Jerusalem Gay Pride: Six stabbed 'by ultra-Orthodox Jew'

I would add----Jerusalem itself is SYMBOLIC for many people-------generally religious jews, muslims and Christians------it is a symbol for HOMOSEXUALITY -----what do homosexuals NEED it for?

If you are talking just about symbology then what does ANYONE need it for?

It's a mere symbol of... What? Faith? Belief?

depends on who you ask------symbols are, clearly, not YOUR bag

Yes, exactly, it does depend on who you ask...

It's still just a symbol, as you describe... So why can't other's use a symbol?

"others" can use a symbol ----in some cases symbols conflict with each other and cause hostility. You cannot wear a cross in mecca

So then there is no issue for homosexuals to take Jerusalem as a "symbol"....

not that I know of-------it just seems like "SPITE"------like going to mass with a copy of PLAYBOY
Because homosexuality is offensive?

Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

If you can't figure out the nature of body parts, and how they fit together..... then I can't explain why trying to fit tab A and tab B together is wrong.

I have a reasonable understanding of anatomy...

Still doesn't answer why homosexuality is wrong...

See, when people call homosexuality a mental illness.... it's posts like yours that they point to.

"I understand biology, and how it works, and how it doesn't work.... but I still don't understand why completely ignoring that, and doing the opposite is wrong."

I have a proposal to fix your logical failure.

Let's stick all the homos together in an walled in isolated city. If it's not wrong, then the species should continue.... Good luck.

It's time for this WORLD to stop thinking

(1) Your sexual desires define you and
(2) We know better than God

Grow up!
Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

depends on whom you ask-----for muslims it is a capital crime against "god"------for religious jews it is an "abomination" ----something not to be done----like eating bacon -------for lots of Christians---same thing-------for alexander the great----it was fun -------for me-------I prefer that sex like urination not be public

Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Being on the same side with GOD makes me (and every other Christian) right!
Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

depends on whom you ask-----for muslims it is a capital crime against "god"------for religious jews it is an "abomination" ----something not to be done----like eating bacon -------for lots of Christians---same thing-------for alexander the great----it was fun -------for me-------I prefer that sex like urination not be public

Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Being on the same side with GOD makes me (and every other Christian) right!

Sorry my friend...

If your god tells you to be a bigot, to be against other humans, then you and she cannot be right!
Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

depends on whom you ask-----for muslims it is a capital crime against "god"------for religious jews it is an "abomination" ----something not to be done----like eating bacon -------for lots of Christians---same thing-------for alexander the great----it was fun -------for me-------I prefer that sex like urination not be public

Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

his comment was not evidence of bigotry-------
depends on whom you ask-----for muslims it is a capital crime against "god"------for religious jews it is an "abomination" ----something not to be done----like eating bacon -------for lots of Christians---same thing-------for alexander the great----it was fun -------for me-------I prefer that sex like urination not be public

Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Being on the same side with GOD makes me (and every other Christian) right!

Sorry my friend...

If your god tells you to be a bigot, to be against other humans, then you and she cannot be right!

there is 1 GOD
Yours and mine both
He tells us to obey Him.
You choose not to. Your choice.
depends on whom you ask-----for muslims it is a capital crime against "god"------for religious jews it is an "abomination" ----something not to be done----like eating bacon -------for lots of Christians---same thing-------for alexander the great----it was fun -------for me-------I prefer that sex like urination not be public

Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Being on the same side with GOD makes me (and every other Christian) right!

Sorry my friend...

If your god tells you to be a bigot, to be against other humans, then you and she cannot be right!

you are just being argumentative
Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Being on the same side with GOD makes me (and every other Christian) right!

Sorry my friend...

If your god tells you to be a bigot, to be against other humans, then you and she cannot be right!

you are just being argumentative

Some people you just can not have a discussion with... best to move on....
Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Being on the same side with GOD makes me (and every other Christian) right!

Sorry my friend...

If your god tells you to be a bigot, to be against other humans, then you and she cannot be right!

you are just being argumentative

Not at all... I am making a valid point...

How someone can believe in something that makes you a bigot I really have no idea...

Surely we, as human beings, have the same rights?
Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Being on the same side with GOD makes me (and every other Christian) right!

Sorry my friend...

If your god tells you to be a bigot, to be against other humans, then you and she cannot be right!

you are just being argumentative

Not at all... I am making a valid point...

How someone can believe in something that makes you a bigot I really have no idea...

Surely we, as human beings, have the same rights?

If you think being a Christian means being a Bigot that is between you and God.
You need to do a better job at getting to ME personally........
Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Being on the same side with GOD makes me (and every other Christian) right!

Sorry my friend...

If your god tells you to be a bigot, to be against other humans, then you and she cannot be right!

you are just being argumentative

Not at all... I am making a valid point...

How someone can believe in something that makes you a bigot I really have no idea...

Surely we, as human beings, have the same rights?

you have decided that people who accept a religious "law" that homosexuality is a sin are accepting "bigotry"? ---------I am not so sure. How about alcohol----is the acceptance that drinking alcohol as a sin ----also "bigotry against drinkers"? How about a muslim who accepts Islamic prohibition on drinking of alcohol but does not dislike non muslims who do it? is it bigotry to consider muslims who do it-----bad-----bigotry?
I only post this for a little balance...

In a recent thread a poster suggested that it was the Muslims who were intolerant and went to far as to say that Muslims would be killing gays, almost for 'fun'... At least that was implied...

I find these kinds of attack filled with belligerent hatred from whoever carries out the attack...

It's not JUST a Muslim problem a some would have it!

Jerusalem Gay Pride Six stabbed by ultra-Orthodox Jew - BBC News

In the article, it says Netanyahu condemned the lone-wolf attack. In Iran, the hate is state-sanctioned.

Hate of homo's isn't a bad thing. Even if it is state sanctioned.

Hate of anyone is a bad thing!

Spoken like a tried and true, self appointed, PC thought cop.
depends on whom you ask-----for muslims it is a capital crime against "god"------for religious jews it is an "abomination" ----something not to be done----like eating bacon -------for lots of Christians---same thing-------for alexander the great----it was fun -------for me-------I prefer that sex like urination not be public

Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Being on the same side with GOD makes me (and every other Christian) right!

Sorry my friend...

If your god tells you to be a bigot, to be against other humans, then you and she cannot be right!

That is incorrect.
depends on whom you ask-----for muslims it is a capital crime against "god"------for religious jews it is an "abomination" ----something not to be done----like eating bacon -------for lots of Christians---same thing-------for alexander the great----it was fun -------for me-------I prefer that sex like urination not be public

Were these 6 marchers having sex when they were stabbed?

Everyone sins.
Murder is no different than Homosexuality.
Both are sins.

I think you might find, in the eyes of the law they are very different...

Being a bigot does not make you right!

Being on the same side with GOD makes me (and every other Christian) right!

Sorry my friend...

If your god tells you to be a bigot, to be against other humans, then you and she cannot be right!

How is it bigotry to say you're proudly attracted to the opposite sex? since when saying "I'm proud straight" makes you officially "anti-gay"? This is total crap, like, really
I am sure that if they could stone them properly, they would.

Since the police would stop the stoning before the poor rump-rangers died, they moved up to the next best option.... which succeeded.

Honestly, I can't blame them. Seriously, how dumb do you have to be, to go to one of the hottest orthodox religious places in the entire world... and then parade around one of the most atrocious acts possible right under their nose.... and not think they will react?

Does the mental failure at understanding how body parts work, also cause retardation of basic 'cause and effect' thinking?

Forest Gump would have more common sense than these people.

If someone walked down Harlem, with a sign saying "Black people prove ape-to-man evolution" and he got shot.... would you be all that surprised?

That's how I view this. How idiotic do you have to be.

I agree with you that the parade should not take place in Jerusalem-------tel aviv would be a better choice--------but-----what to do? even the pope is getting
friendly with the homo scene. -----it's the TIMES ---------the idea will-------melt into the fabric of ---------humanity

Why should the parade not take place in Jerusalem?

One reason is lots of religious people hang out around Jerusalem and lots of them are offended by homosexuality. Also ---lots of muslim terrorists hang out there----and the naturei karta often act like filthy muslim terrorists. -----their enclave is nearby. The stabbing event was a disaster waiting to happen. From the POV of jewish law-----it is actually illegal to keep people out of Jerusalem ----afterall-----jewish law is not anything like the STENCH of shariah----but were I able to control the situation----I would keep both homosexual demonstrations and muslim scum out of the city

I am offended by lots of religious people... Doesn't mean that I would keep them out of one area or another...

Israel taking a strip of land in the middle of a 'hornets nest' is a disaster waiting to happen don't you think?

I'm very glad you aren't in control... Homophobia a terrible thing!

Clearly, in this instance, its Jewish "scum" causing problems, not Muslim "scum"...

And keeping Muslims out of East Jerusalem, which doesn't belong to Israel... Seriously?

Really.... You support Palestine, where they slaughter gays as a matter of public policy....

You realize that if Israel was not in East Jerusalem, gays in E Jerusalem would be killed by the Muslims..... right?

No, they don't. Homo's are revered in Israel.
I agree with you that the parade should not take place in Jerusalem-------tel aviv would be a better choice--------but-----what to do? even the pope is getting
friendly with the homo scene. -----it's the TIMES ---------the idea will-------melt into the fabric of ---------humanity

Why should the parade not take place in Jerusalem?

One reason is lots of religious people hang out around Jerusalem and lots of them are offended by homosexuality. Also ---lots of muslim terrorists hang out there----and the naturei karta often act like filthy muslim terrorists. -----their enclave is nearby. The stabbing event was a disaster waiting to happen. From the POV of jewish law-----it is actually illegal to keep people out of Jerusalem ----afterall-----jewish law is not anything like the STENCH of shariah----but were I able to control the situation----I would keep both homosexual demonstrations and muslim scum out of the city

I am offended by lots of religious people... Doesn't mean that I would keep them out of one area or another...

Israel taking a strip of land in the middle of a 'hornets nest' is a disaster waiting to happen don't you think?

I'm very glad you aren't in control... Homophobia a terrible thing!

Clearly, in this instance, its Jewish "scum" causing problems, not Muslim "scum"...

And keeping Muslims out of East Jerusalem, which doesn't belong to Israel... Seriously?

Really.... You support Palestine, where they slaughter gays as a matter of public policy....

You realize that if Israel was not in East Jerusalem, gays in E Jerusalem would be killed by the Muslims..... right?

No, they don't. Homo's are revered in Israel.

how do you know, bobby? did the whores in your house tell you?
Not quite sure what point you are trying to make...

A Jew stabbed 6 people on a gay pride march... Thats the topic of this OP!

I am on topic-------I stated that Jerusalem is no place to have a gay parade based on---issues related to the sensibilities of people of DIFFERENT ideologies. There have been several "stabbings" in Jerusalem lately-------it is STAB CITY. Time to end the stabbings by keeping people hostile to each other AWAY from each other

Israelis should move the venue of the annual gay pride parade to Tel-Aviv. It's as simple as that.

Because homosexuality is offensive?

Because it's WRONG

Being homosexual is wrong?

How so?

Yes, it is wrong. Read Leviticus 18:22
Why should the parade not take place in Jerusalem?

One reason is lots of religious people hang out around Jerusalem and lots of them are offended by homosexuality. Also ---lots of muslim terrorists hang out there----and the naturei karta often act like filthy muslim terrorists. -----their enclave is nearby. The stabbing event was a disaster waiting to happen. From the POV of jewish law-----it is actually illegal to keep people out of Jerusalem ----afterall-----jewish law is not anything like the STENCH of shariah----but were I able to control the situation----I would keep both homosexual demonstrations and muslim scum out of the city

I am offended by lots of religious people... Doesn't mean that I would keep them out of one area or another...

Israel taking a strip of land in the middle of a 'hornets nest' is a disaster waiting to happen don't you think?

I'm very glad you aren't in control... Homophobia a terrible thing!

Clearly, in this instance, its Jewish "scum" causing problems, not Muslim "scum"...

And keeping Muslims out of East Jerusalem, which doesn't belong to Israel... Seriously?

Really.... You support Palestine, where they slaughter gays as a matter of public policy....

You realize that if Israel was not in East Jerusalem, gays in E Jerusalem would be killed by the Muslims..... right?

No, they don't. Homo's are revered in Israel.

how do you know, bobby? did the whores in your house tell you?

No, the whores in YOUR house told me.

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