Jew-hating traitors tear down American flag and replace it with Palestinian flag

Yes, you can tell there’s a lot of money behind it. Who’s paying for all those flags, for example?

And maybe you’re right….maybe it is half. A lot of the ones interviewed have accents.

You and I are paying for them. The dems filter our tax money through their .orgs to manipulate events, buy votes ect. They’ve been doing it for decades.
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Speech and actions are not the same thing. Saying fuck America is protected just as much as telling someone to go fuck themselves for saying it. That freedom should be respected and protected. Now if someone takes actions to bring the country down then prosecute them for their crimes. Like I said earlier those who tore down the flags should be punished for their vandalism but not what they said.
Oh I don't care what they said. I have plenty to say.
The question then becomes: WHY were the police told to allow the criminal action to continue? It reminds me of the BLM riots. They allowed horrific criminal behavior to go on unabated. Yet, when trespassers entered the Capitol, they were thrown in jail for a year or more without a trial and many ultimately sentenced to prison.

I see a lot of double standards being applied by Democrats, depending on one’s political leanings.

P.S. A friend just called me, very upset. She was at the grocery store, looking at the Hanukah decorations, when a POS came up to her and made a nasty remark. THIS is how bad the antisemitism has become.
I don't know but the police here don't intervene unless things get really violent either. Such as it is in the 'woke' cities in this time. There are always going to be POS;s in the world and heaven knows the Jews over the centuries have had to deal with more than their fair share of them. That's why there is an Israel. All we can do is be better than they behave and pray for sanity and justice to be restored.
Why aren’t these traitors being arrested? Most of them are foreign ...
How can they be "traitors" and "foreign", dimwit? 🇵🇸
they are driven by antisemitism,
No, they're not ... unless you see the American flag as a representation of Judaism. Do you? If so, then it is you who is a "traitor". 😑
... they are defacing private property
and removing the American flag, and replacing it the Palestinian flag.
If they are replacing the American flag with Palestinian flags then I'd have to see it from their perspective of American support of the Nakba in order to accept their actions. Now, if they'd replace the Israeli flag with Palestinian flags then their protest would be clear and they'd have my full support. You understand, I sympathize in both instances but one is more straightforward than the other.
It looks like an Islamic takeover of the United States ....
There's no doubt that the Zionists are pigs but I don't know if vandalization is such a good thing. Supporting the opposition to the Times would be more effective and democratic. In my way of thinking, the utter lack of Democracy in the US should spark protests in favour of DEMOCRACY, not its complete destruction. It's already close enough. One more push and Americans will be required to greet one another with, "Sieg heil!"
Bullshit. I will ask you the same question,

Why does that "make it worse"? And seriously, where is the documentation concerning the claim that "most" were immigrants or first generation Americans? What the hell, did the protestors enter through a gate producing their family tree? Oh wait, I know, Lisa saw pictures of them, and she can tell how long their family has been in the US by their LOOKS. Nothing racist about that, right?

This shit is beyond sick. For the uptenth time, what Hamas dis was terrible, it was a war crime. But they didn't do it because the people were Jews, they did because of years of mistreatment, years of Settlers stealing their land, burning their crops, harassing them, and yes, killing them. They did it because of the fact that Israel is an apartheid government, and if there was any doubt, that was removed when the Israeli government proclaimed that only the Jews have the right to self-determination.

The whole "anti-semite" charge is nothing more than a skirt that Israel and their supporters hide behind. Lisa is one of the biggest cowards that hides behind that skirt. Any criticism of Israel is automatically proclaimed as antisemitism. While ignoring the real illegal and immoral actions that the Israeli government commits. Mention that the Jewish settlements are illegal, that their residents routinely harass, and often kill, Palestinians in the West Bank with the tacit support of the IDF. "Antisemitism" they scream. They yield it like a get out of jail free card in a game of Monopoly, the only difference, they have an infinite supply.
Fuck Hamas, Iran, Hezballah, and and all the other Ragheads who are spawns of Hell.

You attacked a country. You have vowed to destroy israel and ......

On a personal note. You can kiss my ass.
Why aren’t these traitors being arrested? Most of them are foreign, they are driven by antisemitism, they are defacing private property and removing the American flag, and replacing it the Palestinian flag. It looks like an Islamic takeover of the United States, where Jews are told to shelter in place.

Jan 6th protestors languished in jail for years before a trial, and some received long prison sentences. So why the tolerance for anti-American, antisemitic Muslim foreigners and their enablers?

These people are showing the world what they WLL DO if they aren't held accountable. The point will eventually come when the shooting starts. The US and UK media will be directly responsible for that bloodshed.
Not for what they said. For tearing down the American flag and replacing it with the Palestinian flag.
And as an American im offended so ut shouls be ok to snatch the Pali flag and burn it right.

And scream in your face Screw Palistine. Hmmm

Dont like our flag. IDGAF. Go join them in Gaza
One more push and Americans will be required to greet one another with, "Sieg heil!"
I'm not sure what you're blathering on about but if next year's elections are like 2020, THAT will be the final "push". The fools that think they can depend on cheating and a complicit media to shout down the other half of the nation are going to discover they made a mistake. Those who are disenfranchised don't have to do a thing except REFUSE TO OBEY.
Why aren’t these traitors being arrested? Most of them are foreign, they are driven by antisemitism, they are defacing private property and removing the American flag, and replacing it the Palestinian flag. It looks like an Islamic takeover of the United States, where Jews are told to shelter in place.

Jan 6th protestors languished in jail for years before a trial, and some received long prison sentences. So why the tolerance for anti-American, antisemitic Muslim foreigners and their enablers?

Your link:

"As one protester told the New York Post, 'Since ’48 Israel came and occupied Palestine. Since that day and today they’re killing kids and children. Every day they’re bombing hospitals, kids and schools, and houses.'"

Israel's illegal military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is the cause of Palestinian resistance and western protests in support of that human right.

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