
Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a documentary drama about Jesus Christ of Nazareth based on the Gospel of Luke. It is good to see the story of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on film so that we can have a greater understanding of who He is. This documentary drama - begins with the story of the garden, Adam and Eve. The fall in the Garden, the introduction of Abraham as the one God had chosen to become the father of many nations... the promises of God about the Messiah given through the Hebrew prophets and the fulfilment of those prophecies through the birth of Jesus Christ - who is the Messiah. It also includes the story of John the Baptist who was preached in the wilderness, preparing the way before Him, preparing the way of the LORD, according to Malachi's prophecy found in Chapter 3 verse 1.

It is written:

Behold, I send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts. - Malachi 3: 1

May all who watch the film be blessed. Enjoy!

[ame=]JESUS (English) - YouTube[/ame]
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The entire book of Malachi is about Jesus Christ. From start to finish. Who do you think God was speaking about when he told the priests you have despised my name? I pray the LORD open your eyes to see who God was speaking of when he said..... O priests, that despise my name. - Malachi 1: 6 Who said that? The LORD of hosts. Who is the LORD of hosts? Jesus Christ of Nazareth. That's who.
The entire book of Malachi is about Jesus Christ. From start to finish. Who do you think God was speaking about when he told the priests you have despised my name? I pray the LORD open your eyes to see who God was speaking of when he said..... O priests, that despise my name. - Malachi 1: 6 Who said that? The LORD of hosts. Who is the LORD of hosts? Jesus Christ of Nazareth. That's who.

Honestly, you have no idea what you are talking about.
You have been trained to read the Jewish Scriptures out of order and only selected verses with absolutley zero chronology and then you believe what you WANT to believe.
The sad part is that you have been trained to read TNT exactly the same way.
I bet that every verse you pull out of of context, when put into context, has ZERO to do with a guy that didn't even become popular until 360AD.

Do me a favor, when you quote one or more verses from TJS, of which Malachi is the final book, state the Chapter and verse(s).
It's REALLY annoying when you pull "Jesus" quote out of thin air.
Another question to you Independent concerning your claim that the book of Malachi is not speaking of Jesus. Exactly who do you think Malachi was speaking of when prophesying of the coming of John the Baptist in Malachi 3: 1? You do realize that the Septuagint used the title Malachias even though it also translated it "By the hand of his messenger." The latin title is Maleachi. For four hundred years after Malachi delivering this word not another Word is spoken by God to His prophets. Not one more Word! Not until when? Until God communicates through his prophet - John the Baptist! The one Malachi spoke of in the scripture verses found in Malachi 3: 1! This is established by Bible scholars across the globe and we are supposed to listen to you? By what authority are you speaking? This is the Written Word of God here! I'll go with Malachi! He was God's messenger on the coming of the Messiah and the messenger that would go before Him. Who was that messenger? John the Baptist! Prepare ye the way!

Thank you!
I wrote out the entire book of Malachi on the thread entitled, I fear the LORD, Israel! Feel free to look that thread up here on USMB if you do not have access to a bible, Indeependent.
Another question to you Independent concerning your claim that the book of Malachi is not speaking of Jesus. Exactly who do you think Malachi was speaking of when prophesying of the coming of John the Baptist in Malachi 3: 1? You do realize that the Septuagint used the title Malachias even though it also translated it "By the hand of his messenger." The latin title is Maleachi. For four hundred years after Malachi delivering this word not another Word is spoken by God to His prophets. Not one more Word! Not until when? Until God communicates through his prophet - John the Baptist! The one Malachi spoke of in the scripture verses found in Malachi 3: 1! This is established by Bible scholars across the globe and we are supposed to listen to you? By what authority are you speaking? This is the Written Word of God here! I'll go with Malachi! He was God's messenger on the coming of the Messiah and the messenger that would go before Him. Who was that messenger? John the Baptist! Prepare ye the way!

Thank you!

Holy cow! Are you kidding me? It takes less than 5 Minutes to read.

It's only three chapters long and it calls for the House of Levi to lead the nation to repentence and returning to performing God's commandments with love rather in a robotic manner.

Can you even read?
You are embarrassing yourself.
The entire book of Malachi is about Jesus Christ. From start to finish. Who do you think God was speaking about when he told the priests you have despised my name? I pray the LORD open your eyes to see who God was speaking of when he said..... O priests, that despise my name. - Malachi 1: 6 Who said that? The LORD of hosts. Who is the LORD of hosts? Jesus Christ of Nazareth. That's who.

Honestly, you have no idea what you are talking about.
You have been trained to read the Jewish Scriptures out of order and only selected verses with absolutley zero chronology and then you believe what you WANT to believe.
The sad part is that you have been trained to read TNT exactly the same way.
I bet that every verse you pull out of of context, when put into context, has ZERO to do with a guy that didn't even become popular until 360AD.

Do me a favor, when you quote one or more verses from TJS, of which Malachi is the final book, state the Chapter and verse(s).
It's REALLY annoying when you pull "Jesus" quote out of thin air.

Out of order? I beg to differ. Malachi is the last book before the New Testament with very good reason, Indeependent.

Malachi was the very last Prophet God spoke. 400 years later God finally spoke again when He raised up John the Baptist and spoke through him. That is a fact. Go ask any bible scholar and by all means ask your Rabbi about it too.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the film. - Jeremiah
The entire book of Malachi is about Jesus Christ. From start to finish. Who do you think God was speaking about when he told the priests you have despised my name? I pray the LORD open your eyes to see who God was speaking of when he said..... O priests, that despise my name. - Malachi 1: 6 Who said that? The LORD of hosts. Who is the LORD of hosts? Jesus Christ of Nazareth. That's who.

Honestly, you have no idea what you are talking about.
You have been trained to read the Jewish Scriptures out of order and only selected verses with absolutley zero chronology and then you believe what you WANT to believe.
The sad part is that you have been trained to read TNT exactly the same way.
I bet that every verse you pull out of of context, when put into context, has ZERO to do with a guy that didn't even become popular until 360AD.

Do me a favor, when you quote one or more verses from TJS, of which Malachi is the final book, state the Chapter and verse(s).
It's REALLY annoying when you pull "Jesus" quote out of thin air.

Out of order? I beg to differ. Malachi is the last book before the New Testament with very good reason, Indeependent.

Malachi was the very last Prophet God spoke. 400 years later God finally spoke again when He raised up John the Baptist and spoke through him. That is a fact. Go ask any bible scholar and by all means ask your Rabbi about it too.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the film. - Jeremiah

I attend 4 Torah classes a week.
My rabbi is starting a 5th after Succos.
I have learned Torah for over 40 years in Hebrew and Aramaic.
And TJS has ZERO references to Jesus.

I don't care how much NT you spout; that's your business.
Another question to you Independent concerning your claim that the book of Malachi is not speaking of Jesus. Exactly who do you think Malachi was speaking of when prophesying of the coming of John the Baptist in Malachi 3: 1? You do realize that the Septuagint used the title Malachias even though it also translated it "By the hand of his messenger." The latin title is Maleachi. For four hundred years after Malachi delivering this word not another Word is spoken by God to His prophets. Not one more Word! Not until when? Until God communicates through his prophet - John the Baptist! The one Malachi spoke of in the scripture verses found in Malachi 3: 1! This is established by Bible scholars across the globe and we are supposed to listen to you? By what authority are you speaking? This is the Written Word of God here! I'll go with Malachi! He was God's messenger on the coming of the Messiah and the messenger that would go before Him. Who was that messenger? John the Baptist! Prepare ye the way!

Thank you!

Holy cow! Are you kidding me? It takes less than 5 Minutes to read.

It's only three chapters long and it calls for the House of Levi to lead the nation to repentence and returning to performing God's commandments with love rather in a robotic manner.

Can you even read?
You are embarrassing yourself.

Of course it is 3 chapters long. I put the book of Malachi on the thread, I fear the LORD, Israel. I just told you that. I know how short the book is. The book of Malachi was a warning of judgment to the people who were plagued by corrupt priests, wicked practices, and a false sense of security for their relationship with God. Malachi was addressing their hypocrisy, infidelity, divorce, false worship and arrogance. Also mixed marriages. The nation was so sinful that Gods word to the people was no longer having any impact. Which is why God quit talking until 400 years later when he brought forth John the Baptist to prepare ye the way of the LORD. Who is the LORD of Hosts? Jesus Christ. - Jeremiah

That is why the LORD said he was found by a people who were not looking for him while His own people rejected him. To be clear the first church ( early church ) was a Hebrew one so not all Jews rejected Jesus but the religious leaders - Pharisees and Saducees -did mostly. So you obviously do not believe Jesus is your Messiah which is why you cannot understand that the book of Malachi is about the LORD of Hosts, Jesus Christ - and you also are not recognizing John the Baptist in Malachi 3:1 as the one who would prepare the way for the Messiah who is Jesus Christ.

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Sure Jeremiah, now try actually reading it and informing me of which verses are about Jesus.
Hint: you can't do it because the antecedents of every verse are supplied.
Honestly, you have no idea what you are talking about.
You have been trained to read the Jewish Scriptures out of order and only selected verses with absolutley zero chronology and then you believe what you WANT to believe.
The sad part is that you have been trained to read TNT exactly the same way.
I bet that every verse you pull out of of context, when put into context, has ZERO to do with a guy that didn't even become popular until 360AD.

Do me a favor, when you quote one or more verses from TJS, of which Malachi is the final book, state the Chapter and verse(s).
It's REALLY annoying when you pull "Jesus" quote out of thin air.

Out of order? I beg to differ. Malachi is the last book before the New Testament with very good reason, Indeependent.

Malachi was the very last Prophet God spoke. 400 years later God finally spoke again when He raised up John the Baptist and spoke through him. That is a fact. Go ask any bible scholar and by all means ask your Rabbi about it too.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the film. - Jeremiah

I attend 4 Torah classes a week.
My rabbi is starting a 5th after Succos.
I have learned Torah for over 40 years in Hebrew and Aramaic.
And TJS has ZERO references to Jesus.

I don't care how much NT you spout; that's your business.

The Apostle Paul counted all of that as nothing ( he used another word ) and purposed in his heart to know Christ Crucified and preach the message of the Cross. The Apostle Paul sat at the feet of Gamaliel and was most likely more knowledgable in the Torah then you are. Speaking of which Timothy warned not to be like this:

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. - 2 Timothy 3:7

As I am a child of God I cannot get into disputes over the Written Scriptures with others, Indeependent. I am thankful to God for you and know you are a Jew and do not understand the revelation of Jesus Christ and the book of Romans explains why. If you would like to read the book of Romans on USMB I have typed out the entire book and it is under the link entitled, "Romans". I have also posted the book of "Hebrews" so you could have a look at the Hebrews who did indeed follow Christ. Thank you for reading and let's focus on the topic of this thread which is about Jesus Christ. Not Malachi. Thank you for respecting my thread. I will most certainly respect your threads also, Indeependent. Link for scripture concerning Pauls education and qualifications as a Jew provided below.


Paul's Defense to the Crowd
…2And when they heard that he was addressing them in the Hebrew dialect, they became even more quiet; and he said, 3"I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated under Gamaliel, strictly according to the law of our fathers, being zealous for God just as you all are today. 4"I persecuted this Way to the death, binding and putting both men and women into prisons,…
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Sure Jeremiah, now try actually reading it and informing me of which verses are about Jesus.
Hint: you can't do it because the antecedents of every verse are supplied.

Each and every time you see thus saith the LORD of hosts. You are seeing Jesus. Each time you see the word - LORD, you are seeing Jesus. If you do not agree that Jesus is LORD then I cannot change your mind. Only the LORD can do that. Nevertheless, Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Because Jesus Christ is LORD, Indeependent.

I do not believe your heart is like the religious leaders who knew Jesus Christ was the LORD. Those ones denied His name because they first feared the Pharisees, they did not want to be thrown out of the synagogues. They loved the praises of men more than the praises of God. You can read that in John 12: 42.

It is written:

But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him: that the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, LORD, WHO HATH BELIEVED OUR REPORT? AND TO WHOM HATH THE ARM OF THE LORD BEEN REVEALED? Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again, HE HATH BLINDED THEIR EYES, AND HARDENED THEIR HEARTS, THAT THEY SHOULD NOT SEE WITH THEIR EYES, NOR UNDERSTAND WITH THEIR HEART, AND BE CONVERTED, AND I SHOULD HEAL THEM.
These things said Esaias, when he saw his glory, and spake of him. - John 12:37 - 41

Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: For they loves the praises of men more than the praises of God. - John 12: 42

Thank you for reading. * For the gentiles reading Esaias is Isaiah the prophet and his book is the second longest book in the bible. He prophesied about Jesus in his book too. You will read about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ our Messiah in Isaiah Chapter 53.
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Life of Brian is much more entertaining.

Did you watch the film before commenting about it, Tuatara? I find that it is best to examine all the evidence before condemning it as not being interesting or true or noteworthy. Please watch the film and then by all mean, share your thoughts with the readers. Thank you.
Saul of Tarsus fed on ignoramuses because he couldn't get anyone with a brain to follow him.
Which, of course, is rather hypocritical of you because you just stated a few posting ago that my problem was that I WASN'T studying enough.
So which one is it?
The entire book of Malachi is about Jesus Christ. From start to finish. Who do you think God was speaking about when he told the priests you have despised my name? I pray the LORD open your eyes to see who God was speaking of when he said..... O priests, that despise my name. - Malachi 1: 6 Who said that? The LORD of hosts. Who is the LORD of hosts? Jesus Christ of Nazareth. That's who.

You are making a serious mistake--every single place in the ot where--GOD--LORD( all capitols) the tetragramoton belongs--YHWH(Jehovah)----Like Mal 1:6---Jehovah of armies.
Out of order? I beg to differ. Malachi is the last book before the New Testament with very good reason, Indeependent.

Malachi was the very last Prophet God spoke. 400 years later God finally spoke again when He raised up John the Baptist and spoke through him. That is a fact. Go ask any bible scholar and by all means ask your Rabbi about it too.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the film. - Jeremiah

I attend 4 Torah classes a week.
My rabbi is starting a 5th after Succos.
I have learned Torah for over 40 years in Hebrew and Aramaic.
And TJS has ZERO references to Jesus.

I don't care how much NT you spout; that's your business.

The Apostle Paul counted all of that as nothing ( he used another word ) and purposed in his heart to know Christ Crucified and preach the message of the Cross. The Apostle Paul sat at the feet of Gamaliel and was most likely more knowledgable in the Torah then you are. Speaking of which Timothy warned not to be like this:

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. - 2 Timothy 3:7

As I am a child of God I cannot get into disputes over the Written Scriptures with others, Indeependent. I am thankful to God for you and know you are a Jew and do not understand the revelation of Jesus Christ and the book of Romans explains why. If you would like to read the book of Romans on USMB I have typed out the entire book and it is under the link entitled, "Romans". I have also posted the book of "Hebrews" so you could have a look at the Hebrews who did indeed follow Christ. Thank you for reading and let's focus on the topic of this thread which is about Jesus Christ. Not Malachi. Thank you for respecting my thread. I will most certainly respect your threads also, Indeependent. Link for scripture concerning Pauls education and qualifications as a Jew provided below.
Acts 22:3 "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city. I studied under Gamaliel and was thoroughly trained in the law of our ancestors. I was just as zealous for God as any of you are today.


Paul's Defense to the Crowd
…2And when they heard that he was addressing them in the Hebrew dialect, they became even more quiet; and he said, 3"I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated under Gamaliel, strictly according to the law of our fathers, being zealous for God just as you all are today. 4"I persecuted this Way to the death, binding and putting both men and women into prisons,…

I don't know how you translated this reply into my saying you don't study enough, Indeependent. I never said that. You say I said that but you will not find that I said that in this response to you and it is the only response that covers the mention of study. This will be my last response on this thread now. Let's just watch the movie. Or not. Thanks. -J.

* note to Kjw - Jesus is LORD. Malachi is referencing Jesus Christ when speaking of the LORD of Hosts. Just as Isaiah references Jesus Christ in his book also. John 1: 1 is very clear on who Jesus Christ the Word of God is. It is written:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was with God in the beginning. - John 1: 1

Then we have John 1:14. It is written:

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, ( and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father ) full of Grace and truth. - John 1:14

That is my last response to you as well. I am turning in early tonight. Long day. Good night. - Jeri
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This is a documentary drama about Jesus Christ of Nazareth based on the Gospel of Luke. It is good to see the story of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on film so that we can have a greater understanding of who He is. This documentary drama - begins with the story of the garden, Adam and Eve. The fall in the Garden, the introduction of Abraham as the one God had chosen to become the father of many nations... the promises of God about the Messiah given through the Hebrew prophets and the fulfilment of those prophecies through the birth of Jesus Christ - who is the Messiah. It also includes the story of John the Baptist who was preached in the wilderness, preparing the way before Him, preparing the way of the LORD, according to Malachi's prophecy found in Chapter 3 verse 1.

It is written:

Behold, I send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts. - Malachi 3: 1

May all who watch the film be blessed. Enjoy!

[ame=[MEDIA=youtube]o-o2JHhHXys[/MEDIA] (English) - YouTube[/ame]

This was a great film. I need to repost the video as this one didn't transfer over here for some reason.
Here is the Jesus film. It did not transfer over here on the OP. If you have not read this thread before please view this film tonight! You will be blessed!


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