Jewish accomplishments over-rated.

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Only the really dumb, and really psychotic believe in religion as much as you do.
Only the naive are atheists.

I'm not an Atheist, but I don't really believe that God made the World in 7 days, and made Even from Adam's ribs.

This kind of crap is insane, and stupid.
So you won’t give us a link.

Obvious you’re using a neoNazi website for your ‘facts’.

It’s why I asked. Only neoNazi moonbats believe your crapolla.

There's links to Judas Iscariot / Jewish Deicide.

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia

Judas Iscariot - Wikipedia

What's not to get?
So you blame Jews for the death of
He blames Jews for existing.
Only the really dumb, and really psychotic believe in religion as much as you do.
Only the naive are atheists.

I'm not an Atheist, but I don't really believe that God made the World in 7 days, and made Even from Adam's ribs.

This kind of crap is insane, and stupid.
So you won’t give us a link.

Obvious you’re using a neoNazi website for your ‘facts’.

It’s why I asked. Only neoNazi moonbats believe your crapolla.

There's links to Judas Iscariot / Jewish Deicide.

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia

Judas Iscariot - Wikipedia

What's not to get?
So you blame Jews for the death of

That's what the New Testament says, absolutely.
Only the naive are atheists.

I'm not an Atheist, but I don't really believe that God made the World in 7 days, and made Even from Adam's ribs.

This kind of crap is insane, and stupid.
So you won’t give us a link.

Obvious you’re using a neoNazi website for your ‘facts’.

It’s why I asked. Only neoNazi moonbats believe your crapolla.

There's links to Judas Iscariot / Jewish Deicide.

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia

Judas Iscariot - Wikipedia

What's not to get?
So you blame Jews for the death of

That's what the New Testament says, absolutely.
So you think Jesus was born so he could die of old age.
I'm not an Atheist, but I don't really believe that God made the World in 7 days, and made Even from Adam's ribs.

This kind of crap is insane, and stupid.
So you won’t give us a link.

Obvious you’re using a neoNazi website for your ‘facts’.

It’s why I asked. Only neoNazi moonbats believe your crapolla.

There's links to Judas Iscariot / Jewish Deicide.

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia

Judas Iscariot - Wikipedia

What's not to get?
So you blame Jews for the death of

That's what the New Testament says, absolutely.
So you think Jesus was born so he could die of old age.

I don't get why Jews are #1 in your eyes, a lot of Protestants in the U.S.A think this way.

I don't know where you stupid f*cks are coming from what-so-ever.

Even the stupid Blacks are smarter than you guys, even though know better on Jews, than your type. LOL
So you won’t give us a link.

Obvious you’re using a neoNazi website for your ‘facts’.

It’s why I asked. Only neoNazi moonbats believe your crapolla.

There's links to Judas Iscariot / Jewish Deicide.

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia

Judas Iscariot - Wikipedia

What's not to get?
So you blame Jews for the death of

That's what the New Testament says, absolutely.
So you think Jesus was born so he could die of old age.

I don't get why Jews are #1 in your eyes, a lot of Protestants in the U.S.A think this way.

I don't know where you stupid f*cks are coming from what-so-ever.

Even the stupid Blacks are smarter than you guys, even though know better on Jews, than your type. LOL
Ah, so Mr Theologican doesn’t even know why Jesus was sent.

I’ve known 3 year olds with better understanding of theology of all major religions than you have of just the top religion.
There's links to Judas Iscariot / Jewish Deicide.

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia

Judas Iscariot - Wikipedia

What's not to get?
So you blame Jews for the death of

That's what the New Testament says, absolutely.
So you think Jesus was born so he could die of old age.

I don't get why Jews are #1 in your eyes, a lot of Protestants in the U.S.A think this way.

I don't know where you stupid f*cks are coming from what-so-ever.

Even the stupid Blacks are smarter than you guys, even though know better on Jews, than your type. LOL
Ah, so Mr Theologican doesn’t even know why Jesus was sent.

I’ve known 3 year olds with better understanding of theology of all major religions than you have of just the top religion.

A.) Theology is called Mythology when people stop following it, why is it that?

B.) Theology is only taken literally by the most dumb people.

C.) It's actually you that have bizarre views on Jews, you excuse Jews for the Talmud saying Jesus is boiling in Hell in excrement, or Jews / Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus.

D.) I can't think of anyone more anti-Christian than Jews, and yet you kiss their butts, anyways.

Protestants are definitely dumb in the U.S.A, we laugh at your Bible Belt type folks here in the Catholic dominated North.
So you blame Jews for the death of

That's what the New Testament says, absolutely.
So you think Jesus was born so he could die of old age.

I don't get why Jews are #1 in your eyes, a lot of Protestants in the U.S.A think this way.

I don't know where you stupid f*cks are coming from what-so-ever.

Even the stupid Blacks are smarter than you guys, even though know better on Jews, than your type. LOL
Ah, so Mr Theologican doesn’t even know why Jesus was sent.

I’ve known 3 year olds with better understanding of theology of all major religions than you have of just the top religion.

A.) Theology is called Mythology when people stop following it, why is it that?

B.) Theology is only taken literally by the most dumb people.

C.) It's actually you that have bizarre views on Jews, you excuse Jews for the Talmud saying Jesus is boiling in Hell in excrement, or Jews / Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus.

D.) I can't think of anyone more anti-Christian than Jews, and yet you kiss their butts, anyways.

Protestants are definitely dumb in the U.S.A, we laugh at your Bible Belt type folks here in the Catholic dominated North.
You’re neoNazi websites were you get this stuff from makes you look like a total fool.
That's what the New Testament says, absolutely.
So you think Jesus was born so he could die of old age.

I don't get why Jews are #1 in your eyes, a lot of Protestants in the U.S.A think this way.

I don't know where you stupid f*cks are coming from what-so-ever.

Even the stupid Blacks are smarter than you guys, even though know better on Jews, than your type. LOL
Ah, so Mr Theologican doesn’t even know why Jesus was sent.

I’ve known 3 year olds with better understanding of theology of all major religions than you have of just the top religion.

A.) Theology is called Mythology when people stop following it, why is it that?

B.) Theology is only taken literally by the most dumb people.

C.) It's actually you that have bizarre views on Jews, you excuse Jews for the Talmud saying Jesus is boiling in Hell in excrement, or Jews / Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus.

D.) I can't think of anyone more anti-Christian than Jews, and yet you kiss their butts, anyways.

Protestants are definitely dumb in the U.S.A, we laugh at your Bible Belt type folks here in the Catholic dominated North.
You’re neoNazi websites were you get this stuff makes you look like a total fool.

I pulled up Wikipedia on Jewish Deicide, and Judas Iscariot.
So you think Jesus was born so he could die of old age.

I don't get why Jews are #1 in your eyes, a lot of Protestants in the U.S.A think this way.

I don't know where you stupid f*cks are coming from what-so-ever.

Even the stupid Blacks are smarter than you guys, even though know better on Jews, than your type. LOL
Ah, so Mr Theologican doesn’t even know why Jesus was sent.

I’ve known 3 year olds with better understanding of theology of all major religions than you have of just the top religion.

A.) Theology is called Mythology when people stop following it, why is it that?

B.) Theology is only taken literally by the most dumb people.

C.) It's actually you that have bizarre views on Jews, you excuse Jews for the Talmud saying Jesus is boiling in Hell in excrement, or Jews / Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus.

D.) I can't think of anyone more anti-Christian than Jews, and yet you kiss their butts, anyways.

Protestants are definitely dumb in the U.S.A, we laugh at your Bible Belt type folks here in the Catholic dominated North.
You’re neoNazi websites were you get this stuff makes you look like a total fool.

I pulled up Wikipedia on Jewish Deicide, and Judas Iscariot.
You left out a Wiki page.

Nazism - Wikipedia
I don't get why Jews are #1 in your eyes, a lot of Protestants in the U.S.A think this way.

I don't know where you stupid f*cks are coming from what-so-ever.

Even the stupid Blacks are smarter than you guys, even though know better on Jews, than your type. LOL
Ah, so Mr Theologican doesn’t even know why Jesus was sent.

I’ve known 3 year olds with better understanding of theology of all major religions than you have of just the top religion.

A.) Theology is called Mythology when people stop following it, why is it that?

B.) Theology is only taken literally by the most dumb people.

C.) It's actually you that have bizarre views on Jews, you excuse Jews for the Talmud saying Jesus is boiling in Hell in excrement, or Jews / Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus.

D.) I can't think of anyone more anti-Christian than Jews, and yet you kiss their butts, anyways.

Protestants are definitely dumb in the U.S.A, we laugh at your Bible Belt type folks here in the Catholic dominated North.
You’re neoNazi websites were you get this stuff makes you look like a total fool.

I pulled up Wikipedia on Jewish Deicide, and Judas Iscariot.
You left out a Wiki page.

Nazism - Wikipedia

I don't even like Germans, or Nazis, how could I be a Nazi?
Ah, so Mr Theologican doesn’t even know why Jesus was sent.

I’ve known 3 year olds with better understanding of theology of all major religions than you have of just the top religion.

A.) Theology is called Mythology when people stop following it, why is it that?

B.) Theology is only taken literally by the most dumb people.

C.) It's actually you that have bizarre views on Jews, you excuse Jews for the Talmud saying Jesus is boiling in Hell in excrement, or Jews / Judas Iscariot betraying Jesus.

D.) I can't think of anyone more anti-Christian than Jews, and yet you kiss their butts, anyways.

Protestants are definitely dumb in the U.S.A, we laugh at your Bible Belt type folks here in the Catholic dominated North.
You’re neoNazi websites were you get this stuff makes you look like a total fool.

I pulled up Wikipedia on Jewish Deicide, and Judas Iscariot.
You left out a Wiki page.

Nazism - Wikipedia

I don't even like Germans, or Nazis, how could I be a Nazi?
Name 3 things you disagree with Nazism.
Either one. Go do your googling and let me know.

They both sound like they had their scum-bag moments.
Yeah, both the Jews did. As did everyone in the Bible.

So first question is will you link to a website that supports what you say,


Two, why is it you are unfamiliar with two of the biggest figures in Christianity yet you proclaim to be an expert theologian?

If everyone in the Bible has had scum-bag moments, then what's the purpose of following it? LOL

When did I proclaim to be an expert theologian?
Learning from the mistakes of people who are already better than yourself.

Hahaha, You Negroids crack me up.

From what I read Saul the Apostle Paul was an early betrayer of Christians, and anti-Christian terrorist,
as for King Saul of Israel earlier, he was involved with concubines, and sacrfice offerings.

I certainly wouldn't say they are better than myself in terms of morality.

Before his Conversion on the road to Damascus Paul The Apostle was called Saul of Tarsas - he was born in what is now Tersous in Turkey, he began as an Anti-Jesus Christ Extremist like we STILL have TODAY and he was fanatical about persecuting the early followers of Jesus of Nazareth Our Lord and Messiah.

So anyhow Saul of Tarsas was on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus to hunt down followers of Jesus Christ so he could take them back to Jerusalem so they could be tortured and executed by his fellow Extremists (this is all accounted in Acts aka The Acts of The Apostles it's Book Five in The New Testament if you want to read it) in the middle of this journey he met the Resurrected Jesus Christ who spoke to him:

Acts 9: 4-5

"He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”

“Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked.

“I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied."

So Saul was then blinded for three days, Jesus Christ sent one of his disciples Ananias of Damascus to restore the sight of Saul of Tarsas and also to give him further instructions in the way of Jesus Christ Our Lord after all of this Saul was BAPTISED, another crucial difference between Jews and Christians WE get BAPTISED they do NOT, all of this is in Acts 9:18 and Acts 22:16.

Acts 9:18

"And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized."

Acts 22:16

"And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord."

Ananias was Martyred eventually in Eleutheropolis, and you should know that in OUR religion the Roman Catholic religion that he is Saint Ananias II.


St. Ananias II - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

So after Saul of Tarsas was Baptised he became a Missionary a Christian Missionary and devoted his life to spreading the word of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Messiah. The name change from Saul to Paul had NOTHING to do with him Converting to Christianity, he was a Roman Citizen his Jewish name was Saul but under Roman Law he had to have a Latin name also which was Paulus (Paul)

In Romans I in the Salutation there is extensive descriptions of Paul The Apostle Post-Conversion, where he now describes himself as a Servant of Jesus Christ, where he now describes Jesus Christ as The True Messiah AND The Son of God:

Romans I Salutation

"Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy scriptures, the gospel concerning His Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles for the sake of His name, including yourselves who are called to belong to Jesus Christ. To all God’s beloved in Rome, who are called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."
They both sound like they had their scum-bag moments.
Yeah, both the Jews did. As did everyone in the Bible.

So first question is will you link to a website that supports what you say,


Two, why is it you are unfamiliar with two of the biggest figures in Christianity yet you proclaim to be an expert theologian?

If everyone in the Bible has had scum-bag moments, then what's the purpose of following it? LOL

When did I proclaim to be an expert theologian?
Learning from the mistakes of people who are already better than yourself.

Hahaha, You Negroids crack me up.

From what I read Saul the Apostle Paul was an early betrayer of Christians, and anti-Christian terrorist,
as for King Saul of Israel earlier, he was involved with concubines, and sacrfice offerings.

I certainly wouldn't say they are better than myself in terms of morality.
Did Jesus die on the cross?

Why are you asking such ridiculous things? Do you even know ANYTHING about Christianity, Jesus Christ, his Disciples, the Apostles, probably not, all we seem to be getting is Random One Liners.
Either one. Go do your googling and let me know.

They both sound like they had their scum-bag moments.
Yeah, both the Jews did. As did everyone in the Bible.

So first question is will you link to a website that supports what you say,


Two, why is it you are unfamiliar with two of the biggest figures in Christianity yet you proclaim to be an expert theologian?

If everyone in the Bible has had scum-bag moments, then what's the purpose of following it? LOL

When did I proclaim to be an expert theologian?
Learning from the mistakes of people who are already better than yourself.

Hahaha, You Negroids crack me up.

From what I read Saul the Apostle Paul was an early betrayer of Christians, and anti-Christian terrorist,
as for King Saul of Israel earlier, he was involved with concubines, and sacrfice offerings.

I certainly wouldn't say they are better than myself in terms of morality.

He's not Black, Indeependent is not Black.
So you won’t give us a link.

Obvious you’re using a neoNazi website for your ‘facts’.

It’s why I asked. Only neoNazi moonbats believe your crapolla.

There's links to Judas Iscariot / Jewish Deicide.

Jewish deicide - Wikipedia

Judas Iscariot - Wikipedia

What's not to get?
So you blame Jews for the death of

That's what the New Testament says, absolutely.
So you think Jesus was born so he could die of old age.

I don't get why Jews are #1 in your eyes, a lot of Protestants in the U.S.A think this way.

I don't know where you stupid f*cks are coming from what-so-ever.

Even the stupid Blacks are smarter than you guys, even though know better on Jews, than your type. LOL

American Evangelicals who are a TINY MINORITY within World Wide Christianity ONLY support Israel and are up Jews buttocks because they WANT Armageddon, ask them about Meggido and it's like a SEXUAL EXPERIENCE for them just THINKING about Armageddon and The End of The World, I think you would find that most Israeli's want NOTHING to do with the American Evangelicals they view them as being dangerous to the existence of Israel because they WANT The Battle of Meggido to HAPPEN and ASAP.
According to the book Human Accomplishments there's only 5 people I spot as having Jewish heritages being the most important Western Intellectuals, being Einstein, Spinoza, Ehrlich, Niels Bohr, and Mendolsohn.

We know Niels Bohr, was a partial Jew, not a full one.

Human Accomplishment - Wikipedia

There's just 6 people on the list of Polish origins, being Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Stravinsky, Hevelius, and Dostoyevsky.

So, to say in historical terms Jews have accomplished much more than Poles, seems to be bogus.

To say that Jews accomplished much more than Germans, Anglos, Scots, or French is way bogus.

That's not to say I don't have my own issues about this list, I do think Nikola Tesla should have been at least in the top 3 for Technology, and the list of Technology should have also had people like Korolev, Ciolkowski, and Wernher Von Braun for their rocket tech.
I don't even know how Alfred Nobel made the technology list, but Nikola Tesla didn't.
Losers focus on race & ethnicity
According to the book Human Accomplishments there's only 5 people I spot as having Jewish heritages being the most important Western Intellectuals, being Einstein, Spinoza, Ehrlich, Niels Bohr, and Mendolsohn.

We know Niels Bohr, was a partial Jew, not a full one.

Human Accomplishment - Wikipedia

There's just 6 people on the list of Polish origins, being Copernicus, Marie Curie, Chopin, Stravinsky, Hevelius, and Dostoyevsky.

So, to say in historical terms Jews have accomplished much more than Poles, seems to be bogus.

To say that Jews accomplished much more than Germans, Anglos, Scots, or French is way bogus.

That's not to say I don't have my own issues about this list, I do think Nikola Tesla should have been at least in the top 3 for Technology, and the list of Technology should have also had people like Korolev, Ciolkowski, and Wernher Von Braun for their rocket tech.
I don't even know how Alfred Nobel made the technology list, but Nikola Tesla didn't.
Losers focus on race & ethnicity

We know the Leftists are losers as the Race Card is all they have left now.
If everyone in the Bible has had scum-bag moments, then what's the purpose of following it? LOL

When did I proclaim to be an expert theologian?
Learning from the mistakes of people who are already better than yourself.

Hahaha, You Negroids crack me up.

From what I read Saul the Apostle Paul was an early betrayer of Christians, and anti-Christian terrorist,
as for King Saul of Israel earlier, he was involved with concubines, and sacrfice offerings.

I certainly wouldn't say they are better than myself in terms of morality.
Fron what “you read”...nuff said.

So, why don't you say what's correct then, big mouth?
Because I’m not going to post chapters from a book of the Prophets.
Everything to you is a Google search and a Link you never read.

You do not agree with the American Evangelicals their crazy Roll On Armageddon is their version of the equally crazy Neo-Conservatives Foreign Policy which if taken to it's conclusion LEAD to Armageddon. If Israel has Western Enemies then they ARE the American Evangelicals and the Neo-Conservatives because between them and what they push can ONLY result in half of Israel being destroyed.
Learning from the mistakes of people who are already better than yourself.

Hahaha, You Negroids crack me up.

From what I read Saul the Apostle Paul was an early betrayer of Christians, and anti-Christian terrorist,
as for King Saul of Israel earlier, he was involved with concubines, and sacrfice offerings.

I certainly wouldn't say they are better than myself in terms of morality.
Fron what “you read”...nuff said.

So, why don't you say what's correct then, big mouth?
Because I’m not going to post chapters from a book of the Prophets.
Everything to you is a Google search and a Link you never read.

You do not agree with the American Evangelicals their crazy Roll On Armageddon is their version of the equally crazy Neo-Conservatives Foreign Policy which if taken to it's conclusion LEAD to Armageddon. If Israel has Western Enemies then they ARE the American Evangelicals and the Neo-Conservatives because between them and what they push can ONLY result in half of Israel being destroyed.
I am fully aware of what I call, “Rapture Support”.
His level of theology is that Jesus should not have been crucified.
I think his theology is that God created Pollacks and Pollacks created everyone else as inferiors.

In terms of morality, and heroism for sure, as for intellect had it not been for Poland being trapped by monster sized Russia, and Germany, it's likely Poland would've been a massive player in European science, and technology, Poland during the Renaissance was per capita perhaps the top science power, and top provider of musicial composers per capita.
Even Britain, and France were quite far behind Poland in the renaissance in these, despite France having a massive population of over 15 million, only some Germans, and Italians even compare, and Germany had over 10 million back then, and Italy also had about 11 million, Poland had about 3 million ethnic Poles during the Renaissance.

Keep in mind the top 3 renaissance scientists were Pole Copernicus, Italian Galileo, and German Kepler.

That's with Germans, and Italians having much bigger populations to pull from.

As for Jews besides Spinoza, I'm unaware of much, if any Jewish intellectual contributions during the Renaissance, certainly not much more than that in sciences of the era from what I've read.

But, come to think of it Spinoza might be more of a Baroque period guy.
Observant Jews have Tanach.
Assimilated, self-hating Jews, such as Spinoza, have “Philosophy”.

Spinoza was a "self hating" jew-----NAH!!! ----just a little itchy
He was an “atheist”...A Jew who wanted to hang with high society.
Sort of like Freud who used the Tanach’s Yeitza Tov/Ra for his Super Ego/Id paradigm.

he was just dabbling
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