Why doesn’t Biden call for regime change in Iran instead of Israel?

Well I sure haven’t been to Iran, the country that funds terrorist massacres against Jews!

And of course I’ve been to Israel. Most educated, well-traveled Jews have.
OK thanks, so you have first hand information on one of them. Have you studied the history of why and when the Arab hatred of Jews began? Also, do you have any ideas for making that stop? I'm in the love, not bombs camp fwiw.
OK thanks, so you have first hand information on one of them. Have you studied the history of why and when the Arab hatred of Jews began? Also, do you have any ideas for making that stop? I'm in the love, not bombs camp fwiw.
Jews and Arabs used to live side by side in harmony. But of course she has never opened a book on the topic.
Why? You keep up that idea of Biden treating these two equally and you'll be giving him ideas to impose on Israel those sanctions he supports on Iran.
Jews and Arabs used to live side by side in harmony. But of course she has never opened a book on the topic.
You are one very ignorant little boy.

Jews living on lands controlled by Arabs were second class citizens - Dhimmi- who had to defer to the Arabs in all things.

You are just repeating the propaganda that Supremacist Arab Muslims have been feeding you.
I didn't even begin to ask for a comparison. That would be step two if you would have got past step one ..... but you didn't. The question that I did ask, you are unable to answer by way of ignorance.

You have a knack for posting one absurd conclusion after the next one. In fact, your contribution to this Forum is nothing but an unbroken string of absurd statements and conclusions. :cuckoo:
Check out my post to reacton ratio. (Lots of people disagree with you.
It's all a matter of knowledge. You haven't any on this subject so it is not surprisng that those with as little of it as you would most likely share your opinion. Whatever comfort value you gain from that fact is a matter between you and your conscience. Meanwhile, you still haven't even responded to my question so ..... you're shit out of luck. :icon_cry:
(Of course, they’re not antisemites.)
Another subject you do not understand thus supporting your absurd view of the world's population. You poor, poor thing. :slap:
Mitch McConnell, in his criticism to Schumer‘s anti-Israel speech, in which he encourages Israelis to kick their Prime Minister out of office, asked why he doesn’t call for regime change in the terrorist state of Iran Instead. Oh, I know….he doesn’t want to alienate his antisemitic Muslim base, and is trying to garner votes from them by making the “Jew country” out to be the bad one.

Thank you, Republicans, for standing firm with Israel - and shame on you, Jewish Democrats!

GOP aren't standing with Isreal, they are standing with Netanyahu... Netanyahu is one of the main reasons (and there is a few) that the violence escalates...

There is no military objective to bombing Gaza... It is not wiping out Hamas and is actually just making them stronger.

Bibi is just trying to show he is tough by killing Palestinians indiscriminately...
Mitch McConnell, in his criticism to Schumer‘s anti-Israel speech, in which he encourages Israelis to kick their Prime Minister out of office, asked why he doesn’t call for regime change in the terrorist state of Iran Instead. Oh, I know….he doesn’t want to alienate his antisemitic Muslim base, and is trying to garner votes from them by making the “Jew country” out to be the bad one.

Thank you, Republicans, for standing firm with Israel - and shame on you, Jewish Democrats!

Because we haven't set Iran arms until Reagan time while Isreal are getting arms right now...

Are you saying we should be like Reagan and send Iran arms and then ask for regime change?
So instead, Biden gives the Terror King billions of dollars to launch proxy attacks against Jews.

Trump kept Iran poor, as they need to be.
Iran is way closer to having a nuclear bomb because of Trump... Well fucking done...

Trump sucks Bibi dick (if not sucking Putins) and Bib didn't need world having normalised relations with Iran. He needs that big bad wolf...
GOP aren't standing with Isreal, they are standing with Netanyahu... Netanyahu is one of the main reasons (and there is a few) that the violence escalates...

There is no military objective to bombing Gaza... It is not wiping out Hamas and is actually just making them stronger.

Bibi is just trying to show he is tough by killing Palestinians indiscriminately...

Indiscriminately? Then why have so few been killed?
Indiscriminately? Then why have so few been killed?
1) Because of course they are NOT bombing indiscriminately. They are taking steps - at the risk of their own lives - to limit the civilian damage. HAMAS, otoh, is using the Gazans as body armor because they WANT as many of their own people dead for propganda purposes.

2) And you can’t believe the numbers the Muslim terrorists put out. But let say there ARE 30,000 dead Palestinians. There are about 5 million of them, so that means that about 0.5% have been killed, and 99.5% have not. And that low number is thanks to the moral code of the Jews compared to that of the Palestinians, most of whom support the Oct 7th barbaric massacre of Jews.
Well I sure haven’t been to Iran, the country that funds terrorist massacres against Jews!

And of course I’ve been to Israel. Most educated, well-traveled Jews have.

For decades Israel bought all their oil from Iran. They also provided Iran with weapons and intelligence for 8 years of war against Iraq.

Iran used to have 10s of thousands of Jews.. They lived in Iran for 2500; years... until European Zionists showed up.
For decades Israel bought all their oil from Iran. They also provided Iran with weapons and intelligence for 8 years of war against Iraq.

Iran used to have 10s of thousands of Jews.. They lived in Iran for 2500; years... until European Zionists showed up.

Iran didn't used to suck.

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