Jennifer Rubin promotes regime change in Iran

CRANK UP THE WAR MACHINE! The lefties want war.

Umm...Jennifer Rubin is a life-long conservative and defender of Israel, friend to Bibi and W. Bush and National Review and everything that was Republican until Trump hijacked the Party.

She's definitely not a "leftie".


She is 100% a leftie.


You're an idiot. She has always been a conservative.

Jennifer Rubin (columnist) - Wikipedia

Jennifer Rubin (born 1961/1962) is an American political commentator who writes opinion columns for The Washington Post. Previously she worked at Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard. Her work has been published in media outlets including Politico, New York Post, New York Daily News, National Review, and The Jerusalem Post. A conservative political commentator throughout her career, she became a vocal critic of President Donald Trumpand in September 2020, she announced tha…

She is not now....and now she wants war with Iran. Do you want a war with Iran? Are you going to serve?
HomO was AFTER the W presidency.

The GOO was hijacked by Zionists under W. It ceased being anything conservative after W.

Try to grow a few working brain cells before gettingh that completely wrong again...

Bush just said the other day that we should not leave Afghanistan because of women’s rights.

Fuck him. 20 years isnt enough?

Afghanistan is a lost cause.

Can you imagine how the world would be different if Clinton took Bin Ladin?

The reason there was never an attack on "Osama" was because 911 mastermind Tenet and Sandy the Burglar did not want to off their fellow Zionist traitor col Tim osman. To see col osman talking to zbigniew brezinski in 1980 while being part of the CIA operation in afghan during the soviet occupation, type in

Ziggy Osama

Into any search engine And click on images. Those are KGB photos put out by Putin in 2017...


Vlad to America regarding 911

Osama was never in Saudi, which is why the Saudis refused to cooperate with the FBI. There are no photos of "Osama" in Saudi, since Jew supremacist Zionist traitor col Tim osman was never there.

The Saudi Royal family is Jewish, which is why prince bin salmon was the number one customer on Epstein Island.
Trump did not hijack the party.

Trump tried to unhijack it, but stupidly appointed too many Zionist traitors to too many positions, and all of them stabbed trump in the back during the steal.

Trump sucked up to the Zionists as much as the other politicians did. Get real. He even moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, a move past presidents considered too provocative.
I have my solution.

We have a draft, and put the children of all the elites - the rich, the politicians, the Washington Press Corps - into a elite airborne unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

Then they won't be so keen on sending other people's kids off to war.
Umm...Jennifer Rubin is a life-long conservative

That's funny!!
She is a neo-con......

Which is why you folks won't dare talk about what Jennifer Rubin was writing about in the "past"

"On Jennifer Rubin's page at The Washington Post, the Iraq war supporter wrote a post today that she teased on Twitter by writing, "WHO KNEW Iran would be emboldened and allies freaked on US withdrawal from Iraq?"

Umm...Jennifer Rubin is a life-long conservative

That's funny!!
She is a neo-con......

Which is why you folks won't dare talk about what Jennifer Rubin was writing about in the "past"

"On Jennifer Rubin's page at The Washington Post, the Iraq war supporter wrote a post today that she teased on Twitter by writing, "WHO KNEW Iran would be emboldened and allies freaked on US withdrawal from Iraq?"

Rubin is still a conservative . She just didn't support Trump. She's a fool if she wants a war with Iran. Iraq was already crippled by two decades of war and sanction before Bush's invasion. A war on Iran would make Iraq look like a walk in the park..

Iranian leadership is cracking. Zarif is in real deep shit and the Revolutionary Guard is running the show.
Rubin is still a conservative . She just didn't support Trump. She's a fool if she wants a war with Iran. Iraq was already crippled by two decades of war and sanction before Bush's invasion. A war on Iran would make Iraq look like a walk in the park..

Iranian leadership is cracking. Zarif is in real deep shit and the Revolutionary Guard is running the show.

All the Zionist tools who talk about "Regime Change" in Iran have to ask themselves what would follow if the Ayatollahs fell.

Were the Communists an improvement over the Tsar?
Was Castro an improvement over Batista?
Was the Ayatollah and improvement over the Shah?

If the current regime did fall, the people who would take over would be the military which is probably considerably more radical.

Rubin is still a conservative . She just didn't support Trump. She's a fool if she wants a war with Iran. Iraq was already crippled by two decades of war and sanction before Bush's invasion. A war on Iran would make Iraq look like a walk in the park..

Iranian leadership is cracking. Zarif is in real deep shit and the Revolutionary Guard is running the show.

All the Zionist tools who talk about "Regime Change" in Iran have to ask themselves what would follow if the Ayatollahs fell.

Were the Communists an improvement over the Tsar?
Was Castro an improvement over Batista?
Was the Ayatollah and improvement over the Shah?

If the current regime did fall, the people who would take over would be the military which is probably considerably more radical.

That's a good reminder, Joe.. Man plans, God laughs. If Israel is keen for war with Iran, they should go ahead and leave the rest of us out of it.
Rubin is still a conservative . She just didn't support Trump. She's a fool if she wants a war with Iran. Iraq was already crippled by two decades of war and sanction before Bush's invasion. A war on Iran would make Iraq look like a walk in the park..

Iranian leadership is cracking. Zarif is in real deep shit and the Revolutionary Guard is running the show.

All the Zionist tools who talk about "Regime Change" in Iran have to ask themselves what would follow if the Ayatollahs fell.

Were the Communists an improvement over the Tsar?
Was Castro an improvement over Batista?
Was the Ayatollah and improvement over the Shah?

If the current regime did fall, the people who would take over would be the military which is probably considerably more radical.

All the Zionist tools who talk about "Regime Change" in Iran have to ask themselves what would follow if the Ayatollahs fell.

Why don't you tell us? Would it be someone chanting death to America? Death to Israel?
Someone who would rather waste billions on a nuclear program and neglect the people?
Would it be someone worse than the biggest state sponsor of terrorism?
The Atlanta Jewish times told us that a decade ago...

Have US based Mossad agents take out a President - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel so that Biden could forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel obliterate its enemies.

No - Barack Hussein hates Israel.
The Atlanta Jewish times told us that a decade ago...

Have US based Mossad agents take out a President - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel so that Biden could forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel obliterate its enemies.

No - Barack Hussein hates Israel.

You have yet to achieve second grade reading comprehension, which is typical of the Christian morons who support Israel.
The Atlanta Jewish times told us that a decade ago...

Have US based Mossad agents take out a President - homO - deemed unfriendly to Israel so that Biden could forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel obliterate its enemies.

No - Barack Hussein hates Israel.

You have yet to achieve second grade reading comprehension, which is typical of the Christian morons who support Israel.

FFS! Not again.
I'm as much a patriot as anyone else but Iran is NOT the same as Iraq. We may be forced to choose to allow the most dangerous nation on the planet to have nukes OR use nukes to keep them from possessing them. Trump's pressure was WORKING. The day we attack Iran, the SAME DAY, Americans at home will be dying from Iranian terror cells. IF we HAVE to fight that country, they need to be devastated IN DETAIL, in a couple of days. END the MULLAHOCRACY FOREVER.

If the US attacks Iran, it will be illegal and not justified.
That would invalidate the right of the US government to exist and it would have to be destroyed for its war crimes.
Then maybe we can create a better one, that does not go around illegally invading innocent countries and committing mass murder.
After all, we murdered 3 million innocent Vietnamese, half a million innocent Iraqis, etc.
There has to be a limit.
Why don't you tell us? Would it be someone chanting death to America? Death to Israel?
Someone who would rather waste billions on a nuclear program and neglect the people?
Would it be someone worse than the biggest state sponsor of terrorism?

Gee, why would anyone waste billions on nuclear programs and neglect the people?

Have you visited an American Slum recently? Probably not you'd wet your pants if you went to the West Side.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Ronald Reagan called the Taliban the equivalent to the founding fathers when they were killing Commies who might teach girls how to read.


Boy, that didn't age well...

Why don't you tell us? Would it be someone chanting death to America? Death to Israel?
Someone who would rather waste billions on a nuclear program and neglect the people?
Would it be someone worse than the biggest state sponsor of terrorism?

Gee, why would anyone waste billions on nuclear programs and neglect the people?

Have you visited an American Slum recently? Probably not you'd wet your pants if you went to the West Side.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Ronald Reagan called the Taliban the equivalent to the founding fathers when they were killing Commies who might teach girls how to read.

View attachment 484782

Boy, that didn't age well...

Gee, why would anyone waste billions on nuclear programs and neglect the people?

Because Allah told you to start the final war.

Have you visited an American Slum recently? Probably not you'd wet your pants if you went to the West Side.

I know, despite hundreds of billions in welfare payments and a black President,
it still looks like shit......scary!

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

What people are the mullahs fighting to free? Lots of enslaved Iranians?

Ronald Reagan called the Taliban the equivalent to the founding fathers

The Taliban didn't exist until the mid 90s.
Why don't you tell us? Would it be someone chanting death to America? Death to Israel?
Someone who would rather waste billions on a nuclear program and neglect the people?
Would it be someone worse than the biggest state sponsor of terrorism?

Gee, why would anyone waste billions on nuclear programs and neglect the people?

Have you visited an American Slum recently? Probably not you'd wet your pants if you went to the West Side.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Ronald Reagan called the Taliban the equivalent to the founding fathers when they were killing Commies who might teach girls how to read.

View attachment 484782

Boy, that didn't age well...

Why are there slums in The USA?
Why don't you tell us? Would it be someone chanting death to America? Death to Israel?
Someone who would rather waste billions on a nuclear program and neglect the people?
Would it be someone worse than the biggest state sponsor of terrorism?

Gee, why would anyone waste billions on nuclear programs and neglect the people?

Have you visited an American Slum recently? Probably not you'd wet your pants if you went to the West Side.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Ronald Reagan called the Taliban the equivalent to the founding fathers when they were killing Commies who might teach girls how to read.

View attachment 484782

Boy, that didn't age well...

Gee, why would anyone waste billions on nuclear programs and neglect the people?

Because Allah told you to start the final war.

Have you visited an American Slum recently? Probably not you'd wet your pants if you went to the West Side.

I know, despite hundreds of billions in welfare payments and a black President,
it still looks like shit......scary!

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

What people are the mullahs fighting to free? Lots of enslaved Iranians?

Ronald Reagan called the Taliban the equivalent to the founding fathers

The Taliban didn't exist until the mid 90s.

You are attempting to educate a lunatic

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