the neocons seem so disconsolate is the icing on the cake.”

Buchanan is not only opposed to immigration and trade, he is also a staunch social conservative. Trump has had two divorces and has previously held pro-choice views, making it tough for some to support him. Buchanan though said, “I think Trump respects the position of the social conservatives.”

“I do think he would appoint the type of justices that would unite the Republican Party,” he said. The conservative commentator continued on to say, “I think the great emperor Constantine converted to Christianity but he may have killed one of his sons as well.”

Buchanan told TheDC, “we don’t have any perfect candidates,” but the other options besides Trump are more frightening"

Read more: Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed

And all of that to which you refer refutes my assertion that Mr. Buchanan isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency how, Sparky?

Buchanan backs Trump. He's just pessimistic about western civilization in general. He feels like many do that the liberals have brought us to the brink of societies that are going to crash and burn. For crying out loud read the article.

“The West is disintegrating. Its faith is dead. When the cult dies, the culture dies and when the culture dies the civilization dies, and when the civilization dies the people die, and that’s what’s happening to western civilization.”

The conservative commentator was especially grim about Europe, Buchanan said, “It’s hard for me to see how the Europeans survive whether they have the will just given the trend-lines in terms of population and in terms of immigrants pouring in.”

He told TheDC, “I’m not a great optimist about the western civilization.”

Read more: Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed

Say what you will, and sure, Buchanan is not optimistic about Western Civilization in general, but at best, Pat is only less pessimistic about a Trump Presidency than he is about a Clinton one. I'd hardly call that optimistic about Trump. My read of the article and listen to the video is that Buchanan was taken aback that he and Trump share three key points of view, but that Trump is still not going to be a good President.

On the matter of whether Buchanan will vote for Trump if he's in fact nominated this coming July, yes, Buchanan will. So will plenty of other Republicans who aren't keen on Trump or optimistic about what his Presidency would entail. So, in that regard, sure, Buchanan supports Trump.

Pat is overly concerned that we're becoming a nation of mudbloods. He's really old. Let's cut him a break, and let him shuffle off to the home. the delegates change the rules. There's a groundswell, and Trump is dumped.

Who will replace him?


Ooo! ME! ME-ME-ME-ME-ME-ME-ME! Pick me!

See this? This is my "Not Interested" face. Just like the one I wore when I was asked if I wanted to be Speaker.
Be that is it may, it would seem too that at least one paleoconservative, Pat Buchanan, isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency either. What might one loosely infer from that? Well, that intellectual neocons, intellectual paleocons, intellectual libertarians, and many Democrats of widely varying mental acuity all oppose Trump. Whom then does that leave in support of Trump? Idiots and grossly misguided non-idiots.

You didn't read the article. I did because I've heard Pat on Trump before and he backs Trump. Here you go sparky! From your very own link.

"These three stances that Trump hits on to Buchanan’s contentment are border security, economic nationalism, and being “skeptical of these endless wars and interventions.”

“I think many folks who agree with me have welcomed Trump into the race,” Buchanan said. He added while laughing, “the very fact that the neocons seem so disconsolate is the icing on the cake.”

Buchanan is not only opposed to immigration and trade, he is also a staunch social conservative. Trump has had two divorces and has previously held pro-choice views, making it tough for some to support him. Buchanan though said, “I think Trump respects the position of the social conservatives.”

“I do think he would appoint the type of justices that would unite the Republican Party,” he said. The conservative commentator continued on to say, “I think the great emperor Constantine converted to Christianity but he may have killed one of his sons as well.”

Buchanan told TheDC, “we don’t have any perfect candidates,” but the other options besides Trump are more frightening"

Read more: Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed

And all of that to which you refer refutes my assertion that Mr. Buchanan isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency how, Sparky?

Buchanan backs Trump. He's just pessimistic about western civilization in general. He feels like many do that the liberals have brought us to the brink of societies that are going to crash and burn. For crying out loud read the article.

“The West is disintegrating. Its faith is dead. When the cult dies, the culture dies and when the culture dies the civilization dies, and when the civilization dies the people die, and that’s what’s happening to western civilization.”

The conservative commentator was especially grim about Europe, Buchanan said, “It’s hard for me to see how the Europeans survive whether they have the will just given the trend-lines in terms of population and in terms of immigrants pouring in.”

He told TheDC, “I’m not a great optimist about the western civilization.”

Read more: Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed

Say what you will, and sure, Buchanan is not optimistic about Western Civilization in general, but at best, Pat is only less pessimistic about a Trump Presidency than he is about a Clinton one. I'd hardly call that optimistic about Trump. My read of the article and listen to the video is that Buchanan was taken aback that he and Trump share three key points of view, but that Trump is still not going to be a good President.

On the matter of whether Buchanan will vote for Trump if he's in fact nominated this coming July, yes, Buchanan will. So will plenty of other Republicans who aren't keen on Trump or optimistic about what his Presidency would entail. So, in that regard, sure, Buchanan supports Trump.

Pat is overly concerned that we're becoming a nation of mudbloods. He's really old. Let's cut him a break, and let him shuffle off to the home.

You don't have to agree with Pat Buchanan -- indeed I often enough don't either -- but I can assure you he's not yet suffering from dementia to any extent that militates for his "shuffling off to the home" i
"Having started with just a few dozen delegates, organizers also said Sunday that they now count several hundred delegates and alternates as part of their campaign. . . .

The group is led by delegates seeking to block Trump at the GOP convention next month in Cleveland by changing party rules so that they can vote however they want — instead of in line with the results of state caucuses and primaries. It is quickly emerging as the most organized effort to stop Trump and coincides with his declining poll numbers.

Concerned Republicans also are increasingly alarmed by Trump’s rhetoric, including his racial attacks on a federal judge, a fresh call made Sunday to begin profiling Muslim Americans, and his support for changing the nation’s gun laws in the aftermath of a mass shooting in Orlando."

Republicans with some kind of conscience – refreshing but pointless.

As has already been correctly noted: get rid of Trump and replace him with who; and imagine the response of Trump supporters, it would rip the party apart, resulting in a November loss anyway.


Did you read the article? This revolt is based on.............................drum roll.................................

More than a dozen people interviewed. OMG! And the Free the Delegate movement is so bogus. Have you checked out the woman leading the charge? She's a real piece of work.

Fine – nominate Trump by all means, music to democrats’ ears.
If he can't win, then the GOP should graciously retire, because he represents their base, not them.

Yep, he got a bit more than 3% of the 6% that voted in the primaries, I wouldn't really call that representing the base, but what ever floats your boat.
it floated his didn't it?

Did it, that remains to be seen according to the article. Don't get me wrong, if he gets the nomination he will get my vote because he ain't the hildabitch, but anyone else will also. We have to do everything possible to keep the hildabitch away form court nominations, they will have a longer lasting impact than any candidate.

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