Jewish Attitudes on Interracial Marriage

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Looks like the Christians in Kentucky aren't the only ones who refuse admission to those who marry outside the race...

Interfaith marriage in Judaism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All branches of Orthodox Judaism follow the historic Jewish attitudes to intermarriage, and therefore refuse to accept that intermarriages would have any validity or legitimacy, and strictly forbid sexual intercourse with a member of a different faith. Orthodox rabbis refuse to officiate at interfaith weddings, and also try to avoid assisting them in other ways. Secular intermarriage is seen as a deliberate rejection of Judaism, and an intermarried person is effectively cut off from most of the Orthodox community, although some Chabad-Lubavitch and Modern Orthodox Jews do reach out to intermarried Jewish couples[citation needed].
The Conservative Movement in Judaism does not sanction or recognize the Jewish legal validity of intermarriage, but encourages acceptance of the non-Jewish spouse within the family, hoping that such acceptance will lead to the spouse's conversion to Judaism. The Rabbinical Assembly Standards of Rabbinic Practice prohibit Conservative rabbis from officiating at intermarriages. The Leadership Council of Conservative Judaism recently published the following statement on intermarriage:
In the past, intermarriage... was viewed as an act of rebellion, a rejection of Judaism. Jews who intermarried were essentially excommunicated. But now, intermarriage is often the result of living in an open society... If our children end up marrying non-Jews, we should not reject them. We should continue to give our love and by that retain a measure of influence in their lives, Jewishly and otherwise. Life consists of constant growth and our adult children may yet reach a stage when Judaism has new meaning for them. However, the marriage between a Jew and non-Jew is not a celebration for the Jewish community.....[42]
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A group of 35 Jewish men, known as "Fire for Judaism”, in Pisgat Zeev have started patrolling the town in an effort to stop Jewish women from dating Arab men. The municipality of Petah Tikva has also announced an initiative to prevent interracial relationships, providing a telephone hotline for friends and family to "inform" on Jewish girls who date Arab men as well as psychologists to provide counselling. The town of Kiryat Gat launched a school programme in schools to warn Jewish girls against dating local Bedouin men.[60][61]
In February 2010 Maariv has reported that the Tel Aviv municipality had instituted an official, government-sponsored counseling program to discourage Jewish girls from dating and marrying Arab boys. According to supporters of the program, the girls are often ostacized for being Jewish, and (some) fall into drugs and alcohol or are prevented from leaving their Arab boyfriends.

Billy boy just never could compete.

Marriage to a Jewish woman creates a Jewish baby regardless of any other qualifications billy.
Now that's a conundrum. Muslim men are forbidden from marrying outside their faith. Anyone marrying a muslim must convert to islam.

Jews have perpetuated themselves for thousands of years by forbidding marriage outside their faith. It's how they survived as a people.

There is nothing wrong with the practice no matter who does it.

Billy boy just never could compete.

Marriage to a Jewish woman creates a Jewish baby regardless of any other qualifications billy.
And the son of catholic women can call himself a Jew?
Now that's a conundrum. Muslim men are forbidden from marrying outside their faith. Anyone marrying a muslim must convert to islam.

Jews have perpetuated themselves for thousands of years by forbidding marriage outside their faith. It's how they survived as a people.

There is nothing wrong with the practice no matter who does it.

A group of 35 Jewish men, known as "Fire for Judaism”, in Pisgat Zeev have started patrolling the town in an effort to stop Jewish women from dating Arab men. The municipality of Petah Tikva has also announced an initiative to prevent interracial relationships, providing a telephone hotline for friends and family to "inform" on Jewish girls who date Arab men as well as psychologists to provide counselling. The town of Kiryat Gat launched a school programme in schools to warn Jewish girls against dating local Bedouin men.[60][61]
In February 2010 Maariv has reported that the Tel Aviv municipality had instituted an official, government-sponsored counseling program to discourage Jewish girls from dating and marrying Arab boys. According to supporters of the program, the girls are often ostacized for being Jewish, and (some) fall into drugs and alcohol or are prevented from leaving their Arab boyfriends.

Mr Joyce...don't keep trying to justify why black and whites should not have interracial relationships when you already know that White male slave owners right here in the good 'ole US of A screwed their African slave women and made babies. Oh! I get it. It was alright for the White male to screw the black slave woman but Black men should not do the same with White women! And if we were in the 1700's and you could decide that a Black man be hanged, castrated, beheaded or whatever means of getting your message across b/c he was with a White woman you would rejoice at having to make that decision. I hear you dude!!
Settlers living on the western hill of the religious community of Har Bracha recently sent a letter to the community secretariat, protesting the housing of Evangelical Christians in their neighborhood.

According to the residents, the presence of the Christian volunteers – who arrived to work in the community's vineyards – violates the fabric of their society, and as a result – they hardly leave their houses. "When we came to live in a religious community, we never imagined that one of these days we would be forced to live alongside people of a different religion, which doesn't match our faith and lifestyle," the residents wrote.
Har Bracha residents: Christians out! - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
Jews have perpetuated themselves for thousands of years by forbidding marriage outside their faith. It's how they survived as a people.

There is nothing wrong with the practice no matter who does it.


But if white gentiles practice this, they are "white supremacists" and awful, horrible, no-good people.

Why are Jews applauded for doing the exact same thing?
Jews have perpetuated themselves for thousands of years by forbidding marriage outside their faith. It's how they survived as a people.

There is nothing wrong with the practice no matter who does it.


But if white gentiles practice this, they are "white supremacists" and awful, horrible, no-good people.

Why are Jews applauded for doing the exact same thing?

No they aren't.

Just you... :)
Don' the Jews and the Mormons suffer from a lot of genetic disorders from all that inbreeding within
their race.?
Marrying their cousins, and sisters and all that other Hillbilly inbreed homo weirdo "Deliverence Moivie" crap??

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