Jerome Corsi email dump is the smoking gun confirming this illegal Trump election

Mueller went overboard charging people with process crimes. The charge against Jerome Corsi was the last straw.
The charge against Jerome Corsi is going to be a text book conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of foreign enemies, and with the help of the campaign. It's already been proven. There is no such thing as being overboard with the charges that will follow. It's following the letter of the law to a T. Nothing more.
Good grief. Talking about conspiracy theories

Corsi gave Mueller zippo. Nothing at all which is why they went back and nailed him for not remembering the fwd of an email.

Mueller has the emails. Corsi giving an explanation of not remembering won't help Corsi or Trump, or anyone else who has been nailed in this conspiracy. "Not remembering?" :777:That's funny! You bunch of loser Trump apologists who are complicit in the conspiracy are a pitiful bunch.
Mueller went overboard charging people with process crimes. The charge against Jerome Corsi was the last straw.
The charge against Jerome Corsi is going to be a text book conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of foreign enemies, and with the help of the campaign. It's already been proven. There is no such thing as being overboard with the charges that will follow. It's following the letter of the law to a T. Nothing more.
Good grief. Talking about conspiracy theories

Evidence is in hand boss. And you can't even pretend to have a counter defense. Lol!
Corsi gave Mueller zippo. Nothing at all which is why they went back and nailed him for not remembering the fwd of an email.

Mueller has the emails. Corsi giving an explanation of not remembering won't help Corsi or Trump, or anyone else who has been nailed in this conspiracy. "Not remembering?" :777:That's funny! You bunch of loser Trump apologists who are complicit in the conspiracy are a pitiful bunch.
How many times did Her Thighness Hillary Clinton say she could not recall?

This is good as it’s been a while since we’ve had an addition to the screwball lefty pukes’ famous IT List of things bound to finally bring down the president. I was getting concerned they’d lost interest due to ongoing and worsening butthurt and whatnot.
The sound of a loser grumbling over his own bs. Gotta love it. Trump and his criminal organization have been had. The proof is there for all to see. Get over your misery. It's going to be a long dark road for this criminal organization from here on out.
Corsi gave Mueller zippo. Nothing at all which is why they went back and nailed him for not remembering the fwd of an email.

Mueller has the emails. Corsi giving an explanation of not remembering won't help Corsi or Trump, or anyone else who has been nailed in this conspiracy. "Not remembering?" :777:That's funny! You bunch of loser Trump apologists who are complicit in the conspiracy are a pitiful bunch.
How many times did Her Thighness Hillary Clinton say she could not recall?

:laughing0301: Here come the cowards going to Hillary. :laughing0301: Damn you're pitiful.
Mueller went overboard charging people with process crimes. The charge against Jerome Corsi was the last straw.
The charge against Jerome Corsi is going to be a text book conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of foreign enemies, and with the help of the campaign. It's already been proven. There is no such thing as being overboard with the charges that will follow. It's following the letter of the law to a T. Nothing more.
Good grief. Talking about conspiracy theories

Evidence is in hand boss. And you can't even pretend to have a counter defense. Lol!
What defense? Mueller offered a plea deal for Corsi to say he lied about communicating with Asange. As a result Corsi told Mueller to go pound sand. So instead, Mueller nails him for failure to remember the fwd if an email. Yes, Mueller has the emails and knows for a fact Corsi is telling the truth.

This is good as it’s been a while since we’ve had an addition to the screwball lefty pukes’ famous IT List of things bound to finally bring down the president. I was getting concerned they’d lost interest due to ongoing and worsening butthurt and whatnot.
The sound of a loser grumbling over his own bs. Gotta love it. Trump and his criminal organization have been had. The proof is there for all to see. Get over your misery. It's going to be a long dark road for this criminal organization from here on out.

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.

We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton

Spreading false information is a crime? Link?
Yes, when it is done through foreign governments in an American presidential election by U.S. citizens. Don't you Trump idiots know anything? 52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

False information is a contribution? You're lying.

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.
You don't have enough integrity to name the person you quoted.
Mullier can convict all the ham sandwiches he wants and put them in a 'Club Med.' jail for two weeks.
Will the fucking LIBs be happy then?
Stone and Corsi and George and Flynn will make millions selling the book and movie rights.
"How I Survived Two Weeks At The Club Med. Of Federal Prison".
Or: "The only Harm Done To Me was My Liver From Drinking Too Much At Poolside".

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.

We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton

Spreading false information is a crime? Link?
Yes, when it is done through foreign governments in an American presidential election by U.S. citizens. Don't you Trump idiots know anything? 52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

False information is a contribution? You're lying.
I can say Moochelle Obama is really a woman and I bet nobody kicks my door down for spreading false information

Mueller went overboard charging people with process crimes. The charge against Jerome Corsi was the last straw.
The charge against Jerome Corsi is going to be a text book conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of foreign enemies, and with the help of the campaign. It's already been proven. There is no such thing as being overboard with the charges that will follow. It's following the letter of the law to a T. Nothing more.
Good grief. Talking about conspiracy theories

Evidence is in hand boss. And you can't even pretend to have a counter defense. Lol!
What defense? Mueller offered a plea deal for Corsi to say he lied about communicating with Asange. As a result Corsi told Mueller to go pound sand. So instead, Mueller nails him for failure to remember the fwd if an email. Yes, Mueller has the emails and knows for a fact Corsi is telling the truth.

Good, I hope Corsi does tell him that. Corsi is had either way. That is an absolute 100% fact. They have the email dump, and they know what they say. What else does Corsi have? Nothing! If a pardon comes for Corsi and Manafort, we have a 100% obstruction case for impeachment. There is no way out. The law still works in this country thank goodness. We proved this was an illegal election, and that is what is important. In the mean time, Trump's complicit Gargoyle's still keep trying to crawl out of their miserable holes trying to apologize for their criminal leader. You folks have shown who and what you are. Thanks!
Mueller went overboard charging people with process crimes. The charge against Jerome Corsi was the last straw.
The charge against Jerome Corsi is going to be a text book conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of foreign enemies, and with the help of the campaign. It's already been proven. There is no such thing as being overboard with the charges that will follow. It's following the letter of the law to a T. Nothing more.
Good grief. Talking about conspiracy theories

Evidence is in hand boss. And you can't even pretend to have a counter defense. Lol!
What defense? Mueller offered a plea deal for Corsi to say he lied about communicating with Asange. As a result Corsi told Mueller to go pound sand. So instead, Mueller nails him for failure to remember the fwd if an email. Yes, Mueller has the emails and knows for a fact Corsi is telling the truth.

Good, I hope Corsi does tell him that. Corsi is had either way. That is an absolute 100% fact. They have the email dump, and they know what they say. What else does Corsi have? Nothing! If a pardon comes for Corsi and Manafort, we have a 100% obstruction case for impeachment. There is no way out. The law still works in this country thank goodness. We proved this was an illegal election, and that is what is important. In the mean time, Trump's complicit Gargoyle's still keep trying to crawl out of their miserable holes trying to apologize for their criminal leader. You folks have shown who and what you are. Thanks!
You are quite delusional yet optimistic. Not a good combo. Your dreams are just that. You’ll wake up sooner or later


The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.

We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton

Spreading false information is a crime? Link?
Yes, when it is done through foreign governments in an American presidential election by U.S. citizens. Don't you Trump idiots know anything? 52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

False information is a contribution? You're lying.
I can say Moochelle Obama is really a woman and I bet nobody kicks my door down for spreading false information

You are too ignorant to carry on intelligent debate. Go back into your hole and stop inventing arguments that aren't part of this conversation. You look stupid doing it.
Mueller went overboard charging people with process crimes. The charge against Jerome Corsi was the last straw.
The charge against Jerome Corsi is going to be a text book conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of foreign enemies, and with the help of the campaign. It's already been proven. There is no such thing as being overboard with the charges that will follow. It's following the letter of the law to a T. Nothing more.
Oh Look!
Another Soros paid for sock puppet!
Don't forget to wash your hands asshole!
The charge against Jerome Corsi is going to be a text book conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of foreign enemies, and with the help of the campaign. It's already been proven. There is no such thing as being overboard with the charges that will follow. It's following the letter of the law to a T. Nothing more.
Good grief. Talking about conspiracy theories

Evidence is in hand boss. And you can't even pretend to have a counter defense. Lol!
What defense? Mueller offered a plea deal for Corsi to say he lied about communicating with Asange. As a result Corsi told Mueller to go pound sand. So instead, Mueller nails him for failure to remember the fwd if an email. Yes, Mueller has the emails and knows for a fact Corsi is telling the truth.

Good, I hope Corsi does tell him that. Corsi is had either way. That is an absolute 100% fact. They have the email dump, and they know what they say. What else does Corsi have? Nothing! If a pardon comes for Corsi and Manafort, we have a 100% obstruction case for impeachment. There is no way out. The law still works in this country thank goodness. We proved this was an illegal election, and that is what is important. In the mean time, Trump's complicit Gargoyle's still keep trying to crawl out of their miserable holes trying to apologize for their criminal leader. You folks have shown who and what you are. Thanks!
You are quite delusional yet optimistic. Not a good combo. Your dreams are just that. You’ll wake up sooner or later

I know. Thankfully, every day the real news keeps telling me exactly what you don't want to hear.
Mueller went overboard charging people with process crimes. The charge against Jerome Corsi was the last straw.
The charge against Jerome Corsi is going to be a text book conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of foreign enemies, and with the help of the campaign. It's already been proven. There is no such thing as being overboard with the charges that will follow. It's following the letter of the law to a T. Nothing more.
Oh Look!
Another Soros paid for sock puppet!
Don't forget to wash your hands asshole!
Look at these non-arguing ad hominem losers filing in here like the good little Trump Sheep that they are. Keep them coming boys and girls. Your concessions are always welcome.
Mueller went overboard charging people with process crimes. The charge against Jerome Corsi was the last straw.
The charge against Jerome Corsi is going to be a text book conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a presidential election with the help of foreign enemies, and with the help of the campaign. It's already been proven. There is no such thing as being overboard with the charges that will follow. It's following the letter of the law to a T. Nothing more.
Oh Look!
Another Soros paid for sock puppet!
Don't forget to wash your hands asshole!
Look at these non-arguing ad hominem losers filing in here like the good little Trump Sheep that they are. Keep them coming boys and girls. Your concessions are always welcome.


Good grief. Talking about conspiracy theories

Evidence is in hand boss. And you can't even pretend to have a counter defense. Lol!
What defense? Mueller offered a plea deal for Corsi to say he lied about communicating with Asange. As a result Corsi told Mueller to go pound sand. So instead, Mueller nails him for failure to remember the fwd if an email. Yes, Mueller has the emails and knows for a fact Corsi is telling the truth.

Good, I hope Corsi does tell him that. Corsi is had either way. That is an absolute 100% fact. They have the email dump, and they know what they say. What else does Corsi have? Nothing! If a pardon comes for Corsi and Manafort, we have a 100% obstruction case for impeachment. There is no way out. The law still works in this country thank goodness. We proved this was an illegal election, and that is what is important. In the mean time, Trump's complicit Gargoyle's still keep trying to crawl out of their miserable holes trying to apologize for their criminal leader. You folks have shown who and what you are. Thanks!
You are quite delusional yet optimistic. Not a good combo. Your dreams are just that. You’ll wake up sooner or later

I know. Thankfully, every day the real news keeps telling me exactly what you don't want to hear.
The real news? Like from MSNBC/CNN?

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