Jerome Corsi email dump is the smoking gun confirming this illegal Trump election

BWK is totally buying email evidence and MI6 fairy tales. BWK also posts some weird MSNBC pages without correcting OP's defunct URL (post #1) so that we can't tear it apart with critique in front of the reader; then presumptuously fans the fires of the reactionaries and other information-compromised prisoners.

MI6 fairytale?

So is this another undefined conspiracy you're going to allude to, but never actually articulate? Like that vague 'Steele and Guccifer 2.0' stuff you posted?

And there are posts throughout the thread to numerous sources that cover the same story. This one for example:

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.

At least Skylar has the stones to write "Steele and Guccifer 2.0." Does that mean we can delete it as a potential pop quiz question in front of the people? No, because Stupidity always gets precisely the reality it deserves.
Skylar points badger to this report: Mueller has Emails from Stone and Pal Corsi about Wikileaks Derm Email Dump
'....Oct 7....'

Well now, Putin's birthday present, again! The first time it was the body of his critic, Anna Politkovskaya, and a U.S. Secretary of State went to Moscow to talk to Politkovskaya's employer, if we recall the chron correctly. Corsi: "thugs " which resonates well with Badiou's concept of the underside of the law, the "non-law within law." But Manafort does not face any state charges. This is interesting considering MI6's current concerns. Indeed, at the state level, no matter what Mueller thinks he can do, he will sooner or later have to confront the MI6 link to the Clinton crime family (in or out of court).that the sleuth, Chapman Pincher, did not even know of: the Tennessee-Michigan connection.

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.

We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton

Spreading false information is a crime? Link?
Yes, when it is done through foreign governments in an American presidential election by U.S. citizens. Don't you Trump idiots know anything? 52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
Oh yeah, the law Obama was guilty of taking foreign political contributions thru a website that didn't track the source. That crime.

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.

We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton

Spreading false information is a crime? Link?
Yes, when it is done through foreign governments in an American presidential election by U.S. citizens. Don't you Trump idiots know anything? 52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
Oh yeah, the law Obama was guilty of taking foreign political contributions thru a website that didn't track the source. That crime.
:777:The off topic coward strikes again.

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.
Such fake news that even MSLSD had to pull it. :lmao:
:21: And you believe Jerome Corsi? Especially after we now have his emails, and know exactly what he said? Holy cow, are you one dumb Trump sucking Sheep.
Jerome Corsi is not in any trouble for anything in the emails.
Jerome Corsi will be going to jail for lying to SC, and for conspiring against the U.S. in a presidential election.
Trump will be found guilty of obstruction of justice on a variety of charges, the latest being the collusion with Manafort and Trump's lawyers to give Trump information during Manafort's plea agreement. That's obstruction of justice.
Jerome Corsi will be going to jail for lying to SC, and for conspiring against the U.S. in a presidential election.
Trump will be found guilty of obstruction of justice on a variety of charges, the latest being the collusion with Manafort and Trump's lawyers to give Trump information during Manafort's plea agreement. That's obstruction of justice.

Corsi gave Mueller zippo. Nothing at all which is why they went back and nailed him for not remembering the fwd of an email.

Actually, Corsi gave Muller everything, which added up to zippo.
Mueller has all the emails between Corsi and others. Which adds up to everything. How do we know that? Lol! We got to hear what the damaging emails said ourselves.
Jerome Corsi will be going to jail for lying to SC, and for conspiring against the U.S. in a presidential election.
Trump will be found guilty of obstruction of justice on a variety of charges, the latest being the collusion with Manafort and Trump's lawyers to give Trump information during Manafort's plea agreement. That's obstruction of justice.

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You're too late. The real story got out. Mueller has Corsi's emails committing this conspiracy with a foreign adversary. It's over bro. They've all been had.
:21: And you believe Jerome Corsi? Especially after we now have his emails, and know exactly what he said? Holy cow, are you one dumb Trump sucking Sheep.
Jerome Corsi is not in any trouble for anything in the emails.
Jerome Corsi will be going to jail for lying to SC, and for conspiring against the U.S. in a presidential election.
Trump will be found guilty of obstruction of justice on a variety of charges, the latest being the collusion with Manafort and Trump's lawyers to give Trump information during Manafort's plea agreement. That's obstruction of justice.

the latest being the collusion with Manafort and Trump's lawyers to give Trump information during Manafort's plea agreement. That's obstruction of justice.

How is that obstruction?
:21: And you believe Jerome Corsi? Especially after we now have his emails, and know exactly what he said? Holy cow, are you one dumb Trump sucking Sheep.
Jerome Corsi is not in any trouble for anything in the emails.
Jerome Corsi will be going to jail for lying to SC, and for conspiring against the U.S. in a presidential election.
Trump will be found guilty of obstruction of justice on a variety of charges, the latest being the collusion with Manafort and Trump's lawyers to give Trump information during Manafort's plea agreement. That's obstruction of justice.

the latest being the collusion with Manafort and Trump's lawyers to give Trump information during Manafort's plea agreement. That's obstruction of justice.

How is that obstruction?
It amazes me every day the blatant ignorance of these Trump apologists. Are you not aware that an ongoing investigation is going on, and that Paul Manafort is a convicted felon, who is communicating with WH lawyers about the very case that Trump is being investigated about? Your question doesn't even come under the heading of being stupid. It's retarded.
:21: And you believe Jerome Corsi? Especially after we now have his emails, and know exactly what he said? Holy cow, are you one dumb Trump sucking Sheep.
Jerome Corsi is not in any trouble for anything in the emails.
Jerome Corsi will be going to jail for lying to SC, and for conspiring against the U.S. in a presidential election.
Trump will be found guilty of obstruction of justice on a variety of charges, the latest being the collusion with Manafort and Trump's lawyers to give Trump information during Manafort's plea agreement. That's obstruction of justice.

the latest being the collusion with Manafort and Trump's lawyers to give Trump information during Manafort's plea agreement. That's obstruction of justice.

How is that obstruction?
It amazes me every day the blatant ignorance of these Trump apologists. Are you not aware that an ongoing investigation is going on, and that Paul Manafort is a convicted felon, who is communicating with WH lawyers about the very case that Trump is being investigated about? Your question doesn't even come under the heading of being stupid. It's retarded.

Is that why you can't answer, because you're retarded?

Paul Manafort is a convicted felon, who is communicating with WH lawyers

Convicted felons can't communicate with lawyers? Are you sure?

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