Jesus VS Mohammed

Jesus VS Mohammed

Jesus? I know that dude. He's a marijuana dealer from Tijuana. If it ever came down to fisticuffs, I would whoop that ****'s ass!

The history of wars is also always a history of drugs. So what about if you would try to fight against your misuse of drugs and stop to fight against Jesus, the Christ? And it could also not be wrong to find some values your are able to agree with. The values you hold are holding you. To speak a senseless agressive nonsense has nothing to do with values.

All the joking aside, I have a very strong sense of family values.
Jesus VS Mohammed

Jesus? I know that dude. He's a marijuana dealer from Tijuana. If it ever came down to fisticuffs, I would whoop that ****'s ass!

The history of wars is also always a history of drugs. So what about if you would try to fight against your misuse of drugs and stop to fight against Jesus, the Christ? And it could also not be wrong to find some values your are able to agree with. The values you hold are holding you. To speak a senseless agressive nonsense has nothing to do with values.

All the joking aside, I have a very strong sense of family values.

Then ask your family what they think about your jokes and your problems with aggressions and drugs.

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Jesus VS Mohammed

Jesus? I know that dude. He's a marijuana dealer from Tijuana. If it ever came down to fisticuffs, I would whoop that ****'s ass!

The history of wars is also always a history of drugs. So what about if you would try to fight against your misuse of drugs and stop to fight against Jesus, the Christ? And it could also not be wrong to find some values your are able to agree with. The values you hold are holding you. To speak a senseless agressive nonsense has nothing to do with values.
All the joking aside, I have a very strong sense of family values.

Then ask your family what they think about your jokes and your problems with aggressions and drugs.
It seems that I am not the one in this conversation who has problems, Jackass.
Jesus VS Mohammed

Jesus? I know that dude. He's a marijuana dealer from Tijuana. If it ever came down to fisticuffs, I would whoop that ****'s ass!

The history of wars is also always a history of drugs. So what about if you would try to fight against your misuse of drugs and stop to fight against Jesus, the Christ? And it could also not be wrong to find some values your are able to agree with. The values you hold are holding you. To speak a senseless agressive nonsense has nothing to do with values.
All the joking aside, I have a very strong sense of family values.

Then ask your family what they think about your jokes and your problems with aggressions and drugs.
It seems that I am not the one in this conversation who has problems, Jackass.

¿Jackass? ... "Depp", "Trottel", "Dummkopf", "Blödmann", "blöder Esel", "eingebildeter Hammel" ... got it. I would be astonished if you would not have more than only serios problems in your daily life. In Germany you had now a tattoo of a fist between your horns.

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Jesus VS Mohammed

Jesus? I know that dude. He's a marijuana dealer from Tijuana. If it ever came down to fisticuffs, I would whoop that ****'s ass!

The history of wars is also always a history of drugs. So what about if you would try to fight against your misuse of drugs and stop to fight against Jesus, the Christ? And it could also not be wrong to find some values your are able to agree with. The values you hold are holding you. To speak a senseless agressive nonsense has nothing to do with values.

Mohammed was at best a prophet who possessed only oral stories and not the written word of God. Jesus is one with the Trinity.

holy holy holy - Bing video

Muslims don't believe in the triune god. So it makes no sense to argue in such a way with Muslims. For Muslims Jesus is a prophet and someone who hates Christians a crazy man and someone who kills Christians just simple a murderer. Islamists hate everyone except Islamists and they kill everyone except Islamists. But they do not even know what the word "except" means - besides that they have absolutelly no idea about god - so they are suiciders too. Mad people of the madhouse "world".

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Mohammed was at best a prophet who possessed only oral stories and not the written word of God. Jesus is one with the Trinity.

holy holy holy - Bing video

Muslims don't believe in the triune god. Sob it makes no sense to argue in such a way with Muslims. For Muslims Jesus is a prophet and someone who hate chrtasu a crazy man and spone who kills Christians a murderer. Islamists hate everyone except Islamists and they kill everyone except Islamists. But they don't know what the word "except" means, so they are suiciders too.
That is because they cannot not understand or comprehend GOD. They do not know who GOD is. They believe in a system of human works. Salvation is a gift. Jesus is the human manifestation of GOD. Jesus and His Heavenly Father are ONE. True Christians are those endowed with the Holy Spirit. These Three work together in perfect harmony to the salvation of whosoever will believe. They even provide the FAITH to believe.
Muslims...Too many of them have always been a threat to mankind.

Christians, too many of them have always been a threat to mankind, especially American ones in the White House.
You can tell that to the 165 million people slaughtered by their own governments in the past century to push Athiesm on its citizens.
Muslims...Too many of them have always been a threat to mankind.

Christians, too many of them have always been a threat to mankind, especially American ones in the White House.
You can tell that to the 165 million people slaughtered by their own governments in the past century to push Athiesm on its citizens.

Well we could go on all day about numbers killed by the religious or non-religious, couldn't we?

Does it solve anything?
Mohammed was at best a prophet who possessed only oral stories and not the written word of God. Jesus is one with the Trinity.

holy holy holy - Bing video

Muslims don't believe in the triune god. Sob it makes no sense to argue in such a way with Muslims. For Muslims Jesus is a prophet and someone who hate chrtasu a crazy man and spone who kills Christians a murderer. Islamists hate everyone except Islamists and they kill everyone except Islamists. But they don't know what the word "except" means, so they are suiciders too.
That is because they cannot not understand or comprehend GOD. They do not know who GOD is. They believe in a system of human works. Salvation is a gift. Jesus is the human manifestation of GOD. Jesus and His Heavenly Father are ONE. True Christians are those endowed with the Holy Spirit. These Three work together in perfect harmony to the salvation of whosoever will believe. They even provide the FAITH to believe.

Great letters are loud. God needs no loudness. You say with your words "I believe in the triune god" - Jews and Muslims don't think that god is triune - nevertheless we all believe in the same god, because there is only one god. God is for Muslims for example the most gracious or the most merciful. This has not a lot to do with this what Islamists are thinking about this what they call "god". They don't know what they are speaking about. This is completly clear for everyone who hears their hateful speech and sees their hateful deeds.

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Muslims...Too many of them have always been a threat to mankind.

Christians, too many of them have always been a threat to mankind, especially American ones in the White House.
You can tell that to the 165 million people slaughtered by their own governments in the past century to push Athiesm on its citizens.

Well we could go on all day about numbers killed by the religious or non-religious, couldn't we?

Does it solve anything?
I think we should.
Number of people murdered in the name of forcing Athiesm upon its citizens in the past hundred years - 165 million.

Number of people murdered in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the past 500 years -?
Muslims...Too many of them have always been a threat to mankind.

Christians, too many of them have always been a threat to mankind, especially American ones in the White House.
You can tell that to the 165 million people slaughtered by their own governments in the past century to push Athiesm on its citizens.

Well we could go on all day about numbers killed by the religious or non-religious, couldn't we?

Does it solve anything?

The logic behind your ideas is it to say no one has to learn anything - but this not true. We all have to learn a lot. Otherwise we are not able to solve our conflicts in a way so god is able to smile about.

Muslims...Too many of them have always been a threat to mankind.

Christians, too many of them have always been a threat to mankind, especially American ones in the White House.
You can tell that to the 165 million people slaughtered by their own governments in the past century to push Athiesm on its citizens.

Well we could go on all day about numbers killed by the religious or non-religious, couldn't we?

Does it solve anything?

The logic behind your ideas is it to say no one has to learn anything - but this not true. We all have to learn a lot. Otherwise we are not able to solve our conflicts in a way so god is able to smile about.

I don't get how you've reached this conclusion.
Muslims...Too many of them have always been a threat to mankind.

Christians, too many of them have always been a threat to mankind, especially American ones in the White House.
You can tell that to the 165 million people slaughtered by their own governments in the past century to push Athiesm on its citizens.

Well we could go on all day about numbers killed by the religious or non-religious, couldn't we?

Does it solve anything?

The logic behind your ideas is it to say no one has to learn anything - but this not true. We all have to learn a lot. Otherwise we are not able to solve our conflicts in a way so god is able to smile about.

I don't get how you've reached this conclusion.

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Muslims...Too many of them have always been a threat to mankind.

Christians, too many of them have always been a threat to mankind, especially American ones in the White House.

Dramatically uninteresting opinion of two pathetic atheists. Without the christian religion everyone would live in a completly unknown world. And I doubt about wether this world would be a better world although everyone has still a lot of work to do to let our world not die at all. Who fights not for the survival of all and every life on planet Earth fights the wrong fight.

I'm an Orthodox Jew and until the Enlightenment, the RCC was a blight upon mankind.
Muslims...Too many of them have always been a threat to mankind.

Christians, too many of them have always been a threat to mankind, especially American ones in the White House.

Dramatically uninteresting opinion of two pathetic atheists. Without the christian religion everyone would live in a completly unknown world. And I doubt about wether this world would be a better world although everyone has still a lot of work to do to let our world not die at all. Who fights not for the survival of all and every life on planet Earth fights the wrong fight.

I'm an Orthodox Jew and until the Enlightenment, the RCC was a blight upon mankind.

What for heavens sake is an orthodox Jew?

Got it. "Orthodox Jew" was a strange expression for me. I heard it once - but never thought about what it is. Normally I don't have anything to do with Jews - although it could be that I am a Jew on my own. The plausibility for this alternative of history is not very high - nevertheless I'm not sure about. The time under Hitler was very confusing. I don't see a big difference between Jews. Jews are Jews. Your idea about the catholic church is in my eyes a little stupid, because without the catholic church and the renaissance you are not able to explain the enlightenment. Sure you can see only the negative aspects of history - but there are also often very positive aspects.

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