Jesus on Marriage...

So far we have one reinterpretation of one traditionally accepted interpretation of one verse of the Bible, and a recommendation to buy that one linguist's book.

And God Said:
How Translations Conceal the Bible's Original Meaning
by Dr. Joel M. Hoffman
I wouldn't call it a reinterpretation but rather a literal translation. And it casts a very big doubt on what God thought of homosexuals.

We also have the word "arsenokoitēs" in two passages of the NT, a word that has been translated in various ways to suit the agenda of whomever is translating it at the time. We really don't have any way to tell how it was originally meant, but many Christians claim it means homosexuals.

Excellent point. The big problem with that word is that no one has any idea what it means. There are no other examples of it before or in Paul's time. It appears to be a word he made up himself. The common word for homosexuality at the time was "paiderasste" so if Paul wanted to refer to homosexuals why didn't he simply use that word which would have been clear as a bell to anyone reading it?

Instead we have a word where the context does not provide definition, there are no other examples of it in the times to provide definition.....we flat out don't know what the hell he is talking about. Yet it's translated as "homosexuals". Why is anyone's guess....there's not a shred of evidence at all to suggest it means that. Enter Midrash...if they don't know what it means, the Church flat out makes it up.

Now later in history the term was defined as Ravi suggests in another post, however at the time it was first coined, it's totally unknown
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Child rape has been supported by the RCC for a long time. Priests have gotten away with it for centuries.

A Lying Twat says what?...



Child rape has been supported by the RCC for a long time. Priests have gotten away with it for centuries.
That has NOTHING to do with the discussion.

See, Mal? Ravi demonstrates how classy people comport themselves.

Take a lesson.

Thanked her before you Quoted it... Dipshit. :thup:


^Ravi's Goal was to have me or someone else post more Scriptures... She Beleives she has Won something in her Small World by making people she doesn't Know on the Internet Document things to Illustrate how Absurdly Wrong she is.

She is doing this Deliberately.

I posted those Easily Obtainable Verses for other People...

So they can Know what the Lies Ravi and others are Telling REALLY are.

You don't have to be a Christian or even Beleive in the Bible to KNOW what it says and that Ravi is Lying...




wow....I thought only TM had meltdowns like this. Damn

Really?... You are going to Waste a Meltdown Card here?... :lol:

ButtPhantom: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing who Cried Meltown. :thup:




126 posts... It is written! :thup:
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^Ravi's Goal was to have me or someone else post more Scriptures... She Beleives she has Won something in her Small World by making people she doesn't Know on the Internet Document things to Illustrate how Absurdly Wrong she is.

She is doing this Deliberately.

I posted those Easily Obtainable Verses for other People...

So they can Know what the Lies Ravi and others are Telling REALLY are.

You don't have to be a Christian or even Beleive in the Bible to KNOW what it says and that Ravi is Lying...




wow....I thought only TM had meltdowns like this. Damn

Really?... You are going to Waste a Meltdown Card here?... :lol:

ButtPhantom: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing who Cried Meltown. :thup:



Well I mean you ARE throwing one hell of a fit. I mean to suggest that Ravi's point about arsenokotai is without merit is laughable at best and flat out ignorant at worst. What it demonstrates is a mind so completely entrenched in a given way of thought that when evidence to the contrary is presented it's so incredibly threatening that you just just can't take it.

Instead of saying "ok well let me do some research on that and see if there is validity there" you're really just quoting more Bible scriptures, pounding your fists, and kicking your feet.

I am not trying to be an asshole here...I am just telling you.
See, Mal? Ravi demonstrates how classy people comport themselves.

Take a lesson.

Thanked her before you Quoted it... Dipshit. :thup:



I just can't tell you how warm and fuzzy I feel when a "Christian" calls me names. :lol:

You assume that because I can read what a Book says Consistently and then Illustrate it in a way that you and the other's can't Refute that I am what?...


Well I mean you ARE throwing one hell of a fit.

In no way, shape or form is providing a Consistent Take on Homosexuality using ACTUAL Scripture "throwing a fit"...

When you are done Refuting or Explaining ALL of the Scriptures I have quoted I will continue with you. :thup:




126 posts... It is written! :thup:

So Debating and Providing Substance is now a Meltdown...

Wow, the Pile of Fail that you all have become over this is Impressive. :thup:


Again Ravi... Which Passage?... And what Translation?

I Corinthians 6:9-11

Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 20:13

Deuteronomy 23:17

Genesis 19:4-8

Romans 1:24-27

I Timothy 1:10

Jude 7.

^Just some of what was Written.

Oh yeah, and that Pesky Marriage thing that only Man and Wife can Reflect:

Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; 4:1, 17, 25;

Matthew 19:5

You know... Because this Thread is about how Homosexual Marriage is Absurd in Relation to the Christian Faith based on the Old and New Testaments. :thup:



And again.


Again Ravi... Which Passage?... And what Translation?

I Corinthians 6:9-11

Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 20:13

Deuteronomy 23:17

Genesis 19:4-8

Romans 1:24-27

I Timothy 1:10

Jude 7.

^Just some of what was Written.

Oh yeah, and that Pesky Marriage thing that only Man and Wife can Reflect:

Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; 4:1, 17, 25;

Matthew 19:5

You know... Because this Thread is about how Homosexual Marriage is Absurd in Relation to the Christian Faith based on the Old and New Testaments. :thup:



And again.



Go find a new religion you lustful drunkard! :evil: :lol:
Again Ravi... Which Passage?... And what Translation?

I Corinthians 6:9-11

Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 20:13

Deuteronomy 23:17

Genesis 19:4-8

Romans 1:24-27

I Timothy 1:10

Jude 7.

^Just some of what was Written.

Oh yeah, and that Pesky Marriage thing that only Man and Wife can Reflect:

Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; 4:1, 17, 25;

Matthew 19:5

You know... Because this Thread is about how Homosexual Marriage is Absurd in Relation to the Christian Faith based on the Old and New Testaments. :thup:



And again.



Go find a new religion you lustful drunkard! :evil: :lol:

Who said I had Religion you Idiot?... :dunno:

I don't want the Book to say something it doesn't.

You do...

I don't Expect you to Understand this Reality, so Troll away. :thup:


Again Ravi... Which Passage?... And what Translation?

I Corinthians 6:9-11

Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 20:13

Deuteronomy 23:17

Genesis 19:4-8

Romans 1:24-27

I Timothy 1:10

Jude 7.

^Just some of what was Written.

Oh yeah, and that Pesky Marriage thing that only Man and Wife can Reflect:

Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; 4:1, 17, 25;

Matthew 19:5

You know... Because this Thread is about how Homosexual Marriage is Absurd in Relation to the Christian Faith based on the Old and New Testaments. :thup:



And again.



Dude...what is it about all this that you can't seem to grasp. You are quoting ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS of Bible scriptures. You are clearly not grasping that what they say in English and what they say in Hebrew are two different things. What they say in English and what they say in Greek are two different things. You have me trying to explain that to you, you have a guy with a degree in theology trying to explain that to you, you have everyone trying to get this simple concept through your thick skull and all you are doing is referring back to those same English translations thinking that you are making some awesome point. DUDE....go research it for yourself. I gave you the link to a book that gets into in very good detail and it's cheap. You have the internet at your "arsenokotai" and read what it says. You will get multiple points of view.

I mean good God man, are you really this firmly entrenched in your way of thinking that you simply can't grasp that maybe...just maybe...the English translations are not accurate?
The only other passage in the NT I can find that may or may not be about homosexuality is the one in Romans where Paul (?) goes on about men and woman committing unnatural acts. Again, it isn't clear if he is condemning homosexuality or condemning heterosexuals acting like homosexuals because they've become idolatrous over sex.

Thanked her before you Quoted it... Dipshit. :thup:



I just can't tell you how warm and fuzzy I feel when a "Christian" calls me names. :lol:

You assume that because I can read what a Book says Consistently and then Illustrate it in a way that you and the other's can't Refute that I am what?...



You didn't know Christians are held to a higher standard? What am I saying! Of COURSE you didn't know. :lol:
The only other passage in the NT I can find that may or may not be about homosexuality is the one in Romans where Paul (?) goes on about men and woman committing unnatural acts. Again, it isn't clear if he is condemning homosexuality or condemning heterosexuals acting like homosexuals because they've become idolatrous over sex.


^Lying for the Sake of Lying?...

Again Ravi... Which Passage?... And what Translation?

I Corinthians 6:9-11

Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 20:13

Deuteronomy 23:17

Genesis 19:4-8

Romans 1:24-27

I Timothy 1:10

Jude 7.

^Just some of what was Written.

Oh yeah, and that Pesky Marriage thing that only Man and Wife can Reflect:

Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; 4:1, 17, 25;

Matthew 19:5

You know... Because this Thread is about how Homosexual Marriage is Absurd in Relation to the Christian Faith based on the Old and New Testaments. :thup:




Again Ravi... Which Passage?... And what Translation?

I Corinthians 6:9-11

Leviticus 18:22

Leviticus 20:13

Deuteronomy 23:17

Genesis 19:4-8

Romans 1:24-27

I Timothy 1:10

Jude 7.

^Just some of what was Written.

Oh yeah, and that Pesky Marriage thing that only Man and Wife can Reflect:

Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; 4:1, 17, 25;

Matthew 19:5

You know... Because this Thread is about how Homosexual Marriage is Absurd in Relation to the Christian Faith based on the Old and New Testaments. :thup:



And again.



Dude...what is it about all this that you can't seem to grasp. You are quoting ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS of Bible scriptures. You are clearly not grasping that what they say in English and what they say in Hebrew are two different things. What they say in English and what they say in Greek are two different things. You have me trying to explain that to you, you have a guy with a degree in theology trying to explain that to you, you have everyone trying to get this simple concept through your thick skull and all you are doing is referring back to those same English translations thinking that you are making some awesome point. DUDE....go research it for yourself. I gave you the link to a book that gets into in very good detail and it's cheap. You have the internet at your "arsenokotai" and read what it says. You will get multiple points of view.

I mean good God man, are you really this firmly entrenched in your way of thinking that you simply can't grasp that maybe...just maybe...the English translations are not accurate?

What part of Beastiality is OK using your Logic are you Missing?...


The only other passage in the NT I can find that may or may not be about homosexuality is the one in Romans where Paul (?) goes on about men and woman committing unnatural acts. Again, it isn't clear if he is condemning homosexuality or condemning heterosexuals acting like homosexuals because they've become idolatrous over sex.


Yeah that's one interpretation of it. It is Paul and again he is writing a letter to the Romans and in the first chapter he is essentially talking about how awesome he is....establishing his credentials and discussing how excited he is to come to Rome and share with the people of Rome the word of Christ and blah, blah. He writes that those who refuse God are turned from a natural state into a state where they would do things they would not normally do and he lists a whole bunch of stuff. The righteous become unrighteous, honest people become liars, etc. He is trying to make a distinction between pagans and himself and the path of God. And he writes that some will turn away from their natural desires and engage in homosexual orgies, pagan ritual involving sexual activity that one would not normally do....stuff like that.

So what the anti-gay crowd always focuses on are the two lines where it talks about that kind of homosexual activity, but again they take the whole thing out of context and overlook that Paul is talking about people doing what would not be part of their nature anyhow and they conveniently overlook that right after that in 2:1 Paul says that those people should not be judged, God has given them the right to do those things, and essentially we all do things that fall short of God, and leave it to Him to sort out.

Romans 1 definitely points out that in Paul's opinion there are at least some forms of homosexual activity that he finds distasteful, but whether he meant it generally or specific to those who participate in homosexual activity not because they are inherently homosexual but because pagan tradition sometimes demands it, is up for debate.

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