Jesus on Marriage...

Back to Leviticus 18 for a moment, one of the reasons that 18:22 is not to be taken as sexual is because of context, with the context seeming to be 18:21 and not the rest of the chapter. I'm not convinced of the contextual argument. Is 18:23 about bestiality? Is there one nonsexual little riff in that chapter in between sexual passages? Or does the chapter take a hard turn from sexual acts to rituals at 18:21 and not return?

I hestitate to ask that for two reasons. First, I understand that I would need to do my own research with sources I trust before I was ever convinced. I simply wish to know how much of Chapter 18 is considered to be about sexual acts in the alternative interpretation which has been presented in this thread.

Second, I am more interested in hearing about Chapter 20 than hearing any further about Chapter 18 so I hope that my asking about that small portion of Chapter 18 I don't take too much attention from Chapter 20.

At Leviticus 18:21 it takes a hard turn and begins to focus on ritual in relation to Moloch. Leviticus 20:13 is nearly word for word what is said in Leviticus 18:22 except that it prescribes the death penalty for whatever act it is referring to. That act remains unclear. It is almost certainly some form of ritual transgression but there is some argument that it has to do with the sanctity of a woman's bed (this is a little more controversial).

But this is also one of those things where ancient culture and modern culture simply don't mix. In ancient times a woman's bed was sacrosanct. To have sex (homosexual or heterosexual) in another woman's bed was...I mean...oh my fucking God you might as well have pissed on the corpse of someone's Mother and the penalty was death. Now use in 21st century culture that seems ridiculous, but to them...that was just the way it went.

So 20:13 is problematic because again it's not terribly clear due to the language what is being forbidden. Is it homosexual activity in general? Is it homosexual activity during ritual? Is it general sexual activity in another woman's bed? Is it defiling the sanctity of a woman's bed with only homosexual activity? It doesn't say and the context makes it even fuzzier.

Now it could mean that we should kill all homosexuals. But just because it might mean that doesn't mean that it does mean that. Realistically, it probably doesn't mean that and I don't think even Newby or Mal would endorse mass executions of homosexuals based on Leviticus 20:13

Read Closely...

Christ's Blood Forgives Sin... So no, Newby and I would NOT Endorse that.

But Christ's Blood doesn't Embrace Sin...

Get it?...

This really isn't that fucking Difficult. :thup:


Let me use an analogy to put some of this stuff into perspective when it comes to Paul. Let's say that we all decide we are going to start a new nation and base it on the teachings of George Harrison. Now two people step up to tell us all about Harrison's message. One of them is me. I am a Beatle maniac, Harrison is my favorite Beatle, I know all his lyrics, I have read countless books about his life, I have watched movies about him onward and so forth. The other guy is Paul McCartney.

Now who are you going to listen to? Me or McCartney? Well the answer is pretty damned obvious. You are going to listen to McCartney because he knew Harrison, he talked with Harrison daily, he worked with him, he spent a huge part of his life with Harrison on a daily basis.

Well such it is with Peter and Paul. Who knew Jesus? Peter. Paul never even met Jesus. Paul was a Roman not a Jew. Paul spoke to Romans in ways that Romans could understand. Paul understood Jesus through the filter of a Roman, a Roman's upbringing, a Roman's life influences. Is it any wonder that in 2 Peter 3:15-16 Peter says...uh you might not want to pay too much attention to Paul. I imagine McCartney would say the same thing about me in regards to Harrison.

Now let's flash forward about 2,000 years and we have our Harrison based society...only it's hasn't been based on what McCartney said about Harrison, it's been based upon what I said about Harrison. Even worse it's been based on tape recordings of mere parts of what I said in various phone calls where I talked about Harrison and the recordings are only what I was saying and who I was talking to has not been recorded. Yet those recordings have become the majority influence in our Harrisonian society. Well don't you think that's just a little fucked up? I mean just a touch?

Well that's exactly what happened with Jesus, Peter, and Paul. I mean right down the line on the nose.
You're wrong. The Bible has proved itself to contain the word of God to billions of people throughout history. I proved it to myself after years of not believing.

Yoke dokie slugger. We can pretend that's true. Fundies are so funny. But I say you're bible is nonsense and mine is the real deal and your guy doesnt meet the prophesies.

Prove me wrong

Fools don't need to be proved wrong. Just keep talking and you can that all by yourself.

my religion isn't wrong. yours is made up.

but thanks for proving my point.
This really isn't that fucking Difficult. :thup:



I am learning there's a lot that you find difficult. I mean when I demonstrate that the scriptures have been mistranslated, manipulated, twisted, etc and you respond with more scriptures, you clearly aint getting the point.
Let me use an analogy to put some of this stuff into perspective when it comes to Paul. Let's say that we all decide we are going to start a new nation and base it on the teachings of George Harrison. Now two people step up to tell us all about Harrison's message. One of them is me. I am a Beatle maniac, Harrison is my favorite Beatle, I know all his lyrics, I have read countless books about his life, I have watched movies about him onward and so forth. The other guy is Paul McCartney.

Now who are you going to listen to? Me or McCartney? Well the answer is pretty damned obvious. You are going to listen to McCartney because he knew Harrison, he talked with Harrison daily, he worked with him, he spent a huge part of his life with Harrison on a daily basis.

Well such it is with Peter and Paul. Who knew Jesus? Peter. Paul never even met Jesus. Paul was a Roman not a Jew. Paul spoke to Romans in ways that Romans could understand. Paul understood Jesus through the filter of a Roman, a Roman's upbringing, a Roman's life influences. Is it any wonder that in 2 Peter 3:15-16 Peter says...uh you might not want to pay too much attention to Paul. I imagine McCartney would say the same thing about me in regards to Harrison.

Now let's flash forward about 2,000 years and we have our Harrison based society...only it's hasn't been based on what McCartney said about Harrison, it's been based upon what I said about Harrison. Even worse it's been based on tape recordings of mere parts of what I said in various phone calls where I talked about Harrison and the recordings are only what I was saying and who I was talking to has not been recorded. Yet those recordings have become the majority influence in our Harrisonian society. Well don't you think that's just a little fucked up? I mean just a touch?

Well that's exactly what happened with Jesus, Peter, and Paul. I mean right down the line on the nose.

Interesting analogy.

I don't see how you come by that interpretation of 2 Peter 3:15-16 but still an interesting analogy.
Last edited:
This really isn't that fucking Difficult. :thup:



I am learning there's a lot that you find difficult. I mean when I demonstrate that the scriptures have been mistranslated, manipulated, twisted, etc and you respond with more scriptures, you clearly aint getting the point.

You have yet to demonstrate anything... you have, however, validated that my initial gut feeling about you was correct. I have much I could respond too in the most recent comments you made to my posts, but I don't think there's any further point, I've heard enough and accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. Thanks for the civil convo. ;)
This really isn't that fucking Difficult. :thup:



I am learning there's a lot that you find difficult. I mean when I demonstrate that the scriptures have been mistranslated, manipulated, twisted, etc and you respond with more scriptures, you clearly aint getting the point.

You have yet to demonstrate anything... you have, however, validated that my initial gut feeling about you was correct. I have much I could respond too in the most recent comments you made to my posts, but I don't think there's any further point, I've heard enough and accomplished what I wanted to accomplish. Thanks for the civil convo. ;)

Amen... End of List... :thup:


Let me use an analogy to put some of this stuff into perspective when it comes to Paul. Let's say that we all decide we are going to start a new nation and base it on the teachings of George Harrison. Now two people step up to tell us all about Harrison's message. One of them is me. I am a Beatle maniac, Harrison is my favorite Beatle, I know all his lyrics, I have read countless books about his life, I have watched movies about him onward and so forth. The other guy is Paul McCartney.

Now who are you going to listen to? Me or McCartney? Well the answer is pretty damned obvious. You are going to listen to McCartney because he knew Harrison, he talked with Harrison daily, he worked with him, he spent a huge part of his life with Harrison on a daily basis.

Well such it is with Peter and Paul. Who knew Jesus? Peter. Paul never even met Jesus. Paul was a Roman not a Jew. Paul spoke to Romans in ways that Romans could understand. Paul understood Jesus through the filter of a Roman, a Roman's upbringing, a Roman's life influences. Is it any wonder that in 2 Peter 3:15-16 Peter says...uh you might not want to pay too much attention to Paul. I imagine McCartney would say the same thing about me in regards to Harrison.

Now let's flash forward about 2,000 years and we have our Harrison based society...only it's hasn't been based on what McCartney said about Harrison, it's been based upon what I said about Harrison. Even worse it's been based on tape recordings of mere parts of what I said in various phone calls where I talked about Harrison and the recordings are only what I was saying and who I was talking to has not been recorded. Yet those recordings have become the majority influence in our Harrisonian society. Well don't you think that's just a little fucked up? I mean just a touch?

Well that's exactly what happened with Jesus, Peter, and Paul. I mean right down the line on the nose.

What part of the Bible was that from?... :dunno:

Seriously... The Request has been made of you COUNTLESS FUCKING TIMES...

Stop Trolling... No matter how Entertaining and Longwinded your Trolling might be compared to Redundant Bores like del or Ravi.


Now it could mean that we should kill all homosexuals. But just because it might mean that doesn't mean that it does mean that. Realistically, it probably doesn't mean that and I don't think even Newby or Mal would endorse mass executions of homosexuals based on Leviticus 20:13

Read Closely...

Christ's Blood Forgives Sin... So no, Newby and I would NOT Endorse that.

But Christ's Blood doesn't Embrace Sin...

Get it?...

This really isn't that fucking Difficult. :thup:



And again...


Let me use an analogy to put some of this stuff into perspective when it comes to Paul. Let's say that we all decide we are going to start a new nation and base it on the teachings of George Harrison. Now two people step up to tell us all about Harrison's message. One of them is me. I am a Beatle maniac, Harrison is my favorite Beatle, I know all his lyrics, I have read countless books about his life, I have watched movies about him onward and so forth. The other guy is Paul McCartney.

Now who are you going to listen to? Me or McCartney? Well the answer is pretty damned obvious. You are going to listen to McCartney because he knew Harrison, he talked with Harrison daily, he worked with him, he spent a huge part of his life with Harrison on a daily basis.

Well such it is with Peter and Paul. Who knew Jesus? Peter. Paul never even met Jesus. Paul was a Roman not a Jew. Paul spoke to Romans in ways that Romans could understand. Paul understood Jesus through the filter of a Roman, a Roman's upbringing, a Roman's life influences. Is it any wonder that in 2 Peter 3:15-16 Peter says...uh you might not want to pay too much attention to Paul. I imagine McCartney would say the same thing about me in regards to Harrison.

Now let's flash forward about 2,000 years and we have our Harrison based society...only it's hasn't been based on what McCartney said about Harrison, it's been based upon what I said about Harrison. Even worse it's been based on tape recordings of mere parts of what I said in various phone calls where I talked about Harrison and the recordings are only what I was saying and who I was talking to has not been recorded. Yet those recordings have become the majority influence in our Harrisonian society. Well don't you think that's just a little fucked up? I mean just a touch?

Well that's exactly what happened with Jesus, Peter, and Paul. I mean right down the line on the nose.

What part of the Bible was that from?... :dunno:

Seriously... The Request has been made of you COUNTLESS FUCKING TIMES...

Stop Trolling... No matter how Entertaining and Longwinded your Trolling might be compared to Redundant Bores like del or Ravi.



And I responded countless fucking times genius. Start it. Learn something.
Let me use an analogy to put some of this stuff into perspective when it comes to Paul. Let's say that we all decide we are going to start a new nation and base it on the teachings of George Harrison. Now two people step up to tell us all about Harrison's message. One of them is me. I am a Beatle maniac, Harrison is my favorite Beatle, I know all his lyrics, I have read countless books about his life, I have watched movies about him onward and so forth. The other guy is Paul McCartney.

Now who are you going to listen to? Me or McCartney? Well the answer is pretty damned obvious. You are going to listen to McCartney because he knew Harrison, he talked with Harrison daily, he worked with him, he spent a huge part of his life with Harrison on a daily basis.

Well such it is with Peter and Paul. Who knew Jesus? Peter. Paul never even met Jesus. Paul was a Roman not a Jew. Paul spoke to Romans in ways that Romans could understand. Paul understood Jesus through the filter of a Roman, a Roman's upbringing, a Roman's life influences. Is it any wonder that in 2 Peter 3:15-16 Peter says...uh you might not want to pay too much attention to Paul. I imagine McCartney would say the same thing about me in regards to Harrison.

Now let's flash forward about 2,000 years and we have our Harrison based society...only it's hasn't been based on what McCartney said about Harrison, it's been based upon what I said about Harrison. Even worse it's been based on tape recordings of mere parts of what I said in various phone calls where I talked about Harrison and the recordings are only what I was saying and who I was talking to has not been recorded. Yet those recordings have become the majority influence in our Harrisonian society. Well don't you think that's just a little fucked up? I mean just a touch?

Well that's exactly what happened with Jesus, Peter, and Paul. I mean right down the line on the nose.

What part of the Bible was that from?... :dunno:

Seriously... The Request has been made of you COUNTLESS FUCKING TIMES...

Stop Trolling... No matter how Entertaining and Longwinded your Trolling might be compared to Redundant Bores like del or Ravi.



And I responded countless fucking times genius. Start it. Learn something.

I get the Feeling that that is your Site. :lol:

Continued Fail. :thup:


Let me use an analogy to put some of this stuff into perspective when it comes to Paul. Let's say that we all decide we are going to start a new nation and base it on the teachings of George Harrison. Now two people step up to tell us all about Harrison's message. One of them is me. I am a Beatle maniac, Harrison is my favorite Beatle, I know all his lyrics, I have read countless books about his life, I have watched movies about him onward and so forth. The other guy is Paul McCartney.

Now who are you going to listen to? Me or McCartney? Well the answer is pretty damned obvious. You are going to listen to McCartney because he knew Harrison, he talked with Harrison daily, he worked with him, he spent a huge part of his life with Harrison on a daily basis.

Well such it is with Peter and Paul. Who knew Jesus? Peter. Paul never even met Jesus. Paul was a Roman not a Jew. Paul spoke to Romans in ways that Romans could understand. Paul understood Jesus through the filter of a Roman, a Roman's upbringing, a Roman's life influences. Is it any wonder that in 2 Peter 3:15-16 Peter says...uh you might not want to pay too much attention to Paul. I imagine McCartney would say the same thing about me in regards to Harrison.

Now let's flash forward about 2,000 years and we have our Harrison based society...only it's hasn't been based on what McCartney said about Harrison, it's been based upon what I said about Harrison. Even worse it's been based on tape recordings of mere parts of what I said in various phone calls where I talked about Harrison and the recordings are only what I was saying and who I was talking to has not been recorded. Yet those recordings have become the majority influence in our Harrisonian society. Well don't you think that's just a little fucked up? I mean just a touch?

Well that's exactly what happened with Jesus, Peter, and Paul. I mean right down the line on the nose.

What part of the Bible was that from?... :dunno:

Seriously... The Request has been made of you COUNTLESS FUCKING TIMES...

Stop Trolling... No matter how Entertaining and Longwinded your Trolling might be compared to Redundant Bores like del or Ravi.



And I responded countless fucking times genius. Start it. Learn something.

i wouldn't worry about it. mal saying someone else is trolling is simply high comedy.
  • Thanks
Reactions: mal
What part of the Bible was that from?... :dunno:

Seriously... The Request has been made of you COUNTLESS FUCKING TIMES...

Stop Trolling... No matter how Entertaining and Longwinded your Trolling might be compared to Redundant Bores like del or Ravi.



And I responded countless fucking times genius. Start it. Learn something.

i wouldn't worry about it. mal saying someone else is trolling is simply high comedy.

Hi Jill!...

How you been Lady?



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