Jesus is imaginary

Ummm but you guys created the imaginary 33 year old virgin who was found naked with a half naked John in the River Jordan, and found sleeping with a naked rich boy (probably Lazarus). Your character's hometown was Capernaum a fishing port liken to San Francisco.
So why would those creating such a character he the most outspoken about peoples natural born chromosone and genetic makeup? Are you saying Jesus creates people that way so his followers can bash them?
=Epic Fail!
Your calling people names never refutes the topics, it only proves other points that Jesus makes you wormwood (poisonous & deadly) and that affiliation pride is more important then truth and reality.
as sgt joe friday used to say..Just the facts mam....just the facts....although i have compared jeremiah to a bullfrog ..i dont think calling guno a effeminent man or a militant is going to help your if you can refute him that is great but if you cannot then is it not reasonable to assume he is bringing up valid points....
The Bible is wasted on the good and the just.

It should be used to beat the shit out of the bad-ass idiots of the world.

Have you seen the size of that thing? :dunno:


"That's what she said..."
rather than refuting the fallacious bible to make their point they are using fallacy to prove the imaginary ...

certainly, for the same reason a persons deceased mother may never be seen again (on earth) is the same for the return of Jesus - it is for the person to join them ...

Jesus being a martyr, nothing more, residing in the Everlasting.


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