Jesus Christ - the Perfect conservative by Herman Cain


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Feb 22, 2004
The Perfect Conservative | RedState

looks like he wrote this op-ed a while ago, though they didnt specify what year it was put up. I disagree with a few of his arguments. Not sure how he can say Christ was not born into a royal family, but I am guessing that's because his family wasnt the current royalty, not that they weren't royal. And I am not sure how he is arguing that the court that prosecuted Him was liberal. But this part I can certainly get behind. And he is describing the perfect conservative:

He helped the poor without one government program. He healed the sick without a government health care system. He feed the hungry without food stamps. And everywhere He went, it turned into a rally, attracting large crowds, and giving them hope, encouragement and inspiration.

For three years He was unemployed, and never collected an unemployment check. Nevertheless, he completed all the work He needed to get done. He didn’t travel by private jet. He walked and sailed, and sometimes traveled on a donkey.

But they made Him walk when He was arrested and taken to jail, and no, He was not read any Miranda Rights. He was arrested for just being who He was and doing nothing wrong. And when they tried Him in court, He never said a mumbling word.

Personally, I think Jesus was above the political fray. But He is certainly the ideal we should all strive for.
Jesus Christ was a radical Liberal who railed against the Religious Monopoly and the most Wealthiest of his time. Any Conservative who thinks otherwise is living in denial.
The Perfect Conservative | RedState

looks like he wrote this op-ed a while ago, though they didnt specify what year it was put up. I disagree with a few of his arguments. Not sure how he can say Christ was not born into a royal family, but I am guessing that's because his family wasnt the current royalty, not that they weren't royal. And I am not sure how he is arguing that the court that prosecuted Him was liberal. But this part I can certainly get behind. And he is describing the perfect conservative:

He helped the poor without one government program. He healed the sick without a government health care system. He feed the hungry without food stamps. And everywhere He went, it turned into a rally, attracting large crowds, and giving them hope, encouragement and inspiration.

For three years He was unemployed, and never collected an unemployment check. Nevertheless, he completed all the work He needed to get done. He didn’t travel by private jet. He walked and sailed, and sometimes traveled on a donkey.

But they made Him walk when He was arrested and taken to jail, and no, He was not read any Miranda Rights. He was arrested for just being who He was and doing nothing wrong. And when they tried Him in court, He never said a mumbling word.

Personally, I think Jesus was above the political fray. But He is certainly the ideal we should all strive for.

Jesus was no conservative. I don't know what part of the Bible Cain could possibly be referring to, but it seems like he must have skipped over the sermon on the mount, entirely.

He probably hasn't read any Kurt Vonnegut, either.
I'm not religious and Jesus seems so boring to me... If I was the King of everything, the guy that created it all and when I die I get to go back to my kingdom, and on top of this I KNOW all that... What is there to fear? I created all that is around me....... I don't fear death being fact is I can't die unless I let myself die, then of course I'd just resurrect myself... and on and on and on and on... Jesus life was like a video game per the bible when you understand he is pretending to not be in God mode all the while telling you he is God.

Point is... Who cares what Jesus did, he was God, all powerful and created everything... Did he really suffer if he invented pain? It's easy to give free shit out and run around like a hippy and piss people off when the guy on the steak next to actually fears death being they don’t know what happens next and oh, that torture you are both going through actually hurts them...

Who gives a shit who is more like Jesus as Jesus was literally not human and had nothing to lose.
Let me be more clear… Cain is a desperate looser trying to rake in the religious nuts by dividing the country even more using God. Fuck that low life scum bag, I had no idea he was going to turn out to be such a useless tool, I almost regret every saying I liked that fat POS.

Just look at this thread to see what I mean, Cain would be a DIVIDER as President.
Let me be more clear… Cain is a desperate looser trying to rake in the religious nuts by dividing the country even more using God. Fuck that low life scum bag, I had no idea he was going to turn out to be such a useless tool, I almost regret every saying I liked that fat POS.

Just look at this thread to see what I mean, Cain would be a DIVIDER as President.

You're very easily swayed by bullshit.... are you sure you're not a liberal?

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