Jesus on Marriage...

Well THAT got them to Cut & Run pretty quickly!
Suddenly, Mal and Newby are nowhere to be found!

So predictible.


What a pompous Ass you are.. a real legend in your own mind.. :cuckoo:

It's not that I'm pompous, it's that I'm right. And it pizzes you off because you know it.
If you were going to be so thin-skinned and sensitive, you shouldn't come into the thread being such a confrontational little girl (I assume from your posts, you're a woman).
And there you are. Doing exactly what I predicted.
Slinging petty insults but running from the challenge.

Again, you know nothing of the cultural contexts etc... of the book you use to be a judgmental ass. But you like being pompous (ironic, you would use that word, eh?) and self-righteous and that does not require knowledge. Actually, ignorance suits your needs better.

You will now continue to dodge, sling petty insults etc... before you eventually Cut & Run and I don't blame you. No one wants their own ignorance displayed in public. Especially when they use that ignorance to judge others!

Hugs & Kisses,

Your New BFF!

Just as I told you you would.
No. Apparently you guys are a little slow on the uptick. I claim I DO understand the comments and more importantly, their cultural context - something which you and Mal are completely clueless about, when it comes to The Bible.

Thus, like those who consctructed The Bible, although on a much smaller scale, there are many verses I know simply don't apply anymore or in our current culture. You do the same thing, btw.

How is being Wrong working out for you?... :lol:



Oh I've already proven I'm right and you Cut & Ran. But I can do it right now. I can prove you are clueless about cultural context, ancient hebrew tradition and idiom etc... as applicable to The Bible right now. I suppose if you grew a pair, you might be up for the challenge but I would suggest you dodge, change the subject, avoid, evade, maybe sling some petty insults or Cut & Run again, like you have all thread.
Seriously. You're going into a battle of knowledge unarmed.

I am still here...

And it is still a FACT that God Defined Marriage and Man and Woman and Jesus Repeated it...

It also a FACT that 100% of the time that Homosexuality is Referenced in the Old and New Testaments it is called Sin and Abomination.

In Levitical Moral Law in Chapter 18 it is listed with Beastiality and Spoken of in Stronger Terms by God.

Using you and your Ilk's Tortured Logic, Beastiallity should not only not be Illegal or even Wrong, it should be given Marriage Rights and Embraced by the Church

Jesus never Spoke about it correct?...



Well THAT got them to Cut & Run pretty quickly!
Suddenly, Mal and Newby are nowhere to be found!

So predictible.


What a pompous Ass you are.. a real legend in your own mind.. :cuckoo:

It's not that I'm pompous, it's that I'm right. And it pizzes you off because you know it.
If you were going to be so thin-skinned and sensitive, you shouldn't come into the thread being such a confrontational little girl (I assume from your posts, you're a woman).
And there you are. Doing exactly what I predicted.
Slinging petty insults but running from the challenge.

Again, you know nothing of the cultural contexts etc... of the book you use to be a judgmental ass. But you like being pompous (ironic, you would use that word, eh?) and self-righteous and that does not require knowledge. Actually, ignorance suits your needs better.

You will now continue to dodge, sling petty insults etc... before you eventually Cut & Run and I don't blame you. No one wants their own ignorance displayed in public. Especially when they use that ignorance to judge others!

Hugs & Kisses,

Your New BFF!

Just as I told you you would.

Boy, you have got it bad... you have my sympathies... :lol:

P.s. you really should go back and edit your posts about Jesus and slavery.. you look pretty stupid right now... :eusa_shhh:





How is being Wrong working out for you?... :lol:



Oh I've already proven I'm right and you Cut & Ran. But I can do it right now. I can prove you are clueless about cultural context, ancient hebrew tradition and idiom etc... as applicable to The Bible right now. I suppose if you grew a pair, you might be up for the challenge but I would suggest you dodge, change the subject, avoid, evade, maybe sling some petty insults or Cut & Run again, like you have all thread.
Seriously. You're going into a battle of knowledge unarmed.

I am still here...

And it is still a FACT that God Defined Marriage and Man and Woman and Jesus Repeated it...

It also a FACT that 100% of the time that Homosexuality is Referenced in the Old and New Testaments it is called Sin and Abomination.
In Levitical Moral Law in Chapter 18 it is listed with Beastiality and Spoken of in Stronger Terms by God.
Using you and your Ilk's Tortured Logic, Beastiallity should not only not be Illegal or even Wrong, it should be given Marriage Rights and Embraced by the Church
Jesus never Spoke about it correct?...


So easily predicted. Of course with ignorance comes predictibility, so it's not like it was hard for me to do. Let's see. An obvious dodge, a petty insult and changing the subject.

Seriously, you're making me look way to smart here!

Again the challenge stands, A few very simple questions will prove the following:

1) You change the meaning of scriptures to suit your needs.
2) You discard any scritpures you find inconvenient.
3) You have no understanding of the cultural context, idioms etc... of The Bible.

I mean, it's not like your ignorance of the Bible hasn't been displayed already. And honestly, I usually don't pick on people of obviously inferior intellect. But even a stupid bully is a bully and should be spanked by their superiors so that they might learn a little humility.
Of course what do weaklings and bullies do when faced with a real challenge?

Avoid it. Dodge it. Change the subject. Throw a tantrum. And Run away.

Just like you will from this simple little challenge.

Like I said

The ignorant are easily predicted.
Oh I've already proven I'm right and you Cut & Ran. But I can do it right now. I can prove you are clueless about cultural context, ancient hebrew tradition and idiom etc... as applicable to The Bible right now. I suppose if you grew a pair, you might be up for the challenge but I would suggest you dodge, change the subject, avoid, evade, maybe sling some petty insults or Cut & Run again, like you have all thread.
Seriously. You're going into a battle of knowledge unarmed.

I am still here...

And it is still a FACT that God Defined Marriage and Man and Woman and Jesus Repeated it...

It also a FACT that 100% of the time that Homosexuality is Referenced in the Old and New Testaments it is called Sin and Abomination.
In Levitical Moral Law in Chapter 18 it is listed with Beastiality and Spoken of in Stronger Terms by God.
Using you and your Ilk's Tortured Logic, Beastiallity should not only not be Illegal or even Wrong, it should be given Marriage Rights and Embraced by the Church
Jesus never Spoke about it correct?...


So easily predicted. Of course with ignorance comes predictibility, so it's not like it was hard for me to do. Let's see. An obvious dodge, a petty insult and changing the subject.

Seriously, you're making me look way to smart here!

Again the challenge stands, A few very simple questions will prove the following:

1) You change the meaning of scriptures to suit your needs.
2) You discard any scritpures you find inconvenient.
3) You have no understanding of the cultural context, idioms etc... of The Bible.

I mean, it's not like your ignorance of the Bible hasn't been displayed already. And honestly, I usually don't pick on people of obviously inferior intellect. But even a stupid bully is a bully and should be spanked by their superiors so that they might learn a little humility.
Of course what do weaklings and bullies do when faced with a real challenge?

Avoid it. Dodge it. Change the subject. Throw a tantrum. And Run away.

Just like you will from this simple little challenge.

Like I said

The ignorant are easily predicted.

predictable irony is predictable
I am still here...

And it is still a FACT that God Defined Marriage and Man and Woman and Jesus Repeated it...

It also a FACT that 100% of the time that Homosexuality is Referenced in the Old and New Testaments it is called Sin and Abomination.
In Levitical Moral Law in Chapter 18 it is listed with Beastiality and Spoken of in Stronger Terms by God.
Using you and your Ilk's Tortured Logic, Beastiallity should not only not be Illegal or even Wrong, it should be given Marriage Rights and Embraced by the Church
Jesus never Spoke about it correct?...


So easily predicted. Of course with ignorance comes predictibility, so it's not like it was hard for me to do. Let's see. An obvious dodge, a petty insult and changing the subject.

Seriously, you're making me look way to smart here!

Again the challenge stands, A few very simple questions will prove the following:

1) You change the meaning of scriptures to suit your needs.
2) You discard any scritpures you find inconvenient.
3) You have no understanding of the cultural context, idioms etc... of The Bible.

I mean, it's not like your ignorance of the Bible hasn't been displayed already. And honestly, I usually don't pick on people of obviously inferior intellect. But even a stupid bully is a bully and should be spanked by their superiors so that they might learn a little humility.
Of course what do weaklings and bullies do when faced with a real challenge?

Avoid it. Dodge it. Change the subject. Throw a tantrum. And Run away.

Just like you will from this simple little challenge.

Like I said

The ignorant are easily predicted.

predictable irony is predictable

People with absolute zero of substance to contribute are predictibly easy to spot. But I could be wrong. Did you have anything to contribute?
Care to discuss why you know what the Bible means?
Any particular verses you're fond of?
Hmm. I should stop. If I have a weakness, it's that I get furious when I see people use religion as a means for judging others. Especially my religion.

But I should exercise more restraint and understanding. There is no need to be insulting or potentially embarrass people.

So to Mal, Newby and anyone else who might have been offended by my antics in this thread, I apologize.
Hmm. I should stop. If I have a weakness, it's that I get furious when I see people use religion as a means for judging others. Especially my religion.

But I should exercise more restraint and understanding. There is no need to be insulting or potentially embarrass people.

So to Mal, Newby and anyone else who might have been offended by my antics in this thread, I apologize.

OR as I just got done saying elsewhere, as long as Christians continue to make a mockery of Christ's teachings, others will be there to point and laugh.
Hmm. I should stop. If I have a weakness, it's that I get furious when I see people use religion as a means for judging others. Especially my religion.

But I should exercise more restraint and understanding. There is no need to be insulting or potentially embarrass people.

So to Mal, Newby and anyone else who might have been offended by my antics in this thread, I apologize.

OR as I just got done saying elsewhere, as long as Christians continue to make a mockery of Christ's teachings, others will be there to point and laugh.

Yes, we know there will always be bigots like you around. Not to worry.
Hmm. I should stop. If I have a weakness, it's that I get furious when I see people use religion as a means for judging others. Especially my religion.

But I should exercise more restraint and understanding. There is no need to be insulting or potentially embarrass people.

So to Mal, Newby and anyone else who might have been offended by my antics in this thread, I apologize.

OR as I just got done saying elsewhere, as long as Christians continue to make a mockery of Christ's teachings, others will be there to point and laugh.

Yes, we know there will always be bigots like you around. Not to worry.

Hmm. I should stop. If I have a weakness, it's that I get furious when I see people use religion as a means for judging others. Especially my religion.

But I should exercise more restraint and understanding. There is no need to be insulting or potentially embarrass people.

So to Mal, Newby and anyone else who might have been offended by my antics in this thread, I apologize.

OR as I just got done saying elsewhere, as long as Christians continue to make a mockery of Christ's teachings, others will be there to point and laugh.

Yes, we know there will always be bigots like you around. Not to worry.

Yes, because we know that Christians are SO persecuted in this country.
OR as I just got done saying elsewhere, as long as Christians continue to make a mockery of Christ's teachings, others will be there to point and laugh.

Yes, we know there will always be bigots like you around. Not to worry.

Yes, because we know that Christians are SO persecuted in this country.


Tragic, really.

No, really!!

STOP LAUGHING, dammit! It's NOT funny!
OR as I just got done saying elsewhere, as long as Christians continue to make a mockery of Christ's teachings, others will be there to point and laugh.

Yes, we know there will always be bigots like you around. Not to worry.

Yes, because we know that Christians are SO persecuted in this country.

Jews aren't persecuted in the Us either. Doesn't mean there aren't anti-Jewish bigots.

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