Jewish Influence in the US Government


VIP Member
Dec 14, 2009
And you people wonder why America is failing? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Keep in mind, people claiming to be Jewish account for 2% of the US population and about .02% of world population. If there were this many Hindus in positions of power in the US government, wouldn’t you be asking questions?

Deputy White House Chief of Staff – Mona Sutphen

Special Presidential Adviser – David Axelrod

Secretary of Treasury – Timothy Geithner

Deputy Secretary of Treasury – Neal Wolin

Under Secretary of Treasury – Lael Brainard

President of the New York Fed – Carole Sonnenfeld

Economic Advisor to Obama-Biden – Robert Reich

Economic Advisor to Obama-Biden – Robert Rubin

Ambassador to Middle East – Dennis Ross

Director Centers for Disease Control – Douglas Shulman

IRS Commissioner – Richard Haass

Director of Management and Budget – Peter Orszag

Chairman of Commodities Futures Trading Commission – Gary Gensler

U.S. Solicitor General (Supreme Court Nominee) – Elena Kagan

Chief of Staff to Vice President Biden – Ron Klain

Chairman Council of Advisors on Science and Technology – Eric Lander

Co-Chair of Advisors on Science and Technology – Harold Varmus

Deputy Secretaries of State – Jacob Lew and James Steinberg

White House Director of Communications – Ellen Moran

Middle East Desk National Security Council – Daniel Shapiro

Chairperson Securities and Exchange Commission – Mary Schapiro

Chairperson Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) – Sheila Bair

Major Legal Advisor to Obama-Biden – Sally Klain

Special Envoy to Pakistan/Afghanistan – Richard Holbrooke

Head of Small Business Administration – Karen Mills

Chairman Federal Trade Commission – Jon Leibowitz

Chairman Federal Communications Commission – Julius Genachowski

Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration – Dr. Margaret Hamburg

Deputy Commissioner Food and Drug Administration
- Dr. Joshua Sharfstein

Assistant to President for Legislative Affairs – Phil Schiliro

National Finance Chair – Penny Pritzker

Chief of Staff for Michelle Obama – Susan Sher
And you people wonder why America is failing? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No, I wonder why you're such a retard. You huff paint, don't you?
What's wrong Dave man ? Are you one of them or did your hillbilly preacher constantly repeat that they are "The Chosen Ones" and he who curseth IsNtReal shall be cursethed-ed ?
Every country they ever invaded died from a financial and moral bankruptcy.
Your next. You voted for it.


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And you people wonder why America is failing? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

No, I wonder why you're such a retard. You huff paint, don't you?
What's wrong Dave man ? Are you one of them or did your hillbilly preacher constantly repeat that they are "The Chosen Ones" and he who curseth IsNtReal shall be cursethed-ed ?
Every country they ever invaded died from a financial and moral bankruptcy.
Your next. You voted for it.

I'm guessing paint chips for you.

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