Jesus on Marriage...

This turned out to be a great thread! It isn't often that I learn something here at USMB. But I have learned that it is extremely unlikely that God was condemning homosexuals in the old testament. And that makes me happy because it never fit in with what I believed God to be about. I can see him condemning adultery, bestiality, child abuse, etc. because those things hurt the innocent. But homosexuality does not.

What will happen if Christians everywhere are given the correct translation of that passage?
This turned out to be a great thread! It isn't often that I learn something here at USMB. But I have learned that it is extremely unlikely that God was condemning homosexuals in the old testament. And that makes me happy because it never fit in with what I believed God to be about. I can see him condemning adultery, bestiality, child abuse, etc. because those things hurt the innocent. But homosexuality does not.

What will happen if Christians everywhere are given the correct translation of that passage?

Which Passage?... And what Translation?...

Every single fucking time Homosexuality is Referred to in the Old and New Testaments it is called Sin and Abomination.

Leave it to you to find some "Translation" of ONE Passage that you aren't even Referencing to Conclude that God Condemned Beastiality in Leviticus 18 by calling it Confusion yet Embraced Homosexuality when he called it Abomination in that same Moral Law of 18... Or again in 20.

Holy shit ravi...

You KNOW what you are doing and that's just Sad.

It's Sad that you would be this Willfully Dishonest and to what End?...

Entertainment for yourself to see Christians get Angry with your Lies about what is Written as you Hiden in Anonymity on the Internet?

You don't have to Beleive in the Bible to see what it Clearly and Repeatedly says.

The only Question is why you and some others Insist on Lying.

I Understand why Gays who Seek Validation do it...

But you're not Gay.

So why do you so Deliberately Lie about this?


This turned out to be a great thread! It isn't often that I learn something here at USMB. But I have learned that it is extremely unlikely that God was condemning homosexuals in the old testament. And that makes me happy because it never fit in with what I believed God to be about. I can see him condemning adultery, bestiality, child abuse, etc. because those things hurt the innocent. But homosexuality does not.

What will happen if Christians everywhere are given the correct translation of that passage?

We will just have a polite chuckle, roll our eyes, and go along our merry way.
  • Thanks
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Again Ravi... Which Passage?... And what Translation?

I Corinthians 6:9-11

Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 20:13

Deuteronomy 23:17

Genesis 19:4-8

Romans 1:24-27

I Timothy 1:10

Jude 7.

^Just some of what was Written.

Oh yeah, and that Pesky Marriage thing that only Man and Wife can Reflect:

Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; 4:1, 17, 25;

Matthew 19:5

You know... Because this Thread is about how Homosexual Marriage is Absurd in Relation to the Christian Faith based on the Old and New Testaments. :thup:


^Ravi's Goal was to have me or someone else post more Scriptures... She Beleives she has Won something in her Small World by making people she doesn't Know on the Internet Document things to Illustrate how Absurdly Wrong she is.

She is doing this Deliberately.

I posted those Easily Obtainable Verses for other People...

So they can Know what the Lies Ravi and others are Telling REALLY are.

You don't have to be a Christian or even Beleive in the Bible to KNOW what it says and that Ravi is Lying...



I think mal will soon have to stop being a Christian and become a Muslim as they appear to hate homosexuals at the same level.

Thankfully, there is no evidence that Jesus felt the same.
I think mal will soon have to stop being a Christian and become a Muslim as they appear to hate homosexuals at the same level.

Thankfully, there is no evidence that Jesus felt the same.

Muslims in Countries like Saudi Arabia have it as Law that Homosexuals be Executed for their Sin of Homosexuality.

Christ's Blood put an End to that but it did NOT OK the Sin.

Believing in Christ and Turning from Sin would have someone NOT Actively Engaging in Homosexuality according to the Bible.

Christ no more wanted the Whore to Remain a Whore than he does the Homosexual to be a Homosexual.

There is NO Verse in the Bible that Contradicts this Obvious Conclusion.

Muslims don't have Christ's Blood.

Ravi, I am as much in line with Muslims on Homosexuals as you are with the Nazis on the Jews you Dishonest lump of shit. :thup:

Just wanted to say it.

Next time you Repeat that Lie you will have Known better without Question.


So far we have one reinterpretation of one traditionally accepted interpretation of one verse of the Bible, and a recommendation to buy that one linguist's book.

And God Said:
How Translations Conceal the Bible's Original Meaning
by Dr. Joel M. Hoffman
So far we have one reinterpretation of one traditionally accepted interpretation of one verse of the Bible, and a recommendation to buy that one linguist's book.

And God Said:
How Translations Conceal the Bible's Original Meaning
by Dr. Joel M. Hoffman

That's all they need... Because the Bible is in Opposition to what they want.

And ravi's just being an Internet Douchebag. :thup:


I think mal will soon have to stop being a Christian and become a Muslim as they appear to hate homosexuals at the same level.

Thankfully, there is no evidence that Jesus felt the same.

Oh, yeah. He and Sunni have much in common.

Link or didn't happen Twat. :thup:



Naw, man. You're all melty. I may need a hazmat suit if I stay in this thread.

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