Jesus on Marriage...

I believe the point Valarie previously alluded to bears repeating.

Matthew 22:36-40

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

If Leviticus ever forbade homosexuality, and it looks more likely that it forbade idolatry and/or taking someone against their will instead, Jesus revoked that law (and the rest of Leviticus), for Christians and replaced it with the all encompassing Love your neighbor as yourself. That would leave prohibitions against bestiality intact, as you cannot get consent from an animal (too bad for mal!) and it would leave all the other prohibitions from the OT intact, i.e. murder, rape, theft, etc.

On top of which...and I don't know how many times I have to point this out...Leviticus only applied to Jews living in the Holy Land. It does not apply to gentiles or Jews outside the Holy Land and frequently only to the priests (Levites).

Before Leviticus was called “Leviticus”, the Hebrews called it “Torat Kohanim”….. literally priest teachings. In our western way of thinking, we might say “priestly instructions”, or more to the point, Instruction of the Priests...Because only in the last 20 years has new scholarship, resulting from archeological finds and breakthroughs in the understanding of ancient Hebrew and its cognate language Akkadian, begun to shed revealing new light on the meaning and explanation of the strange and obscure rituals contained within the book of Leviticus... The main purpose for priests was to conduct the rituals that could be performed ONLY in the Jerusalem Temple

Lesson 1 Intro To Leviticus pt 1

The book of Leviticus was specifically directed to the nation of Israel. ...The phrase “Speak to the children of Israel” is used in over half of the chapters of the book (1:2, 4:1, 7:28, 11:1, 12:1, 15:2, 18:1, 20:1, 23:2, 25:1, 27:1). In several other chapters, Moses was told to “Speak to the children of Aaron” (a reference to the priests). This indicates that the book of Leviticus was specifically for the people of Israel...The instructions and requirements outlined in the book govern the relationship between God and Israel. They are not universal. This message is confirmed in the final verse of the book.

Leviticus was for Israel

the third book of the Pentateuch; so called in the Vulgate, after the LXX., because it treats chiefly of the Levitical (priestly) service.

Leviticus (WebBible

"(Leviticus) is addressed only to Israel, not to other nations. Second, compliance with this law is a condition for residing in the Holy Land, but is irrelevant outside it"

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Uh, right...and every translation of the Bible available is an incorrect translation....uh, right.

Yes pretty much...and i think I have a pretty good idea what college professors think since I AM a college professor, idiot.

Oh no, another college professor.:lol: Do you know everything like the other one does?

I'm rich and handsome. Here is my picture.
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What is your field of expertise?

Business and history. Why not go back to the beginning of the thread where I stated that before.

Where did you study biblical languages? Mr. professor.

Why don't you go back where I already explained all this to Newby, Mr. Dipshit? But if you would like specifics, University of Idaho, University of Oregon, and Arizona State University.
Business and history. Why not go back to the beginning of the thread where I stated that before.

Where did you study biblical languages? Mr. professor.

Why don't you go back where I already explained all this to Newby, Mr. Dipshit? But if you would like specifics, University of Idaho, University of Oregon, and Arizona State University.

This happens whenever you want to get into a deep topic. People want to exchange resumes.

Even Buddhists ask each other for qualifications. Who is your teacher? What is your lineage? How much retreat have you done?
Oh no, another college professor.:lol: Do you know everything like the other one does?

No....but I am working on it. :lmao:

YUCK. We've already got one professor who claims she's an expert on world religions.

Well I am far from an expert on world religions. My main areas are historical study in American history and ancient history and culture. I am pretty solid on European history, but when you get into Asia, Africa, and South American history I am not nearly as strong. As far as major religions I excel in Christianity, paganism, and Judaism to a slightly lesser degree. I am decent on Buddhism, particularly Taoist thought, and I know the basics of Islam and Hindu. I also like long walks on the beach and cuddling up next to the fire with a bottle of wine. ;)
No....but I am working on it. :lmao:

YUCK. We've already got one professor who claims she's an expert on world religions.

Well I am far from an expert on world religions. My main areas are historical study in American history and ancient history and culture. I am pretty solid on European history, but when you get into Asia, Africa, and South American history I am not nearly as strong. As far as major religions I excel in Christianity, paganism, and Judaism to a slightly lesser degree. I am decent on Buddhism, particularly Taoist thought, and I know the basics of Islam and Hindu. I also like long walks on the beach and cuddling up next to the fire with a bottle of wine. ;)

Taoist thought isn't Buddhist.
Where did you study biblical languages? Mr. professor.

Why don't you go back where I already explained all this to Newby, Mr. Dipshit? But if you would like specifics, University of Idaho, University of Oregon, and Arizona State University.

This happens whenever you want to get into a deep topic. People want to exchange resumes.

Even Buddhists ask each other for qualifications. Who is your teacher? What is your lineage? How much retreat have you done?

Yes I know, but I already explained it all once. I tend to become annoyed when people ask the same question over and over.
What is your field of expertise?

Business and history. Why not go back to the beginning of the thread where I stated that before.

Where did you study biblical languages? Mr. professor.

He is not a linguist at all. He uses on-line websites to try to translate classic Hebrew, word for word literal translations. He's a fucking idiot and any college professor of any language would laugh their ass off at him.
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YUCK. We've already got one professor who claims she's an expert on world religions.

Well I am far from an expert on world religions. My main areas are historical study in American history and ancient history and culture. I am pretty solid on European history, but when you get into Asia, Africa, and South American history I am not nearly as strong. As far as major religions I excel in Christianity, paganism, and Judaism to a slightly lesser degree. I am decent on Buddhism, particularly Taoist thought, and I know the basics of Islam and Hindu. I also like long walks on the beach and cuddling up next to the fire with a bottle of wine. ;)

Taoist thought isn't Buddhist.

Well yes, technically that is correct. I misspoke. They have much in common however.
Business and history. Why not go back to the beginning of the thread where I stated that before.

Where did you study biblical languages? Mr. professor.

Why don't you go back where I already explained all this to Newby, Mr. Dipshit? But if you would like specifics, University of Idaho, University of Oregon, and Arizona State University.

You studied Biblical languages at 3 universities? Fascinating.
Well I am far from an expert on world religions. My main areas are historical study in American history and ancient history and culture. I am pretty solid on European history, but when you get into Asia, Africa, and South American history I am not nearly as strong. As far as major religions I excel in Christianity, paganism, and Judaism to a slightly lesser degree. I am decent on Buddhism, particularly Taoist thought, and I know the basics of Islam and Hindu. I also like long walks on the beach and cuddling up next to the fire with a bottle of wine. ;)

Taoist thought isn't Buddhist.

Well yes, technically that is correct. I misspoke. They have much in common however.

No, I don't think they have that much in common other than arising out of Asian culture.
Business and history. Why not go back to the beginning of the thread where I stated that before.

Where did you study biblical languages? Mr. professor.

Why don't you go back where I already explained all this to Newby, Mr. Dipshit? But if you would like specifics, University of Idaho, University of Oregon, and Arizona State University.

Oh gawd, when did you go to Arizona State? I was there 97-98.

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