Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.
Now you're talking just like that Nazi lunatic Rob Bowers.

So, it's a myth that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power & influence in the U.S.A?

Now that's delusional.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.
Clear evidence that not all Jews are smart.

Well, I've been saying that for years now.

They can't figure out that Blacks, Hispanics, and especially Muslims see them as White, and don't like them very much.

They can't figure out that Germany did the Holocaust, and instead blame it on Poland. (Usually)

They can't figure out Republican tax-cuts benefit Jews.

They can't figure out Republican's are more pro-Israel.

They can't figure out Trump's the most pro-Israel President, ever.

They can't figure out that gun control is bad, because the Nazis did it to Jews.
So you admit it. Republicans are racist.
He isn't a republican, he's a bigoted antisemitic Nazi piece of shit obsessed with Jews (like Bowers) that comes from a traditionally Democrat family, by his own admission.
And he hated Trump because of Trump's support for Israel, much like other progressives on this board.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.
Now you're talking just like that Nazi lunatic Rob Bowers.

So, it's a myth that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power & influence in the U.S.A?

Now that's delusional.
Disproportionate to what?
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.

Most Jews do not consider themselves “white”. Many of the lefty racist types consider whites “goyim”.
Antisemites do not consider Jews "white", Jews are singled out because of their race and religion throughout the millenia. Six million were murdered during the Holocaust because they weren't White, or Aryan, or Christian.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.
Now you're talking just like that Nazi lunatic Rob Bowers.

So, it's a myth that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power & influence in the U.S.A?

Now that's delusional.

Isn't it just.

Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.
Clear evidence that not all Jews are smart.

Well, I've been saying that for years now.

They can't figure out that Blacks, Hispanics, and especially Muslims see them as White, and don't like them very much.

They can't figure out that Germany did the Holocaust, and instead blame it on Poland. (Usually)

They can't figure out Republican tax-cuts benefit Jews.

They can't figure out Republican's are more pro-Israel.

They can't figure out Trump's the most pro-Israel President, ever.

They can't figure out that gun control is bad, because the Nazis did it to Jews.

All this, because there was a massacre in the synagogue?

Even the obligatory Godwin's Law addition?

I'm against Robert Bowers actions.

But, it doesn't take an Inspector Shlomo Sherlock to see that this is actually playing into Bowers hands.

A.) The guy was NOT a Trump voter, why even call Trump out?

B.) This is in fact dividing Republicans against Jews, maybe not a lot because the MEDIA may not play it up.

So, there we have it, absolutely these Jews battling Trump are fanning the flames of anti-Semitism.
Bowers actions have united the entire country including Democrats and Republicans against the kind of bigotry that you and Bowers stand for. The only difference between you and Bowers is he eventually followed through on his hate with the horrific actions that we saw. Other than that, no difference between you and Bowers, ideologically you are the same.

So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
Last edited:

The letter is LIBELOUS-----it CLEARLY implies that Trump has endorsed white nationalism------he hasn't
Trump couldn't bring himself to denounce Richard Spencer and the White Nationalists in Charlottesville, nor has he called on the Proud Boys to cease provocations on the WC. He calls himself a nationalist, and by that I think he means he sees American society dependent on set of values imported from Western Europe.

I'm not sure that he ever accepted that other racial groups could embrace the same ideals of commerce, democracy and tolerance.
denounce what exactly?
You're not welcome either jc
so you can't tell what needs to be denounced? I'm aware of an individual who killed eleven. so what does that have to do with other people in any party or affiliation?
You didn't see his truck with all his praising the pos trump pasted on the outside,,,and with all trumps enemies in the x hairs ?
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.
Now you're talking just like that Nazi lunatic Rob Bowers.

So, it's a myth that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power & influence in the U.S.A?

Now that's delusional.
It isn't a myth that Jews are one of the groups that are over-achievers, and who get there because of their hard work, upbringing, and education. They aren't smarter or different than others, just brought up to make a positive difference in the world today. It's cultural. You will also find similar traits in Asians.

But then you have White Supremacist good for nothing lazy bums like that have a difficulty handling this simple truth.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.
Now you're talking just like that Nazi lunatic Rob Bowers.

So, it's a myth that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power & influence in the U.S.A?

Now that's delusional.
It isn't a myth that Jews are one of the groups that are over-achievers, and who get there because of their hard work, upbringing, and education. They aren't smarter or different than others, just brought up to make a positive difference in the world today. It's cultural. You will also find similar traits in Asians.

But then you have White Supremacist good for nothing lazy bums like that have a difficulty handling this simple truth.

Positive influence???????
Even you DON'T really believe that, do you?

By contributing 50% of Democrat funding, by nearly 2,000 Rabbis calling for Trump to take in more Refugees, or how about Hollywood, or many Medias, or hey how about Facebook, and Youtube censoring out people who bash Muslims.

Your OWN people are selling people like YOU down the river.

A lot of your people DO WANT Muslims in Europe, and America, and then it's such a problem when these particular Muslims attack Jews.

Don't get me started on how nearly 60% of American Jews marry non-Jews.

Your people WILL NOT EXIST in generations to come.

The American Jews you belong to, will presumably either be terribly tiny having thouands left, OR be GONE in 100 years from now
to Multi-Culti DIVERSITY.
Clear evidence that not all Jews are smart.

Well, I've been saying that for years now.

They can't figure out that Blacks, Hispanics, and especially Muslims see them as White, and don't like them very much.

They can't figure out that Germany did the Holocaust, and instead blame it on Poland. (Usually)

They can't figure out Republican tax-cuts benefit Jews.

They can't figure out Republican's are more pro-Israel.

They can't figure out Trump's the most pro-Israel President, ever.

They can't figure out that gun control is bad, because the Nazis did it to Jews.

All this, because there was a massacre in the synagogue?

Even the obligatory Godwin's Law addition?

I'm against Robert Bowers actions.

But, it doesn't take an Inspector Shlomo Sherlock to see that this is actually playing into Bowers hands.

A.) The guy was NOT a Trump voter, why even call Trump out?

B.) This is in fact dividing Republicans against Jews, maybe not a lot because the MEDIA may not play it up.

So, there we have it, absolutely these Jews battling Trump are fanning the flames of anti-Semitism.
Bowers actions have united the entire country including Democrats and Republicans against the kind of bigotry that you and Bowers stand for. The only difference between you and Bowers is he eventually followed through on his hate with the horrific actions that we saw. Other than that, no difference between you and Bowers, ideologically you are the same.

So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
There you go again, making absolutely no sense at all. Face it, you're a mentally ill antisemite. Go get some help before it's too late.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

This is propaganda performed by George Soros' son's PAC.

At least Soros tries to help people. The Koch brothers, like trump, only want to help themselves.

US /ˈɡʌl·ə·bəl/
easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say:

deanrd is a gullible xyr
Trump needs to have the same line as they do:

Jewish nation: Good.
Japanese nation: Good.
Black nation: Good.
Chinese nation: Good.
Korean nation: Good.
South African nation: Good.
Indian nation: Good.


White nation: NOOOOOooooooooooooooo!
Republicans wanna hate all the minorities. And then complain when the minorities don’t want to be around the Republicans.
Look at this Republican party. Do you really wanna be a part of this ignorance and hate and violence?
Well you do if you’re Republican. But for everyone else? Not so much.
No party sticks up for israel more than republicans. Look at the relationships between republican presidents and democrat presidents with Israel. They arent comparable. Carter, the Clintons and Obama had terrible relations with israel, meanwhile, EVERY republican is best friends with them. If any party hates jews, its democrats.
Trump is the most popular president in Israel, in US history. The Jewish people know that Trump has their back. There is no difference between Leftie Jews or Leftie Blacks, both groups have chosen party over the good of their country and ethnicity.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.
Now you're talking just like that Nazi lunatic Rob Bowers.

So, it's a myth that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power & influence in the U.S.A?

Now that's delusional.
Trump needs to have the same line as they do:

Jewish nation: Good.
Japanese nation: Good.
Black nation: Good.
Chinese nation: Good.
Korean nation: Good.
South African nation: Good.
Indian nation: Good.


White nation: NOOOOOooooooooooooooo!
Republicans wanna hate all the minorities. And then complain when the minorities don’t want to be around the Republicans.
Look at this Republican party. Do you really wanna be a part of this ignorance and hate and violence?
Well you do if you’re Republican. But for everyone else? Not so much.
No party sticks up for israel more than republicans. Look at the relationships between republican presidents and democrat presidents with Israel. They arent comparable. Carter, the Clintons and Obama had terrible relations with israel, meanwhile, EVERY republican is best friends with them. If any party hates jews, its democrats.
Trump is the most popular president in Israel, in US history. The Jewish people know that Trump has their back. There is no difference between Leftie Jews or Leftie Blacks, both groups have chosen party over the good of their country and ethnicity.

The Dems are Freakin' Out because Trump is becoming increasingly popular with the minorities the Dems have gaslighted for years.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

Do the Jews own Pittsburgh?

I thought Jews were White, or at least part White. Apparently Jewish Nationalism like you know Zionism is "Kosher" but not White Nationalism??????

The U.S.A is a Vassal state.

3% of America is Jewish, and yet 77% of American males are Circumcised, and 41% of foods are certified Kosher in the U.S.A. (Probably the majority of foods are in fact Kosher in the U.S.A, just the certification is a little lower)

I'm not so sure about what they'd do with Polish Kielbasa, I suppose they'd Circumcise it to make it Kosher.
Now you're talking just like that Nazi lunatic Rob Bowers.

So, it's a myth that Jews have a disproportionate amount of power & influence in the U.S.A?

Now that's delusional.

It is not delusional that jews (as compared to polacks) have
a disproportional amount of literacy and lack of alcoholism
Well, I've been saying that for years now.

They can't figure out that Blacks, Hispanics, and especially Muslims see them as White, and don't like them very much.

They can't figure out that Germany did the Holocaust, and instead blame it on Poland. (Usually)

They can't figure out Republican tax-cuts benefit Jews.

They can't figure out Republican's are more pro-Israel.

They can't figure out Trump's the most pro-Israel President, ever.

They can't figure out that gun control is bad, because the Nazis did it to Jews.

All this, because there was a massacre in the synagogue?

Even the obligatory Godwin's Law addition?

I'm against Robert Bowers actions.

But, it doesn't take an Inspector Shlomo Sherlock to see that this is actually playing into Bowers hands.

A.) The guy was NOT a Trump voter, why even call Trump out?

B.) This is in fact dividing Republicans against Jews, maybe not a lot because the MEDIA may not play it up.

So, there we have it, absolutely these Jews battling Trump are fanning the flames of anti-Semitism.
Bowers actions have united the entire country including Democrats and Republicans against the kind of bigotry that you and Bowers stand for. The only difference between you and Bowers is he eventually followed through on his hate with the horrific actions that we saw. Other than that, no difference between you and Bowers, ideologically you are the same.

So, WHAT about YOUR kind of rhetoric, keep in mind Baruch Goldstein believed the kind of crap you did, and went onto KILL MORE Palestinians than Bowers did Jews?????

If we hold Republicans, or Democrats accountable.

How about Republicans for McVeigh & Nichols?

How about Democrats for the 2017 Congressional Baseball shootings?

Take it a BIG step further.

How about Democrats for LBJ's war in Vietnam, or Republicans for W. Bush's war in Iraq?

Why do YOU get off with being a Neocon when W. Bush killed 100's of thousands if not MILLION in Iraq.

But, Bowers kills just 11, and WHILE WRONG it's NOTHING like W. Bush.

Go take a hike Manipulative, idiot.
There you go again, making absolutely no sense at all. Face it, you're a mentally ill antisemite. Go get some help before it's too late.

It makes no sense TO YOU, because you DO WANT YOURS, it's NEVER been about an honest approach, and I've found it with MOST of your lot.

The bottom-line is YES Zionist, Neocons, and Anti-Muslims have in fact killed way, way, way more than anti-Jewish, Neo-Fascists in the MODERN era.

This list includes W. Bush, it includes Cheney, it includes Wolfowitz & Rumsfeld, and it includes people like Baruch Goldstein, Eden Natan Zada, Eiser Weisgan, and Ami Popper,
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.

I wonder who was that "group of Jewish people" (mentioned in your link). Must be Soros and a group of his liberal puppets who badly need dirty noise around Trump to sink him in midterms.

DENIAL ^^^ on steroids.
Jewish leaders tell Trump he's not welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism

A group of Jewish leaders told President Trump that he is no longer welcome in Pittsburgh until he denounces white nationalism following the shooting at a synagogue there over the weekend.

Eleven members of the Pittsburgh affiliate of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice penned a letter to Trump following the Saturday shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”


Looks like these Jewish folk have a good bead on Trump's bullshit technique.

Well, I guess POTUS Jackass fvcked up that opportunity.
Clear evidence that not all Jews are smart.

Well, I've been saying that for years now.

They can't figure out that Blacks, Hispanics, and especially Muslims see them as White, and don't like them very much.

They can't figure out that Germany did the Holocaust, and instead blame it on Poland. (Usually)

They can't figure out Republican tax-cuts benefit Jews.

They can't figure out Republican's are more pro-Israel.

They can't figure out Trump's the most pro-Israel President, ever.

They can't figure out that gun control is bad, because the Nazis did it to Jews.
So you admit it. Republicans are racist.

Republicans have more racists in their ranks, indeed.

Wasn't there a poll which stated that something like 60% of Republicans & 30% of Democrats were anti-Black????????

But, when it comes to Israel & Jews then I'd say Democrats have more anti-Semites in their ranks, absolutely.

Keep in mind not only do a lot more Democrats tend to be critical of Israel, a lot more Blacks, Hispanics & Muslims who tend to vote Democrat tend to be ANTI-Semites.

I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of anti-Semitic hate crimes in this country were carried out by such minorities like Blacks, Hispanics & Muslims.

Look at the Crown Heights Riots where Blacks did a BASIC POGROM attack on Jews in Brooklyn, NYC.
How can you compare criticism of Israel with being anti-Semitic? Even many Jews don’t like what Israel has been doing to Palestinians.
antizionism is the new antisemitism, which has found it's home in the Democratic party.

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