jesse jackson starting up again


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

jackson cant even get the facts straight before he speeks. rittenhouse did not cross straight lines with a gun. and yes black people get shot a lot by other blacks. tell him to clean up the hood .
Jackson, Sharpton, and others like them, are attention whores. Put a camera in a porta- potty and they'll show up to 'demonstrate' for their audience of losers.

jackson cant even get the facts straight before he speeks. rittenhouse did not cross straight lines with a gun. and yes black people get shot a lot by other blacks. tell him to clean up the hood .
Got a little problem with blacks have you?
Why would jackson take up space in your head otherwise? What does it matter to you what He does? A little racist maybe???
Got a little problem with blacks have you?
Why would jackson take up space in your head otherwise? What does it matter to you what He does? A little racist maybe???

Maybe you racist lefties don't understand something. Most of us white folks, don't like racist, race baiters and race hustlers.
I know.. I know... You lefties LOVE them. Especially the white lefties. They enjoy those three goons calling white people racist.

Al Sharpon: The white man has been oppressing us for 200 years. They make it impossible for a black man to get ahead. They kill us and always get away with. White people are evil devils.

White Liberals: Yeah bro. You tell'm. Us white people suck.
Jackson should be told to shove his race baiting up his ass. He's gotten rich doing the bull shit he's been doing for decades.

He brings new meaning to the word asshole.

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