Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jews?

So anything peeps believe after, is highly suspect.
The Jews were the originals in the Jewish/Christian/Muslim continuum. They were never obligated to change their own faith to satisfy the new arrivals who have tried to bootstrap onto them, so all of this anger toward them by Christians and Muslims is totally misplaced. If I'm involved in something, and some guy demands that I change my entire way of thinking to accommodate what appeals to him, I'm going to tell him to blow it out of his shorts. Christians and Muslims have no right to pester the Jews.
I'm good with doing the right thing.
Did you do it?
I like you lys, hope it's mutual. We don't have to agree on shit, but I like to discuss.
I like you lys, hope it's mutual. We don't have to agree on shit, but I like to discuss.

Thank you, RWS. It came as a wonderful surprise upon waking up this morning. I know little of you, but you seem like a good person. I don't know when we will agree or disagree on any issue, as long as we always keep it civil and BS free. USMB disgusts me sometimes: name-calling, photo-shopped pictures, quotes clipped out of context, lots of hyperbole. There is a lot of BS to wade through here. We may disagree, but let's us keep it real.:)
Again that is history and we are living in today. What they did in evil they did such in error and ignorance. They battled their carnality just like every human does here in this world and yet some of them sought to learn and understand the spirit. Some were totally unawares of the spirit within them. Like Peter when when Jesus told him satan get thee behind me.

We can't do a thing about it when people believe lies and make choices based on their own ignorance no matter what their religious preference is. Even today we cannot 'make anyone' look, search and find the truth. We can warn but even that has been done throughout the ages and ignored. We can give witness to what we have personally experienced and have seen but that does not mean anyone will hear it or accept it.

Here is the deal concerning "The Word". We could say basically the same about all religions for those who say they believe in the Omni presence of a creator. Do they actually know what it is and where it originates from? Do they follow it? Do they abide in the doctrines, believe in the commandments of God, do they follow it, study it or do they follow in their own precepts or someone else's precepts?

I cannot speak for all who claim to be Christians only for my self and those whom I know intimately. I do know Judaism is the origin of the Bible and that the Old Testament is also "The Word" of God which is also describe as the first born of God, the spirit of prophecy, the truth and the light. I also know just like anything living a child grows and learns as they grow. That which was created with eternal breath even takes time to grow and develop no matter what religion the human may profess. It is up to each individually to leave behind their own son of perdition and fight the evil within themselves first.

Yes, that was history and it has a tendency to repeat itself. That history is that a small group of people figured out that the imminent second coming they had been waiting for wasn't going to happen to deliver them from Rome. They were not going to be saved. Jewish groups that refused to accept Jesus Christ were also suffering under Rome. Then as things began to be written much, much later generations forgot.

At issue is that the antisemitic stereotypes are tied to it.

The Cleansing of the Temple narrative and economic antisemitism. Then the Second Temple was burned to the ground it was a--ha ha ha-the proof is in the pudding because you didn't accept. BAM! Replacement Theology. Medieval time period: In early medieval Europe, Jewish people were only allowed to work in the markets and hated as "hagglers" reinforcing the Cleansing of the Temple narrative. Lived in ghettos. Paper money became a thing, needed someone to do that nasty usury business but Christians were forbidden, Jews are already damned, lets have them do it. Let's reinforce that Cleansing of the Temple narrative especially when loans have to be paid back and the economy sucks. A couple hundred years pass and everyone is living side by side with little mayhem and then the First Crusade comes. As it were, the crusaders liked muslims less than they did Jewish people and they knew those Jewish people needed help in Jerusalem. As they march right along they terrorize Jewish communities. Convert or die. They take Jerusalem, then take the Jewish people, put them in Synagogues and burn them down because they killed Jesus. Replacement Theology at work. French Revolution and rights are finally available to Jewish people. Eventually, the un-unified Germans are becoming more miffed as time goes along because they aren't French. They don't want the Jewish people there. This part makes me laugh insanely because the Jewish people are identified as living as a country within country but they are not allowed to participate fully as citizens. Even the Jewish Karl Marx uses economic antisemitism.
On The Jewish Question by Karl Marx

Much of the argument made was that they were a Christian nation. Hitler didn't happen overnight. There was a little over 100 years worth of intense antisemitic literature.

Antisemitism has been on the rise in Europe for over about 15 years. It's been on the rise here and some is notably by the "left". It's not "dormant" or some such nonsense. We have Churches that are definitely antisemitic are here. Alex Jones makes antisemitic comments. End times and antisemitism. Penelope.
It's nonsense. It's a loop.

Constantine did a power play by putting removing others from office and putting in Christians.The man did not convert to Christianity until he was on his death bed. He killed his wife and his son and sent his mother out for a brilliant PR move and she brought back the True Cross. She is St. Helena. Eusebius wrote propaganda--which was pretty normal at the time but it created this very unrealistic portrait of him. Constantine could not wrap his brain about what the infighting was about and didn't particularly care. He just wanted it to stop. But there were people before he came around that had already been trying to compile what the "truth" was.

I'm sure there is spirit in there but without the history of the events surrounding Christianity then this just continues to occur.
The vile portions of human nature is something that always must be kept in check. The slaughtering of peoples that continues today proves that there are evil spirits too. In that same note the love in others can overcome but how many will except that if they have their own agendas? And truth is not always an easy subject even within oneself so how can it be found if ignorance and error abounds? It can't if people are not ready to accept it. And that is where it all gets sticky because no one likes to give up their own comforts whether those are physiological (body) or psychological (mind). < I used the larger words because that is how easily people can get confused even with those with voluminous degrees cannot tell the difference when they see the words written into a document. Humans are that simply confuse when they are not standing in the right place to begin with no matter what religion they profess. With that confusion in them they can be easily lead into situations they should not be abiding in.

Now comes the issue; how to get them turned. I believe the answer to that is "by My Spirit" as without it we are lost.
I like you lys, hope it's mutual. We don't have to agree on shit, but I like to discuss.

Thank you, RWS. It came as a wonderful surprise upon waking up this morning. I know little of you, but you seem like a good person. I don't know when we will agree or disagree on any issue, as long as we always keep it civil and BS free. USMB disgusts me sometimes: name-calling, photo-shopped pictures, quotes clipped out of context, lots of hyperbole. There is a lot of BS to wade through here. We may disagree, but let's us keep it real.:)
Absolutely. I feel the same way.
Atra.hasis, enuma elish, and the epic of Gilgamesh. Those are the source of the ot.
Show me signs before those. And they give the origin stories of your ot.

Remember, it's the telephone game back then. Word to ear.

back when?-------writing in Mesopotamia was not a singular innovation.----
you are far too impressed with the "this is the earliest we found as yet uneaten
by the family dog"

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