Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

Trump couldn't bring himself to denounce Richard Spencer and the White Nationalists in Charlottesville, nor has he called on the Proud Boys to cease provocations on the WC. He calls himself a nationalist, and by that I think he means he sees American society dependent on set of values imported from Western Europe.

I'm not sure that he ever accepted that other racial groups could embrace the same ideals of commerce, democracy and tolerance.
denounce what exactly?
You're not welcome either jc
so you can't tell what needs to be denounced? I'm aware of an individual who killed eleven. so what does that have to do with other people in any party or affiliation?
You didn't see his truck with all his praising the pos trump pasted on the outside,,,and with all trumps enemies in the x hairs ?
what's that have to do with the price of chocolate in November? what the fk are you talking about? I tell you what, you post one link with Trump talking about this guy and telling him what to do. Come on brave boi, let's see your fking material. otherwise you are a useless punk trying to cause more problems than are needed. but you know what? that's who you are kkk man.
He's a trump supporter no matter how far you want to distant yourself from him and you you worthless piece of trump are on the same side and this AH
Republicans raised double that amount for child killer Zimmerman's defense. For killing a black child
Stop being such a damn dishonest partisan. Good Allah you have an EVIL soul (assuming you still have one)

Here's the "child"

He was two weeks into 17. In this state, that's a child. Thanks for proving my point.

How the Gun Lobby, Conservatives, and Right-Wing Media Are Defending George Zimmerman

How the gun lobby, conservatives, and right-wing media have rallied to defend the man who killed Trayvon Martin.
What state classifies a seventeen year old teenager as a "child"? I'd like to see the exact state law that says that.
All of them?

It is nice to know you consider killing an unarmed black child OK.

Please don't join the police. We don't need more of your kind.
So you fail miserably to attempt to justify your calling of a 17 year old a "child".
You never even try, actually. Thanks.
Well, the community where the temple is doesn't want him there. Personally? I don't think that inserting himself into a place that doesn't want him is politically stupid. Especially because of the reason the community is in grief.

Quick question for you conservatives, if your community had experienced a shooting in a place of worship where lots of people died, how would you feel about the person visiting whom you held partially responsible because of their inflammatory rhetoric?

Anyone who feels Trump is partially responsible for this tragedy, doesn’t have the brain cells necessary to decide what’s appropriate and what’s not appropriate.
Republicans raised double that amount for child killer Zimmerman's defense. For killing a black child
Stop being such a damn dishonest partisan. Good Allah you have an EVIL soul (assuming you still have one)

Here's the "child"

He was two weeks into 17. In this state, that's a child. Thanks for proving my point.

How the Gun Lobby, Conservatives, and Right-Wing Media Are Defending George Zimmerman

How the gun lobby, conservatives, and right-wing media have rallied to defend the man who killed Trayvon Martin.
What state classifies a seventeen year old teenager as a "child"? I'd like to see the exact state law that says that.

Juvenile. Happy now? LOL
Yes. Calling this hulking teen a "child" is a blatant attempt to dishonestly make
this kid a helpless victim. He was not.
Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?

That's the part they keep missing. What a crock of shit.... I wonder which members of the DNC drafted that letter.

The organization, Bend the Arc, is an extremist left wing organization that broke away from mainstream Jewish organization is Los Angeles in the late 1990's and is funded by George Soros, who has his son, Alexander sitting on its board of directors, so perhaps the question should be, which Soros drafted the letter?
So WHAT? Do you hear the Left lying about the Koch Brothers and blaming them for every goddamned thing they don't like that comes from a conservative organization? Jesus Christ, give it a rest, will ya? You're a little old for boogey men under the bed stories.
If you have been listening, you have heard the left lying about the Koch brothers and blaming them for everything they don't like, however I didn't lie about Bend the Arc. Look it up on Wiki. The point is this group was misrepresented as "leaders" of the Jewish community when they are in fact on the far left fringe of the Jewish community, not leaders at all. The letter is a sleazy way of accusing Trump of having previously supported white nationalists, which is a lie, and the fact that this group chose to exploit the tragedy in Pittsburgh for political purposes marks them as people of especially low character.
I've only been here three years, and before that I didn't follow politics much at all. So I didn't know. I am talking about now, the past couple years.
If you look at the beginning of this thread, I think the accusation against Trump is unfounded and unfair.

I did look up Bend the Arc, and I know you were not lying about it being lead by Alex Soros. I just wondered what the big beef was. You could have made your point without bringing the Evil Empire into it, just as well.
denounce what exactly?
You're not welcome either jc
so you can't tell what needs to be denounced? I'm aware of an individual who killed eleven. so what does that have to do with other people in any party or affiliation?
You didn't see his truck with all his praising the pos trump pasted on the outside,,,and with all trumps enemies in the x hairs ?
what's that have to do with the price of chocolate in November? what the fk are you talking about? I tell you what, you post one link with Trump talking about this guy and telling him what to do. Come on brave boi, let's see your fking material. otherwise you are a useless punk trying to cause more problems than are needed. but you know what? that's who you are kkk man.
He's a trump supporter no matter how far you want to distant yourself from him and you you worthless piece of trump are on the same side and this AH
I suspect his gripe was that Trump didn't go far enough.

However, I honestly don't recall anti-Semitism being a charge against Trump back in his NYC days. He was a nasty piece of work, don't get me wrong.

A Texas fire department terminated a volunteer firefighter after he wrote a Facebook post praising Dylann Roof, the suspect in a mass shooting at a historic black church in Charleston that left nine people dead.

Kurtis Cook wrote that the alleged gunman "needs to be praised for the good deed he has done," according to screenshots of Cook's comments making the rounds on social media.

The Associated Press also reported that Earl Holt — leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a white supremacist group cited by Roof — has donated $65,000 to several Republican candidates, including Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney.


I don't really see Democrats doing this kind of thing. They need to go to the GOP if they want to promote this kind of hate.


Trump calling himself a "nationalist" is like the Klu Klux Klan calling themselves the "Klux Klan" and saying they aren't racists.

So you have a picture of trump in a racist newspaper and you think you have what?
I dread to think of what your IQ test would reveal if you are serious about that post.
Alternately you could just be a dishonest bullshit artist. I'm not sure which applies... But I am sure that it's one of them.

That's the only one you saw because it has a picture?

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

The GOP's 'Nazi problem': What can the Republican Party do about it?

Even Fox News knows it:

Nazis and anti-Semites slip through GOP primaries, causing headaches for party

‘I snookered them’: Illinois Nazi candidate creates GOP dumpster fire

Denounced by His Party as a Nazi, Arthur Jones Wins Illinois G.O.P. Congressional Primary

The list just goes on and on and on.........

When I say the American Nazi Party, the KKK, the Alt White, White Nationalists and the Aryan Nation have all joined the GOP, I wasn't kidding.

Neither were they.
denounce what exactly?
You're not welcome either jc
so you can't tell what needs to be denounced? I'm aware of an individual who killed eleven. so what does that have to do with other people in any party or affiliation?
You didn't see his truck with all his praising the pos trump pasted on the outside,,,and with all trumps enemies in the x hairs ?
what's that have to do with the price of chocolate in November? what the fk are you talking about? I tell you what, you post one link with Trump talking about this guy and telling him what to do. Come on brave boi, let's see your fking material. otherwise you are a useless punk trying to cause more problems than are needed. but you know what? that's who you are kkk man.
He's a trump supporter no matter how far you want to distant yourself from him and you you worthless piece of trump are on the same side and this AH
Yes, he was a Trump supporter and he sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats who were no long part of the government, but where was your outrage when William Clyde Allen III was inspired by hate speech from these same Democrats to send real ricin to the President, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Chief of Naval Operations Richardson, FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Hapel and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in the beginning of Oct?
This is not a big surprise, since the vast majority of Jews vote Democrat and already dislike everything about Trump from the get-go. .... :cool:

There are plenty of Jews that voted for the Satanic TrumpTard.

BUT there are many that did NOT vote for Dark Lord TrumpSatan.

But some do not; what about Jared & Ivomit?
So much hate Caddo my my. Calm down people are just asking who this "group of 11 Jewish Leaders are". Is that not a legitimate question?


I spread NO hate.

Trump is the Master of Hate.

Tell us please why he’s the “Master of Hate” ; Is it because he’s against Illegal immigration? The Dems are the Masters of Hate. When that young woman Molly was found murdered by that illegal immigrant Nancy Pelosi opened up her big mouth and stated that the REAL crime was Illegal Immigrants being separated from their Children . No empathy or Compassion. That’s HATE!
He hates because he feels people should Be vetted before coming into this Country? What’s wrong with that?
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.
Clear evidence that not all Jews are smart.

Probably because one parent is Christian
Republicans raised double that amount for child killer Zimmerman's defense. For killing a black child
Stop being such a damn dishonest partisan. Good Allah you have an EVIL soul (assuming you still have one)

Here's the "child"

He was two weeks into 17. In this state, that's a child. Thanks for proving my point.

How the Gun Lobby, Conservatives, and Right-Wing Media Are Defending George Zimmerman

How the gun lobby, conservatives, and right-wing media have rallied to defend the man who killed Trayvon Martin.
What state classifies a seventeen year old teenager as a "child"? I'd like to see the exact state law that says that.

Juvenile. Happy now? LOL
Yes. Calling this hulking teen a "child" is a blatant attempt to dishonestly make
this kid a helpless victim. He was not.
Yea, because a 17 year old armed with Skittles and a soda is a danger to everyone around him.
After all, his skin is black.


You have to post a link to that picture you call Trayvon Martin. I was looking on line and I found a picture of him dead that that doesn't even look like him.
I'm not going to post it because it's sick.

I can't bring myself to post the picture because it's so sick. But you can go an look if you want and compare it to that picture you are showing.

They are NOT the same person.

And you are one screwed up fuker.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.
Dear caddo kid
I can totally understand not wanting Trump to visit if the focus is to politicize gun rights etc.
However, I heard on the radio this morning a Jewish leader welcoming Trump as the President of the United States.

Tree of Life community leaders split on potential Trump visit to Pittsburgh after shooting at the synagogue - CNNPolitics

Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, who was leading services at the Tree of Life Synagogue during Saturday's shooting, told CNN's "New Day" Monday morning that, "the President of the United States is always welcome."
"I'm a citizen. He's my president. He is certainly welcome," Myers said.

caddo kid
Please have the courage to stand for your own beliefs, if how YOU feel is "not wanting Trump to visit."
Don't just be chicken and point to "others saying that."

Everyone should have right and responsibility for whatever we feel.
What causes PROBLEMS is trying to push "whole groups" to represent that,
and attack "other groups" for believing otherwise.

If we respect and include each person, regardless what they believe or feel,
we wouldn't be experiencing this contest to bully one way over another.

How can we partake in this same behavior while condemning it at the same time?
Does that make any sense?

I don't reside in Pittsburgh

A Texas fire department terminated a volunteer firefighter after he wrote a Facebook post praising Dylann Roof, the suspect in a mass shooting at a historic black church in Charleston that left nine people dead.

Kurtis Cook wrote that the alleged gunman "needs to be praised for the good deed he has done," according to screenshots of Cook's comments making the rounds on social media.

The Associated Press also reported that Earl Holt — leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a white supremacist group cited by Roof — has donated $65,000 to several Republican candidates, including Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney.


I don't really see Democrats doing this kind of thing. They need to go to the GOP if they want to promote this kind of hate.


Trump calling himself a "nationalist" is like the Klu Klux Klan calling themselves the "Klux Klan" and saying they aren't racists.

So you have a picture of trump in a racist newspaper and you think you have what?
I dread to think of what your IQ test would reveal if you are serious about that post.
Alternately you could just be a dishonest bullshit artist. I'm not sure which applies... But I am sure that it's one of them.

That's the only one you saw because it has a picture?

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.

The GOP's 'Nazi problem': What can the Republican Party do about it?

Even Fox News knows it:

Nazis and anti-Semites slip through GOP primaries, causing headaches for party

‘I snookered them’: Illinois Nazi candidate creates GOP dumpster fire

Denounced by His Party as a Nazi, Arthur Jones Wins Illinois G.O.P. Congressional Primary

The list just goes on and on and on.........

When I say the American Nazi Party, the KKK, the Alt White, White Nationalists and the Aryan Nation have all joined the GOP, I wasn't kidding.

Neither were they.

Look to your own house. You will find the Muslim Brotherhood, the antifa thugs, and a myriad other activist groups there that are and have been a part of the democratic party process for the past 25 years.

You cannot prevent Fringe elements from Legally applying for membership...
Nor can you stop even the most extreme opinion from seeking votes.
What you can do is hold people to the law.
When they break it you punish them.
That simple.

To pretend that there is a moral High Ground between the political factions may well be the worst type of self-deception you could practice.

That of course is up to you.

This is not a big surprise, since the vast majority of Jews vote Democrat and already dislike everything about Trump from the get-go. .... :cool:

There are plenty of Jews that voted for the Satanic TrumpTard.

BUT there are many that did NOT vote for Dark Lord TrumpSatan.

But some do not; what about Jared & Ivomit?
So much hate Caddo my my. Calm down people are just asking who this "group of 11 Jewish Leaders are". Is that not a legitimate question?


I spread NO hate.

Trump is the Master of Hate.

Tell us please why he’s the “Master of Hate” ; Is it because he’s against Illegal immigration? The Dems are the Masters of Hate. When that young woman Molly was found murdered by that illegal immigrant Nancy Pelosi opened up her big mouth and stated that the REAL crime was Illegal Immigrants being separated from their Children . No empathy or Compassion. That’s HATE!
He hates because he feels people should Be vetted before coming into this Country? What’s wrong with that?

IF you actually have to ask, then you obviously haven't been paying attention, therefore no one, myself included, could tell you why & have you believe any of it. Cheers
My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?

That's the part they keep missing. What a crock of shit.... I wonder which members of the DNC drafted that letter.

The organization, Bend the Arc, is an extremist left wing organization that broke away from mainstream Jewish organization is Los Angeles in the late 1990's and is funded by George Soros, who has his son, Alexander sitting on its board of directors, so perhaps the question should be, which Soros drafted the letter?
So WHAT? Do you hear the Left lying about the Koch Brothers and blaming them for every goddamned thing they don't like that comes from a conservative organization? Jesus Christ, give it a rest, will ya? You're a little old for boogey men under the bed stories.
If you have been listening, you have heard the left lying about the Koch brothers and blaming them for everything they don't like, however I didn't lie about Bend the Arc. Look it up on Wiki. The point is this group was misrepresented as "leaders" of the Jewish community when they are in fact on the far left fringe of the Jewish community, not leaders at all. The letter is a sleazy way of accusing Trump of having previously supported white nationalists, which is a lie, and the fact that this group chose to exploit the tragedy in Pittsburgh for political purposes marks them as people of especially low character.
I've only been here three years, and before that I didn't follow politics much at all. So I didn't know. I am talking about now, the past couple years.
If you look at the beginning of this thread, I think the accusation against Trump is unfounded and unfair.

I did look up Bend the Arc, and I know you were not lying about it being lead by Alex Soros. I just wondered what the big beef was. You could have made your point without bringing the Evil Empire into it, just as well.
First off, I have never said Soros was evil. In fact, think he believes he is doing good, but I disagree with his assessment of his actions. George Soros, the father, uses his huge personal fortune to fund far, far left groups across Europe and North America, so when you find a group he funds, you know immediately it is not a mainstream group, but something on the far left. This is significant since the letter was misrepresented as coming from Jewish leaders in Pittsburgh, but in fact it came from a fringe group. Where the information is available, imo, it is often important to find out where a group's funding comes from.
Stop being such a damn dishonest partisan. Good Allah you have an EVIL soul (assuming you still have one)

Here's the "child"

He was two weeks into 17. In this state, that's a child. Thanks for proving my point.

How the Gun Lobby, Conservatives, and Right-Wing Media Are Defending George Zimmerman

How the gun lobby, conservatives, and right-wing media have rallied to defend the man who killed Trayvon Martin.
What state classifies a seventeen year old teenager as a "child"? I'd like to see the exact state law that says that.

Juvenile. Happy now? LOL
Yes. Calling this hulking teen a "child" is a blatant attempt to dishonestly make
this kid a helpless victim. He was not.
Yea, because a 17 year old armed with Skittles and a soda is a danger to everyone around him.
After all, his skin is black.


You have to post a link to that picture you call Trayvon Martin. I was looking on line and I found a picture of him dead that that doesn't even look like him.
I'm not going to post it because it's sick.

I can't bring myself to post the picture because it's so sick. But you can go an look if you want and compare it to that picture you are showing.

They are NOT the same person.

And you are one screwed up fuker.
Yeah, he's a pretty sick puppy with that pic.

But 17 year olds are not safe out there. Sad aspect of society.
You're not welcome either jc
so you can't tell what needs to be denounced? I'm aware of an individual who killed eleven. so what does that have to do with other people in any party or affiliation?
You didn't see his truck with all his praising the pos trump pasted on the outside,,,and with all trumps enemies in the x hairs ?
what's that have to do with the price of chocolate in November? what the fk are you talking about? I tell you what, you post one link with Trump talking about this guy and telling him what to do. Come on brave boi, let's see your fking material. otherwise you are a useless punk trying to cause more problems than are needed. but you know what? that's who you are kkk man.
He's a trump supporter no matter how far you want to distant yourself from him and you you worthless piece of trump are on the same side and this AH
Yes, he was a Trump supporter and he sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats who were no long part of the government, but where was your outrage when William Clyde Allen III was inspired by hate speech from these same Democrats to send real ricin to the President, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Chief of Naval Operations Richardson, FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Hapel and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in the beginning of Oct?
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
so you can't tell what needs to be denounced? I'm aware of an individual who killed eleven. so what does that have to do with other people in any party or affiliation?
You didn't see his truck with all his praising the pos trump pasted on the outside,,,and with all trumps enemies in the x hairs ?
what's that have to do with the price of chocolate in November? what the fk are you talking about? I tell you what, you post one link with Trump talking about this guy and telling him what to do. Come on brave boi, let's see your fking material. otherwise you are a useless punk trying to cause more problems than are needed. but you know what? that's who you are kkk man.
He's a trump supporter no matter how far you want to distant yourself from him and you you worthless piece of trump are on the same side and this AH
Yes, he was a Trump supporter and he sent fake bombs to prominent Democrats who were no long part of the government, but where was your outrage when William Clyde Allen III was inspired by hate speech from these same Democrats to send real ricin to the President, Secretary of Defense Mattis, Chief of Naval Operations Richardson, FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Hapel and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson in the beginning of Oct?
I know that when that guy that shot at Republicans during a baseball game and said he was a Bernie Sanders supporter that Bernie Sanders got up in front of the Senate and apologized and said this guy was not a supporter of his and He, Bernie, denounced his actions.

Trump on the other hand, said CNN was the enemy of the people the day after they had to evacuate because of a bomb threat.
So to your mind shooting real guns at Republicans or sending real ricin to assassinate the President and other high government officials is not worth mentioning but sending fake bombs to prominent Democrats whose hate speech inspired those acts and criticizing CNN is unforgivable.

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