Jesus and The Virgin Mary and The Oedipus Complex


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
According to the middle east documents, Jesus impregnated the Virgin Mary to create himself in human form. The priest Zacharias orders the parents of "the virgin Mary:" "Keep your daughter a holy virgin for one Husband, Christ." The explanation of all the allusions to "bridegroom" in the New Testament without mentioning the bride make sense in the Oedipus Complex storyline only if his mother, the one he impregnated before he was born is the Mary in the husband-wife scenario. That is one reason he was obsessed with self mutilation for example.
So "the bride" in the New Testament is Mary, the mother of Jesus, who Jesus had sex with in his "holy ghost" form to impregnate her with him to bring Yahweh into the world to sacrifice for Yahweh, himself. Not nuns. Not "the church" who Jesus would have hated by the way. But the insanity, one of the biggest hoaxes in history, and their are several derived from the jewish/christian bible, rolls on.
So "the bride" in the New Testament is Mary, the mother of Jesus, who Jesus had sex with in his "holy ghost" form to impregnate her with him to bring Yahweh into the world to sacrifice for Yahweh, himself. Not nuns. Not "the church" who Jesus would have hated by the way. But the insanity, one of the biggest hoaxes in history, and their are several derived from the jewish/christian bible, rolls on.

Yesterday at 3:03 PM , kjw47 said that the bride of Christ will be 144,000 people, the only ones who rise from the dead and go to heaven after Armageddon. The implication is that all of them, men and women, will only be Jehovah witnesses of course. Apparently Jesus is OK with same sex and plural marriages after all according to his testimony.

Jesus is going to be one busy dude consummating that marriage and trying to keep them all happy, a virtual impossibility..

I will pray for him.

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