Jesus on Marriage...

Link or didn't happen Twat. :thup:



Naw, man. You're all melty. I may need a hazmat suit if I stay in this thread.

That's what I Thought... Troll away Troll. :thup:



You are an excellent troll. I'll attempt to learn from you.

First, I shall have 17 drinks, because it's the only sure-fire way I know to drop an IQ.

Next, I shall quote the Bible, promptly following said quotes with insults, prick.

Fuck you.




How's that?
So far we have one reinterpretation of one traditionally accepted interpretation of one verse of the Bible, and a recommendation to buy that one linguist's book.

And God Said:
How Translations Conceal the Bible's Original Meaning
by Dr. Joel M. Hoffman
I wouldn't call it a reinterpretation but rather a literal translation. And it casts a very big doubt on what God thought of homosexuals.

We also have the word "arsenokoitēs" in two passages of the NT, a word that has been translated in various ways to suit the agenda of whomever is translating it at the time. We really don't have any way to tell how it was originally meant, but many Christians claim it means homosexuals.
So far we have one reinterpretation of one traditionally accepted interpretation of one verse of the Bible, and a recommendation to buy that one linguist's book.

And God Said:
How Translations Conceal the Bible's Original Meaning
by Dr. Joel M. Hoffman
I wouldn't call it a reinterpretation but rather a literal translation. And it casts a very big doubt on what God thought of homosexuals.

We also have the word "arsenokoitēs" in two passages of the NT, a word that has been translated in various ways to suit the agenda of whomever is translating it at the time. We really don't have any way to tell how it was originally meant, but many Christians claim it means homosexuals.

^Repeated Fail! :thup:

Again Ravi... Which Passage?... And what Translation?

I Corinthians 6:9-11

Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 20:13

Deuteronomy 23:17

Genesis 19:4-8

Romans 1:24-27

I Timothy 1:10

Jude 7.

^Just some of what was Written.

Oh yeah, and that Pesky Marriage thing that only Man and Wife can Reflect:

Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; 4:1, 17, 25;

Matthew 19:5

You know... Because this Thread is about how Homosexual Marriage is Absurd in Relation to the Christian Faith based on the Old and New Testaments. :thup:




God Spoke as Bad or Worse of Homosexuality as he did Beastiality and did so one Verse after the other in Context.

Ravi's Argument makes Beastiality OK in the Eyes of God and Jesus.



Naw, man. You're all melty. I may need a hazmat suit if I stay in this thread.

That's what I Thought... Troll away Troll. :thup:



You are an excellent troll. I'll attempt to learn from you.

First, I shall have 17 drinks, because it's the only sure-fire way I know to drop an IQ.

Next, I shall quote the Bible, promptly following said quotes with insults, prick.

Fuck you.




How's that?

^Drops her IQ with 17 Drinks... :lol:

Waste of Booze. :thup:

Zero is Zero. ;)


That's what I Thought... Troll away Troll. :thup:



You are an excellent troll. I'll attempt to learn from you.

First, I shall have 17 drinks, because it's the only sure-fire way I know to drop an IQ.

Next, I shall quote the Bible, promptly following said quotes with insults, prick.

Fuck you.




How's that?

^Drops her IQ with 17 Drinks... :lol:

Waste of Booze. :thup:

Zero is Zero. ;)



Yes, I can tell from your posts that you would know that. :thup:
So far we have one reinterpretation of one traditionally accepted interpretation of one verse of the Bible, and a recommendation to buy that one linguist's book.

And God Said:
How Translations Conceal the Bible's Original Meaning
by Dr. Joel M. Hoffman
I wouldn't call it a reinterpretation but rather a literal translation. And it casts a very big doubt on what God thought of homosexuals.

We also have the word "arsenokoitēs" in two passages of the NT, a word that has been translated in various ways to suit the agenda of whomever is translating it at the time. We really don't have any way to tell how it was originally meant, but many Christians claim it means homosexuals.

What do you think "arsenokoites" means?
I see reason to have another look at the passages. I don't see reason to rush to a conclusion.

But my present actions don't hinge on how that part of the Bible is translated so I can take my time.
So far we have one reinterpretation of one traditionally accepted interpretation of one verse of the Bible, and a recommendation to buy that one linguist's book.

And God Said:
How Translations Conceal the Bible's Original Meaning
by Dr. Joel M. Hoffman
I wouldn't call it a reinterpretation but rather a literal translation. And it casts a very big doubt on what God thought of homosexuals.

We also have the word "arsenokoitēs" in two passages of the NT, a word that has been translated in various ways to suit the agenda of whomever is translating it at the time. We really don't have any way to tell how it was originally meant, but many Christians claim it means homosexuals.

What do you think "arsenokoites" means?
In some early Christian texts it is used to mean "child rape" so it is impossible to know how the two that used it in the bible meant it. Though I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that God would condemn child rape more than homosexuality and in those two passages in the NT he condemns only "asenokoites."
Child rape has been supported by the RCC for a long time. Priests have gotten away with it for centuries.
Again Ravi... Which Passage?... And what Translation?

I Corinthians 6:9-11

Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 20:13

Deuteronomy 23:17

Genesis 19:4-8

Romans 1:24-27

I Timothy 1:10

Jude 7.

^Just some of what was Written.

Oh yeah, and that Pesky Marriage thing that only Man and Wife can Reflect:

Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; 4:1, 17, 25;

Matthew 19:5

You know... Because this Thread is about how Homosexual Marriage is Absurd in Relation to the Christian Faith based on the Old and New Testaments. :thup:




Cowardly Coward is a Liar and a Coward. :thup:


Child rape has been supported by the RCC for a long time. Priests have gotten away with it for centuries.

A Lying Twat says what?...



Child rape has been supported by the RCC for a long time. Priests have gotten away with it for centuries.
That has NOTHING to do with the discussion.

See, Mal? Ravi demonstrates how classy people comport themselves.

Take a lesson.
What part of the Bible was that from?... :dunno:

Seriously... The Request has been made of you COUNTLESS FUCKING TIMES...

Stop Trolling... No matter how Entertaining and Longwinded your Trolling might be compared to Redundant Bores like del or Ravi.



And I responded countless fucking times genius. Start it. Learn something.

I get the Feeling that that is your Site. :lol:

Continued Fail. :thup:



You are suggesting that I am Dr. Joel Hoffman? Oooooooooooooooook :cuckoo:
This turned out to be a great thread! It isn't often that I learn something here at USMB. But I have learned that it is extremely unlikely that God was condemning homosexuals in the old testament. And that makes me happy because it never fit in with what I believed God to be about. I can see him condemning adultery, bestiality, child abuse, etc. because those things hurt the innocent. But homosexuality does not.

What will happen if Christians everywhere are given the correct translation of that passage?

Well...see the problem is the congregation now. It's been so ingrained into Christians' heads that homosexuality is an abomination that for a Church to come out and admit it...pfft...all hell would break loose. I mean can you imagine the backlash from his followers if someone like Billy Graham or the Pope came out and said "well.....I guess we had better come clean..." Fuck, Christians would be outraged and people would leave the Church in droves. Guys like Kenneth Copeland and Jessee Duplantis would be totally abandoned by their flock and would never receive another penny. No chance in hell they do that.....ever. They have to keep the lie.
^Ravi's Goal was to have me or someone else post more Scriptures... She Beleives she has Won something in her Small World by making people she doesn't Know on the Internet Document things to Illustrate how Absurdly Wrong she is.

She is doing this Deliberately.

I posted those Easily Obtainable Verses for other People...

So they can Know what the Lies Ravi and others are Telling REALLY are.

You don't have to be a Christian or even Beleive in the Bible to KNOW what it says and that Ravi is Lying...




wow....I thought only TM had meltdowns like this. Damn

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