Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?

You sound like you are homophobic, bro.
Nope but you are definitely bisexual...
It's okay with how I roll. With your religion, not so much.
It must suck for you then having to look at all the churches. Shit there’s almost one on every corner. :lol:
I do attend them at times. As I love the ideals of Jesus, though disagree with god and the religious ideals that allow people to kill and do other horrendous crimes against humanity and children.. Sometimes they give good sermons. Sometimes, not so nice.

It depends on the preacher. No matter what, i'm not going to believe in the religion based on the fallacies and principles they support. But they do help my faith sometimes.
what are the "ideals" of Jesus -----and HOW were they determined and by WHOM?
Being good and moral, and have ethics. lt's pretty simple but hard to follow in a religion.
Militant atheists such as yourself have no chance at it.
Does that simple five letter word serve a Christian purpose?
'Faith' serves God's purpose. People from all sorts of religions who desired to serve God's will have been given visions from the holy spirit over the ages.

The Book of Revelations serves a Christian purpose in and of itself. It should be noted that the Synagogue of Satan is actually a reference to a Christian rival. That doesn't stop Christians during the later time periods from forgetting that little bit. There was also a lengthy period of time trying to eradicate any ties to Judaism. Further, there were consistent paintings through out the years casting Jewish people negatively with funky hats, hooked noses etc. resembling as close to whatever "evil doer" as they could.

when attempting to "interpret" the term "synagogue of Satan" ------in my much
lauded opinion, it is very important to be cognizant of the FACT that ---the term "synagogue"----is greek. In greek it DOES NOT MEAN, specifically,
"a jewish temple" ------it MEANS "a place of assembly"
Synagogue translates from greek to Hebrew as BEIT KNESSET -------
yanno---KNESSET------that sorta congress thing in Israel, kinda like the same
sort of place in which Nancy Pelosi made a spectacle of her idiot self by
WE, americans, call the congress meeting house, THE CAPITAL BUILDING
The book of revulsions was written in greek

Yes, I know it is Greek. I also know that Christians utilized the Septuagint which was written in Koine Greek by Jews in Alexandria which was a Greek city. That's why it so vastly different. Then parts of it were later changed to suit purposes.

the SEPTUAGINT as "later changed to suit purposes" ? I am fascinated----
can you cite the "later changes to suit purposes"?

No. This is what I meant.

32. Isaiah tells of the mystery of our faith and hope:4478“Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel.” I know that the Jews are accustomed to meet us with the objection that in Hebrew the word Almah does not mean a virgin, but a young woman. And, to speak truth, a virgin is properly called Bethulah, but a young woman, or a girl, is not Almah, but Naarah!4479What then is the meaning of Almah? A hidden virgin, that is, not merely virgin, but a virgin and something more, because not every virgin is hidden, shut off from the occasional sight of men. Then again, Rebecca, on account of her extreme purity, and because she was a type of the Church which she represented in her own virginity, is described in Genesis as Almah, not Bethulah, as may clearly be proved from the words of Abraham’s servant, spoken by him in Mesopotamia:4480“And he said, O Lord, the God of my master Abraham, if now thou do prosper my way which I go: behold I stand by the fountain of water; and let it come to pass, that the maiden which cometh forth to draw, to whom I shall say, Give me, I pray thee, a little water of this pitcher to drink; and she shall say to me, Both drink thou, and I will also draw for thy camels: let the same be the woman whom the Lord hath appointed for my master’s son.” Where he speaks of the maiden coming forth to draw water, the Hebrew word is Almah, that is, a virgin secluded, and guarded by her parents with extreme care. Or, if this be not so, let them at least show me where the word is applied to married women as well, and I will confess my ignorance. “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son.” If virginity be not preferred to marriage, why did not the Holy Spirit choose a married woman, or a widow? For at that time Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser, was alive, distinguished for purity, and always free to devote herself to prayers and fasting in the temple of God. If the life, and good works, and fasting without virginity can merit the advent of the Holy Spirit, she might well have been the mother of our Lord. Let us hasten to the rest:4481“The virgin daughter of Zion hath despised thee and laughed thee to scorn.” To her whom he called daughter the prophet also gave the title virgin, for fear that if he spoke only of a daughter, it might be supposed that she was married. This is the virgin daughter whom elsewhere he thus addresses:4482“Sing, O barren, thou that dost not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate, than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord.” This is she of whom God by the mouth of Jeremiah speaks, saying:4483“Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire.” Concerning her we read of a great miracle in the same prophecy4484—that a woman should compass a man, and that the Father of all things should be contained in a virgin’s womb.
Philip Schaff: NPNF2-06. Jerome: The Principal Works of St. Jerome - Christian Classics Ethereal Library

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"When a Christian asks Who is a Jew? he risks falling into the trap of a mythic projection of perennial Christian anxiety, defining Jewishness in a way that serves a Christian purpose." James Carroll.
When my Jewess friend Hope and I studied the Bible together I asked her if she could give the one word that described how to tell those who were the Jews in Revelation 3:9 compared to those whose merely called themselves Jews. The question went like this, "Those who would be the true Jews would be ones who live by -----?" A simple five letter word.

Does that simple five letter word serve a Christian purpose?
'Faith' serves God's purpose. People from all sorts of religions who desired to serve God's will have been given visions from the holy spirit over the ages.

The Book of Revelations serves a Christian purpose in and of itself. It should be noted that the Synagogue of Satan is actually a reference to a Christian rival. That doesn't stop Christians during the later time periods from forgetting that little bit. There was also a lengthy period of time trying to eradicate any ties to Judaism. Further, there were consistent paintings through out the years casting Jewish people negatively with funky hats, hooked noses etc. resembling as close to whatever "evil doer" as they could.
There were also paintings depicting the finger of God reaching out to adam aka the human it does not make every interpretation correct or proper. Synagogue of Satan can speak of that group political or congregation of carnally minded people with a spirit that goes against the laws of God and the commandments. It is a gathered group with the same spirit claiming to be doing God a favor as they go against everything God warned the early Israelite's not to do. Call it all a Christian purpose if you wish but there are several religions that promote peace and not slaughter or evil. People throughout the ages also carried pieces and portions of the traditions and beliefs of God with them. Some carried those traditions of faith with them but they also incorporated locals beliefs into their religions. Alas though we are here today right now so neither can change what others did before us. The best we can do is point out or share whatever we may have been given by the spirit of God or by ones own faith whatever that may be and try to walk with one another in a decent manner.

Old testament and New both tell people that it is all accomplished by God's spirit. Whether it be a Jewish, Buddhist or a Christian all have been instructed to look into or examine their own hearts and minds for errors. I'd call that working for peace and a better relationship with God a God thing.

Rodishi, I love you to death but no. It was intentional to associate Jewish people as demons.

Ambrose of Milan and John Chrysostom not just strove to incite violence they relished it. Chrysostom didn't say kill them but he didn't have to. Augustine's only saving grace was "don't kill them" but that's all. Early Christianity was violent. It sets the stage.

A Gnostic church and a synagogue were burned down. Theodosius I will rebuild both. Ambrose of Milan says every one of them should be burned down.

The point is not bad, bad Christians. It's about understanding the conflict and the contributing factors. One of which is examining the continuance of that as serving a Christian purpose.
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I don't hate jews im a little Jewish myself the apostles were jews but Jesus said that the ones who want to kill him are the synagogue of Satan and that God can make children of Abraham out of stones the real jews follow Jesus like Saul who became Paul it is a theological disagreement but I don't hate jews
Anyone from Judea was a jew whether they were or not.

The English term Jew originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi, meaning "from the Kingdom of Judah", or "Jew".

Jew (word) - Wikipedia

is SEMANTICS all you got? Judah was Jacob's fourth son. On his deathbed---
as your catechism thug should have taught you----Jacob (aka Israel) named
Judah as his successor to RULE------thus the people called "the children of Israel"
in the bible were to be ruled by the KINGDOM OF JUDAH------the romans
were so delighted with the name JUDAH----that they called "palestina"
"JUDEA" when they got their paws on that land millennia later. Language
being what it is the words "Palestine" and "Judea" and "jew" are still
used "Palestinian" was, until very recently, a word that meant
JEW WHO LIVES IN PALESTINA ----------until about 50 years ago----
there were no Palestinian muslims or christians. The only people who
got "Palestinian" stamped on their government papers-----in the first half of
the 20th century were JEWS, In the second half of the 20th century they
became ISRAELIS. "arabs" used to be people from the Arabian
peninsula which----who LONG LONG AGO had a language that we call
"Arabic" In biblical times (ie more than 2000 years ago) arabs were called
ISMAELITES which does not actually make them related to historic Ishmael.
They were characterized as illiterate nomads with no permanent homes
who tended towards robbery on the silk road.and slave trade Today. Hebrew and Arabic are both SEMITIC LANGUAGES----just
as Spanish and French are both "romance" languages meanng they are
linguistically linked to Latin. Spanish is not French, Hebrew is not Arabic, ----
even Hindi is not Sanskrit. They were not canaanites back then. Canaanites
were "MOLOCH" worshippers who sacrificed babies to their "god" Abraham
was a migrant from Mesopotamia
I understood the word Palestine came from the word Philistine
And that the Romans called it Palestine to mock the Jews, not as a term of endearment.
When my Jewess friend Hope and I studied the Bible together I asked her if she could give the one word that described how to tell those who were the Jews in Revelation 3:9 compared to those whose merely called themselves Jews. The question went like this, "Those who would be the true Jews would be ones who live by -----?" A simple five letter word.

Does that simple five letter word serve a Christian purpose?
'Faith' serves God's purpose. People from all sorts of religions who desired to serve God's will have been given visions from the holy spirit over the ages.

The Book of Revelations serves a Christian purpose in and of itself. It should be noted that the Synagogue of Satan is actually a reference to a Christian rival. That doesn't stop Christians during the later time periods from forgetting that little bit. There was also a lengthy period of time trying to eradicate any ties to Judaism. Further, there were consistent paintings through out the years casting Jewish people negatively with funky hats, hooked noses etc. resembling as close to whatever "evil doer" as they could.
There were also paintings depicting the finger of God reaching out to adam aka the human it does not make every interpretation correct or proper. Synagogue of Satan can speak of that group political or congregation of carnally minded people with a spirit that goes against the laws of God and the commandments. It is a gathered group with the same spirit claiming to be doing God a favor as they go against everything God warned the early Israelite's not to do. Call it all a Christian purpose if you wish but there are several religions that promote peace and not slaughter or evil. People throughout the ages also carried pieces and portions of the traditions and beliefs of God with them. Some carried those traditions of faith with them but they also incorporated locals beliefs into their religions. Alas though we are here today right now so neither can change what others did before us. The best we can do is point out or share whatever we may have been given by the spirit of God or by ones own faith whatever that may be and try to walk with one another in a decent manner.

Old testament and New both tell people that it is all accomplished by God's spirit. Whether it be a Jewish, Buddhist or a Christian all have been instructed to look into or examine their own hearts and minds for errors. I'd call that working for peace and a better relationship with God a God thing.

Rodishi, I love you to death but no. It was intentional to associate Jewish people as demons.

Ambrose of Milan and John Chrysostom not just strove to incite violence they relished it. Chrysostom didn't say kill them but he didn't have to. Augustine's only saving grace was "don't kill them" but that's all. Early Christianity was violent. It sets the stage.

A Gnostic church and a synagogue were burned down. Theodosius I will rebuild both. Ambrose of Milan says every one of them should be burned down.

The point is not bad, bad Christians. It's about understanding the conflict and the contributing factors. One of which is examining the continuance of that as serving a Christian purpose.
Again that is history and we are living in today. What they did in evil they did such in error and ignorance. They battled their carnality just like every human does here in this world and yet some of them sought to learn and understand the spirit. Some were totally unawares of the spirit within them. Like Peter when when Jesus told him satan get thee behind me.

We can't do a thing about it when people believe lies and make choices based on their own ignorance no matter what their religious preference is. Even today we cannot 'make anyone' look, search and find the truth. We can warn but even that has been done throughout the ages and ignored. We can give witness to what we have personally experienced and have seen but that does not mean anyone will hear it or accept it.

Here is the deal concerning "The Word". We could say basically the same about all religions for those who say they believe in the Omni presence of a creator. Do they actually know what it is and where it originates from? Do they follow it? Do they abide in the doctrines, believe in the commandments of God, do they follow it, study it or do they follow in their own precepts or someone else's precepts?

I cannot speak for all who claim to be Christians only for my self and those whom I know intimately. I do know Judaism is the origin of the Bible and that the Old Testament is also "The Word" of God which is also describe as the first born of God, the spirit of prophecy, the truth and the light. I also know just like anything living a child grows and learns as they grow. That which was created with eternal breath even takes time to grow and develop no matter what religion the human may profess. It is up to each individually to leave behind their own son of perdition and fight the evil within themselves first.

There is a book written by Phillip Jenkins called The Jesus Wars which is a relatively short read that discusses some of the violence. I like Philip Jenkins.
Jesus Wars: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1,500 Years|Paperback

It is probably a very good book but we run on a pretty tight budget here so I'll have to watch for it at yard sales or perhaps a thrift shop. Ephesians means 'permitted'. Some have been 'permitted' over time for God's purposed to be fulfilled.
'Faith' serves God's purpose. People from all sorts of religions who desired to serve God's will have been given visions from the holy spirit over the ages.

The Book of Revelations serves a Christian purpose in and of itself. It should be noted that the Synagogue of Satan is actually a reference to a Christian rival. That doesn't stop Christians during the later time periods from forgetting that little bit. There was also a lengthy period of time trying to eradicate any ties to Judaism. Further, there were consistent paintings through out the years casting Jewish people negatively with funky hats, hooked noses etc. resembling as close to whatever "evil doer" as they could.

when attempting to "interpret" the term "synagogue of Satan" ------in my much
lauded opinion, it is very important to be cognizant of the FACT that ---the term "synagogue"----is greek. In greek it DOES NOT MEAN, specifically,
"a jewish temple" ------it MEANS "a place of assembly"
Synagogue translates from greek to Hebrew as BEIT KNESSET -------
yanno---KNESSET------that sorta congress thing in Israel, kinda like the same
sort of place in which Nancy Pelosi made a spectacle of her idiot self by
WE, americans, call the congress meeting house, THE CAPITAL BUILDING
The book of revulsions was written in greek

Yes, I know it is Greek. I also know that Christians utilized the Septuagint which was written in Koine Greek by Jews in Alexandria which was a Greek city. That's why it so vastly different. Then parts of it were later changed to suit purposes.

the SEPTUAGINT as "later changed to suit purposes" ? I am fascinated----
can you cite the "later changes to suit purposes"?

No. This is what I meant.

32. Isaiah tells of the mystery of our faith and hope:4478“Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel.” I know that the Jews are accustomed to meet us with the objection that in Hebrew the word Almah does not mean a virgin, but a young woman. And, to speak truth, a virgin is properly called Bethulah, but a young woman, or a girl, is not Almah, but Naarah!4479What then is the meaning of Almah? A hidden virgin, that is, not merely virgin, but a virgin and something more, because not every virgin is hidden, shut off from the occasional sight of men. Then again, Rebecca, on account of her extreme purity, and because she was a type of the Church which she represented in her own virginity, is described in Genesis as Almah, not Bethulah, as may clearly be proved from the words of Abraham’s servant, spoken by him in Mesopotamia:4480“And he said, O Lord, the God of my master Abraham, if now thou do prosper my way which I go: behold I stand by the fountain of water; and let it come to pass, that the maiden which cometh forth to draw, to whom I shall say, Give me, I pray thee, a little water of this pitcher to drink; and she shall say to me, Both drink thou, and I will also draw for thy camels: let the same be the woman whom the Lord hath appointed for my master’s son.” Where he speaks of the maiden coming forth to draw water, the Hebrew word is Almah, that is, a virgin secluded, and guarded by her parents with extreme care. Or, if this be not so, let them at least show me where the word is applied to married women as well, and I will confess my ignorance. “Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son.” If virginity be not preferred to marriage, why did not the Holy Spirit choose a married woman, or a widow? For at that time Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser, was alive, distinguished for purity, and always free to devote herself to prayers and fasting in the temple of God. If the life, and good works, and fasting without virginity can merit the advent of the Holy Spirit, she might well have been the mother of our Lord. Let us hasten to the rest:4481“The virgin daughter of Zion hath despised thee and laughed thee to scorn.” To her whom he called daughter the prophet also gave the title virgin, for fear that if he spoke only of a daughter, it might be supposed that she was married. This is the virgin daughter whom elsewhere he thus addresses:4482“Sing, O barren, thou that dost not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate, than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord.” This is she of whom God by the mouth of Jeremiah speaks, saying:4483“Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire.” Concerning her we read of a great miracle in the same prophecy4484—that a woman should compass a man, and that the Father of all things should be contained in a virgin’s womb.
Philip Schaff: NPNF2-06. Jerome: The Principal Works of St. Jerome - Christian Classics Ethereal Library


The word ALMAH has been used for millennia. It still shows up.
It is a WOMAN IN FULL FLOWER. Naarah is an adolescent but
I was still being called "naarah" when I was 26 because I am
abnormally short and childish looking. For some reason not
clear to me the word ALMANAH means "widow". The notation
"ALMANAH" in poetry (eg psalms) seems to mean-----"hey singer---
do it falsetto" don't quote me
Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?

The racism that many show against Jews, must by definition include Jesus, as he only taught Jewish traditions along with his criticisms of it. This included the Jewish esoteric and mystical teachings similar to Gnostic Christian thinking. Jesus’ forte.

Yahweh chose to have the Jews and Romans sacrifice Jesus and thus the Jews hold no blame.

Yahweh loved the Jews and it seems counter intuitive to have religions like Christianity and Islam, who have usurped the Jewish Yahweh and Jesus from the Jews, to try to take the Jew out of Jesus and hating that Jewishness.

Jewry is the root and patriarch of Christianity and Islam, yet those religions do not seem to respect their own Jewish roots.

Roots should be revered. Christians and Muslims do not love or respect their religious fathers and mothers; so to speak.

Jesus was a Jew.

Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?

I don't know much about the hatred of Jews by Christians, but when it comes to Muslims, the Koran specifically spews hatred against Jews, Christians and any other "non-believers." Muhammad, who Muslims consider, "the perfect man," was responsible for that nonsense.
Nope but you are definitely bisexual...
It's okay with how I roll. With your religion, not so much.
It must suck for you then having to look at all the churches. Shit there’s almost one on every corner. :lol:
I do attend them at times. As I love the ideals of Jesus, though disagree with god and the religious ideals that allow people to kill and do other horrendous crimes against humanity and children.. Sometimes they give good sermons. Sometimes, not so nice.

It depends on the preacher. No matter what, i'm not going to believe in the religion based on the fallacies and principles they support. But they do help my faith sometimes.
You are seeing what you want to see and pretending the things you don’t want to see don’t exist.

it’s hard for me to take anyone serious who is as unbalanced as you are.

you are fucked up.
I feel the exact opposite way...

You deny the horrors of religious wars and inquisitions and pretend they don't exist or they don't mean anything. And you justify the evils that happened based on your religion. By your religion. You promote terrorism as much as the religions that you hate.

I equally cannot take a religious fanatic such as yourself seriously.

I think you are seriously fucked up in supporting those crimes. But at least the facts support my version.
Dude, you are playing a movie in your head that bears no resemblance to reality. You don’t know what I think about any of this. Apparently in your warped little pea brain because I see the bad and the good I condone the bad.

why do you condone pedophiles? I mean after all you don’t drive around at night vigilante style looking to take them out, so you must condone it, right?

that’s your fucked up logic.
Wow, you are a strange dude. That needs to be monitored. Keep going!
It must suck for you then having to look at all the churches. Shit there’s almost one on every corner. :lol:
I do attend them at times. As I love the ideals of Jesus, though disagree with god and the religious ideals that allow people to kill and do other horrendous crimes against humanity and children.. Sometimes they give good sermons. Sometimes, not so nice.

It depends on the preacher. No matter what, i'm not going to believe in the religion based on the fallacies and principles they support. But they do help my faith sometimes.
You are seeing what you want to see and pretending the things you don’t want to see don’t exist.

it’s hard for me to take anyone serious who is as unbalanced as you are.

you are fucked up.
I feel the exact opposite way...

You deny the horrors of religious wars and inquisitions and pretend they don't exist or they don't mean anything. And you justify the evils that happened based on your religion. By your religion. You promote terrorism as much as the religions that you hate.

I equally cannot take a religious fanatic such as yourself seriously.

I think you are seriously fucked up in supporting those crimes. But at least the facts support my version.
Dude, you are playing a movie in your head that bears no resemblance to reality. You don’t know what I think about any of this. Apparently in your warped little pea brain because I see the bad and the good I condone the bad.

why do you condone pedophiles? I mean after all you don’t drive around at night vigilante style looking to take them out, so you must condone it, right?

that’s your fucked up logic.
Wow, you are a strange dude. That needs to be monitored. Keep going!
If you haven’t done anything to stop it then you must condone it, right?
Again that is history and we are living in today. What they did in evil they did such in error and ignorance. They battled their carnality just like every human does here in this world and yet some of them sought to learn and understand the spirit. Some were totally unawares of the spirit within them. Like Peter when when Jesus told him satan get thee behind me.

We can't do a thing about it when people believe lies and make choices based on their own ignorance no matter what their religious preference is. Even today we cannot 'make anyone' look, search and find the truth. We can warn but even that has been done throughout the ages and ignored. We can give witness to what we have personally experienced and have seen but that does not mean anyone will hear it or accept it.

Here is the deal concerning "The Word". We could say basically the same about all religions for those who say they believe in the Omni presence of a creator. Do they actually know what it is and where it originates from? Do they follow it? Do they abide in the doctrines, believe in the commandments of God, do they follow it, study it or do they follow in their own precepts or someone else's precepts?

I cannot speak for all who claim to be Christians only for my self and those whom I know intimately. I do know Judaism is the origin of the Bible and that the Old Testament is also "The Word" of God which is also describe as the first born of God, the spirit of prophecy, the truth and the light. I also know just like anything living a child grows and learns as they grow. That which was created with eternal breath even takes time to grow and develop no matter what religion the human may profess. It is up to each individually to leave behind their own son of perdition and fight the evil within themselves first.

Yes, that was history and it has a tendency to repeat itself. That history is that a small group of people figured out that the imminent second coming they had been waiting for wasn't going to happen to deliver them from Rome. They were not going to be saved. Jewish groups that refused to accept Jesus Christ were also suffering under Rome. Then as things began to be written much, much later generations forgot.

At issue is that the antisemitic stereotypes are tied to it.

The Cleansing of the Temple narrative and economic antisemitism. Then the Second Temple was burned to the ground it was a--ha ha ha-the proof is in the pudding because you didn't accept. BAM! Replacement Theology. Medieval time period: In early medieval Europe, Jewish people were only allowed to work in the markets and hated as "hagglers" reinforcing the Cleansing of the Temple narrative. Lived in ghettos. Paper money became a thing, needed someone to do that nasty usury business but Christians were forbidden, Jews are already damned, lets have them do it. Let's reinforce that Cleansing of the Temple narrative especially when loans have to be paid back and the economy sucks. A couple hundred years pass and everyone is living side by side with little mayhem and then the First Crusade comes. As it were, the crusaders liked muslims less than they did Jewish people and they knew those Jewish people needed help in Jerusalem. As they march right along they terrorize Jewish communities. Convert or die. They take Jerusalem, then take the Jewish people, put them in Synagogues and burn them down because they killed Jesus. Replacement Theology at work. French Revolution and rights are finally available to Jewish people. Eventually, the un-unified Germans are becoming more miffed as time goes along because they aren't French. They don't want the Jewish people there. This part makes me laugh insanely because the Jewish people are identified as living as a country within country but they are not allowed to participate fully as citizens. Even the Jewish Karl Marx uses economic antisemitism.
On The Jewish Question by Karl Marx

Much of the argument made was that they were a Christian nation. Hitler didn't happen overnight. There was a little over 100 years worth of intense antisemitic literature.

Antisemitism has been on the rise in Europe for over about 15 years. It's been on the rise here and some is notably by the "left". It's not "dormant" or some such nonsense. We have Churches that are definitely antisemitic are here. Alex Jones makes antisemitic comments. End times and antisemitism. Penelope.
It's nonsense. It's a loop.

Constantine did a power play by putting removing others from office and putting in Christians.The man did not convert to Christianity until he was on his death bed. He killed his wife and his son and sent his mother out for a brilliant PR move and she brought back the True Cross. She is St. Helena. Eusebius wrote propaganda--which was pretty normal at the time but it created this very unrealistic portrait of him. Constantine could not wrap his brain about what the infighting was about and didn't particularly care. He just wanted it to stop. But there were people before he came around that had already been trying to compile what the "truth" was.

I'm sure there is spirit in there but without the history of the events surrounding Christianity then this just continues to occur.
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The Jews also committed atrocities. Though they may have been the most impinged on.

That's why all three biblical religions are suspect to me.

They don't follow the original texts that the ot is based on.
Atra.hasis, enuma elish, and the epic of Gilgamesh. Those are the source of the ot.

They were written thousands of years before the ot.
But we have the actual texts from the Sumerians and Babylonians.

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