Jets/Packers Negotiations

Who was Mahomes throwing to? Castoffs from other teams. Namely GB.
I'm not comparing him to Rodgers, and the Chiefs at least had Kelce. I do believe that Rodgers is not done yet, not sure about Wilson, we will know this year.
I'm not comparing him to Rodgers, and the Chiefs at least had Kelce. I do believe that Rodgers is not done yet, not sure about Wilson, we will know this year.
Is Kelce the difference between winning a SB and a losing record and not making the playoffs. In the inferior NFC by the way.
Because they are desperate.
Didnt you in the other thread you made about this very subject essentially say that Rodgers is worth at least 1 and possibly 2 1st round picks? That the Jets were low balling (Mr. Friscus insert snide comment here) GB?

This is the reason GB needs the Rodgers trade as much if not more than the Jets

The money and cap space Rodgers will occupy if he's not traded and doesnt retire. And why should he? He gets 60 million to basically just go away. Oh and I'd bet he would refuse to retire and force GB to cut him next year and take on the 24 million cap hit. Something the guy with green and gold colored glasses seems to want to just ignore in his article.
Didnt you in the other thread you made about this very subject essentially say that Rodgers is worth at least 1 and possibly 2 1st round picks? That the Jets were low balling (Mr. Friscus insert snide comment here) GB?

This is the reason GB needs the Rodgers trade as much if not more than the Jets

The money and cap space Rodgers will occupy if he's not traded and doesnt retire. And why should he? He gets 60 million to basically just go away. Oh and I'd bet he would refuse to retire and force GB to cut him next year and take on the 24 million cap hit. Something the guy with green and gold colored glasses seems to want to just ignore in his article.
The Packers can play the waiting game because the Jets have no QB worth anything. Time is on the Packers side.
The Packers can play the waiting game because the Jets have no QB worth anything. Time is on the Packers side.

Like I said before the Packers arent trading Rodgers before June 1 anyway. But the idea that they "hold all the cards" is silly. They want Rodgers gone. He takes up a huge piece of the cap and would be huge distraction. Love is going to start next year whether Rodgers is on the roster or not. Can you imagine the screaming and gnashing of teeth in GB if Love is having a hard go of it early and Rodgers is sitting on the sidelines holding a clipboard? What if they have to play Chicago early at home and Love lays an egg? GB cant afford to have Rodgers on the roster and they cant afford to cut him, their only option is to trade him. At some point the Jets will have to move on and find someone else and there's no one else beating down GB's door offering them anything for Rodgers.

That said. The Jets very well may give GB what they want, but it's far more than what Rodgers is worth and if they are smart and patient GB will trade Rodgers for something rather and keep him and get nothing. (other than a huge cap hit)
Like I said before the Packers arent trading Rodgers before June 1 anyway. But the idea that they "hold all the cards" is silly. They want Rodgers gone. He takes up a huge piece of the cap and would be huge distraction. Love is going to start next year whether Rodgers is on the roster or not. Can you imagine the screaming and gnashing of teeth in GB if Love is having a hard go of it early and Rodgers is sitting on the sidelines holding a clipboard? What if they have to play Chicago early at home and Love lays an egg? GB cant afford to have Rodgers on the roster and they cant afford to cut him, their only option is to trade him. At some point the Jets will have to move on and find someone else and there's no one else beating down GB's door offering them anything for Rodgers.

That said. The Jets very well may give GB what they want, but it's far more than what Rodgers is worth and if they are smart and patient GB will trade Rodgers for something rather and keep him and get nothing. (other than a huge cap hit)
You really don't understand that the Packers have all the leverage in negotiations.
You really don't understand that the Packers have all the leverage in negotiations.
I understand that you think they have all the leverage. And they do have some leverage but at the end of the day the Jets can walk away and nothing changes for them. GB if they walk away has to deal with Rodgers and the horrible contract they signed with him.
I understand that you think they have all the leverage. And they do have some leverage but at the end of the day the Jets can walk away and nothing changes for them. GB if they walk away has to deal with Rodgers and the horrible contract they signed with him.
The Packers would be willing to eat his contract if they don't get fair compensation.
The Packers would be willing to eat his contract if they don't get fair compensation.
Ok well they better open up and hold their nose because it's a huge shit sandwich. And they cant just eat it if they cut him it's 75 million in dead cap (43 million additional toward their cap) even after June 1, which means they have to cut more players to make room for that. To avoid that they would be stuck with him taking up a roster spot, paying him 60 million dollars, and then cutting him next year and eating 24 million in dead cap. If you think Rodgers isnt going to stick it to them next year if they dont trade him his year you're foolish. 43 million would be half what GB is currently spending on their entire defensive roster BTW. Oh and Jordan Love is going to want to sign an extension next year, that 24 million in dead cap is going to hurt.
Ok well they better open up and hold their nose because it's a huge shit sandwich. And they cant just eat it if they cut him it's 75 million in dead cap (43 million additional toward their cap) even after June 1, which means they have to cut more players to make room for that. To avoid that they would be stuck with him taking up a roster spot, paying him 60 million dollars, and then cutting him next year and eating 24 million in dead cap. If you think Rodgers isnt going to stick it to them next year if they dont trade him his year you're foolish. 43 million would be half what GB is currently spending on their entire defensive roster BTW. Oh and Jordan Love is going to want to sign an extension next year, that 24 million in dead cap is going to hurt.
So you think they should trade him for just a cup of coffee?
The Packers would be willing to eat his contract if they don't get fair compensation.
If Rodgers retires instead the Packers are off the hook with paying him anything, and Rodgers aint gonna let that happen. Indeed the Packers have all the leverage in this transaction, and can essentially hold the Jets hostage if they want to, which is not good business, but the great folks of the Dairy State are not stupid, and have seen the ridiculous amounts of money and capital that some front offices like to throw around. Talking about you, Jimmy Haslem. Talking about you, Denver Broncos. Both of those AFC teams have been QB desperate for the entire 2000's. A rental brought Elway a SB trophy, this time as GM.
So you think they should trade him for just a cup of coffee?

They should extract as much as they can, but at the end of the day even if the Jets will just take Rodgers off their roster and absorb some of his contract (the Packers take a cap hit regardless) it's worth it IMO for the Packers. They need a clean break to move on to Jordan Love. Rodgers hanging around sucking up huge amounts of their cap doesnt do that. If they trade him post June 1 they save 15 million in cap this year, and he's off their books going forward.

The bottom line is Rodgers is going to play for 1 maybe 2 more years max. He's in decline. And the Jets are playing in the Conference with most of the young talent at QB. Unless they believe Rodgers wins them the SB next year he's not worth a 1st round pick and he sure as hell isnt worth 2. Do you think the Jets are winning the SB if Rodgers goes to them next year? Yeah neither do I. The Jets are young and talented. Rodgers doesnt fit the timeline of the other Jets players. If they can get Rodgers on the cheap, sure go for it. If it's going to require a 1st rounder they should pass. If the Jets hold out I dont think GB is going to accept getting nothing and having to deal with Rodgers next year vs getting something even it it is just a 2nd or even 3rd rounder.
If Rodgers retires instead the Packers are off the hook with paying him anything, and Rodgers aint gonna let that happen. Indeed the Packers have all the leverage in this transaction, and can essentially hold the Jets hostage if they want to, which is not good business, but the great folks of the Dairy State are not stupid, and have seen the ridiculous amounts of money and capital that some front offices like to throw around. Talking about you, Jimmy Haslem. Talking about you, Denver Broncos. Both of those AFC teams have been QB desperate for the entire 2000's. A rental brought Elway a SB trophy, this time as GM.

The difference being that Wilson and Watson were far younger players on long term contracts. And I could have been the QB for the Bronco's the year Manning won a SB with them.
The difference being that Wilson and Watson were far younger players on long term contracts. And I could have been the QB for the Bronco's the year Manning won a SB with them.
Someone had to get them to the SB. Peyton got smoked in his first try. I hate to say it but the window is still small for Rodgers. Brady is an outlier, obviously, but I think Rodgers has not lost much at his age. He could have 4-5 years before real decline, but he doesn't have anything like the mental makeup of Brady. He will probably walk away in another year or two. Manning couldn't throw a pass 40 yards when he got another ring.
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Someone had to get them to the SB. Peyton got smoked in his first try. I hate to say it but the window is still small for Rodgers. Brady is an outlier, obviously, but I think Rodgers has not lost much at his age. He could have 4-5 years before real decline, but he doesn't have anything like the mental makeup of Brady. He will probably walk away in another year or two. Manning couldn't throw a pass 40 yards when he got another ring.
So the Jets get him for a season maybe 2 at the most like I said. Doesnt matter how long he could do it, only matters how long he' willing to do it. Though I do not agree that Rodgers isnt in decline. Frankly I've never bought into the Rodgers hype. Remind me how many SB's he has? How many has he even been to?

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