Jerusalem to reward Trump by putting his name on train station

They might as well named the station "Place Pipe Bombs Here station".

Israel already has an infestation of pipe bomb throwers. Putting out bait for them is a great strategy...


great idea
Trump being honored in the Holy Land.

Israel is poised to reward President Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as its capital – by naming a train station near the Western Wall after him, according to reports.

Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz is going full steam ahead with a plan to extend the city’s future high-speed rail line to the Western Wall, where he wants Trump’s name to grace a station, Ynet News of Israel reported.

“The Western Wall is the holiest site of the Jewish people,” Katz said, “and I have decided to name the train station leading to it after the president of the United States, Donald Trump, following his courageous and historic decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

The “Donald John Trump station” is one of two stations proposed for the extension of a line nearing completion between Tel Aviv and the western entrance to Jerusalem.
Kelly, McMaster and other aides begged Trump not to make this Jerusalem call because they knew what damage it would do and inflame the Middle East.
Once again the buffoon didn't listen to experienced knowledgeable voices and plunged in without reason or common sense.

Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread.
Yea, build another wall. Name it "Trump's Wailing Wall". We can dedicate it to how much his jealously of Obama makes him "wail".
"Obama is listening to me" "Obama is watching me".

Oh Don Knee,
Obama wouldn't touch you to scratch you.
There will never be a wall. Never.
Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and completely destroying ISIS should get him the Nobel Peace prize.

It's more than Obama did to deserve it.
So how does inflaming the Middle East with his Jerusalem boner warrant him the Peace Prize?
You cultists are out of your cotton pickingminds.
"The May jobs report confirms the labor market is strengthening, with the US unemployment rate hitting a 16-year low. "

Here’s why the black unemployment rate hit a 16 ½-year low

Trump had nothing, nada, zip to do with this; period. But taking credit for someone else's achievements is the trump calling card.

Exactly. Just ask Trump what he had to do with it. He'd stutter and then say : MAGA
This guy is clueless. He makes Dan Quayle look like WinstonChurchill.
The people of Israel show the US just how much Trump's recent Jerusalem embassy announcement means to them.

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer, let alone loved a US president to this extent?!

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer?

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.

let alone loved a US president to this extent?...New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

What's love got to do with it? I say nothing. Israeli leaders are as aware of Trump's craving for flattery and its effectiveness in garnering one's way with him as is the rest of the world.

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.
The US didn't take a penny from the US until 1967 when the US stopped Israel from militarily and politically crushing their 5 Arab neighbors.

I cannot disabuse you of believing that canard, but I can show that it is a canard that you believe is so.

In one way or another and subsequent to its initial declaration , Israel's existence has been largely been given life, as it were, legitimized and durable because of U.S. support.
During World War I, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917, supporting the “establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” Palestine became a British Mandate after the war and British officials simultaneously encouraged the national aspirations of the Arab majority in Palestine for eventual self-determination, insisting that its promises to Jews and Arabs did not conflict. Jews immigrated to Palestine in ever greater numbers during the Mandate period, and tension between Arabs and Jews and between each group and the British increased, leading to periodic clashes. Following World War II, the plight of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust gave the demand for a Jewish home added poignancy and urgency, while Arabs across the Middle East simultaneously demanded self-determination and independence from European colonial powers.

In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly developed a partition plan (Resolution 181) to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, proposing U.N. trusteeship for Jerusalem and some surrounding areas. The leadership of the Jewish Yishuv (or polity) welcomed the plan because of the legitimacy they asserted that it conferred on the Jews’ claims in Palestine despite their small numbers, while the Palestinian Arab leadership and the League of Arab States (Arab League) rejected the plan, insisting both that the specific partition proposed and the entire concept of partition were unfair given Palestine’s Arab majority.

After several months of civil conflict between Jews and Arabs, Britain officially ended its Mandate on May 14, 1948, at which point the state of Israel proclaimed its independence and was immediately invaded by Arab armies. During and after the conflict, roughly 700,000 Palestinians were driven or fled from their homes, an occurrence Palestinians call the nakba (“catastrophe”).1 Many became internationally designated refugees after ending up either in areas of Mandate-era Palestine controlled by Jordan (the West Bank) or Egypt (the Gaza Strip), or in nearby Arab states. Palestinians remaining in Israel became Israeli citizens.

The conflict ended with armistice agreements between Israel and its neighboring Arab states: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. The territory controlled by Israel within these 1949-1950 armistice lines is roughly the size of New Jersey. Israel has engaged in further armed conflict with some or all of its neighbors on a number of occasions since then -- most notably in 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982. Since the 1950s, Israel has also dealt with the threat of Palestinian guerrilla or terrorist attacks.

Since Israel’s founding in 1948, successive U.S. Presidents and many Members of Congress have demonstrated a commitment to Israel’s security and to close U.S.-Israel cooperation. Perceptions of shared democratic values and religious affinities have contributed to strong bilateral ties. The question of Israel’s security regularly influences U.S. policy considerations regarding the Middle East, and Congress provides active oversight of executive branch dealings with Israel and other actors in the region. Israel is a leading recipient of U.S. foreign aid and a frequent purchaser of major U.S. weapons systems. By law, U.S. arms sales cannot adversely affect Israel’s “qualitative military edge” over other countries in its region. (Source)
Now show me the money that Israel received from the US prior to 1967.
Seriously? At first I thought were simply mistaken and hubristically committed to construing the content of your own beliefs as facts. You are those things, but in addition with the above request made in the aftermath of the information I shared and linked in post 73, you show yourself truly to be as risibly intransigent, puerile, slothful, feeble-minded, and ignorant as I suspected you might be!

Just how the hell do you imagine Eisenhower (Do you have any idea of when he was POTUS? Not that you need to, for I specified the year in which he did so. What'd you think? That he was a private citizen when he did that?) could threaten to suspend U.S.-sourced financial aid to Israel if the U.S. was not then delivering any? I even provided you with three external content links that discuss is having done so. The specific sum of aid given to Israel prior to 1967 is not germane to this discussion because whatever it was, it was material enough to Israel that President Eisenhower could was able to use it as leverage for pressing Israel to alter its behavior during the "Suez Crisis period."

Seriously, dude! How could that not have been obvious to you given the content in and linked-to in post 73, which I composed in direct response to a remark you made in post 49 (shown below)?
The US didn't take a penny from the US until 1967 when the US stopped Israel from militarily and politically crushing their 5 Arab neighbors.
Mother of God! In one of the articles to which I linked in my response to that comment is found the following:
Eisenhower threatened that he would approve trade sanctions against Israel and might also cut off all private assistance to Israel, which amounted to $40 million in tax-deductible donations and $60 million annually in the purchase of bonds.
Did you even bother to read the linked references I provided?!? Obviously you did not!

To reinforce for you and remind your imperious ass yet again -- this is not the first time you've challenged the veracity of objective facts I've presented -- that, unlike some other USMB members, I rarely (if at all) without portfolio post inaccurate assertions about/descriptions of simply and objectively verifiable events, places, phenomena, things and people, here is a tabulation of the money the U.S. has given to Israel since 1949!
Be on notice that this will be the last time I deign to respond to your jejune requests for information when I've already, in response to your remarks, provided sufficient credible content verifying objective facts I shared. Others here may at times present their opinions as though they are facts; I do not.
Last edited:
"The May jobs report confirms the labor market is strengthening, with the US unemployment rate hitting a 16-year low. "

Here’s why the black unemployment rate hit a 16 ½-year low

Trump had nothing, nada, zip to do with this; period. But taking credit for someone else's achievements is the trump calling card.

Exactly. Just ask Trump what he had to do with it. He'd stutter and then say : MAGA
This guy is clueless. He makes Dan Quayle look like WinstonChurchill.
A clueless guy who beats 17 establishment cadidates to the nomination, then beats a crooked treasonous democratic candidate that spend over a billion more than he did and had the media totally in her back pocket. Yeah...Totally "clueless".
Trump will then sue them for trademark infringement!

More hats !!!

MIGA -- Making Israel Great Again. :badgrin: With all the Zionist controlled Media and Politicians -- you'd think that we would have trains stations HERE named after Golda Meir..

good idea-------I NOMINATE THE 'A' train of Brooklyn-Manhattan-Bronx Way back then-----9-11-01
I was getting ready to go to work -------Brooklyn :>>> Bronx. (A train) I looked out my living room window
and saw HUGE PLUMES OF WHITE SMOKE rising from the WTC--------the rest is history-----I was running
a little late--------had I been on time I would have been right under the WTC when it was bombed by allah
Trump's an idiot, my bet is Mueller will see him behind bars before this is all over.

I definitely agree that jerusalem is Israel's capitol but I think it's a stretch to give much credit to Trump. He was just desperate for a PR move because of his deplorable numbers
You are letting your party bias get in the way of reality. Trump just delivered on a promise many past presidents both Democrat and Republican made, but did not follow through. You will be hard pressed to find any Jew, especially Israeli who disagrees with what Trump did.

Oh I'm content with the move regarding Jerusalem and Israel but Trump's still an idiot.

IMHO he's very likely to end up behind bars. It's just a matter of how many other republicans he takes with him. Looks like his son in law will be keeping him company, Flynn ? and a few others so far. So far being the key phrase
So you grudgingly approve of the move an "idiot who will be behind bars" has made.

When will American Jews realize that the Democratic Party has betrayed them and Israel? I wonder. They stood by while Obama stabbed Israel in the back, repetitively.

Not grudgingly at all. He was desperate so he followed up on something other presidents began and claimed credit. Typical.

I approve of the move completely, just not the idiot making that particular move.

Obama had his ups and downs like most presidents, his record on Israel was dismal, but so were they all. We should have recognized Jerusalem in 67. Trump on the other hand is a traitor and I'm looking forward to seeing him in an orange jumpsuit
Whatever. Just remember, you are bashing a man who has made a historic move for the state of Israel and the Jewish people.
With Micronesia, Guatemala and who else? LOL....what a joke. Can you guys point Jerusalem on the map?
The people of Israel show the US just how much Trump's recent Jerusalem embassy announcement means to them.

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer, let alone loved a US president to this extent?!

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer?

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.

let alone loved a US president to this extent?...New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

What's love got to do with it? I say nothing. Israeli leaders are as aware of Trump's craving for flattery and its effectiveness in garnering one's way with him as is the rest of the world.

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.
The US didn't take a penny from the US until 1967 when the US stopped Israel from militarily and politically crushing their 5 Arab neighbors.

I cannot disabuse you of believing that canard, but I can show that it is a canard that you believe is so.

In one way or another and subsequent to its initial declaration , Israel's existence has been largely been given life, as it were, legitimized and durable because of U.S. support.
During World War I, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917, supporting the “establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” Palestine became a British Mandate after the war and British officials simultaneously encouraged the national aspirations of the Arab majority in Palestine for eventual self-determination, insisting that its promises to Jews and Arabs did not conflict. Jews immigrated to Palestine in ever greater numbers during the Mandate period, and tension between Arabs and Jews and between each group and the British increased, leading to periodic clashes. Following World War II, the plight of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust gave the demand for a Jewish home added poignancy and urgency, while Arabs across the Middle East simultaneously demanded self-determination and independence from European colonial powers.

In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly developed a partition plan (Resolution 181) to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, proposing U.N. trusteeship for Jerusalem and some surrounding areas. The leadership of the Jewish Yishuv (or polity) welcomed the plan because of the legitimacy they asserted that it conferred on the Jews’ claims in Palestine despite their small numbers, while the Palestinian Arab leadership and the League of Arab States (Arab League) rejected the plan, insisting both that the specific partition proposed and the entire concept of partition were unfair given Palestine’s Arab majority.

After several months of civil conflict between Jews and Arabs, Britain officially ended its Mandate on May 14, 1948, at which point the state of Israel proclaimed its independence and was immediately invaded by Arab armies. During and after the conflict, roughly 700,000 Palestinians were driven or fled from their homes, an occurrence Palestinians call the nakba (“catastrophe”).1 Many became internationally designated refugees after ending up either in areas of Mandate-era Palestine controlled by Jordan (the West Bank) or Egypt (the Gaza Strip), or in nearby Arab states. Palestinians remaining in Israel became Israeli citizens.

The conflict ended with armistice agreements between Israel and its neighboring Arab states: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. The territory controlled by Israel within these 1949-1950 armistice lines is roughly the size of New Jersey. Israel has engaged in further armed conflict with some or all of its neighbors on a number of occasions since then -- most notably in 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982. Since the 1950s, Israel has also dealt with the threat of Palestinian guerrilla or terrorist attacks.

Since Israel’s founding in 1948, successive U.S. Presidents and many Members of Congress have demonstrated a commitment to Israel’s security and to close U.S.-Israel cooperation. Perceptions of shared democratic values and religious affinities have contributed to strong bilateral ties. The question of Israel’s security regularly influences U.S. policy considerations regarding the Middle East, and Congress provides active oversight of executive branch dealings with Israel and other actors in the region. Israel is a leading recipient of U.S. foreign aid and a frequent purchaser of major U.S. weapons systems. By law, U.S. arms sales cannot adversely affect Israel’s “qualitative military edge” over other countries in its region. (Source)
Now show me the money that Israel received from the US prior to 1967.
Seriously? At first I thought were simply mistaken and hubristically committed to construing the content of your own beliefs as facts. You are those things, but in addition with the above request made in the aftermath of the information I shared and linked in post 73, you show yourself truly to be as risibly intransigent, puerile, slothful, feeble-minded, and ignorant as I suspected you might be!

Just how the hell do you imagine Eisenhower (Do you have any idea of when he was POTUS? Not that you need to, for I specified the year in which he did so. What'd you think? That he was a private citizen when he did that?) could threaten to suspend U.S.-sourced financial aid to Israel if the U.S. was not then delivering any? I even provided you with three external content links that discuss is having done so. The specific sum of aid given to Israel prior to 1967 is not germane to this discussion because whatever it was, it was material enough to Israel that President Eisenhower could was able to use it as leverage for pressing Israel to alter its behavior during the "Suez Crisis period."

Seriously, dude! How could that not have been obvious to you given the content in and linked-to in post 73, which I composed in direct response to a remark you made in post 49 (shown below)?
The US didn't take a penny from the US until 1967 when the US stopped Israel from militarily and politically crushing their 5 Arab neighbors.
Mother of God! In one of the articles to which I linked in my response to that comment is found the following:
Eisenhower threatened that he would approve trade sanctions against Israel and might also cut off all private assistance to Israel, which amounted to $40 million in tax-deductible donations and $60 million annually in the purchase of bonds.
Did you even bother to read the linked references I provided?!? Obviously you did not!

To reinforce for you and remind your imperious ass yet again -- this is not the first time you've challenged the veracity of objective facts I've presented -- that, unlike some other USMB members, I rarely (if at all) without portfolio post inaccurate assertions about/descriptions of simply and objectively verifiable events, places, phenomena, things and people, here is a tabulation of the money the U.S. has given to Israel since 1949!
Be on notice that this will be the last time I deign to respond to your jejune requests for information when I've already, in response to your remarks, provided sufficient credible content verifying objective facts I shared. Others here may at times present their opinions as though they are facts; I do not.
You are right and I stand corrected.
Trump will then sue them for trademark infringement!

More hats !!!

MIGA -- Making Israel Great Again. :badgrin: With all the Zionist controlled Media and Politicians -- you'd think that we would have trains stations HERE named after Golda Meir..

good idea-------I NOMINATE THE 'A' train of Brooklyn-Manhattan-Bronx Way back then-----9-11-01
I was getting ready to go to work -------Brooklyn :>>> Bronx. (A train) I looked out my living room window
and saw HUGE PLUMES OF WHITE SMOKE rising from the WTC--------the rest is history-----I was running
a little late--------had I been on time I would have been right under the WTC when it was bombed by allah

The WTC wasn't bombed on 9/11, it had a plane fly into it.

The time the WTC was bombed was in 1993.

Please try to keep your facts straight, we have enough confusion with the conservatives spinning or mixing up facts.
The people of Israel show the US just how much Trump's recent Jerusalem embassy announcement means to them.

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer, let alone loved a US president to this extent?!

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer?

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.

let alone loved a US president to this extent?...New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

What's love got to do with it? I say nothing. Israeli leaders are as aware of Trump's craving for flattery and its effectiveness in garnering one's way with him as is the rest of the world.

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.
The US didn't take a penny from the US until 1967 when the US stopped Israel from militarily and politically crushing their 5 Arab neighbors.

I cannot disabuse you of believing that canard, but I can show that it is a canard that you believe is so.

In one way or another and subsequent to its initial declaration , Israel's existence has been largely been given life, as it were, legitimized and durable because of U.S. support.
During World War I, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917, supporting the “establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.” Palestine became a British Mandate after the war and British officials simultaneously encouraged the national aspirations of the Arab majority in Palestine for eventual self-determination, insisting that its promises to Jews and Arabs did not conflict. Jews immigrated to Palestine in ever greater numbers during the Mandate period, and tension between Arabs and Jews and between each group and the British increased, leading to periodic clashes. Following World War II, the plight of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust gave the demand for a Jewish home added poignancy and urgency, while Arabs across the Middle East simultaneously demanded self-determination and independence from European colonial powers.

In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly developed a partition plan (Resolution 181) to divide Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, proposing U.N. trusteeship for Jerusalem and some surrounding areas. The leadership of the Jewish Yishuv (or polity) welcomed the plan because of the legitimacy they asserted that it conferred on the Jews’ claims in Palestine despite their small numbers, while the Palestinian Arab leadership and the League of Arab States (Arab League) rejected the plan, insisting both that the specific partition proposed and the entire concept of partition were unfair given Palestine’s Arab majority.

After several months of civil conflict between Jews and Arabs, Britain officially ended its Mandate on May 14, 1948, at which point the state of Israel proclaimed its independence and was immediately invaded by Arab armies. During and after the conflict, roughly 700,000 Palestinians were driven or fled from their homes, an occurrence Palestinians call the nakba (“catastrophe”).1 Many became internationally designated refugees after ending up either in areas of Mandate-era Palestine controlled by Jordan (the West Bank) or Egypt (the Gaza Strip), or in nearby Arab states. Palestinians remaining in Israel became Israeli citizens.

The conflict ended with armistice agreements between Israel and its neighboring Arab states: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. The territory controlled by Israel within these 1949-1950 armistice lines is roughly the size of New Jersey. Israel has engaged in further armed conflict with some or all of its neighbors on a number of occasions since then -- most notably in 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982. Since the 1950s, Israel has also dealt with the threat of Palestinian guerrilla or terrorist attacks.

Since Israel’s founding in 1948, successive U.S. Presidents and many Members of Congress have demonstrated a commitment to Israel’s security and to close U.S.-Israel cooperation. Perceptions of shared democratic values and religious affinities have contributed to strong bilateral ties. The question of Israel’s security regularly influences U.S. policy considerations regarding the Middle East, and Congress provides active oversight of executive branch dealings with Israel and other actors in the region. Israel is a leading recipient of U.S. foreign aid and a frequent purchaser of major U.S. weapons systems. By law, U.S. arms sales cannot adversely affect Israel’s “qualitative military edge” over other countries in its region. (Source)
Now show me the money that Israel received from the US prior to 1967.
Seriously? At first I thought were simply mistaken and hubristically committed to construing the content of your own beliefs as facts. You are those things, but in addition with the above request made in the aftermath of the information I shared and linked in post 73, you show yourself truly to be as risibly intransigent, puerile, slothful, feeble-minded, and ignorant as I suspected you might be!

Just how the hell do you imagine Eisenhower (Do you have any idea of when he was POTUS? Not that you need to, for I specified the year in which he did so. What'd you think? That he was a private citizen when he did that?) could threaten to suspend U.S.-sourced financial aid to Israel if the U.S. was not then delivering any? I even provided you with three external content links that discuss is having done so. The specific sum of aid given to Israel prior to 1967 is not germane to this discussion because whatever it was, it was material enough to Israel that President Eisenhower could was able to use it as leverage for pressing Israel to alter its behavior during the "Suez Crisis period."

Seriously, dude! How could that not have been obvious to you given the content in and linked-to in post 73, which I composed in direct response to a remark you made in post 49 (shown below)?
The US didn't take a penny from the US until 1967 when the US stopped Israel from militarily and politically crushing their 5 Arab neighbors.
Mother of God! In one of the articles to which I linked in my response to that comment is found the following:
Eisenhower threatened that he would approve trade sanctions against Israel and might also cut off all private assistance to Israel, which amounted to $40 million in tax-deductible donations and $60 million annually in the purchase of bonds.
Did you even bother to read the linked references I provided?!? Obviously you did not!

To reinforce for you and remind your imperious ass yet again -- this is not the first time you've challenged the veracity of objective facts I've presented -- that, unlike some other USMB members, I rarely (if at all) without portfolio post inaccurate assertions about/descriptions of simply and objectively verifiable events, places, phenomena, things and people, here is a tabulation of the money the U.S. has given to Israel since 1949!
Be on notice that this will be the last time I deign to respond to your jejune requests for information when I've already, in response to your remarks, provided sufficient credible content verifying objective facts I shared. Others here may at times present their opinions as though they are facts; I do not.
You are right and I stand corrected.

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