Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?

Who are the Jews?

"When a Christian asks Who is a Jew? he risks falling into the trap of a mythic projection of perennial Christian anxiety, defining Jewishness in a way that serves a Christian purpose." James Carroll.
Who are the Jews?

"When a Christian asks Who is a Jew? he risks falling into the trap of a mythic projection of perennial Christian anxiety, defining Jewishness in a way that serves a Christian purpose." James Carroll.
When my Jewess friend Hope and I studied the Bible together I asked her if she could give the one word that described how to tell those who were the Jews in Revelation 3:9 compared to those whose merely called themselves Jews. The question went like this, "Those who would be the true Jews would be ones who live by -----?" A simple five letter word.
Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?

The racism that many show against Jews, must by definition include Jesus, as he only taught Jewish traditions along with his criticisms of it. This included the Jewish esoteric and mystical teachings similar to Gnostic Christian thinking. Jesus’ forte.

Yahweh chose to have the Jews and Romans sacrifice Jesus and thus the Jews hold no blame.

Yahweh loved the Jews and it seems counter intuitive to have religions like Christianity and Islam, who have usurped the Jewish Yahweh and Jesus from the Jews, to try to take the Jew out of Jesus and hating that Jewishness.

Jewry is the root and patriarch of Christianity and Islam, yet those religions do not seem to respect their own Jewish roots.

Roots should be revered. Christians and Muslims do not love or respect their religious fathers and mothers; so to speak.

Jesus was a Jew.

Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?


There is a book that was written by James Caroll called Constantine's Sword.. He is interesting because he was born in 1943, raised a Catholic, went to seminary, was a priest for 4 years. His father was in the AF and was stationed in Germany in the '50s where there were many Catholics. So, his line of questioning is from that generation after genocide and he examines where antisemitism and the original conflict in the Church comes from as well as trying to root out his own.

One of the places that he goes is to the Auschwitz cross. Christians view suffering as leading to a higher purpose--it's not in vain. For him the cross symbolizes everything. The problem is that it absolves the perpetrators. He has to shift to the argument that the suffering leads nowhere and understanding "you don't get to Christianize Auschwitz".

It's a lengthy book and if you can accept that he is Catholic and is writing and questioning from that then it's an interesting read.
Who are the Jews?

"When a Christian asks Who is a Jew? he risks falling into the trap of a mythic projection of perennial Christian anxiety, defining Jewishness in a way that serves a Christian purpose." James Carroll.
When my Jewess friend Hope and I studied the Bible together I asked her if she could give the one word that described how to tell those who were the Jews in Revelation 3:9 compared to those whose merely called themselves Jews. The question went like this, "Those who would be the true Jews would be ones who live by -----?" A simple five letter word.

Does that simple five letter word serve a Christian purpose?
Who are the Jews?

"When a Christian asks Who is a Jew? he risks falling into the trap of a mythic projection of perennial Christian anxiety, defining Jewishness in a way that serves a Christian purpose." James Carroll.
When my Jewess friend Hope and I studied the Bible together I asked her if she could give the one word that described how to tell those who were the Jews in Revelation 3:9 compared to those whose merely called themselves Jews. The question went like this, "Those who would be the true Jews would be ones who live by -----?" A simple five letter word.

Does that simple five letter word serve a Christian purpose?
'Faith' serves God's purpose. People from all sorts of religions who desired to serve God's will have been given visions from the holy spirit over the ages.
Seriously, dingbutt buddy?

How many times does he have to do it to you in the butt, for you to repeat his shit?
You sound like you are homophobic, bro.
Nope but you are definitely bisexual...
It's okay with how I roll. With your religion, not so much.
It must suck for you then having to look at all the churches. Shit there’s almost one on every corner. :lol:
I do attend them at times. As I love the ideals of Jesus, though disagree with god and the religious ideals that allow people to kill and do other horrendous crimes against humanity and children.. Sometimes they give good sermons. Sometimes, not so nice.

It depends on the preacher. No matter what, i'm not going to believe in the religion based on the fallacies and principles they support. But they do help my faith sometimes.
Faith and religion are different. I have faith in an ideal, and that's how I roll. Nobody needs to tell me otherwise. Because they're selling something I don't want...

I have an ideal that we should be good to each other, and thrive together, and reach new heights both spiritually and physically. And technologically.

I don't believe in the wars and suffering and hate that bible-based religions create.
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Who are the Jews?

"When a Christian asks Who is a Jew? he risks falling into the trap of a mythic projection of perennial Christian anxiety, defining Jewishness in a way that serves a Christian purpose." James Carroll.
When my Jewess friend Hope and I studied the Bible together I asked her if she could give the one word that described how to tell those who were the Jews in Revelation 3:9 compared to those whose merely called themselves Jews. The question went like this, "Those who would be the true Jews would be ones who live by -----?" A simple five letter word.

Jews cannot be defined according to xtian scriptures anymore than you could use Ohms Law to define poetry.
They all come down to various ways, but the ultimate truth.
Who are the Jews?

"When a Christian asks Who is a Jew? he risks falling into the trap of a mythic projection of perennial Christian anxiety, defining Jewishness in a way that serves a Christian purpose." James Carroll.
When my Jewess friend Hope and I studied the Bible together I asked her if she could give the one word that described how to tell those who were the Jews in Revelation 3:9 compared to those whose merely called themselves Jews. The question went like this, "Those who would be the true Jews would be ones who live by -----?" A simple five letter word.

Jews cannot be defined according to xtian scriptures anymore than you could use Ohms Law to define poetry.
Sure they can. You just may not like it.
Seriously, dingbutt buddy?

How many times does he have to do it to you in the butt, for you to repeat his shit?
You sound like you are homophobic, bro.
Nope but you are definitely bisexual...
It's okay with how I roll. With your religion, not so much.
It must suck for you then having to look at all the churches. Shit there’s almost one on every corner. :lol:
I do attend them at times. As I love the ideals of Jesus, though disagree with god and the religious ideals that allow people to kill and do other horrendous crimes against humanity and children.. Sometimes they give good sermons. Sometimes, not so nice.

It depends on the preacher. No matter what, i'm not going to believe in the religion based on the fallacies and principles they support. But they do help my faith sometimes.
You are seeing what you want to see and pretending the things you don’t want to see don’t exist.

it’s hard for me to take anyone serious who is as unbalanced as you are.

you are fucked up.
Faith and religion are different. I have faith in an ideal, and that's how I roll. Nobody needs to tell me otherwise. Because they're selling something I don't want...

I have an ideal that we should be good to each other, and thrive together, and reach new heights both spiritually and physically. And technologically.

I don't believe in the wars and suffering and hate that bible-based religions create.
It takes storms and sunny weather for growth to occur.

even forest fires serve a purpose.
Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?

The racism that many show against Jews, must by definition include Jesus, as he only taught Jewish traditions along with his criticisms of it. This included the Jewish esoteric and mystical teachings similar to Gnostic Christian thinking. Jesus’ forte.

Yahweh chose to have the Jews and Romans sacrifice Jesus and thus the Jews hold no blame.

Yahweh loved the Jews and it seems counter intuitive to have religions like Christianity and Islam, who have usurped the Jewish Yahweh and Jesus from the Jews, to try to take the Jew out of Jesus and hating that Jewishness.

Jewry is the root and patriarch of Christianity and Islam, yet those religions do not seem to respect their own Jewish roots.

Roots should be revered. Christians and Muslims do not love or respect their religious fathers and mothers; so to speak.

Jesus was a Jew.

Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?


Christian's don't hate Jews.
Enlil. Which equals yaweh.
there exists in reality only one existence. Call him whatever you want.

If there is a god to worship, it is
You don’t know what worship means.

And that's the beginning of secret societies...
conspiracy theory much?

They all come down to various ways, but the ultimate truth.
Cool story, bro.

Now if you want to know what means... Just ask.
I couldn’t care less.
Who are the Jews?

"When a Christian asks Who is a Jew? he risks falling into the trap of a mythic projection of perennial Christian anxiety, defining Jewishness in a way that serves a Christian purpose." James Carroll.
When my Jewess friend Hope and I studied the Bible together I asked her if she could give the one word that described how to tell those who were the Jews in Revelation 3:9 compared to those whose merely called themselves Jews. The question went like this, "Those who would be the true Jews would be ones who live by -----?" A simple five letter word.

Does that simple five letter word serve a Christian purpose?
'Faith' serves God's purpose. People from all sorts of religions who desired to serve God's will have been given visions from the holy spirit over the ages.

The Book of Revelations serves a Christian purpose in and of itself. It should be noted that the Synagogue of Satan is actually a reference to a Christian rival. That doesn't stop Christians during the later time periods from forgetting that little bit. There was also a lengthy period of time trying to eradicate any ties to Judaism. Further, there were consistent paintings through out the years casting Jewish people negatively with funky hats, hooked noses etc. resembling as close to whatever "evil doer" as they could.

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