Jesus vs Satan

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Satan is a defeated foe. He was defeated at the cross. Today Satanists throughout the world are coming to Jesus Christ and being delivered out of darkness and into His Marvelous Light. This video interview is with a former Satanist who had reached the highest level of Satanism and the woman who led her to salvation in Jesus Christ. The first part exposes the world of Satanism. The second part is about her encounter with Jesus Christ and what happened to her. Powerful testimony.

Her face is distorted during the interview to hide her identity.
No disturbing photos in video - only her life story which is quite horrific in part 1.

[ame=]disturbing testimony from a former satanist part 1 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]
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What is very strange about her testimony is that I remember the night they were there. I was a member of Benny Hinn's church and prayer team and we had been having some attacks on the church in recent weeks. I remember my Pastor pointing towards a certain row and calling out the three witches! When he confronted them they fled the building! This was the end of 1989 to early 1990 at the Orlando Christian Center on Forest City Rd in Orlando. Although she doesn't say when she was there I would love to tell her, I remember you! lol...

I wonder if Benny Hinn Ministries was ever told about her conversion?
You are so right Jere. Satan is defeated at the cross. And He knew it. I bet every demon Satan could muster was in that garden the night Christ was arrested, trying to convince Jesus that He really didn't want to be beaten and hung on wood till He died, for our sake. When Jesus said, "It is finished", so was Lucifer.
And in the fullness of time, Satan will stand trial and be sentenced, so He can never kill, and destroy God's children again. Ever.

Nice to see you. :)
For those here not familiar with Satanism - this is an excellent presentation given my Ted Gunderson FBI Chief for 28 yrs. His research into the subject of Satanism is first hand. Ted estimates there are approximately 4 million Satanists in the United States. There are about 2,000 Satanic style murders commited by Satanists each year that can be accounted for but it is estimated that Satanism is the main culprit behind missing children, missing people & the reason most Satanic cult murders are not solved is because there are Law enforcement officers, Judges, Journalists, news media involved in Satanism and they make sure the case goes no where. Consider the recent story about the girl who claimed she was a member of Church of Satan & affiliated with The Process Church of the Final Judgment ( so was son of sam, Ramirez & other satanists behind bars today)

The last we heard a few weeks ago law enforcement in several states were supposed to check out the grave sites she told them about. What's the hold up?

They haven't reported a single word about this girl since she was arrested as the Craigs list killer. Only one story from her father calling her a liar. Did anyone bother to read what he said? He said he doesn't doubt she was into satanism. He doesn't doubt she is telling the truth about the murder she commited with a satanist in Alaska. He only doubted that she murdered 20 peope. He's right. She didn't do it alone. The Satanic cult she was a member of commited the crimes with her. So why don't they check out her story?

Or are they giving the satanists time to move everything that could be found? Before anyone dismisses the girls claims they should watch both of these videos and hear it from an FBI Chief with 28 years of experience.

[ame=]FBI Chief exposes Satanism: Paedophilia Elite, Murder, NWO: Ted Gunderson (1/2) - YouTube[/ame]

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You are so right Jere. Satan is defeated at the cross. And He knew it. I bet every demon Satan could muster was in that garden the night Christ was arrested, trying to convince Jesus that He really didn't want to be beaten and hung on wood till He died, for our sake. When Jesus said, "It is finished", so was Lucifer.
And in the fullness of time, Satan will stand trial and be sentenced, so He can never kill, and destroy God's children again. Ever.

Nice to see you. :)

Nice to see you! It's good to be back! I thought I'd kick it off with some exposure to the truth about Satanism and the battle that is presently going on for the souls of men. The presentation by Gunderson is bar none the best I've seen so far. He really put himself out there. Gunderson was assassinated in 2011. I believe "The Finders" used some form of arsenic that would create cancer in his body. They had been trying to kill him unsuccessfully for years so I think Ted knew the risks. Still he did a stellar job and I know Jesus was right there the moment he left his body saying, Well done! Good and faithful Servant!!
This is an amazing testimony of an ex-satanist named Ramirez. He was raised in satanism but God had another plan for his life! This story is incredible. wow.

[ame=]john ramirez ex satanist testimony - YouTube[/ame]
I'm not meaning to side rail the discussion here, but I honestly believe that we earth-bound modern-day humans are far removed from the Creative moment. Which makes us egotistical self-absorbed bastardizations of that brief moment in time.

That time when spiritual nothingness begat physical something-ness.

Don't flatter yourselves so.
Self-adulation isn't healthy.

From nothing you became, yet from nothing you have built a human empire of meaningless prose.

We are what we are today, not because of humanly-created allegory and imagery, but because of that brief moment when the nothing became... something.
So...The OT is true and included in every Bible, but somewhere in the NT what Satan is changed suddenly and an angel of the L-rd's became the evil opposite to G-d? Oookay.
I'm not meaning to side rail the discussion here, but I honestly believe that we earth-bound modern-day humans are far removed from the Creative moment. Which makes us egotistical self-absorbed bastardizations of that brief moment in time.

That time when spiritual nothingness begat physical something-ness.

Don't flatter yourselves so.

Mr. H., you are not derailing the discussion because it is open to any and all questions, ideas and opinions! While I respect your ideas and understand somewhat where they may come from - I believe the answer is in seeing the evidence of God's existence and mighty power. In the matter of Ramirez his father was into the occult and taught him. Later he becomes a satanist who is targeting Christians. If you listen to his testimony he is making clear that Satan exists - that demons exist - that he was told what to do by the demons and his assignments were against Christians, churches, neighborhoods where he would speak these curses.

When he happened upon a circle of christians praying in the Spirit and tried to do the same thing he was powerless to effect them. When he went to bars and found a christian who was drinking he could walk up to them and say I've got something to tell you and if they said okay what is it? They were wide open for attack. Why? Because as Ramirez said, they were on satans playground. He knew the boundaries why don't some Christians know this? Because their knowledge of the bible is an inch deep. Like Irish Rams signature a worn out bible is a sign of a healthy christian.

The girl in the first video who was delivered out of satanism - she says in her interview that the anointing on the woman who led her to Christ was so powerful it was tangible - it snapped ever chain of demonic possession off her as if it were a thread. Why isn't the anointing that strong on many American Christians? They refuse to pay the price. What is the price? It's obeying the voice of the Holy Spirit and doing what he says. Satanists do what the demons tell them to do because they are in fear and loathing of the consequences - Christians have a free will and the Spirit of God doesn't force them to obey but they forfeit their power. ( because of sin )

So a Spirit filled believer who obeys God and does what the bible says is under the protection of God. Which is precisely the testimonies of these two ex satanists. They both encountered the power of God and it dropped them to their knees. The good news from this OP is that ANYONE - including Satanists that have been involved in blood sacrifices and pledged allegience to Satan can come out of that darkness and know that the protection of God will keep them.

In the days ahead the one thing God has given me assurance of is that I have nothing to fear. Just as these satanists could not do a thing to harm the Spirit filled Christians they targeted? Neither shall the communists who plan to destroy America have any power over the Believer. It is what it is and the warfare we are headed into requires us to make a decision. Who will we serve? Will we serve Satan or will we serve Jesus Christ? That is the question each person must ask themselves.

I would strongly advise any young people involved in the occult to get out of it now and call on the Lord Jesus Christ to save them. He saved these two ex satanists and he will save anyone who calls upon him. That is the meaning of Whoever. It means quite literally ANYONE.

Yes, Gods arm is not too short to reach the deepest miry pit & rescue a soul from eternity in hell. Why? Because God loves mankind. ......and why does Satan desire these same souls would serve him? Because he is a master deceiver and wants to take from them what he lost. The chance to live eternally in the presence of God Almighty. He was the most beautiful angel - leading worship - until the day he desired that worship for himself.

Ego is about self. Satanism defines it as the only way - Do what thou wilt!

Christianity is about denying oneself, taking up our cross ( difficulties) and following Jesus Christ.

A Christian may leave Christianity at any time. And never return if they choose. In the religion of Satanism a Satanist cannot leave at any time. The only choice they have is stay in the coven or die. Gee. Sounds a bit like a "control issue" to me. So glad the God I serve has given me a free will. A life of bondage and fear is not my idea of a joyful existence. You know? Hope that answers your reply, Mr. H. Have an awesome day!

- Jeri
Self-adulation isn't healthy.

From nothing you became, yet from nothing you have built a human empire of meaningless prose.

We are what we are today, not because of humanly-created allegory and imagery, but because of that brief moment when the nothing became... something.

So true, Mr. H. Self - adulation is deadly. Look at what happened to Satan when he said, I WILL ASCEND........... oh yeah. He is a defeated foe alright. Still his main goal is to be worshiped. By any means! He wants to replace God because he desires the same worship he witnessed God getting before he was cast out of heaven. The problem with this is that he is a created being. God is not. God is all powerful. Not Satan. He's a liar and a deceiver so his followers believe God cannot rescue them from his clutches. Another lie.

Envy is crueler than death! Satan envies us because we are offered heaven whereas it is too late for him. He has no future and he is determined to take as many with him as possible by offering them demonic powers acquired through Satanic Black Mass and rituals - also serial killings.. Most serial killers and mass murderers are satanists. That is their idea of fun. Go out and bludgeon someone to death. Acquire more demonic power. The satanist who confessed to killing 20 people and has never been heard from again - she said they were celebrating something so she decided it was a good time to kill someone. Its Satanism 101. Shedding of innocent blood, the more innocent the better....

Serial killers Richard Ramirez ( confessed Satanist - member of church of satan and possible affiliate of The Process Church of the Final Judgment) Son of Sam ( confessed Satanist and member of The Process Church of the Final Judgment ) Charles Manson ( confessed Satanist and member of the Process Church of the Final Judgment - side note the founder of that satanic church still lives in Staten Island, NY) The Cropsey kidnappings / murders in Staten Island only charged one person. ( after 25 yrs ) Andre' Rand who was procuring those children for a satanic cult which later turned out to be none other than The Process Church of the Final Judgment! ( they are still around by the way ) Eyewitnesses were not willing to testify they saw the children get into the car with Rand for 25 yrs. Why? They knew about the Process church having their own members in charge of the investigation. They feared they would be killed by the Satanists who were covering for Rand.

I listened to the testimony of Retired NYPD Det. Leonard Delassandro and he said satanic murders, ritual abuse is rampant in Staten Island. He was one of the investigators in the Cropsey case and believes it was a satanic cult - he said all you have to do is meet Rands friends to know these people were Satanists. Yet not a single witness was willing to testify for 25 yrs. With the headquarters of The Process Church of the final Judgment located there is it any wonder? Some of them boasted the lead investigator was a member of the Satanic Church. His name was Det. Fran Saez and they say he was a member.. it's quite amusing to hear him in that documentary pretending to be so concerned for the parents of the missing children ( 30 children in all ) and then laughing when they asked him if he ever investigated the satanists. He said, not many depts investigate satanism and when asked if they did do child sacrifice he said, I'd rather not answer that question! I'll bet! The truth is they were sacrificing those children in the tunnels underneath Willow Wood and found ample evidence of Black Masses and sacrifice - still the NYPD ignored that part of the investigation......

about satanists.....

They have been taught that by the life blood in a human they gain more power, more energy from the one who is dying. When they use children in their rituals for sex and sacrifices they are again seeking after the power it will give them to do warfare against Christians.

So Satan requires you to bow down and worship him and become a murderer to access these powers wheras Jesus Christ offers you his own Holy Spirit to dwell in you conquering all the powers of hell with only one decision. Accept him as your Lord and Savior and keep his commandments. Accept the forgiveness he gives you at the cross. His blood shed for all mankind for the remission of sins. Thank God for the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST! THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS, PEOPLE!!

This is Good News. Which is why the Gospel is called "The Good News"!
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You are so right Jere. Satan is defeated at the cross. And He knew it. I bet every demon Satan could muster was in that garden the night Christ was arrested, trying to convince Jesus that He really didn't want to be beaten and hung on wood till He died, for our sake. When Jesus said, "It is finished", so was Lucifer.
And in the fullness of time, Satan will stand trial and be sentenced, so He can never kill, and destroy God's children again. Ever.

Nice to see you. :)
Obviously it isn't finished. After more than two thousand years Satan still rages. I don't think he's gotten the memo. But since evil's function is destruction, eventually evil will destroy itself.
You are so right Jere. Satan is defeated at the cross. And He knew it. I bet every demon Satan could muster was in that garden the night Christ was arrested, trying to convince Jesus that He really didn't want to be beaten and hung on wood till He died, for our sake. When Jesus said, "It is finished", so was Lucifer.
And in the fullness of time, Satan will stand trial and be sentenced, so He can never kill, and destroy God's children again. Ever.

Nice to see you. :)
Obviously it isn't finished. After more than two thousand years Satan still rages. I don't think he's gotten the memo. But since evil's function is destruction, eventually evil will destroy itself.

:smiliehug: Well said, Hangover! I agree with you. wow.
Jesus versus Satan
Match abandoned as both players failed to show!

Blind in one eye, and can't see out of the other.:doubt:

Now if the thread was about good versus evil, then yes, even a blind man can see but when you have to invent mythical figures as a scapegoat for your good deeds or indiscretions then that explains why you have a hangover. Go get another drink, hair of the dog works wonders :eusa_clap:

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