Jewish Americans are abandoning Trump

That's what the Fuhrer used to tell people the Jews would cause

YOu can see in Europe what happens to jews when the Muslim Population reaches a certain point.

They are fools.

As are you btw.

THis is for you.

Of course you're happy. You're not one of the undesirables. Yet anyways.

I'm not sure why you think I am happy.

I have many jewish friends. I do not wish them ill.

THe idea of them having to put up with the crap that is ongoing in Europe right now does not make me happy.

You are aware of the rise in antisemitism driven by increased Muslim population in Europe?
Lol Muslims were not the ones who introduced anti-semitism to Europe. What a hilarious belief to have.

Anyways, disagreeing with Israel's policies does not equal anti-semitism. It also has nothing to do with the thread topic.

What are your thoughts on how completely appalled American Jews are at Trump's candidacy?

Real Jews love Trump:thup:

NEW YORK (JTA) — Among the expansive field of Republican presidential candidates on display in the party’s first debates Thursday night, Donald Trump may be the most closely connected to the Jewish people

Trump is from New York, works in professions saturated with Jews and long has been a vocal supporter of Israel. His daughter and two grandchildren are Jewish, the executive vice president of his organization is Jewish — and Trump certainly has chutzpah.

When it comes to Jewish ties, no GOP candidate trumps Trump

Donald Trump Endorsement for Prime Minister Netanyahu

the Kuni leml that have goyisha brains
All you did there was restate your belief system that those who disagree with you do so because they are Evul.

We covered that already.

I am asking why you do that.

Are you that incapable of dealing with the idea that a reasonable person could reasonable disagree with you?

Would you not feel happy if you opened yourself up to the truth that White America has been strongly effected by generations of anti-racist indoctrination?

I had such messages pounded into my head as a child as far back as I can remember. I certainly see my daughter getting the same propaganda in her school, and indeed, back in her religious pre-school.

My parents were from way back, and they had long ago internalized the national consensus on race well before I came along, as had nearly all of the rest of their families.
You don't have to be a white person to be a Trump supporter who's voting for him because you think he'll get rid of some group you don't like. Why are you playing the white victim card?

Again you feel that you have to run away from the point I made, and respond to some, I don't know if I can even call it a strawman. It had nothing to do with anything.

Maybe a double strawman? You lied about what I said, and then lied about what my motivation would be, and then lied about what I was doing.

DOes not hte fact that you have to run away from the Truth so desperately, tell you that you are on the wrong side?

Your point seems to be that you are angry that racism is not acceptable. Continuing to tell me that is redundant. I knew that about you months and months ago.

And again, your post has nothing to do with anything I said.


For you.

Is it that you wish you were black? Is that your point?

YOu can see in Europe what happens to jews when the Muslim Population reaches a certain point.

They are fools.

As are you btw.

THis is for you.

Of course you're happy. You're not one of the undesirables. Yet anyways.

I'm not sure why you think I am happy.

I have many jewish friends. I do not wish them ill.

THe idea of them having to put up with the crap that is ongoing in Europe right now does not make me happy.

You are aware of the rise in antisemitism driven by increased Muslim population in Europe?
Lol Muslims were not the ones who introduced anti-semitism to Europe. What a hilarious belief to have.

Anyways, disagreeing with Israel's policies does not equal anti-semitism. It also has nothing to do with the thread topic.

What are your thoughts on how completely appalled American Jews are at Trump's candidacy?

Real Jews love Trump:thup:

NEW YORK (JTA) — Among the expansive field of Republican presidential candidates on display in the party’s first debates Thursday night, Donald Trump may be the most closely connected to the Jewish people

Trump is from New York, works in professions saturated with Jews and long has been a vocal supporter of Israel. His daughter and two grandchildren are Jewish, the executive vice president of his organization is Jewish — and Trump certainly has chutzpah.

When it comes to Jewish ties, no GOP candidate trumps Trump

Donald Trump Endorsement for Prime Minister Netanyahu

"Real Jews?" Maybe Trump will hire you to separate the desirable Jews from the undesirable ones when the time comes.

Your undesirables are the 6.5 million you'd like exterminated:slap:
Of course you're happy. You're not one of the undesirables. Yet anyways.

I'm not sure why you think I am happy.

I have many jewish friends. I do not wish them ill.

THe idea of them having to put up with the crap that is ongoing in Europe right now does not make me happy.

You are aware of the rise in antisemitism driven by increased Muslim population in Europe?
Lol Muslims were not the ones who introduced anti-semitism to Europe. What a hilarious belief to have.

Anyways, disagreeing with Israel's policies does not equal anti-semitism. It also has nothing to do with the thread topic.

What are your thoughts on how completely appalled American Jews are at Trump's candidacy?

Real Jews love Trump:thup:

NEW YORK (JTA) — Among the expansive field of Republican presidential candidates on display in the party’s first debates Thursday night, Donald Trump may be the most closely connected to the Jewish people

Trump is from New York, works in professions saturated with Jews and long has been a vocal supporter of Israel. His daughter and two grandchildren are Jewish, the executive vice president of his organization is Jewish — and Trump certainly has chutzpah.

When it comes to Jewish ties, no GOP candidate trumps Trump

Donald Trump Endorsement for Prime Minister Netanyahu

"Real Jews?" Maybe Trump will hire you to separate the desirable Jews from the undesirable ones when the time comes.

Your undesirables are the 6.5 million you'd like exterminated:slap:

Sorry I am not a Trump supporter. I don't wish harm on any group of people.
I'm not sure why you think I am happy.

I have many jewish friends. I do not wish them ill.

THe idea of them having to put up with the crap that is ongoing in Europe right now does not make me happy.

You are aware of the rise in antisemitism driven by increased Muslim population in Europe?
Lol Muslims were not the ones who introduced anti-semitism to Europe. What a hilarious belief to have.

Anyways, disagreeing with Israel's policies does not equal anti-semitism. It also has nothing to do with the thread topic.

What are your thoughts on how completely appalled American Jews are at Trump's candidacy?

Real Jews love Trump:thup:

NEW YORK (JTA) — Among the expansive field of Republican presidential candidates on display in the party’s first debates Thursday night, Donald Trump may be the most closely connected to the Jewish people

Trump is from New York, works in professions saturated with Jews and long has been a vocal supporter of Israel. His daughter and two grandchildren are Jewish, the executive vice president of his organization is Jewish — and Trump certainly has chutzpah.

When it comes to Jewish ties, no GOP candidate trumps Trump

Donald Trump Endorsement for Prime Minister Netanyahu

"Real Jews?" Maybe Trump will hire you to separate the desirable Jews from the undesirable ones when the time comes.

Your undesirables are the 6.5 million you'd like exterminated:slap:

Sorry I am not a Trump supporter. I don't wish harm on any group of people.

Not even the 25% of the nation that Hillary says are deplorables?

Considering the constant barrage of hate you lefties pour out at anyone who doesn't support your agenda, your claim is not credible.
I'm not sure why you think I am happy.

I have many jewish friends. I do not wish them ill.

THe idea of them having to put up with the crap that is ongoing in Europe right now does not make me happy.

You are aware of the rise in antisemitism driven by increased Muslim population in Europe?
Lol Muslims were not the ones who introduced anti-semitism to Europe. What a hilarious belief to have.

Anyways, disagreeing with Israel's policies does not equal anti-semitism. It also has nothing to do with the thread topic.

What are your thoughts on how completely appalled American Jews are at Trump's candidacy?

It is interesting that you thought you had to misrepresent what I said to make a point.

I did not claim that Muslims introduced antisemitism to Europe.

I said that they were vastly increasing antisemitism in Europe. Which they are, and if you are unaware of that, you need to educate yourself about that pronto.

Your defense of "against Israeli policy" defense?

This is my response.


And I thought I made my thoughts on their anti-Trumpness plain. It is very, very stupid of them.

Nothing they reasonably fear from a Trump presidency, can be worse for them than the large numbers of muslim that Hillary will bring to our shores.
Yes nothing anybody can reasonably fear, could possibly come near the amount of sheer terror you unreasonably fear about the groups you're hoping Trump eliminates from the country.

No one said anything about eliminating anyone from the country.

Try to be less crazy.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?
Lol Muslims were not the ones who introduced anti-semitism to Europe. What a hilarious belief to have.

Anyways, disagreeing with Israel's policies does not equal anti-semitism. It also has nothing to do with the thread topic.

What are your thoughts on how completely appalled American Jews are at Trump's candidacy?

It is interesting that you thought you had to misrepresent what I said to make a point.

I did not claim that Muslims introduced antisemitism to Europe.

I said that they were vastly increasing antisemitism in Europe. Which they are, and if you are unaware of that, you need to educate yourself about that pronto.

Your defense of "against Israeli policy" defense?

This is my response.


And I thought I made my thoughts on their anti-Trumpness plain. It is very, very stupid of them.

Nothing they reasonably fear from a Trump presidency, can be worse for them than the large numbers of muslim that Hillary will bring to our shores.
Yes nothing anybody can reasonably fear, could possibly come near the amount of sheer terror you unreasonably fear about the groups you're hoping Trump eliminates from the country.

No one said anything about eliminating anyone from the country.

Try to be less crazy.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?
He needs while to respond...He's not too bright
Lol Muslims were not the ones who introduced anti-semitism to Europe. What a hilarious belief to have.

Anyways, disagreeing with Israel's policies does not equal anti-semitism. It also has nothing to do with the thread topic.

What are your thoughts on how completely appalled American Jews are at Trump's candidacy?

It is interesting that you thought you had to misrepresent what I said to make a point.

I did not claim that Muslims introduced antisemitism to Europe.

I said that they were vastly increasing antisemitism in Europe. Which they are, and if you are unaware of that, you need to educate yourself about that pronto.

Your defense of "against Israeli policy" defense?

This is my response.


And I thought I made my thoughts on their anti-Trumpness plain. It is very, very stupid of them.

Nothing they reasonably fear from a Trump presidency, can be worse for them than the large numbers of muslim that Hillary will bring to our shores.
Yes nothing anybody can reasonably fear, could possibly come near the amount of sheer terror you unreasonably fear about the groups you're hoping Trump eliminates from the country.

No one said anything about eliminating anyone from the country.

Try to be less crazy.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?
Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized
It is interesting that you thought you had to misrepresent what I said to make a point.

I did not claim that Muslims introduced antisemitism to Europe.

I said that they were vastly increasing antisemitism in Europe. Which they are, and if you are unaware of that, you need to educate yourself about that pronto.

Your defense of "against Israeli policy" defense?

This is my response.


And I thought I made my thoughts on their anti-Trumpness plain. It is very, very stupid of them.

Nothing they reasonably fear from a Trump presidency, can be worse for them than the large numbers of muslim that Hillary will bring to our shores.
Yes nothing anybody can reasonably fear, could possibly come near the amount of sheer terror you unreasonably fear about the groups you're hoping Trump eliminates from the country.

No one said anything about eliminating anyone from the country.

Try to be less crazy.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?

Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized

They already are genius....

Barack Obama is making his first presidential visit to a U.S. mosque on Wednesday, but the historic occasion is being overshadowed by criticism that the Baltimore-area center he chose has extremist ties.

Baltimore mosque set for Obama visit has controversial ties

“As a Muslim American I’m just insulted, this is disgraceful that this is one of the mosques -- or the mosque -- that he’s chosen to visit,” Zuhdi Jasser, of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, told Fox News on Sunday. “This mosque is very concerning.”

The former imam in question is Mohamad Adam El-Sheikh, who served at the Baltimore mosque from 1983-1989 and 1994-2003. A member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan, he had moved to the U.S. in 1978 and went on to receive several advanced law degrees as he became involved in the religious community.

During his time in Baltimore, El-Sheikh was a regional director for the Islamic American Relief Agency, the international parent organization of which has been cited by the U.S. Treasury Department for connections to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. After 2003, he was the imam for the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va., near Washington. It was there that Awlaki, just months earlier, gave his fiery sermons, before going on to be a top Al Qaeda affiliate operative in Yemen

The controversy centers around the Islamic Society of Baltimore's former imam, who has ties not only to the Muslim Brotherhood but the Northern Virginia mosque where the radical Anwar al-Awlaki used to preach.

Baltimore Mosque Set For Obama Visit Has Controversial Ties
Yes nothing anybody can reasonably fear, could possibly come near the amount of sheer terror you unreasonably fear about the groups you're hoping Trump eliminates from the country.

No one said anything about eliminating anyone from the country.

Try to be less crazy.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?

Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized

They already are genius....

Barack Obama is making his first presidential visit to a U.S. mosque on Wednesday, but the historic occasion is being overshadowed by criticism that the Baltimore-area center he chose has extremist ties.

Baltimore mosque set for Obama visit has controversial ties

“As a Muslim American I’m just insulted, this is disgraceful that this is one of the mosques -- or the mosque -- that he’s chosen to visit,” Zuhdi Jasser, of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, told Fox News on Sunday. “This mosque is very concerning.”

The former imam in question is Mohamad Adam El-Sheikh, who served at the Baltimore mosque from 1983-1989 and 1994-2003. A member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan, he had moved to the U.S. in 1978 and went on to receive several advanced law degrees as he became involved in the religious community.

During his time in Baltimore, El-Sheikh was a regional director for the Islamic American Relief Agency, the international parent organization of which has been cited by the U.S. Treasury Department for connections to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. After 2003, he was the imam for the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va., near Washington. It was there that Awlaki, just months earlier, gave his fiery sermons, before going on to be a top Al Qaeda affiliate operative in Yemen

The controversy centers around the Islamic Society of Baltimore's former imam, who has ties not only to the Muslim Brotherhood but the Northern Virginia mosque where the radical Anwar al-Awlaki used to preach.

Baltimore Mosque Set For Obama Visit Has Controversial Ties
If true, it's weird that you want to grant them official protection.
No one said anything about eliminating anyone from the country.

Try to be less crazy.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?

Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized

They already are genius....

Barack Obama is making his first presidential visit to a U.S. mosque on Wednesday, but the historic occasion is being overshadowed by criticism that the Baltimore-area center he chose has extremist ties.

Baltimore mosque set for Obama visit has controversial ties

“As a Muslim American I’m just insulted, this is disgraceful that this is one of the mosques -- or the mosque -- that he’s chosen to visit,” Zuhdi Jasser, of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, told Fox News on Sunday. “This mosque is very concerning.”

The former imam in question is Mohamad Adam El-Sheikh, who served at the Baltimore mosque from 1983-1989 and 1994-2003. A member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan, he had moved to the U.S. in 1978 and went on to receive several advanced law degrees as he became involved in the religious community.

During his time in Baltimore, El-Sheikh was a regional director for the Islamic American Relief Agency, the international parent organization of which has been cited by the U.S. Treasury Department for connections to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. After 2003, he was the imam for the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va., near Washington. It was there that Awlaki, just months earlier, gave his fiery sermons, before going on to be a top Al Qaeda affiliate operative in Yemen

The controversy centers around the Islamic Society of Baltimore's former imam, who has ties not only to the Muslim Brotherhood but the Northern Virginia mosque where the radical Anwar al-Awlaki used to preach.

Baltimore Mosque Set For Obama Visit Has Controversial Ties
If true, it's weird that you want to grant them official protection.

Islam the leftist favorite religion.
It is interesting that you thought you had to misrepresent what I said to make a point.

I did not claim that Muslims introduced antisemitism to Europe.

I said that they were vastly increasing antisemitism in Europe. Which they are, and if you are unaware of that, you need to educate yourself about that pronto.

Your defense of "against Israeli policy" defense?

This is my response.


And I thought I made my thoughts on their anti-Trumpness plain. It is very, very stupid of them.

Nothing they reasonably fear from a Trump presidency, can be worse for them than the large numbers of muslim that Hillary will bring to our shores.
Yes nothing anybody can reasonably fear, could possibly come near the amount of sheer terror you unreasonably fear about the groups you're hoping Trump eliminates from the country.

No one said anything about eliminating anyone from the country.

Try to be less crazy.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?
Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized

You're trying to change the subject?

That means I win again, huh?
Yes nothing anybody can reasonably fear, could possibly come near the amount of sheer terror you unreasonably fear about the groups you're hoping Trump eliminates from the country.

No one said anything about eliminating anyone from the country.

Try to be less crazy.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?

Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized

They already are genius....

Barack Obama is making his first presidential visit to a U.S. mosque on Wednesday, but the historic occasion is being overshadowed by criticism that the Baltimore-area center he chose has extremist ties.

Baltimore mosque set for Obama visit has controversial ties

“As a Muslim American I’m just insulted, this is disgraceful that this is one of the mosques -- or the mosque -- that he’s chosen to visit,” Zuhdi Jasser, of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, told Fox News on Sunday. “This mosque is very concerning.”

The former imam in question is Mohamad Adam El-Sheikh, who served at the Baltimore mosque from 1983-1989 and 1994-2003. A member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan, he had moved to the U.S. in 1978 and went on to receive several advanced law degrees as he became involved in the religious community.

During his time in Baltimore, El-Sheikh was a regional director for the Islamic American Relief Agency, the international parent organization of which has been cited by the U.S. Treasury Department for connections to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. After 2003, he was the imam for the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va., near Washington. It was there that Awlaki, just months earlier, gave his fiery sermons, before going on to be a top Al Qaeda affiliate operative in Yemen

The controversy centers around the Islamic Society of Baltimore's former imam, who has ties not only to the Muslim Brotherhood but the Northern Virginia mosque where the radical Anwar al-Awlaki used to preach.

Baltimore Mosque Set For Obama Visit Has Controversial Ties

As is the case with soooo many fools, Liberals (is that redundant?)....he imagines that Islam is a religion.....'s a political doctrine.

Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”
“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!” Admiral Lyons on Obama’s Strategy: ‘It’s Anti-American ... Pro-Islamic, It’s Pro-Iranian, and Pro-Muslim Brotherhood!’
"We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?

Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized

They already are genius....

Barack Obama is making his first presidential visit to a U.S. mosque on Wednesday, but the historic occasion is being overshadowed by criticism that the Baltimore-area center he chose has extremist ties.

Baltimore mosque set for Obama visit has controversial ties

“As a Muslim American I’m just insulted, this is disgraceful that this is one of the mosques -- or the mosque -- that he’s chosen to visit,” Zuhdi Jasser, of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, told Fox News on Sunday. “This mosque is very concerning.”

The former imam in question is Mohamad Adam El-Sheikh, who served at the Baltimore mosque from 1983-1989 and 1994-2003. A member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan, he had moved to the U.S. in 1978 and went on to receive several advanced law degrees as he became involved in the religious community.

During his time in Baltimore, El-Sheikh was a regional director for the Islamic American Relief Agency, the international parent organization of which has been cited by the U.S. Treasury Department for connections to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. After 2003, he was the imam for the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Va., near Washington. It was there that Awlaki, just months earlier, gave his fiery sermons, before going on to be a top Al Qaeda affiliate operative in Yemen

The controversy centers around the Islamic Society of Baltimore's former imam, who has ties not only to the Muslim Brotherhood but the Northern Virginia mosque where the radical Anwar al-Awlaki used to preach.

Baltimore Mosque Set For Obama Visit Has Controversial Ties
If true, it's weird that you want to grant them official protection.

Islam the leftist favorite religion.
But you want to give them official protection. Hmm.
Yes nothing anybody can reasonably fear, could possibly come near the amount of sheer terror you unreasonably fear about the groups you're hoping Trump eliminates from the country.

No one said anything about eliminating anyone from the country.

Try to be less crazy.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?
Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized

You're trying to change the subject?

That means I win again, huh?
No you said you support removing the rule preventing religious institutions from endorsing candidates. I'm just surprised you want to extend that to Mosques.
No one said anything about eliminating anyone from the country.

Try to be less crazy.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?
Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized

You're trying to change the subject?

That means I win again, huh?
No you said you support removing the rule preventing religious institutions from endorsing candidates. I'm just surprised you want to extend that to Mosques.

I said that every person has the right of free speech.
It is a part of America's memorializing documents.

You might take a glance at what we Americans call the Constitution.

Surely you're heard of it?
No one said anything about eliminating anyone from the country.

Try to be less crazy.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?
Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized

You're trying to change the subject?

That means I win again, huh?
No you said you support removing the rule preventing religious institutions from endorsing candidates. I'm just surprised you want to extend that to Mosques.

Oh....and you may not be aware of it, but the last two Islamofascists who slaughtered innocent Americans have endorsed candidates.....


There seems to be some mutual affinity there.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?
Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized

You're trying to change the subject?

That means I win again, huh?
No you said you support removing the rule preventing religious institutions from endorsing candidates. I'm just surprised you want to extend that to Mosques.

I said that every person has the right of free speech.
It is a part of America's memorializing documents.

You might take a glance at what we Americans call the Constitution.

Surely you're heard of it?
So you do support extending that right to Mosques. Like I said, I'm surprised.
Trump supporters are voting for him solely on the promises that he'll get Muslims out of here, get Hispanics out of here, and put the black people in prison if he can't get them out of here too. The rest of the GOP is voting for him because he's not Hillary. Which are you?

You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try to be...but you wouldn't be successful.

I like his support for the first amendment.

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates plan to vote against the Constitution?
Interesting that you support Mosques being politicized

You're trying to change the subject?

That means I win again, huh?
No you said you support removing the rule preventing religious institutions from endorsing candidates. I'm just surprised you want to extend that to Mosques.

Oh....and you may not be aware of it, but the last two Islamofascists who slaughtered innocent Americans have endorsed candidates.....


There seems to be some mutual affinity there.
You're trying to change the subject?

That means I win again, huh?

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