Jerusalem Gay Pride: Six stabbed 'by ultra-Orthodox Jew'

Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

depends on whom you ask-----for muslims it is a capital crime against "god"------for religious jews it is an "abomination" ----something not to be done----like eating bacon -------for lots of Christians---same thing-------for alexander the great----it was fun -------for me-------I prefer that sex like urination not be public

Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!
Another mass murdering Zionist, eh?

Wow, you're ignorant

It says in the title he's "ultra orthodox" and you ask if he's a Zionist? *facepalm*


Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?


Like, Duh.

Why did you cherry pick my post?


Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?

If he wasn't a Zionist, would he be living in Russia, Poland, or Germany?

It's been my experience, those who cherry pick are practicing deception. Since you are practicing deception, we need not have a discussion. Go troll someone else.
I am on topic-------I stated that Jerusalem is no place to have a gay parade based on---issues related to the sensibilities of people of DIFFERENT ideologies. There have been several "stabbings" in Jerusalem lately-------it is STAB CITY. Time to end the stabbings by keeping people hostile to each other AWAY from each other

Israelis should move the venue of the annual gay pride parade to Tel-Aviv. It's as simple as that.

Because homosexuality is offensive?

Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

Yes, it is wrong. Read Leviticus 18:22

Please don't quote Leviticus...
Quote the New testament.
Leviticus has eternal but also societal laws that ere timely.. people will argue them...
Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

depends on whom you ask-----for muslims it is a capital crime against "god"------for religious jews it is an "abomination" ----something not to be done----like eating bacon -------for lots of Christians---same thing-------for alexander the great----it was fun -------for me-------I prefer that sex like urination not be public

Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!
Another mass murdering Zionist, eh?

Wow, you're ignorant

It says in the title he's "ultra orthodox" and you ask if he's a Zionist? *facepalm*


Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?


Like, Duh.

Why did you cherry pick my post?


Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?

If he wasn't a Zionist, would he be living in Russia, Poland, or Germany?

It's been my experience, those who cherry pick are practicing deception. Since you are practicing deception, we need not have a discussion. Go troll someone else.

I can adress whatever point I want, and it's obvious who's the real troll here.
depends on whom you ask-----for muslims it is a capital crime against "god"------for religious jews it is an "abomination" ----something not to be done----like eating bacon -------for lots of Christians---same thing-------for alexander the great----it was fun -------for me-------I prefer that sex like urination not be public

Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!
Another mass murdering Zionist, eh?

Wow, you're ignorant

It says in the title he's "ultra orthodox" and you ask if he's a Zionist? *facepalm*


Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?


Like, Duh.

Why did you cherry pick my post?


Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?

If he wasn't a Zionist, would he be living in Russia, Poland, or Germany?

It's been my experience, those who cherry pick are practicing deception. Since you are practicing deception, we need not have a discussion. Go troll someone else.

I can adress whatever point I want, and it's obvious who's the real troll here.

People who practice deception are trolls / shills.
Israelis should move the venue of the annual gay pride parade to Tel-Aviv. It's as simple as that.

Because homosexuality is offensive?

Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

Yes, it is wrong. Read Leviticus 18:22

Please don't quote Leviticus...
Quote the New testament.
Leviticus has eternal but also societal laws that ere timely.. people will argue them...

Translation: I can't rebut or refute Leviticus 18:22 so I want you to use something in the NT that I can rebut or refute.
depends on whom you ask-----for muslims it is a capital crime against "god"------for religious jews it is an "abomination" ----something not to be done----like eating bacon -------for lots of Christians---same thing-------for alexander the great----it was fun -------for me-------I prefer that sex like urination not be public

Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!
Another mass murdering Zionist, eh?

Wow, you're ignorant

It says in the title he's "ultra orthodox" and you ask if he's a Zionist? *facepalm*


Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?


Like, Duh.

Why did you cherry pick my post?


Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?

If he wasn't a Zionist, would he be living in Russia, Poland, or Germany?

It's been my experience, those who cherry pick are practicing deception. Since you are practicing deception, we need not have a discussion. Go troll someone else.

I can adress whatever point I want, and it's obvious who's the real troll here.

Lipush do you know how the victims are doing?
Israelis should move the venue of the annual gay pride parade to Tel-Aviv. It's as simple as that.

Because homosexuality is offensive?

Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

Yes, it is wrong. Read Leviticus 18:22

Please don't quote Leviticus...
Quote the New testament.
Leviticus has eternal but also societal laws that ere timely.. people will argue them...

IOW, cherry pick the bible for the things that you agree with? Lol. :D
Romans 1:26-27

26. For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

If you can't figure out the nature of body parts, and how they fit together..... then I can't explain why trying to fit tab A and tab B together is wrong.

I have a reasonable understanding of anatomy...

Still doesn't answer why homosexuality is wrong...

See, when people call homosexuality a mental illness.... it's posts like yours that they point to.

"I understand biology, and how it works, and how it doesn't work.... but I still don't understand why completely ignoring that, and doing the opposite is wrong."

I have a proposal to fix your logical failure.

Let's stick all the homos together in an walled in isolated city. If it's not wrong, then the species should continue.... Good luck.

It's time for this WORLD to stop thinking

(1) Your sexual desires define you and
(2) We know better than God

Grow up!

Ahem. Cough, cough. :D
Romans 1:26-27

26. For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Is licking butt holes shameful? :lol:
Because homosexuality is offensive?

Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

Yes, it is wrong. Read Leviticus 18:22

Please don't quote Leviticus...
Quote the New testament.
Leviticus has eternal but also societal laws that ere timely.. people will argue them...

IOW, cherry pick the bible for the things that you agree with? Lol. :D

There are only a couple of verses in the whole Bible that deal specifically with homosexuality (both of which are in Leviticus).
Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

Yes, it is wrong. Read Leviticus 18:22

Please don't quote Leviticus...
Quote the New testament.
Leviticus has eternal but also societal laws that ere timely.. people will argue them...

IOW, cherry pick the bible for the things that you agree with? Lol. :D

There are only a couple of verses in the whole Bible that deal specifically with homosexuality (and both of them are in Leviticus). So , no I am not cherry picking.
Romans 1:26-27

26. For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

"god" made them do it??? ok----that works-----not their fault
Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

Yes, it is wrong. Read Leviticus 18:22

Please don't quote Leviticus...
Quote the New testament.
Leviticus has eternal but also societal laws that ere timely.. people will argue them...

IOW, cherry pick the bible for the things that you agree with? Lol. :D

There are only a couple of verses in the whole Bible that deal specifically with homosexuality. So , no I am not cherry picking.

so true------Alexander had more to say
Israelis should move the venue of the annual gay pride parade to Tel-Aviv. It's as simple as that.

Because homosexuality is offensive?

Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

Yes, it is wrong. Read Leviticus 18:22

Please don't quote Leviticus...
Quote the New testament.
Leviticus has eternal but also societal laws that ere timely.. people will argue them...
Leviticus pretty relevant to an Orthodox Jew.
Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!
Wow, you're ignorant

It says in the title he's "ultra orthodox" and you ask if he's a Zionist? *facepalm*


Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?


Like, Duh.

Why did you cherry pick my post?


Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?

If he wasn't a Zionist, would he be living in Russia, Poland, or Germany?

It's been my experience, those who cherry pick are practicing deception. Since you are practicing deception, we need not have a discussion. Go troll someone else.

I can adress whatever point I want, and it's obvious who's the real troll here.

Lipush do you know how the victims are doing?

I know they were moved to a different department and hopefully that's due to improvement. I don't know anything more, sadly.
Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?


Like, Duh.

Why did you cherry pick my post?


Are you saying ultra orthodox and Zionist are mutually exclusive?

If he wasn't a Zionist, would he be living in Russia, Poland, or Germany?

It's been my experience, those who cherry pick are practicing deception. Since you are practicing deception, we need not have a discussion. Go troll someone else.

I can adress whatever point I want, and it's obvious who's the real troll here.

Lipush do you know how the victims are doing?

I know they were moved to a different department and hopefully that's due to improvement. I don't know anything more, sadly.

The morgue is a different department.
Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Being on the same side with GOD makes me (and every other Christian) right!

Sorry my friend...

If your god tells you to be a bigot, to be against other humans, then you and she cannot be right!

That is incorrect.

How is it not correct?

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