Jesus on Marriage...

Nice Dodge! Good Cut & Run from the divorce thing! Can you dodge it again! I'll bet you can!
And I'm not advocating for the church you describe. I don't have to. LOTS of Christian churches exist that even have gay clergy. So I don't have to advocate anything.

However, I pointed out that you pick and choose want you want to believe from the Bible - like ALL Christians do. And you Cut & Ran from the examples provided like a little school girl running from the paddle!

Which is fun to watch.

I'll bet you do it again. :lol:

Creepy Deviant is Creepy... :eek:



My prediction was of course accurate. The weak are always easy to predict in that regard.

However, I hadn't anticipated your mind would go straight to deviant sex. Interesting revelation about you there Junior!

You may now dodge that divorce marriage thing some more.

So easy.... :lol:

^Redundant Creepy Deviant is Redundantly Creepy... :thup:


I've been reading the thread all along waiting for someone to show where that religous text accepts homosexuality as being "Ok" instead of being a "sin". I have yet to see anyone post something that does so.

Again, you are deflecting away from that question by doing the easy thing...attacking the messanger.

No one is saying Jesus called homosexual sex "OK" or not a "sin", so why would a "messenger" pose such a strawman as an OP... AS IF anyone could ever provide evidence of such...that Jesus was "pro-gay marriage"?

It's the only kind of OP this dishonest coward named mal can post on and feel "right" while he pounds his fist on the table over and over for proof which does not exist.

Still, the gospel provides all sorts of verses and parables and lessons for how to treat each other. Nowhere does God say he wants people to slam the door of Christianity in the face of "sinners"; Jesus' message was in fact quite to the contrary...

Mal's "sin" du jour happens to be be gay sex but married people who are heterosexual are also "sinners" in other ways. You could literally go on and on ad infinitum.

I didn't see anyone claim Jesus would be "pro-gay marriage" as the OP cleverly poised himself to defend that strawman, but so what? Fact is, there are several Christian denominations which recognize and respect gay people in their community, so not all Christians are into demonizing gay people and condemning them from the Church community. IMO Christians who do that are an embarrassment to Christianity...

As far as civil Marriage, we are a Constitutional Republic which preserves the proper separation of Church and State and which defends the civil liberties of ALL Citizens, even the "sinners". :thup:

You get REALLY Angry when you are so Obviously Wrong. :thup:

Homosexuality and Christianity are not Compatible.

That is a Fact based on the Books that Christianity gets it's Basis from.

It's not a Debatable Issue.

This Thread was a Sidebar from another and I didn't Request your Trolling but I knew it would come.



:rolleyes: Yeeah, we've seen you around the forum harping on this topic. Speaking of REDUNDANT? Like I said, it's embarrassing and as a Christian I feel compelled to express another view. Glad you finally admitted your OP is nothing but a strawman from a fool with an agenda. I recommend three Hail Mary's and an Our Father as well as somber contemplation on the fact that gay Citizens are your neighbors and according to Christ...ALL of your neighbors are "sinners"...
No one is saying Jesus called homosexual sex "OK" or not a "sin", so why would a "messenger" pose such a strawman as an OP... AS IF anyone could ever provide evidence of such...that Jesus was "pro-gay marriage"?

It's the only kind of OP this dishonest coward named mal can post on and feel "right" while he pounds his fist on the table over and over for proof which does not exist.

Still, the gospel provides all sorts of verses and parables and lessons for how to treat each other. Nowhere does God say he wants people to slam the door of Christianity in the face of "sinners"; Jesus' message was in fact quite to the contrary...

Mal's "sin" du jour happens to be be gay sex but married people who are heterosexual are also "sinners" in other ways. You could literally go on and on ad infinitum.

I didn't see anyone claim Jesus would be "pro-gay marriage" as the OP cleverly poised himself to defend that strawman, but so what? Fact is, there are several Christian denominations which recognize and respect gay people in their community, so not all Christians are into demonizing gay people and condemning them from the Church community. IMO Christians who do that are an embarrassment to Christianity...

As far as civil Marriage, we are a Constitutional Republic which preserves the proper separation of Church and State and which defends the civil liberties of ALL Citizens, even the "sinners". :thup:

You get REALLY Angry when you are so Obviously Wrong. :thup:

Homosexuality and Christianity are not Compatible.

That is a Fact based on the Books that Christianity gets it's Basis from.

It's not a Debatable Issue.

This Thread was a Sidebar from another and I didn't Request your Trolling but I knew it would come.



:rolleyes: Yeeah, we've seen you around the forum harping on this topic. Speaking of REDUNDANT? Like I said, it's embarrassing and as a Christian I feel compelled to express another view. Glad you finally admitted your OP is nothing but a strawman from a fool with an agenda. I recommend three Hail Mary's and an Our Father as well as somber contemplation on the fact that gay Citizens are your neighbors and according to Christ...ALL of your neighbors are "sinners"...

I recommend five Our Fathers and one Hello Dolly. :)
You get REALLY Angry when you are so Obviously Wrong. :thup:

Homosexuality and Christianity are not Compatible.

That is a Fact based on the Books that Christianity gets it's Basis from.

It's not a Debatable Issue.

This Thread was a Sidebar from another and I didn't Request your Trolling but I knew it would come.



:rolleyes: Yeeah, we've seen you around the forum harping on this topic. Speaking of REDUNDANT? Like I said, it's embarrassing and as a Christian I feel compelled to express another view. Glad you finally admitted your OP is nothing but a strawman from a fool with an agenda. I recommend three Hail Mary's and an Our Father as well as somber contemplation on the fact that gay Citizens are your neighbors and according to Christ...ALL of your neighbors are "sinners"...

I recommend five Our Fathers and one Hello Dolly. :)

YOu crack me up. Somebody rep her for me. I already gave you one and that's all they'll allow me.
:rolleyes: Yeeah, we've seen you around the forum harping on this topic. Speaking of REDUNDANT? Like I said, it's embarrassing and as a Christian I feel compelled to express another view. Glad you finally admitted your OP is nothing but a strawman from a fool with an agenda. I recommend three Hail Mary's and an Our Father as well as somber contemplation on the fact that gay Citizens are your neighbors and according to Christ...ALL of your neighbors are "sinners"...

I recommend five Our Fathers and one Hello Dolly. :)

YOu crack me up. Somebody rep her for me. I already gave you one and that's all they'll allow me.

Yeah, her Kung Fu is strong! So okay I just repped her.
And I love the weaklings who state:

"Well it is indisputable that the Bible says this! And okay, it's indisputible that the Bible says that too but I uh, wel uh, I don't like that part so it doesn't count!"

I recommend five Our Fathers and one Hello Dolly. :)

YOu crack me up. Somebody rep her for me. I already gave you one and that's all they'll allow me.

Yeah, her Kung Fu is strong! So okay I just repped her.
And I love the weaklings who state:

"Well it is indisputable that the Bible says this! And okay, it's indisputible that the Bible says that too but I uh, wel uh, I don't like that part so it doesn't count!"


And it's laughable when people cannot acknowledge what the Bible says without saying, "But other people ignore different parts of it".

Acknowledge what the Bible says, then build from there.
YOu crack me up. Somebody rep her for me. I already gave you one and that's all they'll allow me.

Yeah, her Kung Fu is strong! So okay I just repped her.
And I love the weaklings who state:

"Well it is indisputable that the Bible says this! And okay, it's indisputible that the Bible says that too but I uh, wel uh, I don't like that part so it doesn't count!"


And it's laughable when people cannot acknowledge what the Bible says without saying, "But other people ignore different parts of it".

Acknowledge what the Bible says, then build from there.

Here. Let me show you and little mal how a man does this.

The Bible absolutely says gay sex is a sin (well, man on man, anyway). Absolutely. No doubt. 100%.
There. That's how a man does it.
Now, let's see if you girls can handle the same situation:

The Bible - and not just the Bible but JESUS Himself, says absolutely 100% that anyone who divorces for any reason other than adultery on the part of their spouse, then remarries, spends all their days in a state of chosen, intentional adultery.

So if a woman's husband beats the snot out of her, too bad. If a man's wife is unloving, cold and emotionally abusive, too bad.
Get a divoce. Remarry = 100% going to hell.

This would be Mal Cut & Runs like, well knowing the way he thinks now, we'll go with roadrunner.

Anyone care to man up the way I did?

doubt it.
Yes I notice you quickly Cut & Run from the divorce / remarry situation. I don't blame you. Those weak on facts shouldn't try facing them.

I cut and run from nothing.

You are Advocating for a Christian Church that Embraces and Ordains Sin in Marriage when it comes to Homosexuals.

If True to their Book, they can NOT.

End of List.



Nice Dodge! Good Cut & Run from the divorce thing! Can you dodge it again! I'll bet you can!
And I'm not advocating for the church you describe. I don't have to. LOTS of Christian churches exist that even have gay clergy. So I don't have to advocate anything.

However, I pointed out that you pick and choose want you want to believe from the Bible - like ALL Christians do. And you Cut & Ran from the examples provided like a little school girl running from the paddle!

Which is fun to watch.

I'll bet you do it again. :lol:

Some Christians DO pick and choose what they want out of the Bible. Most of the "New Age" churches do just that. Most won't even preach one word about the "bad" things of the Bible. You know, all those sinful things that God has told us he doesn't like. They just preach the "feel good" stuff. And there are a lot of Christians now that know NOTHING about sin...they aren't taught what is sinful...everything is just dandy! THIS is why i believe many people that say they're Christians think there's absolutely nothing wrong with gay marriage. This is what they've been taught. So i can't blame them...i blame the false teachers (preachers) that these people believe in.

I also don't believe many of these people have EVER read the Bible....the WHOLE Bible. They're only picking and choosing by what their preacher tells them to read. If they really studied the entire Bible, they just might find out that they didn't know their God like they thought.

This is also, like i said before, why i don't belong to a certain denomination. I enjoy studying the Bible in a small bible study with friends.

As Jesus said, where 2 or more gather (NOT necessarily in a building-Church) He will also be there.

I think Jesus looks at some of these new Church congregations and really feels sad.
I cut and run from nothing.

You are Advocating for a Christian Church that Embraces and Ordains Sin in Marriage when it comes to Homosexuals.

If True to their Book, they can NOT.

End of List.



Nice Dodge! Good Cut & Run from the divorce thing! Can you dodge it again! I'll bet you can!
And I'm not advocating for the church you describe. I don't have to. LOTS of Christian churches exist that even have gay clergy. So I don't have to advocate anything.

However, I pointed out that you pick and choose want you want to believe from the Bible - like ALL Christians do. And you Cut & Ran from the examples provided like a little school girl running from the paddle!

Which is fun to watch.

I'll bet you do it again. :lol:

Some Christians DO pick and choose what they want out of the Bible. Most of the "New Age" churches do just that. Most won't even preach one word about the "bad" things of the Bible. You know, all those sinful things that God has told us he doesn't like. They just preach the "feel good" stuff. And there are a lot of Christians now that know NOTHING about sin...they aren't taught what is sinful...everything is just dandy! THIS is why i believe many people that say they're Christians think there's absolutely nothing wrong with gay marriage. This is what they've been taught. So i can't blame them...i blame the false teachers (preachers) that these people believe in.

I also don't believe many of these people have EVER read the Bible....the WHOLE Bible. They're only picking and choosing by what their preacher tells them to read. If they really studied the entire Bible, they just might find out that they didn't know their God like they thought.

This is also, like i said before, why i don't belong to a certain denomination. I enjoy studying the Bible in a small bible study with friends.

As Jesus said, where 2 or more gather (NOT necessarily in a building-Church) He will also be there.

I think Jesus looks at some of these new Church congregations and really feels sad.

Interesting observation. Do you think the more traditional "fire & brimstone" type churches do exactly the same thing you cite "New Age" churches as doing - that is, picking and choosing what they want to believe, discard, take literally and interpret?

I have yet to encounter a Christian who doesn't do ALL of those things.
Nice Dodge! Good Cut & Run from the divorce thing! Can you dodge it again! I'll bet you can!
And I'm not advocating for the church you describe. I don't have to. LOTS of Christian churches exist that even have gay clergy. So I don't have to advocate anything.

However, I pointed out that you pick and choose want you want to believe from the Bible - like ALL Christians do. And you Cut & Ran from the examples provided like a little school girl running from the paddle!

Which is fun to watch.

I'll bet you do it again. :lol:

Some Christians DO pick and choose what they want out of the Bible. Most of the "New Age" churches do just that. Most won't even preach one word about the "bad" things of the Bible. You know, all those sinful things that God has told us he doesn't like. They just preach the "feel good" stuff. And there are a lot of Christians now that know NOTHING about sin...they aren't taught what is sinful...everything is just dandy! THIS is why i believe many people that say they're Christians think there's absolutely nothing wrong with gay marriage. This is what they've been taught. So i can't blame them...i blame the false teachers (preachers) that these people believe in.

I also don't believe many of these people have EVER read the Bible....the WHOLE Bible. They're only picking and choosing by what their preacher tells them to read. If they really studied the entire Bible, they just might find out that they didn't know their God like they thought.

This is also, like i said before, why i don't belong to a certain denomination. I enjoy studying the Bible in a small bible study with friends.

As Jesus said, where 2 or more gather (NOT necessarily in a building-Church) He will also be there.

I think Jesus looks at some of these new Church congregations and really feels sad.

Interesting observation. Do you think the more traditional "fire & brimstone" type churches do exactly the same thing you cite "New Age" churches as doing - that is, picking and choosing what they want to believe, discard, take literally and interpret?

I have yet to encounter a Christian who doesn't do ALL of those things.

Yes i do.

Whether it's preaching only the "fire and Brimstone" or preaching only the "feel good"'s wrong. A good honest Bible believing church will teach ALL of the Bible. Not just the parts they like. I think the majority of denominational churches do teach only the parts they want. A good common Bible believing church will teach it all. Sadly, these are becoming less and less common.
Some Christians DO pick and choose what they want out of the Bible. Most of the "New Age" churches do just that. Most won't even preach one word about the "bad" things of the Bible. You know, all those sinful things that God has told us he doesn't like. They just preach the "feel good" stuff. And there are a lot of Christians now that know NOTHING about sin...they aren't taught what is sinful...everything is just dandy! THIS is why i believe many people that say they're Christians think there's absolutely nothing wrong with gay marriage. This is what they've been taught. So i can't blame them...i blame the false teachers (preachers) that these people believe in.

I also don't believe many of these people have EVER read the Bible....the WHOLE Bible. They're only picking and choosing by what their preacher tells them to read. If they really studied the entire Bible, they just might find out that they didn't know their God like they thought.

This is also, like i said before, why i don't belong to a certain denomination. I enjoy studying the Bible in a small bible study with friends.

As Jesus said, where 2 or more gather (NOT necessarily in a building-Church) He will also be there.

I think Jesus looks at some of these new Church congregations and really feels sad.

Interesting observation. Do you think the more traditional "fire & brimstone" type churches do exactly the same thing you cite "New Age" churches as doing - that is, picking and choosing what they want to believe, discard, take literally and interpret?

I have yet to encounter a Christian who doesn't do ALL of those things.

Yes i do.

Whether it's preaching only the "fire and Brimstone" or preaching only the "feel good"'s wrong. A good honest Bible believing church will teach ALL of the Bible. Not just the parts they like. I think the majority of denominational churches do teach only the parts they want. A good common Bible believing church will teach it all. Sadly, these are becoming less and less common.

Why is that? Is it maybe because so very many churches are actually spiritually toxic?
Yeah, her Kung Fu is strong! So okay I just repped her.
And I love the weaklings who state:

"Well it is indisputable that the Bible says this! And okay, it's indisputible that the Bible says that too but I uh, wel uh, I don't like that part so it doesn't count!"


And it's laughable when people cannot acknowledge what the Bible says without saying, "But other people ignore different parts of it".

Acknowledge what the Bible says, then build from there.

Here. Let me show you and little mal how a man does this.

The Bible absolutely says gay sex is a sin (well, man on man, anyway). Absolutely. No doubt. 100%.
There. That's how a man does it.
Now, let's see if you girls can handle the same situation:

The Bible - and not just the Bible but JESUS Himself, says absolutely 100% that anyone who divorces for any reason other than adultery on the part of their spouse, then remarries, spends all their days in a state of chosen, intentional adultery.

So if a woman's husband beats the snot out of her, too bad. If a man's wife is unloving, cold and emotionally abusive, too bad.
Get a divoce. Remarry = 100% going to hell.

This would be Mal Cut & Runs like, well knowing the way he thinks now, we'll go with roadrunner.

Anyone care to man up the way I did?

doubt it.

What is there to man up about?

You seem to be demanding a judgment call on what the Bible says and demanding vindication for people going against the Bible. That's not what this thread is about. Or at least, that's not what my participation in this thread is about. For me this thread is about how Christ viewed marriage in the year 30 A.D.

By the way, could you please give me a link to "Remarry = 100% going to hell"? I do not recognize that.

My question is not to be interpreted as condoning remarriage. It is simply a question.
Some Christians DO pick and choose what they want out of the Bible. Most of the "New Age" churches do just that. Most won't even preach one word about the "bad" things of the Bible. You know, all those sinful things that God has told us he doesn't like. They just preach the "feel good" stuff. And there are a lot of Christians now that know NOTHING about sin...they aren't taught what is sinful...everything is just dandy! THIS is why i believe many people that say they're Christians think there's absolutely nothing wrong with gay marriage. This is what they've been taught. So i can't blame them...i blame the false teachers (preachers) that these people believe in.

I also don't believe many of these people have EVER read the Bible....the WHOLE Bible. They're only picking and choosing by what their preacher tells them to read. If they really studied the entire Bible, they just might find out that they didn't know their God like they thought.

This is also, like i said before, why i don't belong to a certain denomination. I enjoy studying the Bible in a small bible study with friends.

As Jesus said, where 2 or more gather (NOT necessarily in a building-Church) He will also be there.

I think Jesus looks at some of these new Church congregations and really feels sad.

Interesting observation. Do you think the more traditional "fire & brimstone" type churches do exactly the same thing you cite "New Age" churches as doing - that is, picking and choosing what they want to believe, discard, take literally and interpret?

I have yet to encounter a Christian who doesn't do ALL of those things.

Yes i do.

Whether it's preaching only the "fire and Brimstone" or preaching only the "feel good"'s wrong. A good honest Bible believing church will teach ALL of the Bible. Not just the parts they like. I think the majority of denominational churches do teach only the parts they want. A good common Bible believing church will teach it all. Sadly, these are becoming less and less common.

It sounds as if you feel some churches are "doing it wrong". How would you feel about sharing you opinions on a few verses to compare the views of your group vs. those who are not doing things as you say they should?
I assure you, I do not offend or insult (unless first fired upon) but if you are up for what may be both an interesting and challenging discussion, that would be a refreshing change from the others who Cut & Ran, the moment they had their specific beliefs questioned.
Interesting observation. Do you think the more traditional "fire & brimstone" type churches do exactly the same thing you cite "New Age" churches as doing - that is, picking and choosing what they want to believe, discard, take literally and interpret?

I have yet to encounter a Christian who doesn't do ALL of those things.

Yes i do.

Whether it's preaching only the "fire and Brimstone" or preaching only the "feel good"'s wrong. A good honest Bible believing church will teach ALL of the Bible. Not just the parts they like. I think the majority of denominational churches do teach only the parts they want. A good common Bible believing church will teach it all. Sadly, these are becoming less and less common.

Why is that? Is it maybe because so very many churches are actually spiritually toxic?

I think you're right. I would call it toxic for a church to teach people only parts of God's word. We're to teach the Gospels in all parts of the world...that means the ENTIRE WORD OF GOD. I call myself a Christian because i believe in God's word and believe in his only son Jesus Christ. But what bothers me most is that so many people call themselves Christians but they've never really heard the entire word of God. Many believe if their preacher has not told them about it, then it must be a lie.
Yes i do.

Whether it's preaching only the "fire and Brimstone" or preaching only the "feel good"'s wrong. A good honest Bible believing church will teach ALL of the Bible. Not just the parts they like. I think the majority of denominational churches do teach only the parts they want. A good common Bible believing church will teach it all. Sadly, these are becoming less and less common.

Why is that? Is it maybe because so very many churches are actually spiritually toxic?

I think you're right. I would call it toxic for a church to teach people only parts of God's word. We're to teach the Gospels in all parts of the world...that means the ENTIRE WORD OF GOD. I call myself a Christian because i believe in God's word and believe in his only son Jesus Christ. But what bothers me most is that so many people call themselves Christians but they've never really heard the entire word of God. Many believe if their preacher has not told them about it, then it must be a lie.

I'm kinda puzzled by people who call themselves Christians but who don't believe that Christ was resurrected.
Interesting observation. Do you think the more traditional "fire & brimstone" type churches do exactly the same thing you cite "New Age" churches as doing - that is, picking and choosing what they want to believe, discard, take literally and interpret?

I have yet to encounter a Christian who doesn't do ALL of those things.

Yes i do.

Whether it's preaching only the "fire and Brimstone" or preaching only the "feel good"'s wrong. A good honest Bible believing church will teach ALL of the Bible. Not just the parts they like. I think the majority of denominational churches do teach only the parts they want. A good common Bible believing church will teach it all. Sadly, these are becoming less and less common.

It sounds as if you feel some churches are "doing it wrong". How would you feel about sharing you opinions on a few verses to compare the views of your group vs. those who are not doing things as you say they should?
I assure you, I do not offend or insult (unless first fired upon) but if you are up for what may be both an interesting and challenging discussion, that would be a refreshing change from the others who Cut & Ran, the moment they had their specific beliefs questioned.

I'd have no problem with that.

And first i would say...i am NOT a Bible scholar (lol!). But i have read the entire Bible. I'd be glad to tell you exactly how i believe...and i'd be glad to listen to what you believe. Who knows....maybe you might say something that makes me believe something else..or visa-versa? I'm always willing to listen to other's opinions...sometimes i agree :)

And by the way...insults don't bother me. And i try not to do that either...
Insults only lessen a person's "believability" :)
Yes i do.

Whether it's preaching only the "fire and Brimstone" or preaching only the "feel good"'s wrong. A good honest Bible believing church will teach ALL of the Bible. Not just the parts they like. I think the majority of denominational churches do teach only the parts they want. A good common Bible believing church will teach it all. Sadly, these are becoming less and less common.

It sounds as if you feel some churches are "doing it wrong". How would you feel about sharing you opinions on a few verses to compare the views of your group vs. those who are not doing things as you say they should?
I assure you, I do not offend or insult (unless first fired upon) but if you are up for what may be both an interesting and challenging discussion, that would be a refreshing change from the others who Cut & Ran, the moment they had their specific beliefs questioned.

I'd have no problem with that.

And first i would say...i am NOT a Bible scholar (lol!). But i have read the entire Bible. I'd be glad to tell you exactly how i believe...and i'd be glad to listen to what you believe. Who knows....maybe you might say something that makes me believe something else..or visa-versa? I'm always willing to listen to other's opinions...sometimes i agree :)

And by the way...insults don't bother me. And i try not to do that either...
Insults only lessen a person's "believability" :)

An open mind and positive demeanor. How refreshing!
Okay so let's start with something basic and which the others ran from like the wind.

Matt. 5:31 - 32. So everyone who has gotten a divorce and remarried (other than for adultery) cannot go to heaven because they intentionally live in a state of adultery, which they do not try to repent from.

I don't subscribe to this belief.

But then, I don't think slaves should obey their masters either, so I'm kinda radical.
It sounds as if you feel some churches are "doing it wrong". How would you feel about sharing you opinions on a few verses to compare the views of your group vs. those who are not doing things as you say they should?
I assure you, I do not offend or insult (unless first fired upon) but if you are up for what may be both an interesting and challenging discussion, that would be a refreshing change from the others who Cut & Ran, the moment they had their specific beliefs questioned.

I'd have no problem with that.

And first i would say...i am NOT a Bible scholar (lol!). But i have read the entire Bible. I'd be glad to tell you exactly how i believe...and i'd be glad to listen to what you believe. Who knows....maybe you might say something that makes me believe something else..or visa-versa? I'm always willing to listen to other's opinions...sometimes i agree :)

And by the way...insults don't bother me. And i try not to do that either...
Insults only lessen a person's "believability" :)

An open mind and positive demeanor. How refreshing!
Okay so let's start with something basic and which the others ran from like the wind.

Matt. 5:31 - 32. So everyone who has gotten a divorce and remarried (other than for adultery) cannot go to heaven because they intentionally live in a state of adultery, which they do not try to repent from.

I don't subscribe to this belief.

But then, I don't think slaves should obey their masters either, so I'm kinda radical.

My take on "other than adultry" does not necessarily mean just having an affair with another person. Adultry in a marriage could mean many things...maybe it's the love of yourself more than you love your wife (or husband). This love of yourself more could also have something to do with how you treat your spouse. It could get violent if he or she doesn't feel the same way about think he or she should love you the same way you love yourself. When that doesn't happen...that's where abuse comes in.

This is why i've always believed God would never want someone stay with anyone who abuses them. There are no other reasons to get a divorce.

So it all comes down to what does God "entirely" mean by adultry?
I'd have no problem with that.

And first i would say...i am NOT a Bible scholar (lol!). But i have read the entire Bible. I'd be glad to tell you exactly how i believe...and i'd be glad to listen to what you believe. Who knows....maybe you might say something that makes me believe something else..or visa-versa? I'm always willing to listen to other's opinions...sometimes i agree :)

And by the way...insults don't bother me. And i try not to do that either...
Insults only lessen a person's "believability" :)

An open mind and positive demeanor. How refreshing!
Okay so let's start with something basic and which the others ran from like the wind.

Matt. 5:31 - 32. So everyone who has gotten a divorce and remarried (other than for adultery) cannot go to heaven because they intentionally live in a state of adultery, which they do not try to repent from.

I don't subscribe to this belief.

But then, I don't think slaves should obey their masters either, so I'm kinda radical.

My take on "other than adultry" does not necessarily mean just having an affair with another person. Adultry in a marriage could mean many things...maybe it's the love of yourself more than you love your wife (or husband). This love of yourself more could also have something to do with how you treat your spouse. It could get violent if he or she doesn't feel the same way about think he or she should love you the same way you love yourself. When that doesn't happen...that's where abuse comes in.

This is why i've always believed God would never want someone stay with anyone who abuses them. There are no other reasons to get a divorce.

So it all comes down to what does God "entirely" mean by adultry?

Actually, the ancient Aramaic word used very specific (I believe it was guara) and pertaining only to sex with someone other than a spouse. This was congruent with the ancient Greek texts as well. This is one of those text that every original maunscript is exact on.
My view of it is different than yours. Like many, many things in the Bible, it is one that needs understanding of the cultural context. I don't know if you're aware of it but at the time, men would marry girls between the age of 12 - 15. Then when they hit their 20's, they were stronger, more independent and "old". They could not legall divorce their husbands BUT the hubbies would see young girls walking around and well Hmmmm. Unfortunately, wives require feeding and such. Too many can make you broke. Same with kids. So they would divorce the wife and decide whether any kids through them were worth keeping. If not, they're all on the streets. Since the wife was no longer a virgin, no man would marry her. So she was left with two options: Begging or prostitution. Nice guys, those ancient Jews, eh?
So my take on this verse? I simply ignore it. I know that sounds like GASP!!!! What a heretic! But seriously, all Christians do that with lots of verses. And for good reason. A lot of verses were written specifically for the cultural circumstances of the time.
Also, keep in mind, there were HUNDREDS of Gospels, epistles etc... Lots of them directly contradicted what eventually became Catholic doctrine, so they were simply thrown out. Which means that tens of thousands of verses were dumped already. Well heck. If a bunch of power-hungry control freaks can dump 70%+ of the original Bible, I can take my understanding of the context and let me heart guide me.

Did I mention I have my degree in Christian theology? I actually thought about another career path, once upon a time but there is an old saying "No one comes out of seminary with the beliefs they went in with." Happens. :eek:)

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