Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

Bowers actions have united the entire country including Democrats and Republicans against the kind of bigotry that you and Bowers stand for. The only difference between you and Bowers is he eventually followed through on his hate with the horrific actions that we saw. Other than that, no difference between you and Bowers, ideologically you are the same.

So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
It isn't a myth that Jews are one of the groups that are over-achievers, and who get there because of their hard work, upbringing, and education. They aren't smarter or different than others, just brought up to make a positive difference in the world today. It's cultural. You will also find similar traits in Asians.

But then you have White Supremacist good for nothing lazy bums like that have a difficulty handling this simple truth.

Positive influence???????
Even you DON'T really believe that, do you?

By contributing 50% of Democrat funding, by nearly 2,000 Rabbis calling for Trump to take in more Refugees, or how about Hollywood, or many Medias, or hey how about Facebook, and Youtube censoring out people who bash Muslims.

Your OWN people are selling people like YOU down the river.

A lot of your people DO WANT Muslims in Europe, and America, and then it's such a problem when these particular Muslims attack Jews.

Don't get me started on how nearly 60% of American Jews marry non-Jews.

Your people WILL NOT EXIST in generations to come.

The American Jews you belong to, will presumably either be terribly tiny having thouands left, OR be GONE in 100 years from now
to Multi-Culti DIVERSITY.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.
Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.

What's all that got to do with the issue?

Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.

Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?

That's the part they keep missing. What a crock of shit.... I wonder which members of the DNC drafted that letter.

The organization, Bend the Arc, is an extremist left wing organization that broke away from mainstream Jewish organization is Los Angeles in the late 1990's and is funded by George Soros, who has his son, Alexander sitting on its board of directors, so perhaps the question should be, which Soros drafted the letter?
So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
Positive influence???????
Even you DON'T really believe that, do you?

By contributing 50% of Democrat funding, by nearly 2,000 Rabbis calling for Trump to take in more Refugees, or how about Hollywood, or many Medias, or hey how about Facebook, and Youtube censoring out people who bash Muslims.

Your OWN people are selling people like YOU down the river.

A lot of your people DO WANT Muslims in Europe, and America, and then it's such a problem when these particular Muslims attack Jews.

Don't get me started on how nearly 60% of American Jews marry non-Jews.

Your people WILL NOT EXIST in generations to come.

The American Jews you belong to, will presumably either be terribly tiny having thouands left, OR be GONE in 100 years from now
to Multi-Culti DIVERSITY.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.
What's all that got to do with the issue?

Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.

Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?

That's the part they keep missing. What a crock of shit.... I wonder which members of the DNC drafted that letter.

The organization, Bend the Arc, is an extremist left wing organization that broke away from mainstream Jewish organization is Los Angeles in the late 1990's and is funded by George Soros, who has his son, Alexander sitting on its board of directors, so perhaps the question should be, which Soros drafted the letter?

Considering how many of his genealogical brethren that piece of shit Soros sold down the river to Hitler... Maybe we should be asking which Nazi wrote the letter.

To survive the Nazis in Germany and then to come here and be killed by a Republican Nazi. It’s terrible.
The rabbi had the correct response to whether Trump should come.

Trump will visit city Tuesday to

this other social justice group, exposes the left yet again.

In an open letter from the group, the officials allege that Mr. Trump -- through his words and policies -- has "emboldened a growing white nationalist movement" while endangering minorities.

"President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you commit yourself to compassionate, democratic policies that recognize the dignity of all of us," the group wrote.

Hmmm, I wonder what those policies are, anyone care to guess?
So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
Positive influence???????
Even you DON'T really believe that, do you?

By contributing 50% of Democrat funding, by nearly 2,000 Rabbis calling for Trump to take in more Refugees, or how about Hollywood, or many Medias, or hey how about Facebook, and Youtube censoring out people who bash Muslims.

Your OWN people are selling people like YOU down the river.

A lot of your people DO WANT Muslims in Europe, and America, and then it's such a problem when these particular Muslims attack Jews.

Don't get me started on how nearly 60% of American Jews marry non-Jews.

Your people WILL NOT EXIST in generations to come.

The American Jews you belong to, will presumably either be terribly tiny having thouands left, OR be GONE in 100 years from now
to Multi-Culti DIVERSITY.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.
What's all that got to do with the issue?

Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.

Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?

That's the part they keep missing. What a crock of shit.... I wonder which members of the DNC drafted that letter.

The organization, Bend the Arc, is an extremist left wing organization that broke away from mainstream Jewish organization is Los Angeles in the late 1990's and is funded by George Soros, who has his son, Alexander sitting on its board of directors, so perhaps the question should be, which Soros drafted the letter?
Bend the arc? Never heard of it, but I have heard of alt white. Are you a member?
Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.
Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.

Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?

That's the part they keep missing. What a crock of shit.... I wonder which members of the DNC drafted that letter.

The organization, Bend the Arc, is an extremist left wing organization that broke away from mainstream Jewish organization is Los Angeles in the late 1990's and is funded by George Soros, who has his son, Alexander sitting on its board of directors, so perhaps the question should be, which Soros drafted the letter?

Considering how many of his genealogical brethren that piece of shit Soros sold down the river to Hitler... Maybe we should be asking which Nazi wrote the letter.

Wow. Soros must really be old. Was he a businessman at six months?
So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
Positive influence???????
Even you DON'T really believe that, do you?

By contributing 50% of Democrat funding, by nearly 2,000 Rabbis calling for Trump to take in more Refugees, or how about Hollywood, or many Medias, or hey how about Facebook, and Youtube censoring out people who bash Muslims.

Your OWN people are selling people like YOU down the river.

A lot of your people DO WANT Muslims in Europe, and America, and then it's such a problem when these particular Muslims attack Jews.

Don't get me started on how nearly 60% of American Jews marry non-Jews.

Your people WILL NOT EXIST in generations to come.

The American Jews you belong to, will presumably either be terribly tiny having thouands left, OR be GONE in 100 years from now
to Multi-Culti DIVERSITY.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.
What's all that got to do with the issue?

Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.

Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?

That's the part they keep missing. What a crock of shit.... I wonder which members of the DNC drafted that letter.

The organization, Bend the Arc, is an extremist left wing organization that broke away from mainstream Jewish organization is Los Angeles in the late 1990's and is funded by George Soros, who has his son, Alexander sitting on its board of directors, so perhaps the question should be, which Soros drafted the letter?
So WHAT? Do you hear the Left lying about the Koch Brothers and blaming them for every goddamned thing they don't like that comes from a conservative organization? Jesus Christ, give it a rest, will ya? You're a little old for boogey men under the bed stories.
The rabbi had the correct response to whether Trump should come.

Trump will visit city Tuesday to

this other social justice group, exposes the left yet again.

In an open letter from the group, the officials allege that Mr. Trump -- through his words and policies -- has "emboldened a growing white nationalist movement" while endangering minorities.

"President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you commit yourself to compassionate, democratic policies that recognize the dignity of all of us," the group wrote.

Hmmm, I wonder what those policies are, anyone care to guess?
Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.
Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.

Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?

That's the part they keep missing. What a crock of shit.... I wonder which members of the DNC drafted that letter.

The organization, Bend the Arc, is an extremist left wing organization that broke away from mainstream Jewish organization is Los Angeles in the late 1990's and is funded by George Soros, who has his son, Alexander sitting on its board of directors, so perhaps the question should be, which Soros drafted the letter?
So WHAT? Do you hear the Left lying about the Koch Brothers and blaming them for every goddamned thing they don't like that comes from a conservative organization? Jesus Christ, give it a rest, will ya? You're a little old for boogey men under the bed stories.

As a matter of fact yes.... the Koch Brothers was a favorite subject of left-wing conspiratorial consideration for the eight years that Obama was President. If I remember correctly he mentioned them specifically by name. It wasn't until the Koch brothers came out against Trump that all the nattering and chattering stopped.

Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.
Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.

Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?

That's the part they keep missing. What a crock of shit.... I wonder which members of the DNC drafted that letter.

The organization, Bend the Arc, is an extremist left wing organization that broke away from mainstream Jewish organization is Los Angeles in the late 1990's and is funded by George Soros, who has his son, Alexander sitting on its board of directors, so perhaps the question should be, which Soros drafted the letter?
So WHAT? Do you hear the Left lying about the Koch Brothers and blaming them for every goddamned thing they don't like that comes from a conservative organization? Jesus Christ, give it a rest, will ya? You're a little old for boogey men under the bed stories.
If you have been listening, you have heard the left lying about the Koch brothers and blaming them for everything they don't like, however I didn't lie about Bend the Arc. Look it up on Wiki. The point is this group was misrepresented as "leaders" of the Jewish community when they are in fact on the far left fringe of the Jewish community, not leaders at all. The letter is a sleazy way of accusing Trump of having previously supported white nationalists, which is a lie, and the fact that this group chose to exploit the tragedy in Pittsburgh for political purposes marks them as people of especially low character.
The rabbi had the correct response to whether Trump should come.

Trump will visit city Tuesday to

this other social justice group, exposes the left yet again.

In an open letter from the group, the officials allege that Mr. Trump -- through his words and policies -- has "emboldened a growing white nationalist movement" while endangering minorities.

"President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you commit yourself to compassionate, democratic policies that recognize the dignity of all of us," the group wrote.

Hmmm, I wonder what those policies are, anyone care to guess?
That schmuck does not speak for Pittsburg, although he seems to think he does.
Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?

That's the part they keep missing. What a crock of shit.... I wonder which members of the DNC drafted that letter.

The organization, Bend the Arc, is an extremist left wing organization that broke away from mainstream Jewish organization is Los Angeles in the late 1990's and is funded by George Soros, who has his son, Alexander sitting on its board of directors, so perhaps the question should be, which Soros drafted the letter?
So WHAT? Do you hear the Left lying about the Koch Brothers and blaming them for every goddamned thing they don't like that comes from a conservative organization? Jesus Christ, give it a rest, will ya? You're a little old for boogey men under the bed stories.
If you have been listening, you have heard the left lying about the Koch brothers and blaming them for everything they don't like, however I didn't lie about Bend the Arc. Look it up on Wiki. The point is this group was misrepresented as "leaders" of the Jewish community when they are in fact on the far left fringe of the Jewish community, not leaders at all. The letter is a sleazy way of accusing Trump of having previously supported white nationalists, which is a lie, and the fact that this group chose to exploit the tragedy in Pittsburgh for political purposes marks them as people of especially low character.

You are polite....
Not me ... I call them what they are..
Cadaver Bangers.

Ya’ll are leaving the “h” off of Pittsburgh. I normally wouldn’t call out spelling, but we fought the government last century and made them restore our beloved letter. :lol:
Apparently Democrats raised half the amount Republicans raised.

So far, $135,000 for the Jews of Pittsburg.

Republicans raised double that amount for child killer Zimmerman's defense. For killing a black child. I think if he had killed more, Republicans would have sent even more money.
I'll bet the democrats are gearing up for all kinds of nasty.
Well, the community where the temple is doesn't want him there. Personally? I don't think that inserting himself into a place that doesn't want him is politically stupid. Especially because of the reason the community is in grief.

Quick question for you conservatives, if your community had experienced a shooting in a place of worship where lots of people died, how would you feel about the person visiting whom you held partially responsible because of their inflammatory rhetoric?

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