Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.
More nonsense from a nutjob Jew hater obsessed with everything and anything that has to do with Jews.
Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.
More nonsense from a nutjob Jew hater obsessed with everything and anything that has to do with Jews.

I'm obsessed with things pro-Polish & anti-Jewish.

You're obsessed with things pro-Jewish & anti-Muslim.

Please, don't pull a Baruch Goldstein......
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.

What's all that got to do with the issue?
All this, because there was a massacre in the synagogue?

Even the obligatory Godwin's Law addition?

I'm against Robert Bowers actions.

But, it doesn't take an Inspector Shlomo Sherlock to see that this is actually playing into Bowers hands.

A.) The guy was NOT a Trump voter, why even call Trump out?

B.) This is in fact dividing Republicans against Jews, maybe not a lot because the MEDIA may not play it up.

So, there we have it, absolutely these Jews battling Trump are fanning the flames of anti-Semitism.
Bowers actions have united the entire country including Democrats and Republicans against the kind of bigotry that you and Bowers stand for. The only difference between you and Bowers is he eventually followed through on his hate with the horrific actions that we saw. Other than that, no difference between you and Bowers, ideologically you are the same.

So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
Now you're talking just like that Nazi lunatic Rob Bowers.

So, it's a myth that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power & influence in the U.S.A?

Now that's delusional.
It isn't a myth that Jews are one of the groups that are over-achievers, and who get there because of their hard work, upbringing, and education. They aren't smarter or different than others, just brought up to make a positive difference in the world today. It's cultural. You will also find similar traits in Asians.

But then you have White Supremacist good for nothing lazy bums like that have a difficulty handling this simple truth.

Positive influence???????
Even you DON'T really believe that, do you?

By contributing 50% of Democrat funding, by nearly 2,000 Rabbis calling for Trump to take in more Refugees, or how about Hollywood, or many Medias, or hey how about Facebook, and Youtube censoring out people who bash Muslims.

Your OWN people are selling people like YOU down the river.

A lot of your people DO WANT Muslims in Europe, and America, and then it's such a problem when these particular Muslims attack Jews.

Don't get me started on how nearly 60% of American Jews marry non-Jews.

Your people WILL NOT EXIST in generations to come.

The American Jews you belong to, will presumably either be terribly tiny having thouands left, OR be GONE in 100 years from now
to Multi-Culti DIVERSITY.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.

I understand that a war caused by Neocons like W. Bush killed at least 100,000 more people than Bowers.

That makes W. Bush a lot worse than Bowers.

When are we going to put W. Bush behind bars like we have for Bowers?

Yes, I also do understand, most Anglo-Saxons do not understand much, HOWEVER, they are fickle mush heads, who lack critical thinking skills.

As for Jewish existence,
Jews long DID resist assimilation, this is NO LONGER the case.
The big difference is Liberalism wasn't an enemy of Jewish peoples until the modern era, the REAL IRONY is most of the Jewish peoples have not only embraced, but even formulated much of the modern Liberalism "Enemy of Jews"
You understand nothing. Bush was not a neocon. The term, neocon, which means new conservative, was coined to refer to people who were Democrats but became Republicans, mostly during the Reagan years, and who tend to be liberal on social issues, moderate on the economy and staunchly patriotic on security and defense issues.

There is an enormous difference between killing people in a war you believe is necessary and killing people because they are Jews or belong to another minority you don't happen to like. It is a defect in your mind or character that you are unable to distinguish between these two things.

Jews have always intermarried with gentiles - witness the biblical story of Ruth or the Marranos in Spain and Portugal - but a significant percentage of them married within the faith, and of those who married gentiles, how many of their spouses said with Ruth and Ivanka Trump, "thy people shall be my people and thy G-d, my G-d"? By your count, 40% of American Jews marry within their faith, which means no matter how hard you cross your fingers, American Jews will continue to survive as a people.

As for liberalism being a threat to the existence of American Jews as a people, liberals have traditionally been the most supportive group of Americans for Jews and especially for Israel, and while partisan politics during the Obama years has put a wrinkle in this support from liberals, traditional liberals are still strong supporters of Jews and of Israel and the others will learn to overcome Obama's influence in time.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

So they're going to prevent him from coming if he decides to go..


Bwahahaha.... ahahaha.....

So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
Positive influence???????
Even you DON'T really believe that, do you?

By contributing 50% of Democrat funding, by nearly 2,000 Rabbis calling for Trump to take in more Refugees, or how about Hollywood, or many Medias, or hey how about Facebook, and Youtube censoring out people who bash Muslims.

Your OWN people are selling people like YOU down the river.

A lot of your people DO WANT Muslims in Europe, and America, and then it's such a problem when these particular Muslims attack Jews.

Don't get me started on how nearly 60% of American Jews marry non-Jews.

Your people WILL NOT EXIST in generations to come.

The American Jews you belong to, will presumably either be terribly tiny having thouands left, OR be GONE in 100 years from now
to Multi-Culti DIVERSITY.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.

I understand that a war caused by Neocons like W. Bush killed at least 100,000 more people than Bowers.

That makes W. Bush a lot worse than Bowers.

When are we going to put W. Bush behind bars like we have for Bowers?

Yes, I also do understand, most Anglo-Saxons do not understand much, HOWEVER, they are fickle mush heads, who lack critical thinking skills.

As for Jewish existence,
Jews long DID resist assimilation, this is NO LONGER the case.
The big difference is Liberalism wasn't an enemy of Jewish peoples until the modern era, the REAL IRONY is most of the Jewish peoples have not only embraced, but even formulated much of the modern Liberalism "Enemy of Jews"
You like most dedicated antisemites are totally obsessed with everything and all that is Jewish. Which is basically why antisemitism needs to be classified as a form of mental illness.

So, you're not obsessed WITH ALL THINGS JEWISH??????

Hmm, I've seen your posts & if it does not Involve Jews, you often don't even respond much, if at all.

Are you admiting to your own mental illnesses too???????
Nice diversion, NOT.

Check out my posts for the last 3 months, and let me know how many of them have to do with "Jews", 99% don't.

sobie thinks he went to "school"
Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.

What's all that got to do with the issue?

depends on what you call "the issue" -----sobie's issue is the shit
in his depraved mind
I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.

What's all that got to do with the issue?

depends on what you call "the issue" -----sobie's issue is the shit
in his depraved mind

I thought he was giving history and philosophy lessons. :aargh:
Irony comes full circle. Jews acting like Nazis.

I've heard that Hitler may have been half Jewish.

Thought it was one quarter Jewish, but that was a possible grand-dad and Jews dont consider that legit any way.
I recently found out I'm 1/8 Jew and my Jewish friends won't let me call us kikes

Well then, calling you one of Trump's token negroes will have to do then.
But that’s a race issue. Apples and oranges.
Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.

What's all that got to do with the issue?

Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.
So has anyone identified these self appointed eleven representatives of Judaism?

As usual the left forms an organization and then issues statements designed to give the impression
they speak for everyone. It's dishonest B.S.!
Irony comes full circle. Jews acting like Nazis.

I've heard that Hitler may have been half Jewish.

Thought it was one quarter Jewish, but that was a possible grand-dad and Jews dont consider that legit any way.
I recently found out I'm 1/8 Jew and my Jewish friends won't let me call us kikes
You will survive.
But one of those Jews books the band...
Well, I've been saying that for years now.

They can't figure out that Blacks, Hispanics, and especially Muslims see them as White, and don't like them very much.

They can't figure out that Germany did the Holocaust, and instead blame it on Poland. (Usually)

They can't figure out Republican tax-cuts benefit Jews.

They can't figure out Republican's are more pro-Israel.

They can't figure out Trump's the most pro-Israel President, ever.

They can't figure out that gun control is bad, because the Nazis did it to Jews.

All this, because there was a massacre in the synagogue?

Even the obligatory Godwin's Law addition?

I'm against Robert Bowers actions.

But, it doesn't take an Inspector Shlomo Sherlock to see that this is actually playing into Bowers hands.

A.) The guy was NOT a Trump voter, why even call Trump out?

B.) This is in fact dividing Republicans against Jews, maybe not a lot because the MEDIA may not play it up.

So, there we have it, absolutely these Jews battling Trump are fanning the flames of anti-Semitism.
Bowers actions have united the entire country including Democrats and Republicans against the kind of bigotry that you and Bowers stand for. The only difference between you and Bowers is he eventually followed through on his hate with the horrific actions that we saw. Other than that, no difference between you and Bowers, ideologically you are the same.

So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.
Now you're talking just like that Nazi lunatic Rob Bowers.

So, it's a myth that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power & influence in the U.S.A?

Now that's delusional.
It isn't a myth that Jews are one of the groups that are over-achievers, and who get there because of their hard work, upbringing, and education. They aren't smarter or different than others, just brought up to make a positive difference in the world today. It's cultural. You will also find similar traits in Asians.

But then you have White Supremacist good for nothing lazy bums like that have a difficulty handling this simple truth.

Positive influence???????
Even you DON'T really believe that, do you?

By contributing 50% of Democrat funding, by nearly 2,000 Rabbis calling for Trump to take in more Refugees, or how about Hollywood, or many Medias, or hey how about Facebook, and Youtube censoring out people who bash Muslims.

Your OWN people are selling people like YOU down the river.

A lot of your people DO WANT Muslims in Europe, and America, and then it's such a problem when these particular Muslims attack Jews.

Don't get me started on how nearly 60% of American Jews marry non-Jews.

Your people WILL NOT EXIST in generations to come.

The American Jews you belong to, will presumably either be terribly tiny having thouands left, OR be GONE in 100 years from now
to Multi-Culti DIVERSITY.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.
I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.

What's all that got to do with the issue?

Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.

Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.

What's all that got to do with the issue?

depends on what you call "the issue" -----sobie's issue is the shit
in his depraved mind

I thought he was giving history and philosophy lessons. :aargh:
I think he is trying to convince us and himself that he isn't crazy. He needs to try harder.
I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.

What's all that got to do with the issue?

Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.
Don't forget people with peanut allergies and those waiting for interstellar guidance from the Crab Nebula.
I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.

What's all that got to do with the issue?

Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.
So that's 30,000 crazy people so far.
All this, because there was a massacre in the synagogue?

Even the obligatory Godwin's Law addition?

I'm against Robert Bowers actions.

But, it doesn't take an Inspector Shlomo Sherlock to see that this is actually playing into Bowers hands.

A.) The guy was NOT a Trump voter, why even call Trump out?

B.) This is in fact dividing Republicans against Jews, maybe not a lot because the MEDIA may not play it up.

So, there we have it, absolutely these Jews battling Trump are fanning the flames of anti-Semitism.
Bowers actions have united the entire country including Democrats and Republicans against the kind of bigotry that you and Bowers stand for. The only difference between you and Bowers is he eventually followed through on his hate with the horrific actions that we saw. Other than that, no difference between you and Bowers, ideologically you are the same.

So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
Now you're talking just like that Nazi lunatic Rob Bowers.

So, it's a myth that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power & influence in the U.S.A?

Now that's delusional.
It isn't a myth that Jews are one of the groups that are over-achievers, and who get there because of their hard work, upbringing, and education. They aren't smarter or different than others, just brought up to make a positive difference in the world today. It's cultural. You will also find similar traits in Asians.

But then you have White Supremacist good for nothing lazy bums like that have a difficulty handling this simple truth.

Positive influence???????
Even you DON'T really believe that, do you?

By contributing 50% of Democrat funding, by nearly 2,000 Rabbis calling for Trump to take in more Refugees, or how about Hollywood, or many Medias, or hey how about Facebook, and Youtube censoring out people who bash Muslims.

Your OWN people are selling people like YOU down the river.

A lot of your people DO WANT Muslims in Europe, and America, and then it's such a problem when these particular Muslims attack Jews.

Don't get me started on how nearly 60% of American Jews marry non-Jews.

Your people WILL NOT EXIST in generations to come.

The American Jews you belong to, will presumably either be terribly tiny having thouands left, OR be GONE in 100 years from now
to Multi-Culti DIVERSITY.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.
Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.

What's all that got to do with the issue?

Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.

Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?
I'm against Robert Bowers actions.

But, it doesn't take an Inspector Shlomo Sherlock to see that this is actually playing into Bowers hands.

A.) The guy was NOT a Trump voter, why even call Trump out?

B.) This is in fact dividing Republicans against Jews, maybe not a lot because the MEDIA may not play it up.

So, there we have it, absolutely these Jews battling Trump are fanning the flames of anti-Semitism.
Bowers actions have united the entire country including Democrats and Republicans against the kind of bigotry that you and Bowers stand for. The only difference between you and Bowers is he eventually followed through on his hate with the horrific actions that we saw. Other than that, no difference between you and Bowers, ideologically you are the same.

So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
Were you less of a dull witted bigot, you would recognize there is a huge difference between killing in a war and killing people simply because they are Jews or members of some other minority.
So, it's a myth that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power & influence in the U.S.A?

Now that's delusional.
It isn't a myth that Jews are one of the groups that are over-achievers, and who get there because of their hard work, upbringing, and education. They aren't smarter or different than others, just brought up to make a positive difference in the world today. It's cultural. You will also find similar traits in Asians.

But then you have White Supremacist good for nothing lazy bums like that have a difficulty handling this simple truth.

Positive influence???????
Even you DON'T really believe that, do you?

By contributing 50% of Democrat funding, by nearly 2,000 Rabbis calling for Trump to take in more Refugees, or how about Hollywood, or many Medias, or hey how about Facebook, and Youtube censoring out people who bash Muslims.

Your OWN people are selling people like YOU down the river.

A lot of your people DO WANT Muslims in Europe, and America, and then it's such a problem when these particular Muslims attack Jews.

Don't get me started on how nearly 60% of American Jews marry non-Jews.

Your people WILL NOT EXIST in generations to come.

The American Jews you belong to, will presumably either be terribly tiny having thouands left, OR be GONE in 100 years from now
to Multi-Culti DIVERSITY.
That's what the early Christians said, the Jews will all be gone before too long, and then the early Muslims said the same thing, and then Hitler and now you, and yet the US has orthodox Jews holding high positions in the government and the Jewish vote slipping by 8%, from 78% to 70%, from the Democrats during the Obama years and probably by much more during the Trump presidency.
Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.

Hitler killed mostly Russians, who are well usually White, Aryan, and Christian.

About 24 - 28 million Russians died from Operation Barbarossa.

My Jewish teacher in school, had said Jews are JUST Polish, or JUST Russian, or JUST German, or JUST Lithuanian, or JUST Hungarian, or JUST Romanian etc, etc.

Well, my Jewish teacher in school, also thought that Jews had a right to Israel, and Jews also mostly bought Land in Israel.

Two false-hoods.

First how can Central-Eastern European immigrants be justified to have any damn rights to Palestine if they're just "Whites"??????????

Second how did Israeli Jews buy up that much land, that NEVER happened that much, the truth is in the Nakba the masses of land was stolen by the Israeli state.

What's all that got to do with the issue?

Good question. As of this afternoon more than 30,000 people have signed the open letter to Trump, and they were not impressed with his prepackaged telepromter response, and blame is rhetoric of the last 3 years for the violence against not only Jews, but people of color, LBGT people, and people with disabilities.

Trump supporters are far less impressed with the letter.... And these cadaver bangers really have absolutely no Foundation whatsoever for their accusations except heinously opportunistic politics. These people shouldn't even call themselves Jews. They certainly aren't the same kind of Jews that live in Israel.

Geez I wonder how many of those 30,000 are former Trump supporters?

My guess is zero, but how many people will be disgusted with this shameful exploitation of this tragedy for political purposes and become Trump supporters in response?

That's the part they keep missing. What a crock of shit.... I wonder which members of the DNC drafted that letter.

Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.
Clear evidence that not all Jews are smart.

Well, I've been saying that for years now.

They can't figure out that Blacks, Hispanics, and especially Muslims see them as White, and don't like them very much.

They can't figure out that Germany did the Holocaust, and instead blame it on Poland. (Usually)

They can't figure out Republican tax-cuts benefit Jews.

They can't figure out Republican's are more pro-Israel.

They can't figure out Trump's the most pro-Israel President, ever.

They can't figure out that gun control is bad, because the Nazis did it to Jews.

All this, because there was a massacre in the synagogue?

Even the obligatory Godwin's Law addition?

I'm against Robert Bowers actions.

But, it doesn't take an Inspector Shlomo Sherlock to see that this is actually playing into Bowers hands.

A.) The guy was NOT a Trump voter, why even call Trump out?

B.) This is in fact dividing Republicans against Jews, maybe not a lot because the MEDIA may not play it up.

So, there we have it, absolutely these Jews battling Trump are fanning the flames of anti-Semitism.
Bowers actions have united the entire country including Democrats and Republicans against the kind of bigotry that you and Bowers stand for. The only difference between you and Bowers is he eventually followed through on his hate with the horrific actions that we saw. Other than that, no difference between you and Bowers, ideologically you are the same.

Wow are you in la-la land or what?
I'm not sure if you realize this but verbalizing a fantasy doesn't suddenly make it real.

Do continue however's cheaper than Quaaludes.


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