‘Jesus F*cking Christ,’ Please Vote: Celebs Curse Up a Storm in Pro-Hillary Music Video

Celebs curse....smh!

It seems pretty obvious that when Trump swears in public in a manner that would indicate he has no formal education at all, he is only trying to cater to the liberals in an attempt at grabbing any that might be on the fence.
Its really no different than hillary and her offensive black speak that she seems to enjoy doing. She thinks it will sway blacks over to voting for her instead of Donald.
I would prefer neither one did this, it makes them both look like foul mouthed racist idiots
I dont recall Ronald Reagan ever stooping to this level, and come to think of it, I dont recall Bill Clinton ever lowering his standards in such a way. As a matter of fact, regardless of what one thought of Bill Clinton as president (I was not impressed) I do have to admit that had it not been for the raping groping and oval office blow jobs, He did carry himself in a very presidential manner at all times. He was not an embarrassment to the country (other than that sex problem). But I still didnt like his policy.

And a swing, and a miss. Your post is just way too dumb to receive any points.
It seems pretty obvious that when Trump swears in public in a manner that would indicate he has no formal education at all...
Did Abraham Lincoln have a 'formal' education? Then again, no matter what, Donald Trump is NO Abraham Lincoln :p
Celebs curse....smh!

It seems pretty obvious that when Trump swears in public in a manner that would indicate he has no formal education at all, he is only trying to cater to the liberals in an attempt at grabbing any that might be on the fence.
Its really no different than hillary and her offensive black speak that she seems to enjoy doing. She thinks it will sway blacks over to voting for her instead of Donald.
I would prefer neither one did this, it makes them both look like foul mouthed racist idiots
I dont recall Ronald Reagan ever stooping to this level, and come to think of it, I dont recall Bill Clinton ever lowering his standards in such a way. As a matter of fact, regardless of what one thought of Bill Clinton as president (I was not impressed) I do have to admit that had it not been for the raping groping and oval office blow jobs, He did carry himself in a very presidential manner at all times. He was not an embarrassment to the country (other than that sex problem). But I still didnt like his policy.

And a swing, and a miss. Your post is just way too dumb to receive any points.

although nobody cares what you think, I would like to take a moment and thank you for not feeling the need to respond with the typical liberal profanity.
You may well be on your way to becoming an American and seeing the evil in your choice of candidates.
I will pray that your recovery continues and that you are soon mentally well.
I'm not voting for any of those people, nor am I voting for the candidate that brags about grabbing women by the pussy.

So, you're voting for the person who has systematically destroyed the women who have serially accused her husband of rape... gotcha.
Cruella Deville, if Al Qaeda offered you a bribe to set off a dirty bomb in an elementary school filled with young children, what would you spend the money on?
Celebs curse....smh!

It seems pretty obvious that when Trump swears in public in a manner that would indicate he has no formal education at all, he is only trying to cater to the liberals in an attempt at grabbing any that might be on the fence.
Its really no different than hillary and her offensive black speak that she seems to enjoy doing. She thinks it will sway blacks over to voting for her instead of Donald.
I would prefer neither one did this, it makes them both look like foul mouthed racist idiots
I dont recall Ronald Reagan ever stooping to this level, and come to think of it, I dont recall Bill Clinton ever lowering his standards in such a way. As a matter of fact, regardless of what one thought of Bill Clinton as president (I was not impressed) I do have to admit that had it not been for the raping groping and oval office blow jobs, He did carry himself in a very presidential manner at all times. He was not an embarrassment to the country (other than that sex problem). But I still didnt like his policy.

And a swing, and a miss. Your post is just way too dumb to receive any points.

although nobody cares what you think, I would like to take a moment and thank you for not feeling the need to respond with the typical liberal profanity.
You may well be on your way to becoming an American and seeing the evil in your choice of candidates.
I will pray that your recovery continues and that you are soon mentally well.

Well thank you very fucking much. Your's was the dumbest post I have seen in a while.
well that is stupid beyond consideration.
He is grabbing a boob, boobs are not considered part of the genitalia.
Which brings up a question. If the liberals dont know what genitalia is in the first place, how do we know that Donald was not just trying to shake their hand?
Celebs curse....smh!

It seems pretty obvious that when Trump swears in public in a manner that would indicate he has no formal education at all, he is only trying to cater to the liberals in an attempt at grabbing any that might be on the fence.
Its really no different than hillary and her offensive black speak that she seems to enjoy doing. She thinks it will sway blacks over to voting for her instead of Donald.
I would prefer neither one did this, it makes them both look like foul mouthed racist idiots
I dont recall Ronald Reagan ever stooping to this level, and come to think of it, I dont recall Bill Clinton ever lowering his standards in such a way. As a matter of fact, regardless of what one thought of Bill Clinton as president (I was not impressed) I do have to admit that had it not been for the raping groping and oval office blow jobs, He did carry himself in a very presidential manner at all times. He was not an embarrassment to the country (other than that sex problem). But I still didnt like his policy.

And a swing, and a miss. Your post is just way too dumb to receive any points.

although nobody cares what you think, I would like to take a moment and thank you for not feeling the need to respond with the typical liberal profanity.
You may well be on your way to becoming an American and seeing the evil in your choice of candidates.
I will pray that your recovery continues and that you are soon mentally well.

Well thank you very fucking much. Your's was the dumbest post I have seen in a while.

Well Im sorry that I am unable to provide the thought provoking responses that would equal the masterpiece that you just came up with. (How do you do it?)
It was very insightful, packed full of information that could cause people to actually consider voting for hillary. Job well done.
well that is stupid beyond consideration.
He is grabbing a boob, boobs are not considered part of the genitalia.
Which brings up a question. If the liberals dont know what genitalia is in the first place, how do we know that Donald was not just trying to shake their hand?

He has obviously gone past the boob. Just to be sure though, why don't you taste this and tell me which body part you think it is.
well that is stupid beyond consideration.
He is grabbing a boob, boobs are not considered part of the genitalia.
Which brings up a question. If the liberals dont know what genitalia is in the first place, how do we know that Donald was not just trying to shake their hand?

Maybe Cruella always keeps her hand on the little man in the boat, so for Trump to shake her hand, he would be grabbing her by her pussy? :dunno:
well that is stupid beyond consideration.
He is grabbing a boob, boobs are not considered part of the genitalia.
Which brings up a question. If the liberals dont know what genitalia is in the first place, how do we know that Donald was not just trying to shake their hand?

He has obviously gone past the boob. Just to be sure though, why don't you taste this and tell me which body part you think it is.
well, back to the typical uneducated liberal.
You know, if you learned how to speak properly, its possible that one day you could find a job.
Celebs curse....smh!

It seems pretty obvious that when Trump swears in public in a manner that would indicate he has no formal education at all, he is only trying to cater to the liberals in an attempt at grabbing any that might be on the fence.
Its really no different than hillary and her offensive black speak that she seems to enjoy doing. She thinks it will sway blacks over to voting for her instead of Donald.
I would prefer neither one did this, it makes them both look like foul mouthed racist idiots
I dont recall Ronald Reagan ever stooping to this level, and come to think of it, I dont recall Bill Clinton ever lowering his standards in such a way. As a matter of fact, regardless of what one thought of Bill Clinton as president (I was not impressed) I do have to admit that had it not been for the raping groping and oval office blow jobs, He did carry himself in a very presidential manner at all times. He was not an embarrassment to the country (other than that sex problem). But I still didnt like his policy.

And a swing, and a miss. Your post is just way too dumb to receive any points.

although nobody cares what you think, I would like to take a moment and thank you for not feeling the need to respond with the typical liberal profanity.
You may well be on your way to becoming an American and seeing the evil in your choice of candidates.
I will pray that your recovery continues and that you are soon mentally well.

Well thank you very fucking much. Your's was the dumbest post I have seen in a while.

Well Im sorry that I am unable to provide the thought provoking responses that would equal the masterpiece that you just came up with. (How do you do it?)
It was very insightful, packed full of information that could cause people to actually consider voting for hillary. Job well done.

And thank you again, but that post wasn't intended to cause people to vote for Hillary. It was intended to point out just how dumb your previous post was. Keep up the good work.
It seems pretty obvious that when Trump swears in public in a manner that would indicate he has no formal education at all, he is only trying to cater to the liberals in an attempt at grabbing any that might be on the fence.
Its really no different than hillary and her offensive black speak that she seems to enjoy doing. She thinks it will sway blacks over to voting for her instead of Donald.
I would prefer neither one did this, it makes them both look like foul mouthed racist idiots
I dont recall Ronald Reagan ever stooping to this level, and come to think of it, I dont recall Bill Clinton ever lowering his standards in such a way. As a matter of fact, regardless of what one thought of Bill Clinton as president (I was not impressed) I do have to admit that had it not been for the raping groping and oval office blow jobs, He did carry himself in a very presidential manner at all times. He was not an embarrassment to the country (other than that sex problem). But I still didnt like his policy.

And a swing, and a miss. Your post is just way too dumb to receive any points.
although nobody cares what you think, I would like to take a moment and thank you for not feeling the need to respond with the typical liberal profanity.
You may well be on your way to becoming an American and seeing the evil in your choice of candidates.
I will pray that your recovery continues and that you are soon mentally well.

Well thank you very fucking much. Your's was the dumbest post I have seen in a while.
Well Im sorry that I am unable to provide the thought provoking responses that would equal the masterpiece that you just came up with. (How do you do it?)
It was very insightful, packed full of information that could cause people to actually consider voting for hillary. Job well done.

And thank you again, but that post wasn't intended to cause people to vote for Hillary. It was intended to point out just how dumb your previous post was. Keep up the good work.
The only thing that you have proven to be "dumb" at this point, is you.
You also keep up the good work. although I suspect it comes easy for you.

Thanks for your public service. As it is, we already know about Trump's bad words and acts, your entire mainstream media has dedicated 30,000 hours to finding out for us.

But the fact you think this is thee issue that disqualifies Trump and makes the choice for Clinton obvious --- well, all I can say is you are probably past the point of no return. Trying to help you understand the issues and the crimes and lies and traitorous acts of your heroes is like trying to get a jackass to write a book report on Hamlet. We cannot help you. It generates pity more than shock and awe.
well that is stupid beyond consideration.
He is grabbing a boob, boobs are not considered part of the genitalia.
Which brings up a question. If the liberals dont know what genitalia is in the first place, how do we know that Donald was not just trying to shake their hand?

He has obviously gone past the boob. Just to be sure though, why don't you taste this and tell me which body part you think it is.
well, back to the typical uneducated liberal.
You know, if you learned how to speak properly, its possible that one day you could find a job.

If you try to push a job on me, I'll fight you. I earned this retirement, and you and every other RWNJ here aren't big enough to force me back to work

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