Jerusalem to reward Trump by putting his name on train station

I’m content with moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. All we have to do next is declare Jerusalem the Capital of Palestine.
When will American Jews realize that the Democratic Party has betrayed them and Israel?

When all the American Jews realize America is their true homeland; the Zion cult will be over, end, nada, zip.,.

Ezekiel 21:32

You shall be for fuel to the fire; your blood shall be in the middle of the land; you shall be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it.
The 51st State of the USA will be~~

For all practical purposes Israel is America’s 51st State. The US gives Israel 10’s of $billions of dollars each year and yet American Citizen’s did not vote for this.

What’s up?

The US could pay off a big chunk of our national debt with this money.

I think it is time for a national vote on this.

Either we bring in Israel as our 51st State and they pay their fair share or we stop the $billions in handouts.

This report provides an overview of U.S. foreign assistance to Israel. It includes a review of past aid programs, data on annual assistance, and analysis of current issues. For general information on Israel, see CRS Report RL33476, Israel: Background and U.S. Relations, by Jim Zanotti. Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $127.4 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance.

How do you vote-?
Vote is overruled. Suck it up.
Trump's an idiot, my bet is Mueller will see him behind bars before this is all over.

I definitely agree that jerusalem is Israel's capitol but I think it's a stretch to give much credit to Trump. He was just desperate for a PR move because of his deplorable numbers
You are letting your party bias get in the way of reality. Trump just delivered on a promise many past presidents both Democrat and Republican made, but did not follow through. You will be hard pressed to find any Jew, especially Israeli who disagrees with what Trump did.

Oh I'm content with the move regarding Jerusalem and Israel but Trump's still an idiot.

IMHO he's very likely to end up behind bars. It's just a matter of how many other republicans he takes with him. Looks like his son in law will be keeping him company, Flynn ? and a few others so far. So far being the key phrase
So you grudgingly approve of the move an "idiot who will be behind bars" has made.

When will American Jews realize that the Democratic Party has betrayed them and Israel? I wonder. They stood by while Obama stabbed Israel in the back, repetitively.

Not grudgingly at all. He was desperate so he followed up on something other presidents began and claimed credit. Typical.

I approve of the move completely, just not the idiot making that particular move.

Obama had his ups and downs like most presidents, his record on Israel was dismal, but so were they all. We should have recognized Jerusalem in 67. Trump on the other hand is a traitor and I'm looking forward to seeing him in an orange jumpsuit
Vote is overruled. Suck it up.

suck on this~~~~

..According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."
Vote is overruled. Suck it up.

suck on this~~~~

..According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."

Wait a minute, my bad. You were voting against Israel being our 51st state. Which is the same vote I casts as well.

sorry for the confusion :)-
We don't need a 51st state. NO to the vote on money. Who would sponsor such a stupid idea?
Trump's an idiot, my bet is Mueller will see him behind bars before this is all over.

I definitely agree that jerusalem is Israel's capitol but I think it's a stretch to give much credit to Trump. He was just desperate for a PR move because of his deplorable numbers
You are letting your party bias get in the way of reality. Trump just delivered on a promise many past presidents both Democrat and Republican made, but did not follow through. You will be hard pressed to find any Jew, especially Israeli who disagrees with what Trump did.

Oh I'm content with the move regarding Jerusalem and Israel but Trump's still an idiot.

IMHO he's very likely to end up behind bars. It's just a matter of how many other republicans he takes with him. Looks like his son in law will be keeping him company, Flynn ? and a few others so far. So far being the key phrase
So you grudgingly approve of the move an "idiot who will be behind bars" has made.

When will American Jews realize that the Democratic Party has betrayed them and Israel? I wonder. They stood by while Obama stabbed Israel in the back, repetitively.

Not grudgingly at all. He was desperate so he followed up on something other presidents began and claimed credit. Typical.

I approve of the move completely, just not the idiot making that particular move.

Obama had his ups and downs like most presidents, his record on Israel was dismal, but so were they all. We should have recognized Jerusalem in 67. Trump on the other hand is a traitor and I'm looking forward to seeing him in an orange jumpsuit
Whatever. Just remember, you are bashing a man who has made a historic move for the state of Israel and the Jewish people.
Is that a remote control device on his head?
That's the president of the USA who just gave the best Christmas / Hannukah gift to all Jews and Christians in US history.
I don´t care what city Israel´s capital is. This is neither my problem nor that one of Christians, Americans and Europeans.
When Trump will start addressing American interests like infrastructure, crime and unemployment?
Uh huh...
Which is why you're always complaining that the US did nothing for Syria.
The people of Israel show the US just how much Trump's recent Jerusalem embassy announcement means to them.

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer, let alone loved a US president to this extent?!

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Is there a time that these two countries have been closer?

Has there ever been a time when the modern state of Israel was not pivotally dependent on U.S. beneficence and protection? The answer to that question and yours is the same. No.

let alone loved a US president to this extent?...New Western Wall train station to be named after Trump

What's love got to do with it? I say nothing. Israeli leaders are as aware of Trump's craving for flattery and its effectiveness in garnering one's way with him as is the rest of the world.
The US didn't take a penny from the US until 1967 when the US stopped Israel from militarily and politically crushing their 5 Arab neighbors.
Vote is overruled. Suck it up.

suck on this~~~~

..According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."

Wait a minute, my bad. You were voting against Israel being our 51st state. Which is the same vote I casts as well.

sorry for the confusion :)-
Suck on this...
The fastest growing segment of Jews by far is the Orthodox.
And they're taking over Israel.
I have been looking at this the wrong way. The US moves our Embassy to Jerusalem which is where it should have been all along; NOT Tel Aviv.

Vote is overruled. Suck it up.

suck on this~~~~

..According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."

Wait a minute, my bad. You were voting against Israel being our 51st state. Which is the same vote I casts as well.

sorry for the confusion :)-
Suck on this...
The fastest growing segment of Jews by far is the Orthodox.
And they're taking over Israel.

And, New York.

And, the Jew will become much more poor, and stupid with the Orthodox takeover.
Vote is overruled. Suck it up.

suck on this~~~~

..According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."

Wait a minute, my bad. You were voting against Israel being our 51st state. Which is the same vote I casts as well.

sorry for the confusion :)-
Suck on this...
The fastest growing segment of Jews by far is the Orthodox.
And they're taking over Israel.

And, New York.

And, the Jew will become much more poor, and stupid with the Orthodox takeover.
Yes, because the Rabbis who are consulted by governments and scientists and are even by the Vatican are soooooooooooooooooo dumb.
Is that a remote control device on his head?
That's the president of the USA who just gave the best Christmas / Hannukah gift to all Jews and Christians in US history.
I don´t care what city Israel´s capital is. This is neither my problem nor that one of Christians, Americans and Europeans.
When Trump will start addressing American interests like infrastructure, crime and unemployment?
Uh huh...
Which is why you're always complaining that the US did nothing for Syria.
Trump is not taking the position on Syria that he announced in the campaign. In fact, nothing has changed.
Is that a remote control device on his head?
That's the president of the USA who just gave the best Christmas / Hannukah gift to all Jews and Christians in US history.
I don´t care what city Israel´s capital is. This is neither my problem nor that one of Christians, Americans and Europeans.
When Trump will start addressing American interests like infrastructure, crime and unemployment?
Uh huh...
Which is why you're always complaining that the US did nothing for Syria.
Trump is not taking the position on Syria that he announced in the campaign. In fact, nothing has changed.
Yeah...he only dropped a slightly sub atomic bomb them...that's all.
Plus, we have no idea who the good guys and the bad guys are when it comes to Arabs.
The US didn't take a penny from the US until 1967

I had to stand on my head to read your post, but I got it; every penny of it. Still your bankruptcy is just around the corner.

when the US stopped Israel from militarily and politically crushing their 5 Arab neighbors.

lol.,.,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,., I just can't stop myself .,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,..,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,..,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,..,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,..,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,.
Suck on this...
The fastest growing segment of Jews by far is the Orthodox.
And they're taking over Israel.

Yes, one spit at a time

Rabbi David Rosen is a talented and respected rabbi, originally from the UK.

Since in some circles it seems to be more encouraged to spit on Christian clergymen than build bridges (this week's events in the Old City), Rabbi Rosen is unpopular with Eskin and his ilk.

Rabbi David Rosen

It has been Jerusalem's dirty little secret for decades: Orthodox yeshiva students and other Jewish residents vandalizing churches and spitting on Christian clergyman as they walk along the narrow, ancient stone streets of the Old City.

Christians say ultra-Orthodox Jewish students spit at them or at the ground when they pass. There have also been acts of vandalism against statues of the Virgin Mary.

Ultra-orthodox Jews 'must stop religious abuse'

You cannot find one incident where Muslims spit on Christians but you can find countless incidents where Orthodox Jews spit on Christians. Has the American press ever covered the above-?
The US didn't take a penny from the US until 1967

I had to stand on my head to read your post, but I got it; every penny of it. Still your bankruptcy is just around the corner.

when the US stopped Israel from militarily and politically crushing their 5 Arab neighbors.

lol.,.,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,., I just can't stop myself .,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,..,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,..,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,..,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,..,.,.lol.,.,.lol.,.
I see you're not a fan of history.
Is that a remote control device on his head?
That's the president of the USA who just gave the best Christmas / Hannukah gift to all Jews and Christians in US history.
I don´t care what city Israel´s capital is. This is neither my problem nor that one of Christians, Americans and Europeans.
When Trump will start addressing American interests like infrastructure, crime and unemployment?
He already has, which you know. Which makes you a disingenuous craphead.

Infrastructure is on the agenda for 2018.

His leadership and policies have resulted in amazing, positive changes to crime rates and unemployment.

"The 310,531 border arrests were the most fewest arrests made since 1971. The number of border arrests tend to correspond to the number of illegal border crossing attempts, so the 25% decrease between 2016 and 2017 seem to indicate that fewer foreign nationals attempted to illegally enter the U.S. by crossing the border."

Illegal Border Crossings Decline in FY2017

"The May jobs report confirms the labor market is strengthening, with the US unemployment rate hitting a 16-year low. "

Here’s why the black unemployment rate hit a 16 ½-year low
His leadership and policies have resulted in amazing, positive changes to crime rates and unemployment.

Trump hasn't done anything. He is riding on Obama's tail wind & when he runs out of credits that never were his in the first place he will crash to the ground never to be remembered again.

end of story :)-

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