Jerusalem to reward Trump by putting his name on train station

You are letting your party bias get in the way of reality. Trump just delivered on a promise many past presidents both Democrat and Republican made, but did not follow through. You will be hard pressed to find any Jew, especially Israeli who disagrees with what Trump did.

Oh I'm content with the move regarding Jerusalem and Israel but Trump's still an idiot.

IMHO he's very likely to end up behind bars. It's just a matter of how many other republicans he takes with him. Looks like his son in law will be keeping him company, Flynn ? and a few others so far. So far being the key phrase
So you grudgingly approve of the move an "idiot who will be behind bars" has made.

When will American Jews realize that the Democratic Party has betrayed them and Israel? I wonder. They stood by while Obama stabbed Israel in the back, repetitively.

Not grudgingly at all. He was desperate so he followed up on something other presidents began and claimed credit. Typical.

I approve of the move completely, just not the idiot making that particular move.

Obama had his ups and downs like most presidents, his record on Israel was dismal, but so were they all. We should have recognized Jerusalem in 67. Trump on the other hand is a traitor and I'm looking forward to seeing him in an orange jumpsuit
Whatever. Just remember, you are bashing a man who has made a historic move for the state of Israel and the Jewish people.

Issa >>>>
With Micronesia, Guatemala and who else? LOL....what a joke. Can you guys point Jerusalem on the map?

Issa-----I cannot decipher your post. ----who are "you guys" and how does that ID on a map
Trump will then sue them for trademark infringement!

More hats !!!

MIGA -- Making Israel Great Again. :badgrin: With all the Zionist controlled Media and Politicians -- you'd think that we would have trains stations HERE named after Golda Meir..

good idea-------I NOMINATE THE 'A' train of Brooklyn-Manhattan-Bronx Way back then-----9-11-01
I was getting ready to go to work -------Brooklyn :>>> Bronx. (A train) I looked out my living room window
and saw HUGE PLUMES OF WHITE SMOKE rising from the WTC--------the rest is history-----I was running
a little late--------had I been on time I would have been right under the WTC when it was bombed by allah

The WTC wasn't bombed on 9/11, it had a plane fly into it.

The time the WTC was bombed was in 1993.

Please try to keep your facts straight, we have enough confusion with the conservatives spinning or mixing up facts.

Try to focus------the passenger plane on 9-11-01 was USED AS A BOMB. ----I was there----sorta
In fact I treated some of the 1993 victims of Islamic filth----remember? I think seven were killed when
the muzzie pigs tried to topple the WTC by placing a shit bomb in the underground parking lot but some
of the victims just had injuries
Trump being honored in the Holy Land.

Israel is poised to reward President Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as its capital – by naming a train station near the Western Wall after him, according to reports.

Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz is going full steam ahead with a plan to extend the city’s future high-speed rail line to the Western Wall, where he wants Trump’s name to grace a station, Ynet News of Israel reported.

“The Western Wall is the holiest site of the Jewish people,” Katz said, “and I have decided to name the train station leading to it after the president of the United States, Donald Trump, following his courageous and historic decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

The “Donald John Trump station” is one of two stations proposed for the extension of a line nearing completion between Tel Aviv and the western entrance to Jerusalem.
Probably the busiest station in the nation too.


Trump will then sue them for trademark infringement!

More hats !!!

MIGA -- Making Israel Great Again. :badgrin: With all the Zionist controlled Media and Politicians -- you'd think that we would have trains stations HERE named after Golda Meir..

good idea-------I NOMINATE THE 'A' train of Brooklyn-Manhattan-Bronx Way back then-----9-11-01
I was getting ready to go to work -------Brooklyn :>>> Bronx. (A train) I looked out my living room window
and saw HUGE PLUMES OF WHITE SMOKE rising from the WTC--------the rest is history-----I was running
a little late--------had I been on time I would have been right under the WTC when it was bombed by allah

The WTC wasn't bombed on 9/11, it had a plane fly into it.

The time the WTC was bombed was in 1993.

Please try to keep your facts straight, we have enough confusion with the conservatives spinning or mixing up facts.

Try to focus------the passenger plane on 9-11-01 was USED AS A BOMB. ----I was there----sorta
In fact I treated some of the 1993 victims of Islamic filth----remember? I think seven were killed when
the muzzie pigs tried to topple the WTC by placing a shit bomb in the underground parking lot but some
of the victims just had injuries

I was stationed with VFA-131 Wildcats at Cecil Field FL when the WTC was bombed in 1993. I was stationed in Amarillo at the MEPS when the WTC was hit on 9/11. I distinctly remember both. When the bomb first went off in 1993, I was in the Ready Room watching things unfold on television.

When the WTC was hit on 9/11, that also was another memorable day for me. I had just stepped out of the shower and was getting ready for work when the first one hit. I looked at the tv and thought that someone had seriously screwed up, and then the second plane hit. I then thought there was some kind of attack happening and immediately got to work. When I got there, it was full blown chaos because we had to get all the applicants out of MEPS and back home, even the ones that were supposed to ship off to boot camp that day because they shut down the airlines.

And, while the aircraft were used for destruction, they aren't in the same class as putting down a bomb. The planes being used for weapons were worse than bombs in my opinion.
Few things show how wing-nutty the Democratic Party has become than its opposition to Trump's courageous, principled decision to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Jimmy Carter promised to do this. Bill Clinton promised to do this. As a candidate in 2008, Obama said Jerusalem was Israel's capital. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem used to be a plank in the Democratic Party's platform. Yet, when Trump announced the move, leading Democrats, incredibly, echoed the line voiced by Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Palestinian Authority, i.e., that the move would lead to violence and would destabilize relations between Israel and her Arab neighbors.

Yeah, the move might indeed lead to some terrorist acts and might strain relations with Israel's Muslim-nation neighbors. So be it. They'll get over it. Remember that for decades Arabs controlled Jerusalem and the West Bank, yet they did nothing to create a Palestinian state in the West Bank. (In fact, they used the Wailing Wall as a garbage dump.)
My best guess is that he is going to buy the West Wall of the temple, move it to the Texas border to stop rapists from entering America, and put his name in neon lights all over it.
Trump being honored in the Holy Land.

Israel is poised to reward President Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as its capital – by naming a train station near the Western Wall after him, according to reports.

Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz is going full steam ahead with a plan to extend the city’s future high-speed rail line to the Western Wall, where he wants Trump’s name to grace a station, Ynet News of Israel reported.

“The Western Wall is the holiest site of the Jewish people,” Katz said, “and I have decided to name the train station leading to it after the president of the United States, Donald Trump, following his courageous and historic decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

The “Donald John Trump station” is one of two stations proposed for the extension of a line nearing completion between Tel Aviv and the western entrance to Jerusalem.
A raw sewage processing plant would be more appropriate.

But I guess they are saving that for Obama ?!
The people of Israel show the US just how much Trump's recent Jerusalem embassy announcement means to them.

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer, let alone loved a US president to this extent?!

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer?

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.

let alone loved a US president to this extent?...New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

What's love got to do with it? I say nothing. Israeli leaders are as aware of Trump's craving for flattery and its effectiveness in garnering one's way with him as is the rest of the world.

The Jews defeated all those Arab countries in 67' with no U.S. military aid. They used French made jets, the tanks were old modified WWII for the most part. Not till Nixon in 73' did they get military aid from the U.S. learn some history:slap:
Is that a remote control device on his head?
That's the president of the USA who just gave the best Christmas / Hannukah gift to all Jews and Christians in US history.
I don´t care what city Israel´s capital is. This is neither my problem nor that one of Christians, Americans and Europeans.
When Trump will start addressing American interests like infrastructure, crime and unemployment?
He already has, which you know. Which makes you a disingenuous craphead.

Infrastructure is on the agenda for 2018.

His leadership and policies have resulted in amazing, positive changes to crime rates and unemployment.

"The 310,531 border arrests were the most fewest arrests made since 1971. The number of border arrests tend to correspond to the number of illegal border crossing attempts, so the 25% decrease between 2016 and 2017 seem to indicate that fewer foreign nationals attempted to illegally enter the U.S. by crossing the border."

Illegal Border Crossings Decline in FY2017

"The May jobs report confirms the labor market is strengthening, with the US unemployment rate hitting a 16-year low. "

Here’s why the black unemployment rate hit a 16 ½-year low
They exclude certain people from the statistic. For example those who gave up searching for a job are considered employed.
And Trump has no more money for the infrastructure in 2018 because of his gift to the rich.
Yes, I know what *they* have done in the past.
So as it turns out, maybe we'll just never know what the job situation in this country is, or ever has been. I guess we'll just have to trust the media, the Dow and the public.

Who all agree, the job situation is improving:

Food stamp rolls plummet in states that restore work requirements
The Trump train station...

Excellent! Now hop on board, or get run over.
The people of Israel show the US just how much Trump's recent Jerusalem embassy announcement means to them.

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer, let alone loved a US president to this extent?!

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer?

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.

let alone loved a US president to this extent?...New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

What's love got to do with it? I say nothing. Israeli leaders are as aware of Trump's craving for flattery and its effectiveness in garnering one's way with him as is the rest of the world.
The US didn't take a penny from the US until 1967 when the US stopped Israel from militarily and politically crushing their 5 Arab neighbors.

Israel got no military aid from the U.S. until after they crushed the Arabs in 67'
The Republican pandering for Jews is one of the unsolved Mysteries.

Jews undermine Republicans left, and right.

Their solution is not only to do nothing about it, but worship Jews, and Israel.

Jewish groups against Trump.

Jewish groups, politicians furious over Trump's far-right pandering

Many American Rabbis put Refugees above Trump, or America.

1,500+ Rabbis Sign National Letter Calling for Welcoming Refugees

Half of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic party

This Jew opened up immigration, and gun control in America in the 1960's.

Emanuel Celler - Wikipedia

This Jew runs the Liberal ACLU.

Susan N. Herman - Wikipedia

Hollywood is totally run by Jews says Jew Joel Stein, but Conservatives hate Hollywood for Liberalism.

Who runs Hollywood? C'mon

This Jew founded NBC Liberal media.

David Sarnoff - Wikipedia

Jews at Comcast like Roberts own MSNC.

Ralph J. Roberts - Wikipedia

This Jew put on the map the CBS Liberal media.

William S. Paley - Wikipedia

This Jew runs CBS.

Leslie Moonves - Wikipedia

This Jew an Israeli owns CNN Liberal media through Time Warner.

Aviv Nevo - Wikipedia

This Jew runs CNN.

Jeff Zucker - Wikipedia

This Jew owns / founded Liberal Viacom / MTV / ABC media.

Sumner Redstone - Wikipedia

Jews are a Liberal voting block, who have probably been responsible for swinging Florida in favor of Democrats in a bunch of elections.

Jewish Voting Record in U.S. Presidential Elections
Last edited:
It is nice to see that a man of courage who refused to kneel before Islamic Extremists in an act of appeasement, who acknowledge an existing FACT, is being honored for his courage.
The people of Israel show the US just how much Trump's recent Jerusalem embassy announcement means to them.

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer, let alone loved a US president to this extent?!

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer?

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.

let alone loved a US president to this extent?...New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

What's love got to do with it? I say nothing. Israeli leaders are as aware of Trump's craving for flattery and its effectiveness in garnering one's way with him as is the rest of the world.

The Jews defeated all those Arab countries in 67' with no U.S. military aid. They used French made jets, the tanks were old modified WWII for the most part. Not till Nixon in 73' did they get military aid from the U.S. learn some history:slap:
The Jews defeated all those Arab countries in 67' with no U.S. military aid....Not till Nixon in 73' did they get military aid from the U.S. learn some history:slap:

Go stand next to Indeependent.
In 1967, Israel received $7M (comparable to ~$52M in today's dollars) in U.S. military aid.

I don't need to learn history. You need to learn to confirm that whatever the hell you think be true indeed is true.
Last edited:
The people of Israel show the US just how much Trump's recent Jerusalem embassy announcement means to them.

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer, let alone loved a US president to this extent?!

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer?

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.

let alone loved a US president to this extent?...New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

What's love got to do with it? I say nothing. Israeli leaders are as aware of Trump's craving for flattery and its effectiveness in garnering one's way with him as is the rest of the world.

The Jews defeated all those Arab countries in 67' with no U.S. military aid. They used French made jets, the tanks were old modified WWII for the most part. Not till Nixon in 73' did they get military aid from the U.S. learn some history:slap:
The Jews defeated all those Arab countries in 67' with no U.S. military aid....Not till Nixon in 73' did they get military aid from the U.S. learn some history:slap:

Go stand next to Indeependent.
In 1967, Israel received $7M (comparable to ~$52M in today's dollars) in U.S. military aid.

I don't need to learn history. You need to learn to confirm that whatever the hell you think be true indeed is true.

In 1967, Israel also bombed a U.S Naval ship.

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia
The people of Israel show the US just how much Trump's recent Jerusalem embassy announcement means to them.

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer, let alone loved a US president to this extent?!

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer?

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.

let alone loved a US president to this extent?...New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

What's love got to do with it? I say nothing. Israeli leaders are as aware of Trump's craving for flattery and its effectiveness in garnering one's way with him as is the rest of the world.

The Jews defeated all those Arab countries in 67' with no U.S. military aid. They used French made jets, the tanks were old modified WWII for the most part. Not till Nixon in 73' did they get military aid from the U.S. learn some history:slap:
The Jews defeated all those Arab countries in 67' with no U.S. military aid....Not till Nixon in 73' did they get military aid from the U.S. learn some history:slap:

Go stand next to Indeependent.
In 1967, Israel received $7M (comparable to ~$52M in today's dollars) in U.S. military aid.

I don't need to learn history. You need to learn to confirm that whatever the hell you think be true indeed is true.

In 1967, Israel also bombed a U.S Naval ship.

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia
They did indeed.
You are letting your party bias get in the way of reality. Trump just delivered on a promise many past presidents both Democrat and Republican made, but did not follow through. You will be hard pressed to find any Jew, especially Israeli who disagrees with what Trump did.

Oh I'm content with the move regarding Jerusalem and Israel but Trump's still an idiot.

IMHO he's very likely to end up behind bars. It's just a matter of how many other republicans he takes with him. Looks like his son in law will be keeping him company, Flynn ? and a few others so far. So far being the key phrase
So you grudgingly approve of the move an "idiot who will be behind bars" has made.

When will American Jews realize that the Democratic Party has betrayed them and Israel? I wonder. They stood by while Obama stabbed Israel in the back, repetitively.

Not grudgingly at all. He was desperate so he followed up on something other presidents began and claimed credit. Typical.

I approve of the move completely, just not the idiot making that particular move.

Obama had his ups and downs like most presidents, his record on Israel was dismal, but so were they all. We should have recognized Jerusalem in 67. Trump on the other hand is a traitor and I'm looking forward to seeing him in an orange jumpsuit
Whatever. Just remember, you are bashing a man who has made a historic move for the state of Israel and the Jewish people.
With Micronesia, Guatemala and who else? LOL....what a joke. Can you guys point Jerusalem on the map?
Don't worry, more will come soon. Point to Jerusalem? Been there many times, dufus.
The people of Israel show the US just how much Trump's recent Jerusalem embassy announcement means to them.

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer, let alone loved a US president to this extent?!

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer?

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.

let alone loved a US president to this extent?...New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

What's love got to do with it? I say nothing. Israeli leaders are as aware of Trump's craving for flattery and its effectiveness in garnering one's way with him as is the rest of the world.

The Jews defeated all those Arab countries in 67' with no U.S. military aid. They used French made jets, the tanks were old modified WWII for the most part. Not till Nixon in 73' did they get military aid from the U.S. learn some history:slap:
The Jews defeated all those Arab countries in 67' with no U.S. military aid....Not till Nixon in 73' did they get military aid from the U.S. learn some history:slap:

Go stand next to Indeependent.
In 1967, Israel received $7M (comparable to ~$52M in today's dollars) in U.S. military aid.

I don't need to learn history. You need to learn to confirm that whatever the hell you think be true indeed is true.

You just proved yourself wrong. No US arms to Israel, just a meaningless small amount of money...7 million. Do you have reading comprehension problems?
The people of Israel show the US just how much Trump's recent Jerusalem embassy announcement means to them.

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer, let alone loved a US president to this extent?!

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer?

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.

let alone loved a US president to this extent?...New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

What's love got to do with it? I say nothing. Israeli leaders are as aware of Trump's craving for flattery and its effectiveness in garnering one's way with him as is the rest of the world.

The Jews defeated all those Arab countries in 67' with no U.S. military aid. They used French made jets, the tanks were old modified WWII for the most part. Not till Nixon in 73' did they get military aid from the U.S. learn some history:slap:

I was alive and cognitively intact during that '67 war-----in fact---SUPER INTACT----I had just finish
FIINALS------in my freshman year-----ALL ACES --even calculus despite a C <ugh> first
semester-----I did manage to pull up to an ACE second semester----then CRISIS IN THE MIDDLE
EAST (mid MAY-) the UN proceedings televised for HOURS every day-------I watched
the whole damn thing all the way thru. At that time arab propaganda was all over the
proceedings AND the interim interviews with the genius arab diplomats. Their statements were
FULL OF VICTORY and------US TROOPS ON THE GROUND-----that's why so many schmucks
on this board claim that the USA not only provided monetary aid but EVEN MILITARY
PRESENCE. ....even I believed some of it like when they claimed USA BOMBER SHOT DOWN

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