Jerome Corsi email dump is the smoking gun confirming this illegal Trump election

So does wiping a server of all traces of illegal activity like Hillary did mean shes innocent? Or are you admitting HIllary is indeed guilty and also guilty of obstruction of justice for deleting them AFTER the subpoena came out?
Hillary+ your off topic post = coward. Move along loser.

Oh its not off topic, it's just not what you wanted to hear. It's hilarious that liberals pretend to care about an "email dump" when Hillary took a dump on her emails and shredded them after the justice department subpoenaed her information.

So care to explain your lack of outrage? Would you be saying it was perfectly ok had Trump deleted 30,000 emails after the liberal run house issued a subpoena for them?
How you got past the third grade is anyone's guess? Or did you? Where in my OP was I talking about Hillary deleting emails? Damn you people are stupid.

Oh nowhere did you talk about it, that's just it. You bring up the email "dump" by Corsi but ignore the email WIPE by Hillary. That's my point, thanks for making it for me.

Why is your care and concern for only one side? What happened to equal justice for all? Why did the FBI go out of their way to avoid prosecuting Hillary and went out of their way to try to frame Trump for something? With Hillary it was "we see no reason to prosecute despite gobs of evidence we presented" With Trump its raiding his lawyers office in the middle of the night, subpoenas, threats, etc despite not having any evidence of collusion.
You made it yourself by going off topic dumb ass.
Oh the topic is illegal behavior by the 2016 candidates.

I'm just bringing up illegal behavior by the OTHER one and you ain't likin' it too much.

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.
There is nothing illegal about any of that and the election was legit.

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.
There is nothing illegal about any of that and the election was legit.

This looks pretty bad:

Two months before WikiLeaks released emails stolen from the Clinton campaign, right-wing conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi sent an email to former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone anticipating the document dump, according to draft court papers obtained by NBC News.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging."

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

Foreknowledge of the release of emails hacked by the Russians by Trump allies. With Trump allies coordinating with Jullian Assange on that release.
Oh, damn. It gets worse:

The interviews began on Sept. 6 when Corsi told investigators that an associate, identified by Corsi as Stone, asked him in the summer of 2016 to get in touch with an organization, identified by Corsi as WikiLeaks, about unreleased materials relevant to the presidential campaign, the draft court papers say.

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

So this knowledge about the release of stolen emails wasn't accidental. But a premediated plan by Trump allies to work with Wikileaks to coordinate the release of emails stolen by the Russian government.

And then Corsi lied about it to try and cover it up. With emails proving that Corsi lied about it.
Any day now
He’ll be gone by Christmas
You all are utterly pitiful in being unable to cope with the adult world results of an election
Oh, damn. It gets worse:

The interviews began on Sept. 6 when Corsi told investigators that an associate, identified by Corsi as Stone, asked him in the summer of 2016 to get in touch with an organization, identified by Corsi as WikiLeaks, about unreleased materials relevant to the presidential campaign, the draft court papers say.

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

So this knowledge about the release of stolen emails wasn't accidental. But a premediated plan by Trump allies to work with Wikileaks to coordinate the release of emails stolen by the Russian government.

And then Corsi lied about it to try and cover it up. With emails proving that Corsi lied about it.
So exciting
He’s a goner now for sure(for the 500th time)

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.
There is nothing illegal about any of that and the election was legit.

This looks pretty bad:

Two months before WikiLeaks released emails stolen from the Clinton campaign, right-wing conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi sent an email to former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone anticipating the document dump, according to draft court papers obtained by NBC News.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging."

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

Foreknowledge of the release of emails hacked by the Russians by Trump allies. With Trump allies coordinating with Jullian Assange on that release.

Is that felony foreknowledge?
Foreknowledge in the first degree?

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.
There is nothing illegal about any of that and the election was legit.

This looks pretty bad:

Two months before WikiLeaks released emails stolen from the Clinton campaign, right-wing conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi sent an email to former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone anticipating the document dump, according to draft court papers obtained by NBC News.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging."

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

Foreknowledge of the release of emails hacked by the Russians by Trump allies. With Trump allies coordinating with Jullian Assange on that release.

Is that felony foreknowledge?
Foreknowledge in the first degree?

It demonstrates premediation and intention. That Trump allies were coordinating with WikiLeaks on the release of emails stolen by the Russians.

And then lying their asses off about it. Of course.
Any day now
He’ll be gone by Christmas
You all are utterly pitiful in being unable to cope with the adult world results of an election

Its 'pitiful' to read and acknowledge court filings?

Best you keep your head in the sand, Weather.

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.
There is nothing illegal about any of that and the election was legit.

This looks pretty bad:

Two months before WikiLeaks released emails stolen from the Clinton campaign, right-wing conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi sent an email to former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone anticipating the document dump, according to draft court papers obtained by NBC News.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging."

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

Foreknowledge of the release of emails hacked by the Russians by Trump allies. With Trump allies coordinating with Jullian Assange on that release.

Is that felony foreknowledge?
Foreknowledge in the first degree?

It demonstrates premediation and intention. That Trump allies were coordinating with WikiLeaks on the release of emails stolen by the Russians.

And then lying their asses off about it. Of course.

It demonstrates premediation and intention.

So if Jim Acosta, for instance, had some documents from a whistleblower, and he told someone who worked for Bernie Sanders that he was going to release them next week, how much prison time should the Sanders staffer be looking at?

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.
There is nothing illegal about any of that and the election was legit.

This looks pretty bad:

Two months before WikiLeaks released emails stolen from the Clinton campaign, right-wing conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi sent an email to former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone anticipating the document dump, according to draft court papers obtained by NBC News.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging."

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

Foreknowledge of the release of emails hacked by the Russians by Trump allies. With Trump allies coordinating with Jullian Assange on that release.

Is that felony foreknowledge?
Foreknowledge in the first degree?

It demonstrates premediation and intention. That Trump allies were coordinating with WikiLeaks on the release of emails stolen by the Russians.

And then lying their asses off about it. Of course.

It demonstrates premediation and intention.

So if Jim Acosta, for instance, had some documents from a whistleblower, and he told someone who worked for Bernie Sanders that he was going to release them next week, how much prison time should the Sanders staffer be looking at?

Are these documents emails stolen by the Russian government as part of their effort to support Donald Trump in his presidential campaign?

The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.
There is nothing illegal about any of that and the election was legit.

This looks pretty bad:

Two months before WikiLeaks released emails stolen from the Clinton campaign, right-wing conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi sent an email to former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone anticipating the document dump, according to draft court papers obtained by NBC News.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging."

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

Foreknowledge of the release of emails hacked by the Russians by Trump allies. With Trump allies coordinating with Jullian Assange on that release.

Is that felony foreknowledge?
Foreknowledge in the first degree?

It demonstrates premediation and intention. That Trump allies were coordinating with WikiLeaks on the release of emails stolen by the Russians.

And then lying their asses off about it. Of course.
It demonstrates more than intention. They have the emails contradicting Corsi's denials. They are toast. Mueller has caught them red handed. This email dump proves that Trump has been lying since this scandal began;Apparent Mueller docs connect dots from Trump camp to Wikileaks
There is nothing illegal about any of that and the election was legit.

This looks pretty bad:

Two months before WikiLeaks released emails stolen from the Clinton campaign, right-wing conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi sent an email to former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone anticipating the document dump, according to draft court papers obtained by NBC News.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging."

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

Foreknowledge of the release of emails hacked by the Russians by Trump allies. With Trump allies coordinating with Jullian Assange on that release.

Is that felony foreknowledge?
Foreknowledge in the first degree?

It demonstrates premediation and intention. That Trump allies were coordinating with WikiLeaks on the release of emails stolen by the Russians.

And then lying their asses off about it. Of course.

It demonstrates premediation and intention.

So if Jim Acosta, for instance, had some documents from a whistleblower, and he told someone who worked for Bernie Sanders that he was going to release them next week, how much prison time should the Sanders staffer be looking at?

Are these documents emails stolen by the Russian government as part of their effort to support Donald Trump in his presidential campaign?

Whistleblowers typically don't release their own I'd say yes, they're also stolen.
Maybe the Russians, maybe someone else.

So, 5 years? More?
My guess is the same morons who signed their name on the dotted line for loans they couldn't afford, are the same ones bitching about Trump

True low information voters


The conspiracy to coordinate with Wikileaks, Assange, Roger Stone, and Jim Corsi in a set of emails having Stone direct Corsi to get information out about Clinton has been exposed. We have the emails of them directing the spread of false information about Clinton. And we have a host of emails between all these criminals confirming the crimes. And Trump was right in the middle based on his communications in speeches, encouraging this false information get out. Mueller has the smoking gun. Can't wait for the report proving this election was illegal, and was coordinated by way of an illegal conspiracy. Congratulations to Mueller and law enforcement. This smoking gun just confirms what the country knew all along.
There is nothing illegal about any of that and the election was legit.

This looks pretty bad:

Two months before WikiLeaks released emails stolen from the Clinton campaign, right-wing conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi sent an email to former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone anticipating the document dump, according to draft court papers obtained by NBC News.

"Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps," Corsi wrote on Aug. 2, 2016, referring to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, according to the draft court papers. "One shortly after I'm back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging."

Mueller has emails from Stone pal Corsi about WikiLeaks Dem email dump

Foreknowledge of the release of emails hacked by the Russians by Trump allies. With Trump allies coordinating with Jullian Assange on that release.

Is that felony foreknowledge?
Foreknowledge in the first degree?

It demonstrates premediation and intention. That Trump allies were coordinating with WikiLeaks on the release of emails stolen by the Russians.

And then lying their asses off about it. Of course.
It demonstrates more than intention. They have the emails contradicting Corsi's denials. They are toast. Mueller has caught them red handed. This email dump proves that Trump has been lying since this scandal began;Apparent Mueller docs connect dots from Trump camp to Wikileaks

The part I find astonishing is that even with the emails *explicitly* proving that Corsi is lying his ass off........conservatives still cling to their conspiracy narrative. Based on nothing.

Its the same with Manafort. They caught him red handed with millions in unreported income. With overwhelming documentation proving it and Manafort's lawyers admitting to it in open court. And yet conservatives TO THIS DAY refuse to acknowledge any of the evidence and cling to their conspiracy.

You can't fix stupid.

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